Anthropoid -> RE: PBEM 109 (6/13/2009 10:37:31 PM)
Well in principle I'd love to do an AAR, but I am also just now agreeing to be in a WiTP PBEM. That would be three total. The "Another PBEM" could potentially be over in a matter of weeks or months, but the WiTP one I hope will go for a long time, even with AE coming out. If I get into another one in this game, I would hope we set the victory points a bit higher (5 or even 10K??) and with that, that match could go on for quite a while, years maybe? Two is about the limit of what I like to be in, but if AE seems -really- cool once it is out, I might not be able to resist and three PBEMs at once, for fairly complex games, is my absolute limit. So, basically, I'm not sure how regular any AAR I do would be. I'll certainly be happy to start one, and post periodically, but every single turn is just not going to happen. Maybe at least biannual updates.