RE: Round two - DING YH v TS (Full Version)

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PeteG662 -> RE: Round two - DING YH v TS (2/12/2009 4:13:04 PM)

WT Door,

Do you have any of the areas or headquarters under computer control? That could explain your computer controlled sub.


witpqs -> RE: Round two - DING YH v TS (2/12/2009 4:24:58 PM)


ORIGINAL: Yamato hugger

Ever see "Operation Petticoat"? By the bras in the water following them [:D]

Actually the easiest way is by radio intercept. A sub will radio a contact report (if possible). A radio operators "style" is like a fingerprint (or so Im told) and after doing it a while you can tell 1 from another. Ive read a few books about the "Ultra" intercepts in the ETO and they had so many messages to decode, they looked first at the operators they knew were various HQs.

Then again, could be simple as a surfaced sub attack (which happens), or the guy on the radio saying "Hey you, this is me, we are here and did it" in the clear. Thats why S-2's get paid [;)]

Pink sub spotted, sir! [:D]

OK, I got it - so no hole there in FOW. Excellent.

W T Door -> RE: Round two - DING YH v TS (2/12/2009 4:27:03 PM)

Nope, I kep everything under human control. I have no idea why it's doing this. I also have a problem with the AI grabbing off merchant ships and sending them, via the worst possible route, to backwater bases.

vettim89 -> RE: Round two - DING YH v TS (2/12/2009 7:33:10 PM)


ORIGINAL: Monter_Trismegistos

Do you have part of combat report showing minisubs operations?

Do you have a "I don't really care button" for minisubs? I am not being a troll here (or at least not intentionally). I am amazed/impressed/in awe of what the AE team has been able to accomlish. The bits and pieces I have seen look like it is everything I would want the game to be. That said, when I see the discussion about midget subs I get frustrated. Historically they were used twice for little or no effect at PH and Sydney Harbor. From a historical accuracy standpoint, I have no problem with them being included. From the perspective of some one who has been waiting for AE for a year, it peeves me that the limited time and resources the AE team has avaible to it were used on including this piece of Chrome.

The AE team had an enormous wish list of things players would like to see included. The team members have posted numerous replies to many of these requests that it was "SAIEW" or "beyond the scope" or "maybe in a future patch ". Point being that things that have a ligitamate reason to be included in AE were left out because it was not feasible to everything and still get AE out in our lifetimes. So yes, it peeves me that the time and energy was spent on minisubs when historically they were irrelevant to a Strategic game. I am not saying they didn't have an impact just that there presence did not alter the strategic course of the war at all.

Dili -> RE: Round two - DING YH v TS (2/12/2009 9:04:42 PM)

"That said, when I see the discussion about midget subs I get frustrated. Historically they were used twice for little or no effect at PH and Sydney Harbor."


The Japanese submarines I-10, I-16 and I-20 arrived on three weeks later on May 29. I-10's reconnaissance plane spotted the Ramillies at anchor in Diego Suarez harbor but the plane was spotted and Ramillies changed her berth. I-20 and I-16 launched two midget submarines, one of which managed to enter the harbor and fired two torpedoes while under depth charge attack from two corvettes. One torpedo seriously damaged Ramillies, while the second sank an oil tanker (British Loyalty, later refloated). Ramillies was later repaired in Durban and Plymouth.

Midgets could had success, even Japanese ones. Italians with midgets sunk 3 Soviet submarines in Black Sea and with chariots 2 British Battleships, and almost 20 merchants. And if we add the "suicide" launches a CA and a DE.

vettim89 -> RE: Round two - DING YH v TS (2/12/2009 9:59:47 PM)



"That said, when I see the discussion about midget subs I get frustrated. Historically they were used twice for little or no effect at PH and Sydney Harbor."


The Japanese submarines I-10, I-16 and I-20 arrived on three weeks later on May 29. I-10's reconnaissance plane spotted the Ramillies at anchor in Diego Suarez harbor but the plane was spotted and Ramillies changed her berth. I-20 and I-16 launched two midget submarines, one of which managed to enter the harbor and fired two torpedoes while under depth charge attack from two corvettes. One torpedo seriously damaged Ramillies, while the second sank an oil tanker (British Loyalty, later refloated). Ramillies was later repaired in Durban and Plymouth.

Midgets could had success, even Japanese ones. Italians with midgets sunk 3 Soviet submarines in Black Sea and with chariots 2 British Battleships, and almost 20 merchants. And if we add the "suicide" launches a CA and a DE.

My apologies for ommitting the IO action. Swiss cheese memory disorder.

Dili -> RE: Round two - DING YH v TS (2/12/2009 11:11:50 PM)

:). I think the issue here is besides the usual navigation/sea state problems with midgets is if the Naval Base has a good level of patrols. From reading about X-MAS operations in Mediterranean i can easily see they could have had much more success if the British didn't made extensive patrols and devoted so many resources to anti-infiltration , even going to the point of launching small drop charges random even if they didn't detected anything. X-Mas got a good level of success in North Africa after invasion, certainly at that time the harbours were not much protected. With AE appearing to have an Harbour Patrol Task force that should one of factors in success or not by Midgets.

Yamato hugger -> RE: Round two - DING YH v TS (2/13/2009 5:45:53 AM)

Dec 9:

2nd Formosa reg of the 48th along with several art and engineer units begin unloading at Aparri. Battle division 7 under V Admiral Yoshitomi in his flagship Nagato stands guard 160 miles off shore.

4 of my TBs intercept 8 Brit PTs at San Fernando. 1 TB is exchanged for 4 PTs.

2 Jap DDs engage and sink an AK NE of Jolo.

Fighter sweep over Singapore shoots down 2 Buffs for no loss.

3 Bettys without escort were lost trying to attack a TF off Bataan.

Several harassment attacks on ground units in northern Malaya. Heavy strikes on the airbase at Taiping.

Not much damage at Hong Kong from several raids by light bombers.

3 separate submarine attacks against ASW forces (PBs - patrol boats) missed. ASW failed to locate each time. Sub attack at Singora resulted in 3 hits on the attacker.

I shot down 11 more DC-2s at Hong Kong today (16 total reported lost).

Oklahoma shows up on sunk ships report now.

That was it for the battles. Pretty light day. Lost contact with Lexington. Last I saw her, she was headed north west. I have patrol planes in Chi-Chi Jima and Saipan looking for him with 2 CVLs approaching from the west and the KB coming from the east. his only way out is to the north, and I think he knows it. My carriers dont have the fuel to chase him north without meeting up with their tankers and if I do that he will escape anyway.

Subs reported laying off ports in northern Borneo. 65th bde is almost done loading and will start its journey to Cayagan tomorrow. Battle division 6 under V Admiral Moizumi in the Hyuga will escort. 2 CAs and 1 CL have yet to meet up with the TF but all 3 will within 2 or 3 days. Long before they reach Mindanao.

Mistmatz -> RE: Round two - DING YH v TS (2/13/2009 10:34:04 AM)


ORIGINAL: Yamato hugger

Dec 9:

2nd Formosa reg of the 48th along with several art and engineer units begin unloading at Aparri. Battle division 7 under V Admiral Yoshitomi in his flagship Nagato stands guard 160 miles off shore.

4 of my TBs intercept 8 Brit PTs at San Fernando. 1 TB is exchanged for 4 PTs.

2 Jap DDs engage and sink an AK NE of Jolo.

Fighter sweep over Singapore shoots down 2 Buffs for no loss.

3 Bettys without escort were lost trying to attack a TF off Bataan.

Several harassment attacks on ground units in northern Malaya. Heavy strikes on the airbase at Taiping.

Not much damage at Hong Kong from several raids by light bombers.

3 separate submarine attacks against ASW forces (PBs - patrol boats) missed. ASW failed to locate each time. Sub attack at Singora resulted in 3 hits on the attacker.

I shot down 11 more DC-2s at Hong Kong today (16 total reported lost).

Oklahoma shows up on sunk ships report now.

That was it for the battles. Pretty light day. Lost contact with Lexington. Last I saw her, she was headed north west. I have patrol planes in Chi-Chi Jima and Saipan looking for him with 2 CVLs approaching from the west and the KB coming from the east. his only way out is to the north, and I think he knows it. My carriers dont have the fuel to chase him north without meeting up with their tankers and if I do that he will escape anyway.

Subs reported laying off ports in northern Borneo. 65th bde is almost done loading and will start its journey to Cayagan tomorrow. Battle division 6 under V Admiral Moizumi in the Hyuga will escort. 2 CAs and 1 CL have yet to meet up with the TF but all 3 will within 2 or 3 days. Long before they reach Mindanao.

What the TB you're mentioning. I only know torpedo bomber but in this case there seems to be another meaning. Could you explain please?

wild_Willie2 -> RE: Round two - DING YH v TS (2/13/2009 10:43:27 AM)

Torpedo Boats ?

Smaller, earlier version of the Torpedo boat DESTROYER, aka Destroyer....

Mike Solli -> RE: Round two - DING YH v TS (2/13/2009 1:54:10 PM)

Tomozuru class?  There were 4 of them built, all pre-war obsolete ships.

Yamato hugger -> RE: Round two - DING YH v TS (2/13/2009 2:23:21 PM)

Kageros and Otoris are called torpedo boats as well. Probably because of tonnage.

Yamato hugger -> RE: Round two - DING YH v TS (2/13/2009 3:29:41 PM)

Dec 10: Enterprise has been found!

2 TBs find an AK off the NW coast of Mindanao and dispatch her. And then dispatch 3 more a short time later. Then turn for home to restock ammo.

2nd JNAF co lands on Morotai - an undefended little island east of Mandano west of Peleliu.

1st and 2nd of the 66th nav gd lands on Guam.

2 AMcs make contact with an AK south of Davao. An AMc is a coastal minesweeper with 1 80mm gun and a few AA MGs. No shots were fired by either side.

20 Zeros ran a sweep over Bataan and shot down 5 for no loss. 3 of the 5 reported to be P-40Bs.

10 Zeros ran a sweep over Singapore shooting down a pair of the 7 Buffs that came to meet them.

Sallys raided Alor Star again putting 26 hits on the runway. Later attacks by Sallys destroyed a Buff on the ground.

14 Nates escorting 3 Anns met 6 fighters of the AVG over Changsha and lost 3 Nates. The AVG is China command which means if they leave their starting base at Toungoo in Burma, they can only operate out of China without spending PPs to change command. Since they leave the game in April it probably isnt cost effective to change them.

7 H81-A3 (hereafter I will call "P-40s") of the AVG ran a sweep over Hankow shooting down 4 of the Nates that intercepted.

3 Dutch Hudsons with 2 Brewster 339s escort attacked the TF landing the 1st JNAF co at Lolobato (just east of Ternate). Since I know he read my last AAR he knows I plan to use Ternate as a fleet repair base, so I expect him to mess with anything coming into it, so I am setting up recon bases before the main landings. This is 1 of the 3 that are performing this mission.

3 Blenheims attacked shipping unloading supplies at Kota Bharu. Intercepted by Claudes they hit nothing and sent 2 home damaged.

More attacks on Taiping airfield (several raids). Damage to airfield but no reports of aircraft on the ground. He has pulled his aircraft out of northern Malaya. Nells and Sallys raid it again in the afternoon. Lilys and Sonias raid Georgetown in the afternoon with same results. Airfield hits but no aircraft.

Enterprise attacks an AO 800 miles NW of Midway and sinks it. E is headed north east. I will not be able to catch him. But at least I know where he is now and can proceed with other ops.

15 Nates in support of 11 Armys advance on Changsha is intercepted by a single Flying Tiger and each side sends 1 plane home damaged. Whos afraid of this "Flying Tigers"? 4 Sonias escorted by 6 Nates meet 3 more "Flying Tigers" and again they do nothing.

A Dutch sub puts a torpedo into an AK bringing part of the 8th tank reg to Davao about 150 miles out. She has 62 flood damage (39 major). Davao is a level 3 port so if I can get her in there and take it fairly quickly I might save her. ASW escort hit the sub 3 times.

The 5th adn 9th JNAF cos land on Talaud Island, about half way between Davao and Manado. This is the 3rd recon base on the approach to Ambon / Kendari.

11 Army (6 div, 40 div, and 3rd div in reserve) assault the 20th Chinese corps east of Changsha and drive it back with a 127:1 odd attack.

2 RGC units (Japanese controlled Chinese army) backed up by the 3rd mxd bde assault the 98th Chinese corps in the hills NW of Kaifeng and only achieve 1:2 odds.

Hong Kong is bombarded by several artillery units.

Aparri falls (undefended) to the 2nd Formosa reg.

6 Chinese corps take an unoccupied Ichang.

Troopers of the 3rd Yokosuka SNLF drop on Siquijor (a level 1 airfield NW of Cayagan) and take it.

I wont be able to catch his retiring carriers but that means that he wont be able to mess with the Wake landings so the 144th has been given the green light to begin its approach. They have been standing by north of Saipan.

Ryujo is standing by south of Davao to support landings there. Since I took Siquijor this turn, this will give me eyes in the southern PI so I can find Houston and Boise. There is a parade of small TFs headed south east out of Manila. I have a 5 DD intercept force standing by in Leyte Gulf waiting for them. The troopers that took Naga have moved into Legaspi and will take it tomorrow.

In Malaya Kota Bharu is now operational (48% on runway). 1 each JAAF bn and co landed (32 av). 25th army HQ along with the bulk of the 5th division is on the ground at Singora less the 21st inf reg which is still at sea SW of Saigon. Elements are already advancing to Alor Star.

Mike Solli -> RE: Round two - DING YH v TS (2/13/2009 5:12:12 PM)


ORIGINAL: Yamato hugger

Kageros and Otoris are called torpedo boats as well. Probably because of tonnage.

Kageros?! Wow! Pretty capable TBs. [:D] Otoris and Tomozurus on the other hand.....

Yamato hugger -> RE: Round two - DING YH v TS (2/13/2009 5:53:27 PM)

Sorry, Kageros are DDs. Grabbed the wrong TF when I posted that. The TBs left and 2 Kagero DDs took their place on the line and I looked at that TF without thinking - before I had my caffine [;)]


Mike Solli -> RE: Round two - DING YH v TS (2/13/2009 6:11:11 PM)

It looks like the Otoris and Tomozurus are TBs.  Momis are considered DDs.  Interesting.  Isn't the Karii an Otori?  To be honest, I always saw it spelled Kari.  Also, I don't recognize the Yanagi.  Any idea what her class is?

Yamato hugger -> RE: Round two - DING YH v TS (2/13/2009 6:19:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mike Solli

It looks like the Otoris and Tomozurus are TBs.  Momis are considered DDs.  Interesting.  Isn't the Karii an Otori?  To be honest, I always saw it spelled Kari.  Also, I don't recognize the Yanagi.  Any idea what her class is?

Yanagi is Momo class. Kari is spelled Kari, you're seeing double [:D]

Mike Solli -> RE: Round two - DING YH v TS (2/13/2009 6:26:54 PM)

Ahh, now I remember.  In CHS, doesn't the Yanagi come as an APD reinforcement?  That must be it.  I suspect in AE she starts on map and can "upgrade" to an APD if I put two and two together correctly. [:D]

Yamato hugger -> RE: Round two - DING YH v TS (2/13/2009 6:55:18 PM)

It can convert to an "E" in AE. Thats sort of like a DE, but not. Clear as mud?

Iridium -> RE: Round two - DING YH v TS (2/13/2009 7:11:05 PM)


ORIGINAL: Yamato hugger

It can convert to an "E" in AE. Thats sort of like a DE, but not. Clear as mud?

The only thing that's clear to me is that I want the game to poke around with right now...[:D]

Mike Solli -> RE: Round two - DING YH v TS (2/13/2009 7:35:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: Yamato hugger

It can convert to an "E" in AE. Thats sort of like a DE, but not. Clear as mud?

LOL I have the ship types saved. Gotta start studying them. [:D]

rhohltjr -> RE: Round two - DING YH v TS (2/13/2009 8:06:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: Yamato hugger
Ok, I will inform the guys that write the code to make sure the grammar is correct. Look for AE around Christmas - off topic, I just opened a brand new on-line pitchfork shoppe for anyone interested [:D]

Since you mentioned this,.... will there be any way for us to edit these 'poor' grammar messages ourselves? Everything seems to be very customizable with AE. However, even if not...don't bother those code writers.[:-]or Testers. Don't tug on supermans cape, don't spit into the wind, .....[8|]

Yamato hugger -> RE: Round two - DING YH v TS (2/14/2009 6:53:32 AM)

Dec 11:

4 DDs sink an allied AK near Morotai.

2 DDs find and sink an allied AK near Taytay later getting another near Puerto Princesa and engage yet another north of Taytay (completely circling the island). This one gets away without damage as I am almost totally out of ammo. Chokai and Sagiri drop off the 4th JNAF co at Taytay and go in different directions. Chokai finds an AK south of Taytay but fails to engage her. Battle range started at 20,000yd and increased, probably because her mission is still fast transport. S-37 shoots 4 fish at Sagiri north of Taytay and the DD responds with 2 hits on the sub.

6 Bettys put 1 hit on each of 2 PGs at Roxas. Sinking sounds were heard later and no afternoon attack on this force so Im guessing they sank.

4 Zeros sweep Bataan and down 1 of the 2 P-40s that came up to play.

6 Bettys attack 2 DDs at San Jose but score no hits.

3 Zeros sweep Singapore downing 1 of the 8 Buffs that intercept. 10 more sweep later in the morning and shoot down 2 more.

6 Zeros sweep Manila and damage 4 P-40s.

42 Sallys raid Kuantan scoring several hits but no enemy aircraft destroyed.

9 Anns escorted by 13 Nates is intercepted by 3 Flying Tigers over Changsha no shoot downs but an A-29 is reported destroyed on the ground.

Sonias with Nate escort attack ground troops east of Changsha.

7 Flying Tigers sweep Nanchang and shoot down 1 Nate.

B-17s from Kendari launch several 2 plane strikes throughout the day on ships and bases south of the PI to no effect.

78 Nells and Bettys raid Iba on Luzons west coast. 2 P-26s intercept. 2 P-40s reported destroyed on the ground.

More raids on Hong Kong and northern Malaya for no effect.

13 Anns attack ground troops in central Malaya and lose 6 to intercepting Buffs.

Artillery bombardment of Hong Kong.

Orphan Ann of radio Tokyo reports Guam has fallen to Imperial forces.

The 3 islands south of Mindanao that were landed on yesterday fall along with Legaspi.

Iron Duke -> RE: Round two - DING YH v TS (2/14/2009 1:10:35 PM)

'Orphan Ann of radio Tokyo reports Guam has fallen to Imperial forces'

are there more instances of Orphan ann/Toyko Rose messages? and do they just appear in the combat reports or are there additional sound bites?

Grotius -> RE: Round two - DING YH v TS (2/14/2009 2:43:15 PM)

Actually, I've been wondering whether we might *hear* more of Radio Tokyo in AE. And maybe a greater variety of spotting messages? I seem to have "spotted enemy carriers" every other day.

Has there been any change to the game's sound and music?

Yamato hugger -> RE: Round two - DING YH v TS (2/14/2009 6:19:36 PM)

Oh you get them when the Jap takes key objectives or wins a naval battle near certain places on the map. Like when a DD forces sinks an AK near Hong Kong for example she says something to the effect: Imperial head quarters reported today that the enemy was defeated at Hong Kong. Enemy losses were 2 battleships, a carrier, and numerious other cruisers and destroyers.

Yamato hugger -> RE: Round two - DING YH v TS (2/14/2009 7:20:13 PM)

Dec 12:

CA Chokai finds and sinks AS Canopus in the sentral PI. And a little while later dispatches an AK.

6 DDs patrolling Leyte Gulf sink the Langley.

Natori, Kuma and 4 DDS sink an AK about 80 miles south of Bataan.

Houston, Marblehead and 5 DDs try to mess with the landing at Talaud Island (half way between Davao and Mindano) amd meet a force of 4 DDs. 1 hit on each of 2 Jap DDs, 1 US DD sunk and 2 more with heavy fires and damage and break off. The remaining US force engages again after the sun comes up heavily damaging 2 Jap DDs for which they lost another DD and the last one heavy damage and fires. Suzukaze sinks, Umikaze probably wont make it home (60 some flood and only 22 major and a long way from a port). All 5 US DDs show up on sink ships report. Houston and Marblehead only lightly damaged and retiring west towords Balikpapan.

That battle covered the southern end of the invasion of Davao. The 146th inf reg and elements of the 8th tank reg land today. Elements of the 81st nav gd land on Jolo.

4 TBs covering the Busuanga landing force engages 4 DDs and sinks 1 lightly damaging 2 others. A base force and Southern Fleet HQ land there. Busuanga is a level 3 port 120 miles due SW of Bataan and will be used as a front line repair shop. 2 of the TBs were moderately damaged, but will put in to this port after it falls for emergency repairs. Adm Marushige in the Kuma with the Natori and DD escort remains on station to protect the landing forces.

25 Zeros sweep Bataan destroying 3 P-26s that came up to play.

16 Zeros sweep Singapore claiming 7 of 8 Buffs.

37 Sallys raid Kuantan losing 1 to AA fire.

34 twin engine bombers hit Iba in 2 raids damaging the airfield.

3 Anns were lost to AA fire over Hong Kong bombing port facilities and troops.

35th div assaults the 8th New Chinese/A Corps SE of Kaifeng at 660:1 odds and gets this:
Allied ground losses:
Units destroyed 1

Ground combat at Kweiteh (90,46)

Japanese Shock attack

Attacking force 11999 troops, 102 guns, 42 vehicles, Assault Value = 378

Defending force 3015 troops, 36 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 93

Japanese max assault: 830 - adjusted assault: 664

Allied max defense: 92 - adjusted defense: 7

Japanese assault odds: 94 to 1 (fort level 1)

Japanese forces CAPTURE Kweiteh !!!

Combat modifiers
Defender: preparation(-), morale(-), experience(-)
Attacker: shock(+)

Japanese ground losses:
57 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Vehicles lost 1 (0 destroyed, 1 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
1751 casualties reported
Squads: 48 destroyed, 34 disabled
Non Combat: 73 destroyed, 21 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 37 (28 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Units retreated 2

Defeated Allied Units Retreating!

Assaulting units:
32nd Division

Defending units:
51st Chinese Corps
69th Chinese Corps

Taytay falls and Hong Kong eats some more artillery shells.

Here is the situation in central China:

Changsha is the city in the extreme SW corner of the map. I have 3 divisions driving on it and more that are still in Wuchang. I pulled back from Ichang (NE of the lake) and set up a holding position behind the river line. The 2 land battles this turn were clearing the Kaifeng - Suchow rail line. The next step is to advance on a broad front and clear the Sinyang - Kaifeng rail line. And of course capture Changsha if possible.


Edit: You can see little "dots" on some units in various positions. These indicate direction of movement. So sometimes (not always) you can actually tell which way an enemy unit is moving before it moves.

Yamato hugger -> RE: Round two - DING YH v TS (2/15/2009 1:38:17 AM)

Dec 13:

Kuma and company leave the beachhead uncovered to engage 3 DDs approaching from the south. They sink 1 DD and set fires on another for light damage to themselves but they let PTs get into the transports. The first attack by 3 Q boats sinks an AK and heavy fires and damage on 1 PT. The next attack by 4 PTs was intercepted by 5 DDs and 1 PT was sunk. The 3rd attack by 6 boats sank 3 AKs for no damage to themselves. The 4th attack was on the retiring Q boats by the DD force that hit the others and all 3 PTs were sunk.

2 TBs sink an AK off Puerto Princesa.

2 TBs found 2 TKs near Zamboanga and left them both with heavy fires and damage.

16 Zeros sweeping Singapore gets 2 of the 7 Buffs that came up. 2 more sweep later and get 1 more.

4 Bettys attacked a DD in Subic Bay. 2 P-40s intercept and they each get a kill.

More Sally raids on Kuantan. No air losses.

6 Anns escorted by 9 Zeros and 15 Nates raid Changsha. 4 Tigers intercept and all 4 reported damaged. 1 Zero was lost.

6 Lilys escorted by 22 Oscars hit an AK at Medan.

5 Tigers sweep Hankow and do nothing to the 3 Nates that came up.

72 twin engine bombers hit Iba again in 2 raids destroying 4 P-40s on the ground.

Repulse is sighted SE of Manado in heavy rain. Ryujo launches 9 Kates. 4 torpedo hits reported for 1 Kate lost. Repulse reported heavily damaged and on fire.

36 Vals from Hiryu and Soryu with 21 Zeros escorting raid the shore batteries of Wake. 1 Marine fighter comes up, and what comes up must go down. And it did.

Minor air raids in Malaya dont achieve much.

Japanese forces closing on Changsha attack 3 Chinese corps and drive them back into the city at 4:1. 114,000 troops are reported in Changsha in 15 units. I will hold my position here outside town because if I advance in I am in danger of being flanked and surrounded. The additional troops in Wuchang havent left the city yet. Punishment will be ordered.

The first attack at Hong Kong goes in at 1:1 reducing the fort levels to 2.

Advancing forces from Aparri capture Tuguegarao on their way inland. The Phil garrison pulled out 2 days ago.

Davao fell undefended. Allied units appear to be falling back to positions in the middle of the island.

Japanese assault by the 138th inf reg and 12 RGC bde SE of Sinyang hit at 2:1 odds, but failed to drive back the 48th Chinese corps.

Jolo and Busuanga fall unopposed.

81st Chinese corps assaulted the 1st cav bde in the mountains just south of the Russian boarder at 1:2.

13th div divided and attacked the 30th Chinese corps in the gap between Sinyang and Ichang at 9:1 driving it back. The "A" regiment is in pursuit.

bradfordkay -> RE: Round two - DING YH v TS (2/15/2009 3:44:28 AM)

"The first attack at Hong Kong goes in at 1:1 reducing the fort levels to 2."

So the Gin Drinker's Line is only considered to be a level 3 fort?

Grotius -> RE: Round two - DING YH v TS (2/15/2009 4:41:02 AM)

Was the attack on Wake's shore batteries helpful? I'm usually reluctant to use carrier air in that role, but I know land-based air isn't an option, at least not that early in the war. Is it necessary to do this in AE to prepare the way for invasion?

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