RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (Full Version)

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Mus -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (8/5/2009 10:55:12 PM)

Still need a vote from Timurlain and make a decision on adopting a house rule or not.

and2 -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (8/6/2009 3:57:51 PM)

Just need the Prussian turn and Im good to go with combining files :)

Kingmaker -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (8/6/2009 8:42:58 PM)

From, the Earl of Evenwood; 1st Minister & Foreign Secretary to his Majesty King George III.

To, the Heads of state on the Mainland of Europe: with particular reference to those of Austria, Russia & Sweden.

It is with considerable regret that I have to advise you that following earnest negotiations on our part with the Government of Poland, their intractable stance against equal opportunities for English Merchants to trade with their Polish counterparts has demanded a response from his Majesties Government, to wit, a Declaration of War has been issued against Poland.

I would advise all concerned that as of the present moment neither myself nor the Privy Council see any need for English Troops to be dispatched to that area of the Baltic, I am however sending two small fleets to initiate Blockades of the Polish ports of Riga & Kovno in the hope that a minor show of force at this time may lead the Government of Poland to reconsider its position and grant Englands Merchant equal access to Polish goods.

Whilst on the subject of open access for trade etc His Majesties Government has for some time now been in receipt, from various sources, of Intelligence from the Continent with regard to French intentions of, amongst other matters, excluding England from the Mediterranean region.

Further conclusive information was but recently received from the Master of the ‘Hull Jade’, formally trading in the Black Sea between the ports of Constantinople & Odessa, that gave overwhelming support to previously obtained Intelligence and which when added to reports of French & Spanish Fleets massed in a gesture of Intimidation in the Alborian Sea gave their Lords of the Admiralty sufficient concern to suggest that War with France was inevitable and the only recourse left open to this nation; however, that full & open Declarations of War are seen by the Court at Versailles as, and I quote, “unprovoked surprise attacks!” is viewed somewhat askance here, but given previous French verbiage and complete inability to understand even the most simple of requests perhaps should not be so surprising.

With regard to that point, repeated French claims that “No response was received” would seem to indicate a wilful disregard of accepted means of communications between Nations, His Majesty in his first communiqué to Louis Bourbon made the point very politely that affairs of State were to be addressed to myself as his duly appointed 1st Minister & Foreign Secretary, I yet again quote from his missive;

Sir, I fear I am unable to answer your questions with regard to English Foreign policy as that is the business of my Ministers. ... The newly appointed 1st Minister is the Earl of Evenwood and you should therefore address any such enquiries to him; ...

While it is readily accepted amongst the Kings Privy Councillors that Louis Bourbon may not have the intellectual acumen to understand plain English it is nevertheless felt that some effort should be made by the Court at Versailles to obtain the services of someone who can, and thus dispense with wasted Communiqués.

On another matter, the somewhat hysterical allegations emanating from France with regard to, Britain's barbarity, and suggesting a comparison with, the barbarians who sacked Rome—, was received at Court with a fair measure of incredulity, this from a Nation who’s self styled ‘Sun King’ ordered the “Rape of the Palatinate” just over a 100 years past is rather akin to ‘the Pot calling the Kettle Black’ and does seem to place French rhetoric in that most puerile of Hypocrisies “A vested interest posing as a moral principle”.

While I feel that it may well be a waste of time I will here make Englands position with regard to the Continent quite clear to the French Court.

France will not impede English rights of entry to the Mediterranean.

As France has no just cause she will immediately cease meddling in the affairs of the German Principalities, German internal affairs are not an area for French involvement.

France will be allowed to come to whatever arrangement for the division of Italy is deemed fitting by Austria & Spain as long as it does not impinge on English Trading interests in the Peninsular.

With Regard to Frances enquiry about any English interest in securing Picardy, Normandy, and Brittany suffice to say Picardy was never considered English Crown lands, Normandy & Brittany are.

I remain your obedient Servant.


1st Minister & Foreign Secretary to King George III

barbarossa2 -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (8/6/2009 9:17:07 PM)

France has a hell of a lot more reason to be "meddling" in Germany than Britain does.

The French just cause is the illegal declaration of war on the French nation. France will not allow Britain to march through Europe without negotiations, without discussions, without demands, declaring war on people interested in resolving disputes with diplomacy.

Britain did not once -- not once -- lay out any issues which disturbed it. The French consul did ask WHAT it was France could do to accomodate Britain. Aside from one dismissive communication (mentioned in the British response), there was no effort at constructive conflict resolution. Indeed, I have long since given up on receiving any reply from any diplomatic efforts with the British king.

Britain is of course legally allowed to sail in the Mediterranean, however, the spheres of influence were decided by Mediterranean powers. Britain does not have any historical precedent for the rearrangement of political matters in the Mediterranean. The French consul never said it would not accept the sailing of British ships in the Mediterranean.

If Britain wants to resolve this dispute with negotiation (as France would like to), then France will be ready to accept a British cease fire offer. But we must first be notified of this desire.

Mus -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (8/6/2009 10:38:21 PM)

LOL, I would have surprise attacked you Barb.

Kingmaker sent a normal DOW and allowed you to easily avoid battle because of it. Hard to get indignant when he let you off the hook, IMO.

Can't expect your self declared Suzerainty to go unchallenged either.

It's kinda like instead of having the French Revolution the French unilaterally formed the UN Security Council in 1792 and started issuing resolutions.


Mus -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (8/7/2009 8:56:42 AM)

Anyone heard from timurlain? We are waiting on him.

We are working on the 3rd day of this turn. Our ideal turnaround is 24 hours, 48 hour MAX. Let's try to pick up the pace a little please.

Kingmaker -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (8/7/2009 10:19:18 AM)

From, the Earl of Evenwood; 1st Minister & Foreign Secretary to his Majesty King George III.

As the French Court seems determined to publicly display its woeful ignorance with regard to the affairs of the German states, maybe a timely reminder will suffice to make clear that His Majesties Government has full and absolute power invested in it to effect any measure it deems fit with regard to the conduct of German affairs; to wit, amongst King Georges many titles are included those of, Elector of Hanover, Duke of Brunswick & Luneburg and Arch Treasurer of the Holy Roman Empire, and, as previously indicated by His Majesty, by virtue of his marriage to Charlotte of Mecklenburg that state can also be included.

Further, upon my appointment as his Majesties Prime Minister, I made it my business to ascertain the Attitude of the various German states, Frances esteem amongst them was without exception in the negative, whereas by stark contrast Englands esteem was very markedly positive by any form of comparison, it would I feel therefore be seen as reasonable by any personage not totally deluded with their own personal vanities that whereas Englands involvement in German affairs is welcomed by those states, that of France most certainly is not!

It seems it was as I feared, but a forlorn hope that the Court at Versailles would be able to comprehend “Englands position“ mentioned in my previous communication, but I will try one last time.

When I stated that “German internal affairs are not an area for French involvement” that is what I meant, that is, German affairs will be sorted out through the good offices of Austria, Prussia & England, and that France need not involve herself with matters that do not concern her, I fervently trust that this matter is now fully understood at the French court and that Louis Bourbon can now make use of his time thus freed to look to French interest on the Italian peninsular.


1st Minister & Foreign Secretary to King George III

barbarossa2 -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (8/7/2009 10:57:49 AM)

Concerning the French "suzeranity", we specifically stated that I was not dictating anything, but indicated what I would underwrite in terms of a status quo.

Everyone the French have been in contact with know that the French wanted peace with Britain. The Ottomans, the Spaniards, and the Austrians. I was even preparing to hand out "peace dividends" to the Austrians based on French-British peace.

Perhaps what the British consulate is saying is that the British have a right to rove about the Mediterranean as they see fit, but the French do not have the right to group together while staying in the Mediterranean for defense against surprise attacks where their friends are at (in that case, south of Gibraltar). In the end, exactly what we feared would happen, did happen. An attempt to hit the French fleets without any warning through diplomatic channels of any impending crisis.

Anyway, we suppose the time for negotiations are over. 

(let's enjoy the game now [8D]...after all, this is why we play isn't it?)

barbarossa2 -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (8/7/2009 11:20:21 AM)

Oh. I want to stress the fact that I think Kingmaker is a great guy and a top CoG:EE player and that my attack on British foreign policy have nothing to do with him. The game is the game (and I have always enjoyed the rhetoric of multiplayer games).

montesaurus -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (8/7/2009 12:15:29 PM)

Hear Hear! [:)]

Kingmaker -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (8/7/2009 6:28:32 PM)


B2 I have in no way taken the Role play discourse as a personal assault, it's role play thats all ... ... I'm just better at it than you [:'(] , ... and Modest as well [:D]

All the Best

montesaurus -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (8/7/2009 10:51:15 PM)

Timurlain has posted his turn! WHoo hoo! [:D]

Mus -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (8/8/2009 3:30:30 AM)

Who are we waiting on?

and2 -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (8/8/2009 7:17:32 AM)

Russia mailed his t17, Ill need t18, before I can combine

IronWarrior -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (8/8/2009 7:27:02 AM)

Ah geez sorry guys I sent the wrong file... T18 sent in.

Mus -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (8/8/2009 7:40:18 AM)

I don't see Barbarossa's French turn in the box.

and2 -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (8/8/2009 8:03:46 AM)

Turn 19 mailed enjoy :)

B2 and others sometimes mail their turn directly to me

Mus -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (8/8/2009 9:10:23 AM)

Austria is in.

Poland getting devoured by almost every country now.

montesaurus -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (8/8/2009 3:03:35 PM)

Turkish turn 19 is complete!

Anthropoid -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (8/8/2009 3:33:23 PM)

I cannot imagine how some of you guys are keeping straight which nation YOU are playing in all these different PBEMs, let alone who the other guys are playing! [:D] I'm playing Russia in a mere two matches, and I have trouble keeping them straight . . .

barbarossa2 -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (8/8/2009 6:05:14 PM)

Hey, I am just curious what kind of an order Kingmaker used to so effectively conduct a port raid on Marseille? If it had been that easy to destroy the French fleet in port, I am sure they would have done it historically as well. I have no problem with Kingmaker doing it since we are playing "vanilla"--and part of the purpose of this is to discover issues with the engine and report them.

(anyway...nice move King...mind sharing what you did with us?)

barbarossa2 -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (8/8/2009 7:35:23 PM)

By the way, French turn in.

Kingmaker -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (8/8/2009 8:36:14 PM)


For starters English ships have a higher Moral factor than french and the composition of the fleet did include 9 1st rates, with Nelson + a 'Quality Admiral'

Counting the dots there were 54 french ships in Marseillies before the attack, there are now 37, Hoods fleet went in 30 strong (all fully fit at 10) and came out with 20 many of them now needing repair.

Some of the french ships in Marseilles were already damaged from their Training exersice v the Danish fleet, so on balance B2 with the guns of the Port adding to french fire power maybe you should just be greatfull that the battle didn't take place at sea!

I think somehow that, historically, questions may well have been asked by their Lordships of the Admiralty re the High loss ratio.

All the Best

Mus -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (8/8/2009 9:30:29 PM)

Marseilles has a low level of guns and the English have a big quality and leadership edge and in this case obviously got the wind gauge. If they had not they would have probably barely won or lost because of the extra port gun damage, so port raiding remains fairly risky. I do not often engage in port raiding for the reason that the defender has a pretty hefty advantage in the port guns and if you lose the windgauge in a port raid you can get double screwed.

As an example of how important the wind gauge is I recently barely won a battle against Kingmakers Spaniards in a fairly even battle numbers wise with Nelson in charge and a similarly lopsided quality advantage on my part as GB, because I am fairly certain Spain won the windgauge which is a random roll at the beginning of a combat.

The windgauge is a really powerful advantage.

Mus -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (8/8/2009 9:40:22 PM)

BTW since Timurlain isn't showing up to vote and the voting is very close anyways, why don't we just decide NOT to adopt a house rule against insurrection?

montesaurus -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (8/8/2009 11:07:20 PM)

That sounds good with me Mus. Lets just play the game as designed. Personally I have better things for my diplomats to do, and don't plan on being the first to cause a bunch of insurrections!
Though it might be fun to see what havoc would occur in Hanover if I did it!(just kidding kingmaker!)[:)]

Kingmaker -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (8/9/2009 1:31:12 PM)


Sheee Monte I wish you hadn't said that you'll give folk ideas [:)] , that said like you I have better things to do with Diplos at the moment and with a 70 Legal Diplo on Expel ... well, luck of the dice will decide there

All the Best

montesaurus -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (8/9/2009 2:04:46 PM)

Hey Kingmaker! When you were discussing how you beat Barbararossa I noticed you mentioned "a higher Moral factor"(see below quotes) than the French! Is that a judgement concerning Anglo/French relations or did you mean "Morale"! [:D]

"For starters English ships have a higher Moral factor than french and the composition of the fleet did include 9 1st rates, with Nelson + a 'Quality Admiral' "

Kingmaker -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (8/9/2009 2:59:28 PM)


Well given that the English certainly come out tops in Morals coz we play Cricket, wash behind our ears & don't eat snails then I suppose it's fair to say both [:)]

But, yer quite right Monte I did mean Morale you may well be able to see both fleets, it's the Blue bar that indicates Englands [&o] superiority.

All the Best

Mus -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (8/9/2009 11:19:14 PM)

Moral works actually. Morale is actually listed under the definition of Moral as a noun and they are etymologically related.


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