Ullern -> On topic - WWII quiz / WIF quiz (4/16/2009 9:48:29 PM)
This is on topic since I am Beta tester asking assistance. I want to describe all US-entry actions that happened historically before the USA was at war. I already did I thought. Then I compared towards the different scenarios in the WIF scenario booklet released by ADG, and found that the average number of chits caused by my list of actions and the number of chits in the scenarios didn't compare. [:(] The Waking Giant Scenario (start 01.Nov 1941) gives USA a total of 26 chits. But the list I describe gives the USA 20.9 chits on average. I ask myself: "Why the difference? So the quiz question is: Find the error in my list or explain why the ADG would give the USA too many chits. [&:] My list of US-entry actions - Sep/Oct 39: Germany DOW Poland, CW and France DOW Germany, USSR controls East Poland
- Nov/Dec 39: USSR DOW Finland, Japan (temporarily) occupies Nanning (Chinese city)
- Jan/Feb 40: Nothing
- Mar/Apr 40: Germany DOW Denmark and Norway
- May/Jun 40: Germany DOW Netherlands, Belgium, Italy DOW DOW both CW and France, USSR controls Nazi-Soviet Pact areas*, Axis Vichies France, Japan forces closure of Burma Road
- Jul/Aug 40: Nothing
- Sep/Oct 40: Japan occupies Indo China, Italy DOW Greece
- Nov/Dec 40: Nothing
- Jan/Feb 41: Japan occupies Chengchow (Chinese city)
- Mar/Apr 41: Japan and USSR signs a neutrality pact, Germany DOW Yugoslavia, Germany aligns Iraq, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria**.
- May/Jun 41: CW DOW Vichy***, France DOW Vichy, Germany and Italy both DOW USSR, Germany aligns Finland
- Jul/Aug 41: USSR DOW Persia, CW DOW Persia
- Sep/Oct 41: Nothing
* Taking control of Nazi Soviet pact areas happened in multiples steps with the last step happening May/Jun 40. ** Germany starts a campaign in the Greek war that Italy started. But since Greece is aligned to CW a long time ago this is not a separate war declaration in WIF-terms, but this campaign includes attacks from German forces in Bulgaria, which in WIF terms means Bulgaria had to be aligned already. *** I don’t know of any declaration of war between Vichy or the allied states were ever issued, and Canada actually had full diplomatic relations with Vichy as long as it existed, but in May/Jun 41 CW and Free France makes a joint operation to take control over Vichy controlled Syria, which in WIF terms means that UK and Free France must have decleared war at this point or some point earlier. *** I think you need to know what US-entry actions there are to answer this, but if you don't know I think the WIF charts can be found if you google them or something. (Typically all sorts of declarations of war plus a few more items, like you can see of my list.) A note for you non WIFers: If I misplaced the turn of a US-entry action I am happy for info, it might matter for the chit value _ but it will not matter for the number of chits. So the error in number of chits have to be something else ...