willycube -> RE: demo (4/24/2009 5:01:21 PM)
ORIGINAL: OzHawkeye I think Mad Russian has some good advice in there. My very first post in this forum was "Is this the game I hope it is?", and the responses largely justified my hopes. To be sure, I've learnt one thing about this game that goes into my negative column, that being the specific nature of units, which leads almost to a requirement that the game have a specified end-date. I've literally not bought games solely because I knew them to have an enforced end-date (HoI 1 for example). For MWiF, I suspect I'll make an exception, but forums, far more so than demos, have always been the best source for deciding on games where the decision isn't an automatic yes or no. I say all that despite the fact that I like (and use) demos to. I suspect it's just not practical at this point however to make one for MWiF, so forums, you-tube vids and the like will have to be what you make a decision upon, short of using the absence of a demo alone to make a negative decision. I have to agree with MR too, but to Veldor maybe one of his prime considerations seems to be resolution and graphics which is important to me also, maybr MR didn't read my post above about "Theater of War", [not being negative MR] I like a demo because it shows me the stlye of game play which is my first consideration, It does not mean that the game will play exactly like the demo, I don't care about any of that, I don't care about bugs and such they all have that, and good companies like Matrix will take care of that or lose all their gamers. Maybe some players dont like everything [units] showing maybe their used to playing with fog of war, with counters of tanks and guns and planes and ships instead of nato counters, maybe nato counters annoys them and they would not buy the game because of that. But a good demo might relieve all that anxiety about those type of counters or no FOW. You[Matrix] cant just rely on your WIF boardgamers to buy this game and keep you in business you need new people people who dont read these forums and really dont know much about WIF like me understanding WIF. The explanations by knowledgable WIF players about FOW not being important in this game was a big help to me in considering this game. I think the bottom line here at least for me is if one company can do it why cant Matrix? I am sorry I can't shake it from my mind I believe it is as major mistake! But guess what if their successful [Matrix] in not doing it then I stand corrected. Willy