Skotty -> (10/24/2000 11:40:00 PM)
I started a long camp playing Japan on mainland Asia in 39. Until late 1940, it was tough going cuz I had to go up against Russkie hordes of BT tanks. I suggest you by a platoon or 2 of Japanese Eng/Flame tanks and make the Russkies come to you, Jap tanks in 39 will get mowed down at range by the 45mm armed BT-5. The AI will also buy heaps of 203mm guns.... ouchie for your brave SNLF troops. After the Russikies you will hit Nationalist China until late 41. Just hoards of untrained KT milita and National regulars with no anti-tank capabilities. I nuked my camp files when I upgraded to 4.4, but assume would have run into Indian, UK, and ANZAC eventually by keeping my forces in mainland asia.