RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (Full Version)

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Mus -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (9/9/2009 10:19:50 PM)


ORIGINAL: Marshal Villars

Mus, so you're saying in cases like Malta, the PAVNPT won't even work? I think I see why. Hmmmm... so if the Papal States disappear into bigger nations, who gets to form a "Papal States Protectorate"? The first player holding one of the provinces to declare a protectorate?

Papal States protectorate already exists. Malta is now a Spanish conquered minor but still has the Papal States flag.

I don't believe it is possible for a protectorate to be formed by Spain that includes malta. If he scrolls down the list to Papal States it should be flagged as an Austrian Protectorate.

I raised this as a complaint earlier, and basically the response was to give each province an individual identity that could be manipulated would be too much work.

Will see if I can find the thread later.

Here is the thread:�

Marshal Villars -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (9/10/2009 1:17:58 AM)

I am not a programmer, but it seems it should be easy enough to create a Spanish-Papal States protectorate (i.e. Papal States protectorate flag backed by Spanish flag) and to form an Austrian-Papal States protectorate (i.e. Papal States protectorate flag backed by an Austrian flag).

However, I must defer to the programmer on this! :D He's already put in a ton of great work on the game and I can't expect everything in a game. [&o] What we need is 100,000 buyers!

It has become obvious to me that truly great games are built over three, four, even five releases! For instance, they didn't build Sims 3 in a day!

What we need to do is make sure all of our friends and friends of our friends hear about this game and buy it so that we can have it (and its relatives) around for a LONG, LONG time.

montesaurus -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (9/10/2009 12:23:26 PM)

Prussia, has posted, ready to roll![:)]

Kingmaker -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (9/10/2009 3:39:46 PM)

From, the Earl of Evenwood; 1st Minister & Foreign Secretary to his Majesty King George III.

To, the Czar of all the Russias, or his Minister with Portfolio for Foreign affairs.

Recently there has been a veritable outpouring from the Court at Versailles of what, if you will excuse the somewhat uncouth nature of the expression, amounts to little more than Verbal diarrhoea.

It has already been pointed out to Louis Bourbon and his Court that internal matters relating to Germany, and in particular those of the German Rhineland are of no concern to France and will be dealt with as is seen fit my those who, by virtue of membership of, or position of Authority within, the Holy Roman Empire have due charge and obligation to do so.

It is therefore of grave concern to his Majesties Government that it would appear from the above mentioned French verbiage, that Russia is to intervene on behalf of France in these internal German matters, to wit, for non-compliance with French whims, France is threatening Prussia with Russian armies to, and I quote, “punish”, Prussia, for that non-compliance.

I therefore feel obliged to advise you that should any such action be taken by Russia on behalf of Louis Bourbons territorial ambitions in Germany, then this Government would support Prussia with the utmost vigour, to include both direct Military intervention & blockade of Russian ports.

His Majesties Privy Council & I earnestly hopes that Russia will rethink its stance over support for the naked self serving ambition of French foreign policy and the personal delusions of Louis Bourbon and stand down with regard to any intervention in the affairs of Prussia.

Should the Czar or his ministers feel that England can in any way help with whatever rift has occurred between Russia & Prussia, then we stand ready to offer whatever Diplomatic help in resolving those matters should be deemed appropriate by both parties.

Your respectful Servant.


1st Minister & Foreign Secretary to King George III

Marshal Villars -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (9/10/2009 3:42:12 PM)

I do bow to Kingmaker's eloquent manner of expression. If I needed a diplomat, and I could afford him, Kingmaker would get the job.

Kingmaker -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (9/10/2009 3:46:55 PM)


Ta everso, problem is using the phrase "the Czar or his Ministers" has triggered the lyrics ("and" in the song) to the Stones "Sympathy for Devil" so I'll probably be singing that all night at work now!

All the Best

Marshal Villars -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (9/10/2009 4:28:54 PM)

Posted as: Louis XVI, King of France

While it can be argued that Prussia has a say in German affairs, the sovereign Princes of Germany are by no means their pawn, and France has long held claims to the west bank of the Rhine, as indeed my great ancestor, Louis XIV made clear with his "reunions" and claims which stretched from the Bishopric of Cologne in the north to the Palatinate in the south.

France MAY consider this matter settled with:
1. French occupation of all German lands west of the Rhine.
2. Undisputed French control of Baden and Wuerttemberg.
3. The British and Prussian promise to leave unoccupied all remaining neutral Germanic lands.
4. The Prussian liberation of Westphalia with a subsequent French occupation.
5. The Prussian cession of three of her eastern provinces to Russia.
6. Prussian demobilization by a self imposed disbanding of 50% of her divisions.
7. A Prussian agreement to keep all of her armies EAST of the Elbe and inside of Prussia for a period of 2 years.

In any case, upon invasion of Prussia, any members in alliance with France will be urged to treat the royal domains and palaces within Prussia with utmost respect and the lives and security of the Hohenzollern royal family will be our highest priority.

Most sincerely,

Louis XVI

Marshal Villars -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (9/10/2009 4:38:01 PM)

Posted as: Louis XVI, King of France

The matter of Prussia's underhanded dealings with Britain, which other parties working to remove Britain from Germany discovered and brought to French attention, have terribly disillusioned the court at Versailles and in other corners of Europe. In fact, immediately after the rumors surfaced, Versailles scrambled and went to extreme lengths to assure her allies that Prussia could not possibly be colluding with London as the rumors pointed out--believing Berlin's claim that no secret deal had been inked with Britain! However, much to the emberassment of Berlin AND Versailles, the following month the plain facts were revealed when a French spy working in the kitchen of the palace at Sansoucci in Potsdam in fact discovered the empty envelope on whose cover was written, "Britain pays Prussia 300 gold under the terms of Copenhagen II SECRET TREATY". Perhaps if Prussia would have admitted it to Versailles upon initial discovery and Versailles wouldn't have worked so hard to defend a turncoat against IMMEDIATE action from Russia, this situation would not have boiled over, much to the detriment of Britain and Prussia.

It was a plan to make sure Prussia gained control over Bavaria which put France and Austria in an awkward situation and may have resulted in the Austrian surrender 9 months ago. France does not sacrifice the positive relations with our neighbors lightly.

The saying "with friends like this, who needs enemies" certainly rings true here. France is better of knowing that Prussia is a British ally than wondering where Prussia stands at all times--one month allowing movements across her territory into Germany for my allies to go to war with Britain and the next month making those very allies fear of traps being set for them.

Again, France would like to remind all of Europe that Britain declared war on France without any kind of provocation. In fact, French fleets were withdrawn to the Mediterranean and huddled with Spanish ships for protection against surprise attack, when shortly thereafter war was declared. And now, Britain must consider what to do with the treaty points which France has surrendered to her. There will be no justice for the victims of British aggression in Europe. Mark my words. Every nation leading Britain in glory will be taken down one by one by one by one. When is Spain on your list dear sirs?

Most sincerely,

Louis XVI
King of France

Marshal Villars -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (9/10/2009 4:51:14 PM)

Posted as Villars: I have no problem with any style of Timurlain's play and I am sure his dealings in a game like this have absolutely no reflection on his character as an individual in real life! We are all here to have fun. Nothing more. :)

DaveConn -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (9/10/2009 7:08:05 PM)

Turn 32 slightly delayed: When I tried to combine the turns, I realized there was a problem with the .sve file sent by good King Louis of France. Marshall Villars, please resend when possible (same request sent via email). Thanks.

Marshal Villars -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (9/10/2009 7:35:56 PM)

Turn resent--about 20 minutes ago actually!

montesaurus -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (9/11/2009 12:21:50 AM)

Sw and Tu turns are posted! 5 more to go!

timurlain -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (9/11/2009 12:54:38 AM)

Wow. I'll do my turn in the morning. It is way to late to think anyways :)

Mus -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (9/11/2009 1:04:25 AM)


ORIGINAL: Marshal Villars

I am not a programmer, but it seems it should be easy enough to create a Spanish-Papal States protectorate (i.e. Papal States protectorate flag backed by Spanish flag) and to form an Austrian-Papal States protectorate (i.e. Papal States protectorate flag backed by an Austrian flag).

Perhaps, but we don't seem to have that kind of functionality now. I don't think your proposal would work with any entity that was split.

Marshal Villars -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (9/11/2009 3:20:03 AM)

Concerning the PAVNPT, perhaps it should be modified to allowing only the transfer of WHOLE protectorates then? I don't know. Or perhaps we are truly out in vanilla land on that whole issue again. Bavaria and the Papal States are simply too problematic to be handing back and forth whole. It doesn't even make any sense. Especially with the Papal States.

Marshal Villars -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (9/11/2009 3:22:20 AM)

Posted as: Louis XVI, King of France

Regardless of what happens in Prussia and Berlin, I do want to emphasize that the Hohenzollern family will be kept safe at all costs.

However, I am beginning to wonder if the days of the Prussian state and Hohenzollern rule are numbered.

Most sincerely,

Louis XVI
King of France

Marshal Villars -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (9/11/2009 2:21:14 PM)

Guys, it is also VERY important that if you discover ANY problems in the game technically, that you let me know. I mean anything which even feels like a bug.

@Mus, did you ever get a good answer on the protectorate/population issue?

@anyone...has anyone noticed that on the development advisor it indicates that your people will require X amount of food, but on the supply tab the amount of food eaten by your people is generally MUCH less?

MorningDew -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (9/11/2009 5:27:33 PM)

>> @anyone...has anyone noticed that on the development advisor it indicates that your people will require X amount of food, but on the supply tab the amount of food eaten by your people is generally MUCH less? <<

Yes, I see this as well.

timurlain -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (9/11/2009 6:32:59 PM)

Prussian turn posted.

Mus -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (9/11/2009 7:09:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: Marshal Villars

Guys, it is also VERY important that if you discover ANY problems in the game technically, that you let me know. I mean anything which even feels like a bug.

@Mus, did you ever get a good answer on the protectorate/population issue?

@anyone...has anyone noticed that on the development advisor it indicates that your people will require X amount of food, but on the supply tab the amount of food eaten by your people is generally MUCH less?

The population bug had to do with any kind of split entity, not just protectorates. The holder of the capital is billed for the population, even though he doesn't have access to them. AFAIK last I heard it was confirmed as a bug, and Eric was going to be looking at it more closely to see if there was a fix.

Regarding food eaten, I believe one number is the amount of food needed by your population plus needed by your military supply/upkeep operations, while the message in the economy tab "People eat X" is just your populace.

What is the bug that is so serious that we are waiting days and days like this? Share with the rest of the game or put your turn in please.

Marshal Villars -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (9/11/2009 8:32:22 PM)

I did put my turn in. I thought! It was in last night. About 7 hours after I received it! (I hope!)

I hope that a seven hour turn around is quick enough...though I know we have been moving more quickly these days!

(I can't reveal the bug, or it would reveal a strategic weakness!...I will be fine if no one knows about it!)

Yeah...anyway, I posted my turn to the nofrills email account last night before I went to bed.

montesaurus -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (9/11/2009 8:36:12 PM)

Looks like everyone has posted![:)]

Marshal Villars -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (9/12/2009 9:00:18 AM)

Used as a way to completely avoid any conflict in virtually any situation someone doesn't feel good about a sure outcome, super quick surrenders reduce real conflict to virtually zero.

As many here will see, after France was chided for taking a "quick" surrender after almost two years of war with Britain, we took the opportunity to move into Saxony, knowing full well that Prussia might have its PBEM policy for France set to "aggressive" and that if it was, it would cause a war between France and Prussia. I did this to prove a point. Namely that anyone, even allies of people belittling those taking quick surrenders--after almost 2 years of conflict--might take quick surrenders. In my opinion, Prussia can do whatever they like, but at least I will know that I can take quick surrenders anytime I like then too. Honestly, I have no interest in fighting Britain, and I am not required to. There is nothing to prevent me from giving him quick surrenders for the rest of the game--wouldn't that be thilling?

France would rather fight Britain and have a good reason to do it. But, as I have said, no one has to fight anyone just to be a nice guy. Timurlain doesn't. Kingmaker doesn't. And I don't. And I won't sit here in the forums and make fun of them for not fighting to pressure them into fighting. Either we have rules, or we don't give people a hard time for doing what this game currently makes very logical in many, many situations.

Note that I have nothing against players who take quick surrenders (especially not Timurlain, as I know him to be a fine, and nice guy)--because they are logical and rational beings . And I won't sit here and let anyone give Timurlain a hard time for taking a quick surrender if he does (there were some lengthy, rather angry posts written about French surrender to Britain after almost 2 years of conflict, so I don't know what people will think about a super quick Prussian surrender). I also won't keep fighting for more than four months just to be a nice guy when others surrender immediately (my war with Britain ran almost two years against my better judgement). No one in this game has to do anything to stick their neck out on the line just to be a nice guy and keep things interesting. What we need is a minimum standard everyone adheres to and creates some semblance of historical accuracy.

Please note that in this case, another marvel of instant surrenders will be revealed when a quick surrender can turn a losing situation into an actual winner!!! The minor nation I declared war on--Saxony--will have gone to Prussia, but Prussia can declare an instant surrender, and there won't be anything the attacking nation can do about it. Wow. Cool game.

So, people, which road do we go down? Instant surrender-O-Rama for 23 years? Or 4 months minimum before surrender? An interesting, powerful game? Or a weak one with little interest.

I know what I would like to do until there is a better in-game solution.

*Please note that I am interested in starting a PBEM with house rules along the lines of the ones I have proposed in the SQSNPT and elsewhere. They are designed to give a maximum amount of historical feel using CoG:EE as its base. But only those with board gaming experience and capable of doing some math on their own need apply. The thread is the "AltHist-A" thread at:

Marshal Villars -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (9/12/2009 9:54:38 AM)

Super Quick Surrender Non-Proliferation Treaty

a.k.a The "making marching to your enemy worthwhile" treaty
(NOTE: If there is interest, we can extend this to six months instead of the four I have proposed, but of course there would have to be unanimous agreement on that)

SECTION I - Pertaining to the rule itself
Intended to prevent SUPER QUICK surrenders (defined as those being under four months) from destroying the game.
1.1 No signatory nation shall surrender to a nation declaring war on it in a manner preventing a state of war to exist for at least four full calendar months.
Example: Austria declares war on Russia with their March orders. In April, turn results indicate a state of war has been initiated and currently exists between the two nations. Since four months of war must elapse, Russia must fight in April, May, June, and July. In the July turn, Russia may enter a surrender order so that in August he will be in a state of peace.
1.2 A nation allied to the nation accepting a legal surrender after four months of a state of war is also forced to accept a surrender. (Note: this both makes sense and is how CoG:EE currently functions). Note: if not allied at the time of surrender to the initially declaring nation, a "late declaring" nation may continue to fight for their full four months (or, expressed differently, a defending nation must give the non-allied late declaring nation their full four months of war). Thus, a nation entering a war late can break an alliance with another player to be guaranteed of their full four months of war. Or they can stay allied and be forced to accept a single surrender which applies to all allies if one of those allies can be legally surrendered to according to the SQSNPT.
Example: France declares war on Austria in their June orders. A state of war exists in July (first month of war). In July, Russia enters order to join France in alliance and declares war on Austria. In August (second month of war) the alliance materializes and border battles have begun. In September (third month of war) fighting rages along the front. In October (fourth month of war), Austria may enter a surrender so that by November a state of peace will exist--having allowed four full calendar months of a state of war. Both France and Russia must accept the peace. Note that in this example, Russia was only at war with Austria for three months. The moral of this story is, in this case if you are Russia and want to fight longer than three months do not ally with France.
Example: France is allied to Prussia, in March's orders, France declares war on Austria. In April a state of war exists between France and Austria (first month of Fr-Au war). In May the conflict between France and Austria continues (second month of Fr-Au war) and Prussia decides to declare war on Austria AND dissolves its alliance with France. In June (third month of Fr-Au war and first month of Pr-Au war) fighting rages along the frontiers. In July (the fourth month of Fr-Au war / second month of Pr-Au war) Austria puts in her surrender to France in order to end the war by August. However, since France and Prussia are not allies when Austria surrenders to France, Prussia still has claim to four full months of war.

1.4 Nations declaring war on others are bound by the same rules. That is, if you declare war on another nation, you must allow four months of conflict to exist before surrendering to the nation you declared war on.
1.5 CoG:EE mechanics forcing a surrender earlier than 4 months (for instance if a nation is forced to surrender before the four months of war due to low national morale), are final and must (of course) be accepted.
1.3 Except as called out in 1.2 and 1.5, wars may not be ended before four full months of hostilities in any case. Not even by arrangement (as this could screw things up for your allies on a side which is winning even if you would accept it). Of course, it is up to the players how hard they fight their war.
1.6 Note that even though this agreement indicates that a state of war must exist between the nations for four months, there is (and can be no) requirement for actual fighting during this time. These rules explicitly require ONLY that an official "state" of war exist in the four months called out. They in are in no way intended to regulate the intensity of the fighting (or lack of it) which takes place.

SECTION II - Pertaining to the administration of this rule
1.7 If someone enters a surrender which is too early according to this agreement, any player noticing this on the IMMEDIATELY following turn may call this out and instantly demand a redo of the turn's orders. This must be demanded after the turn results with the illegal surrender are received and inspected. Once the next turn is merged and sent out, it is too late and the game play continues (it is assumed a historical anomaly occurred). This takes precedent over other players' desire to continue--even if secret plans were revealed in the process (we will simply assume that spies have discovered planned moves). Note that ANY player may demand an adherence to the SQSNPT, not just directly involved parties. If no one notices the problem and no one demands a replay, then play continues without interruption.
1.8 For the "nofrills" game, Timurlain will be appointed as the judge of these SQSNPT rules in case any official decisions are needed in cases which are not 100% clear on their face. Timurlain's decisions will be as quick as possible and final. Timurlain also has the ability to overrule any player proceeding believing to know what he is doing, but Timurlain disagrees with--calling for a turn redo if necessary.

1.9 As a result of the greater amounts of points won in treaties, the following change is required: A nation taking provinces from a losing nation in a war, MUST take a conquered minor province (a province with the nation's flag behind another flag) BEFORE taking a homeland province (with only the nation's flag). This will result in dramatically more realistic annexation of lands and will prevent nations from easily carving deeply into other nations, when in fact, homeland provinces were usually the last to be touched. Players must determine this as they select a province to take in their treaty (believe me, everyone will benefit from this and it will avoid bizarre formations of land partition).

We, the signatory nations feel that any other option provide a suboptimal gaming experience.

(no parties currently)
France will sign if all other powers sign. If there is no signing, France will always take quick surrender option against Britain and allies--because in effect, the Super Quick Surrender prevents ANY damage from being done and is the only way to go. Unfortunately, this would all result in an incredibly boring game. We would rather be forced to fight. But we won't do it unless everyone else does.

[&o]+Eliminates declaring war on a neighbor and surrendering to him the very next turn just to keep him out of a war you are planning (I actually encourage the adoption of a 6 month rule because of this). For instance: Prussia wants to go to war with Austria, but knows that Russia supports Austria. Prussia can quickly declare war on Russia, then IMMEDIATELY take a surrender on the following turn, preventing Russia from helping Austria for 18 months--even if they had been allies if Russia had not immediately declared war in return! NOTE: Increasing the length of the rule to 6 months would actually allow nations like Russia some time to strike back at a nation like Prussia and in conjunction with Austria in this I recommend consideration of a 6 month rule.)
[&o]+Results in nations having to move to their frontiers and defending them to prevent provinces from falling to the enemy, since each region captured gives the invader 1000 extra treaty points.

+Results in occassional war between Britain and France--with consequences. At the moment, France could adopt an "I would rather pay protection money than fight for the next 10 years and get off relatively unscathed." In my opinion, the rule should be extended to 6 months. Then, once they are in to the war, they may not be able to get out for fear of a massive treaty penalty--resulting in a tendency for HISTORICAL CONFLICT! (imagine that)
[&o]+Results in occasional frontier wars (instead of instant surrender madness). [&o]
[&o]+Prevents France from taking Super Quick Surrender option against Britain for the rest of the game. [&o]
[&o]+Eliminates the problem of 2/3 of all wars being resolved with instant surrenders. Honestly, in my 3500+ pages of reading on conflict in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, I didn't encounter a SINGLE "Super Fast Surrender". I suppose Prussia and Austria could have taken instant surrenders in 1805 and 1806 as well--I know I would have! Actually, if France would have surrendered to Britain instantly as we had wanted to, we might be verging on 3/3 wars in this game being settled with the "Super Quick Surrender". [8|]
[&o]+Closes the "I want to declare war on the protectorate next to that guy--but the protectorate declares for him, and he takes the instant surrender--and suddenly HE has the protectorate and 18 months of peace" loophole. My friends, this is not how war worked. [:'(]
[&o]+Gives Kingmaker the ability to force France to fight, [sm=happy0065.gif] which even France is a fan of. But who wants to fight when there is a disincentive to do it!?!? Nobody in this game needs to be a nice guy to help other people win.
[&o]+Gives us all real wars and conflict with consequences -- like we deserve! No more of this pansy bull hooey!

[sm=00000003.gif]-It is a house rule and people have to know how many calendar months they have been in a state of war. But I think we are all over 13 years old and can handle that.

I can tell you, if we don't play with these rules I certainly won't hold it against anyone who wants to take advantage of the currently heavily incentivized quick surrenders! I have a feeling we will see at least 60% of wars end in quick surrenders! In all of my reading of conflict from 1618 to 1815, I found not ONE real example of a "super quick surrender". Leaders had a bad habit of fighting on after they should have thrown in the towel. And in CoG:EE we players know too many things about our armies and our enemy's armies making the calculation more mathematical and certain than ever in history. In addition, the inverted incentive system makes real conflict highly unlikely.

We will simply assume that the four month minimum state of war represents the fact that your militarized nobility who has trained their whole lives for their moment of glory will have your head on the chopping block if you rob them of their chance to prove their manhood for the test of honor and the hand of fair maidens. Poor, landless aristocracy will have nothing to do with a king who runs and hides his head in the sand. The internal pressure to preserve the nation's honor and the desire of men new to their posts to prove that they know what they are doing, and those who came before them did not, is too strong for your crown to overcome in the first four months--just as it was historically.

Marshal Villars -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (9/12/2009 6:51:12 PM)

I will not send in my turn, or even plan it, until I know what is decided on this SQSNPT issue. I will continue playing whatever is decided. But I would like to know now so that I can know what options I have the next time Britain declares war on me.

Kingmaker -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (9/12/2009 8:53:47 PM)


Right folks fraid that’s the final straw, please find a new England player, I’ve put up with as much as I’m prepared to stand.

This game was set up as its name “No Frills” implies way back then as an attempt to just have fun playing the game over a long enough period, i.e. 23yrs to give the smaller nations a chance of making a mark in the game, rather than just being cannon fodder for the big boy’s. The idea being to play the Game warts and all as is, and I at least hoped that that would include that too often forgotten, and admittedly largely English ‘Old school’ sentiment, of ‘the Spirit of the Game’, sadly from my perspective that doesn’t now stand a cats chance in Hell of being realised, and with threats to hold up the game unless certain demands are met then, **** it I’m off

B2, I am pig sick of every time I open my email folder finding some spurious longwinded communication from you there, I have therefore put a block on any PM or email communications from the Matrix site. If for any reason you should wish to have any future communications with me re game matters, do so via the Matrix MB’s i.e. and “I say this 3 times” as regrettably (from previous experience from both the 2 games we have been in and on the MBs in general), you have great difficulty in listening to what others say if it doesn’t suit your purpose, so I repeat, “I say this 3 times”, Do NOT bombard me with messages from your various email sites, as mentioned I’m pig sick of them.

To the rest of the team “Good Luck & Good Hunting”, you should have no problem finding a replacement as my stewardship of England has left it in a fairly healthy state, suggest you advertise on the ‘Reserve list’ and maybe the Westphalia MB as that game sadly looks to have collapsed.

All the Best

montesaurus -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (9/12/2009 10:04:16 PM)

Hmmm. Pr and TU in. Anybody have any suggestions in regards to an English player?

Marshal Villars -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (9/12/2009 10:25:08 PM)

See below.

Mus -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (9/12/2009 10:25:26 PM)

I have to agree with Kingmaker that a PBEM not initiated for the express purpose of finding and exploiting bugs is a bad place to engage in said activity.

At least that is how I interpreted his "spirit of the game" comments.

If an effort towards testing for the purpose of finding and exploitings bugs in the game rules wants to be made I think this game should be canned and another started.

Marshal Villars -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (9/12/2009 10:35:26 PM)


Well, I am glad Kingmaker got to say what he said and how he felt. There are two sides to every story. Now, it is my turn.

NOTE: In the following statement concerning Kingmaker's departure from the game, every single word and every single statement about Kingmaker made by me are purely my opinion. The following are provided only because of what I feel to be unfounded personal attacks made by Kingmaker. Because of the nature of his statements, I feel compelled to respond. Otherwise, I would have very happily kept my mouth shut and kept on pretending that Kingmaker is the greatest friend a man can have. But I can't stay quiet anymore. People need to know about my actions and why I took them now. Anyone reading this statement agrees not to read any further without acknowledging that the following is ALL opinion.

0) When invited to play this game, I told two players that I did not want really want to play here because of Kingmaker. I am glad this is over.
1) We were not playing vanilla if people do things allowed in the game get criticism from Kingmaker for doing it. That is Kingmaker Vanilla.
2) I have bent over backwards for months to post polite comment after polite comment about Kingmaker and his play. Sending several nice emails complimenting him on his play and understanding of COG:EE and telling him I appreciate learning from him. There are probably 5 or more of these types of comments in this "nofrillls" thread alone. After his comments about my "disingenuous nature" in the PBEM secret treaty situation, I held my breath and just hit him with two more compliments.
3) I predicted Kingmaker would quit when I played vanilla and not some kind of game in which I held myself back just so Britain could soak up glory points for France playing stupid. Another player in here knows I have feared Kingmaker quitting as soon as I had the upper hand.
4) I know Kingmaker won't pull his punches in vanilla. And I certainly don't expect him to. Why should I?
5) I had discovered serious problems in vanilla, and wanted to protect Kingmaker from them. But Kingmaker doesn't want house rules. But he doesn't like true vanilla play. But he doesn't want house rules. But he doesn't want vanilla play. But he doesn't want house rules. But he doesn't want vanilla play. And on and on. Early surrenders bother him, but he doesn't want house rules. Moving your troops across his territory after you surrender to him bothers him, but he doesn't like house rules and so on and so forth.
6) Several ridiculous vanilla strategies had become apparent to me, which I would have preferred playing without. So ridiculous I called one of them, "Vanilla Epic Ultra". But I had been told we were playing vanilla and wouldn't do house rules. Other players whom I told my vanilla "Epic Ultra" plan to encouraged me to deploy them in our war against Britain. However, we were concerned that when playing undefined vanilla and being shown these strategies, that Kingmaker would quit. I have never had a player, who I discovered new uses of vanilla on, quit. Usually, because I do a pretty good job of keeping the compliments and respect rolling, things go pretty well. And Kingmaker got more compliments from me than I believe anyone else I have EVER played has!
7) When playing vanilla, players cannot be expected to know the difference between "vanilla" and "disallowed bug" instinctively. See: Houserules to keep games from coming to this when players don't know what to do in such a situation and are seeking guidance without tipping their hand.
8) Many of my emails to Kingmaker which he complains about were specifically marked as diplomatic email from France and were part of a misinformation campaign I was running. Napoleon used misinformation in his campaigns against his enemies. Am I not allowed to send diplomatic emails doing the same thing? Or is that Kingmaker Vanilla again?
9) I do not like exploitation fests. And if one is playing vanilla without ANY house rules, how is one to know the difference between vanilla and an exploitation?
10) I did not want to play in this game with Kingmaker from the beginning, because I knew that no matter how many times I was nice to him and complimented him by email and throughout the forums, it was a lose/lose situation. No one should have to kiss someone's hiney for fear that they will quit a game when you have outmaneuvered him. Thank God this is over.
11) PAVNPT and QSQNPT were specific attempts for me to define the realm I am supposed to operate in if I did not want to be criticized for my actions or lead to Kingmaker's quitting. I believe that anyone looking especially at QSQNPT now will see that.
12) I have no problem with playing vanilla. But I won't play Kingmaker Vanilla which keeps you guessing as to how long you will be banished from civil communication if you should ever gain a true upper hand on him.
13) Kingmaker's criticism of my surrender the other day was NOT what upset me. It was the fact that for six months I have grovelled at his feet, posting one nice comment after another, emailing him compliments, praising him and his contribution, so that one day, if I ever got the upper hand over him in a game he would not quit. After being incapable of even once posting a truly positive statement about me, and often criticizing me, his statement upon quitting was what upset me.
14) Of course, if you don't want to piss someone off, and don't want them to know you think they might have a heart attack when you pull out REAL vanilla, you don't say, I think we need this treaty in here to keep you from blowing your stack when I do X or Y. Why should I give my plans away? You say, you need it for "realism" or you need it to test some design thoughts out (and at the same time think in your head--"but it is here to protect your butt from my plan which will PISS YOU OFF." But you also know you're walking on egg shells because the guy will have a cow if he doesn't play vanilla.) Oh my.
14) zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... I am bored now.

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