Shannon V. OKeets -> RE: The Offensive Chit (4/17/2009 7:08:23 PM)
From MWIF Players Manual Section Action Choice === Offensive Chits You can have extraordinary versions of the regular action choices by expending an offensive chit. The benefits of expending an offensive chit depend on which action you take: ∙ Land action - allows you to fight 1-3 land battles at much higher odds than you would normally have had. ∙ Air action - allows you to bomb a whole area of the frontline (4-8 hexes across) with a much higher efficiency than you would have had. You’ll need a strong fighter force to protect your bombers, because air-to-air combats are not affected by air offensive chits. ∙ Combined action - allows you to have unlimited air missions, unlimited land moves, unlimited land attacks, and unlimited naval actions. You can do everything at the same time. This is a very powerful choice when you want to conduct numerous invasions in the same impulse (e.g., when Japan declares war on the US and/or the CW). That’s because you can make naval moves during the naval movement phase, positioning your invasion forces with supporting shore bombardment units, and then make unlimited land attacks (invasions) during the invasion phase. ∙ Naval action - depending on the option you choose, allows for better efficiency at sea. The old version allows you to reorganize a lot of ships to use them again. The newer version improves the success of your search rolls in a few selected sea areas. Maybe more importantly, expending an offensive chit during a land/naval/air action allows for cheaper (halved) reorganization costs for units reorganized by the HQ designated to receive the offensive chits benefits. In practice, this lets you reorganize a lot of units for use later in the turn. Offensive chits are expensive to build and therefore are few and far between for most major powers. Germany begins the game with two of them, Japan with one. Germany is likely to build more (1 to 3) during the course of the war, while Japan usually only builds 1 more. The USSR begins the game with 1. The USSR can generally build 2 to 4 offensive chits per year from 1942 to the end. The CW generally manage to build 2 offensive chits per year from 1942 to the end of the war, maybe less in 1942 and maybe more in 1944 and 1945. The USA can build a lot of offensive chits beginning in 1943 and increasingly more year after year. It is not uncommon to have the USA use 1 offensive chit per impulse for each impulse of the May/Jun and Jul/Aug 1945 turns. Nor is it uncommon for them to build 2 offensive chits per turn in May/Jun and Jul/Aug of 1944, and maybe another spare one or two in Sep/Oct and Nov/Dec 1944. Much of the power of the USA comes from the offensive chits that they are able to build, unlike the other major powers. The USA army is not very strong, nor very numerous. But it is sufficient and has enough armor to hurt the enemy. By exploiting offensive chits, it has the power to crack and destroy very strong Axis positions. === And from Section HQs === HQs and offensive chits (an optional rule, see RAC section 16) An offensive chit used during a land, air, or naval impulse provides impulse-specific benefits for an individual HQ. Alternatively, during any impulse, regardless of action type, an offensive chit can be used to reorganize all your disorganized HQs. At the start of each turn, when you have one or more offensive chits at your disposal, you should examine how they might be used during the turn and, if applicable, on which HQs they should be used. When using offensive chits, your best HQ in a theater should be reserved for land actions, and your second best HQ for air actions. For the CW and US, late in the game, the reverse is often true, as they have a limited front and relatively modest armies on land but massive air forces at their disposal. Japan and the US might expend offensive chits on individual HQs during naval actions, since the nature of campaigning in the Pacific does not lend itself to the use of offensive chits during land or air actions. When your front is advancing rapidly and you do not need the extra 'oomph' provided by offensive chits used on land actions, you can instead engage in a massive reorganization of your forces, using all your HQs to reorganize other units, and then reorganizing all your HQs in your next impulse with the use of an offensive chit. This is a fearsome capability and allows your offensive to proceed without interruption. If your opponent’s forces have all become disorganized, like yours were prior to this massive reorganization effort, they are immobile targets ripe for the plucking by your newly invigorated troops. This is best done during long summer turns.