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DaveScheel -> (5/16/2002 10:53:38 PM)

Notice to Canadian customers....

I spoke with David Heath last evening and our UV shipment is on the way!

If the shipment arrives before the weekend we will be filling "pre-arrival" orders and shipping immediately. For those of you thinking of stopping by and picking up UV, your best bet is to give us a call and reserve a copy....we'll give you a call when it arrives.

I know many of you don't know us yet, but we hope that will change over the next while. We're very pleased to be bringing Matrix Games products to Canada.

Have a good one folks,


rawink -> (5/16/2002 10:57:41 PM)


Maybe a bit patience ? It has been stated more then once that the status updates are beeing made in batches and not in realtime . Itīs possibly that is has allready shipped but your status isnīt updated yet.

oook.. I paid next dair air service.. $74
I watched the first day as folks got theirs..
I was told.. maybe your shiped but it didnt update..
then today?.. well this i a business, so I get daily UPS overnight air shipments.. no game.. so EARLIEST will be tomorrow morning.
now I see guys in Belgium and Norway have gotten it already
and today some of the guys with 2nd day air have gotten it.

my status is still new.. my money has been verified as received by matrix. I was told to send an email to a guy with my details.. no replies..

just trying for the life of me to remain patient.. but I am already out the $30 for overnight air service.. if I get it tomorrow it isnt overnight air anymore. I have tried to make light of it and laugh about it, but dammit, I am starting to not be happy. I could see it if it was happening to everyone else too.. but I keep seeing "All the next day air shipments are on their way!"..

sorry if I STILL lack patience.. but it's MY money, and my time that is being wasted here. Sure I can lose $74 and it not ruin my life. But thats not my point.

David Heath -> (5/16/2002 11:02:01 PM)

Ok guys

Our warehouse ships all overnights, then 2 day, then 3day, then ground shipments. Its not by when you ordered buy by the type of shipping you picked.

In the future if you want to be first please order the better shipping. All orders that have not shipped yet should be shipped today.

If anyone has paid for UPS overnight or 2 day and it still says new please email me with your MTX# and phone number at [email]davidh@matrixgames.com[/email]


Erik Rutins -> Overnight status... (5/16/2002 11:11:36 PM)


Please follow Dave's request and e-mail him the info he requests in the post above. I understand and if anything has gone wrong with your order (unfortunately, there are always problems with a few orders) we'll straighten it out post-haste in the most acceptable manner to all involved.


Please realize that we are a very small wargaming company. Our production staff and our customer service staff are one and the same. Everyone posting on this board is also responsible for working on our games and often pulling triple-duty working some other job as well. In "crunch" times like these it may take a few hours to get things worked out, but we're doing the best we can. Thanks for your patience.


- Erik

rawink -> (5/16/2002 11:13:05 PM)

ok Erik, I emailed him. (Also emailed him last night with the same info). I am not trying to be a jerk here, just want to know whats going on.

rhohltjr -> Preordered from ChipsNBits (5/17/2002 1:27:47 AM)

Did anyone else preorder from ChipsNBits and ifso
have you received anything yet? Such as an e-mail stating status of your order?

So, (Matrix and 2x3) how are the sales for UV doing anyway. You guys are making enough to
cover costs correct? We WW2 strat game guys live for games like Pac War and UV and someday WitP, and while extremely enthusiastic about them, I realize we are sort of a small niche in the gaming public. Hope you are able to pay mortgages and buy ice cream and such now. :D

elmo3 -> (5/17/2002 1:47:39 AM)

I preordered from C&B but I don't think they've received the delivery yet much less started shipping. I asked their customer support for an update and they expect to ship "late this week or early next". I believe Paul or Dave said the games were on the way to C&B as of yesterday. Not sure if that was by overnight air or pony express though.

Wasp -> (5/17/2002 8:42:57 AM)

YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYessss!!!!!!!!!!! Finally, I checked my order status and the status finally changed to Shipped!:) Can't wait to recieve the game!:D

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