terje439 -> RE: Do you hear the people sing?! (4/8/2010 11:43:12 AM)
Turn 110, aka Game/set/match So it is all in vain in the end [sm=fighting0043.gif] The Preussians decided that the Sword is indeed mightier than the pen and decided that they would like to continue the war, leaving us no choice but to surrender. Since Preussia is allied with pretty much everyone except France, that means we also surrender to Spain. [:(] The war is over, and we are out of the match for ruling Europe I am afraid. I am giving the Preussians a little payback atleast as seen in the screenie. I+II are garrisions that have been ordered to break the Preussian supply chain, just to let them take some casualties. III is my third army of only one division (it shows as more since I managed to put my PoW in there as well) that is ordered to advance into Preussia and plunder what they can just for the hell of it. The greyed areas were provinces I HOPED to be able to liberate, but since those nations are ruled from Bavaria which is Austrian controlled, I will not be allowed to do so [:@] That means that Preussia gets plunder after all... The pesky Dons have sold Venice to Austria, which is bad since I controlled the province (reducing the VP Spain would recieve against me). In the South the Dons defeated one of our Corps' as well this turn so we were defeated in every aspect anyway, the Preussians just sealed the deal. My secondary army has been told to split up into three separate pieces and try to take one spanish province and two of my own provinces as these are unguarded. If they succeed the Spanish victory will be somewhat smaller than what it will be as things stand now. [image]local://upfiles/11504/540A7BB774DB42F8B948633B0D7CBFC2.jpg[/image] So, what can be expected to happen in the peace settlements? -cede provinces? Yes, definitively, most likely to Preussia (up to 4), and I will most likely have to give Ancona back to Spain. -payments? Absolutely -reduce defences? Doubt it, they hardly work in this game anyway. -remove generals? Maybe -cede colonies? Oh yes...I will most likely lose them all... -scuttle ships? I am not sure, maybe not as I am the only nation capable as of now to deal the RN any blows... -feudalism levels? Likely forced to increase those. -alliance? Doubt it, as both nations have to figure out that the ONLY way for this to have any effect at all is to demand NOTHING else. If they take a colony or a province, I simply will not issue a DoW when this is required. -enforced peace? Maybe. Oh well, next turn will show just how reduced we are, and if things turn out as ugly as I fear, I will have to chose between Austria, Spain and Britain as to who I will back to win. (Not a hard choice really, Britain is constantly pushing and threathening, Spain sneak attacked and plundered, while Austria have acted civilized...)