RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (Full Version)

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GaryChildress -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/4/2009 10:04:49 PM)




ORIGINAL: JudgeDredd

I think that's classed as a blatant break of Matrix Forum rules Doggie....and you know it. On a thread by an admin too - naughty boy. [:-] I don't suppose you can help it, but still - naughty boy [:'(]


I think that's classed as a blatant break of Matrix Forum rules Doggie....and you know it. On a thread by an admin too - naughty boy. [:-] I don't suppose you can help it, but still - naughty boy [:'(]

Bite me. [8|] Who elected you and the rest of the trolls as moderators? The fact is history has been revised to fit what ever agenda is popular with the college boy crowd.

You and the rest of the dweebs telling me what I can and can't say here is also a violation of forum rules. Rules you only pay attention to when it suits you. You know where you can put your self rightous indignation.

Look who's telling us about how politics are verbotten:


ORIGINAL: Gary the perpetually offended

Watching Miller's bits on the O'Reilly show is sort of sad to me. He really looks and sounds like someone whom the parade has passed him by. He just appears to lack confidence and doesn't have that "edge" anymore. I sort of sympathize with him but I wouldn't call him funny.

But that's different, isn't it? Hush yo mouf, Gary is talking about eeevil right wing fascists? And that Doggie, what a scum bag for breaking our forum rules about calling people names, even if he didn't. Never mind what he did say, we know what he meant to say, right?

As for hijacking Marc's thread, you clowns did that. I just pointed out there are people out there who think the DDR was a good thing, and don't believe stories about mine fields and shoot to kill orders. And I don't recall mentioning anybody by name, except maybe the usual suspects who are always ready to tell us we need to give communism just one more chance.

Now go trash me in "the Thread", like you usually do, you sniveling cry babies.[8|]

Give it a rest already. I said nothing about "evil right wing fascists". I said I sympathize with Miller. I really don't care who is what right now. I'll visit the "Drive thru" when I feel like bickering politics.

Terminus -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/4/2009 10:09:19 PM)

Come on, Doggie... If you're going to appeal to the next generation of your base (11-toed cousin-marrying banjo players) you should really get some new material. This whole "everyone is out to get me and Terminus is an a..hole" shtick is so old.

SLAAKMAN -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/4/2009 11:32:58 PM)

Nie zu vergessen!!;

(To qualify Doggie's assertion, I will never let anyone forget the atrocities behind Communism & the Berlin Wall.)


or that 9/11 was an inside job

(I, The Mighty Slaakman will leave this alone for now considering that I am one of those Truthers who actually know this to be correct. Now if you dont mind I'll climb back into my "ship".); [:D]

Doggie -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/5/2009 12:26:42 AM)

Those of us who lived close enough to the border of the worker's paradise will remember all the people who were allowed to work in the west. As long as family members were still hostage in the east, western money was welcome. No smuggling of decandent western goods, though. Anything bought in the west had to be consumed in the west.

As for the guest workers themselves, some of them were either fiercely loyal to the Honaker regime or pretended to be in case the Stassi were listening.

None of this "shades of grey" nonsense. The east Germans were bad guys and they knew it. The world is full of bad guys. To pretend it isn't is luxury paid for in blood.

Sarge -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/5/2009 2:11:34 AM)

How the hell did Miller ’n O'Reilly get into this thread …………[sm=crazy.gif]

GaryChildress -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/5/2009 2:18:15 AM)



How the hell did Miller ’n O'Reilly get into this thread …………[sm=crazy.gif]

The articulated nature of language and ideas maybe? [:o]

Sarge -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/5/2009 2:38:43 AM)


ORIGINAL: Gary Childress



How the hell did Miller ’n O'Reilly get into this thread …………[sm=crazy.gif]

The articulated nature of language and ideas maybe? [:o]

I’m sure everyone that WAS enjoying this thread appreciate your "articulated nature of language and ideas'' .

GaryChildress -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/5/2009 2:48:51 AM)




ORIGINAL: Gary Childress



How the hell did Miller ’n O'Reilly get into this thread …………[sm=crazy.gif]

The articulated nature of language and ideas maybe? [:o]

I’m sure everyone that WAS enjoying this thread appreciate your "articulated nature of language and ideas'' .

I was sort of enjoying this thread until the "intellectual left" got dragged into it. Does that count?

pasternakski -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/5/2009 4:22:21 AM)

It's really too bad that a moderator can't start a simple little thread recommending a documentary that he thinks forum visitors might enjoy and learn from without it turning into ... all this.

I remember thinking when I read Marc's post, "Uh oh," but I was hoping maybe we had gotten over that kind of thing.

Oh, well. Stupid me.

JudgeDredd -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/5/2009 4:38:24 AM)

A few "corrections" to you reposte...?

I'd rather not "bite" you...I doubt I could stomach the taste.

No-one elected me and I wasn't trolling. I simply pointed out the error of your ways - as well you would've done had I posted something to your dislike (and most probably have in the past should I care to dig!)

I am not trolling. I had made a perfectly proper and valid reposte to the thread...very much unlike yourself! Unfortunately it looks like it will be cut short like so many threads by your obvious, right wing political agenda....again. You really should try voting. It might help to make you feel "less useless" and give your life some sort of meaning. I'm not suggesting your life has no meaning - simply that your posts quite often show that "character" trait...and I am applying the word "character" very, very liberally there!

As for your initial post in this thread - what was the point of that? Who exactly is the troll here?

The fact that history has been "revised" by the "college boy crowd" is not Matrix doing - nor is it mine. Nor has it been helped to be that way by Matrix or me. But it seems you are still compelled to spill your right wing crap on any posts that offers an opporunity!

I resent the "dweebs" allegation. I don't suppose that bothers you, and I doubt, looking at your previous history on these boards that it will affect a ban, even though it's a "personal attack" - but seriously - like I'm bothered!
I resent the "clowns" allegation. I don't suppose that bothers you, and I doubt, looking at your previous history on these boards that it will affect a ban, even though it's a "personal attack" - but seriously - like I'm bothered!

I expect you'll continue to spread your right wing crap across Matrix forums. It does seem like you've been given a free hand to do so. Don't let my "middle ground" post stop your fascist posts - you carry on - I'll "take the hit" for the team. [:'(]

And where there's one, there's the other!! [:D]. Kind of like turning the light off in a New York flat!

Sarge -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/5/2009 5:03:15 AM)

never mind .................[>:]

I’m so done with this forum

Silverdog -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/5/2009 5:19:33 AM)

Well I’m relatively new to Matrix games and forums. All the games I have point to the forums as being one of the plus points of owning a Matrix game, and I have to agree, the forums are very good and a great help.

I don’t mind people having their own views at all, and I am happy to read the various views and hindsight ideas that people have over the different historical battles/periods, very interesting to read. As long as they don’t just read one book and believe they know everything!

But Doggie, buy all means put your point of view across, just don’t do it in such a way that pisses people off. No need to hijack forum threads with hatred, otherwise you're just a sad idiot shooting at the world.

GaryChildress -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/5/2009 5:22:21 AM)



I’m so done with this forum

Why? [&:]

Terminus -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/5/2009 9:24:57 AM)

Don't let the door hit you in the butt on the way out...

And Doggie, I've noticed that you refer to people who disagree with you as "college boys". I can only imagine that this is some sort of inferiority complex because you never went to college.

Well, one's never too old to go back to school. I'm sure there's some community institution somewhere that will take you in; give it a try, you might like it.

Smead -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/5/2009 12:07:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: Terminus

Don't let the door hit you in the butt on the way out...

And Doggie, I've noticed that you refer to people who disagree with you as "college boys". I can only imagine that this is some sort of inferiority complex because you never went to college.

Well, one's never too old to go back to school. I'm sure there's some community institution somewhere that will take you in; give it a try, you might like it.

Aren't you some sort of Danish welfare case??

29,000 posts on a game forum seems to indicate that you have a lot of time for meaningless prattle.


Two Fingers

I'll see you at the Weighing-In,
when your life's sum-total's made
and you set your wealth in Godly deeds
against the sins you've laid.
And you place your final burden
on your hard-pressed next of kin:
Send the chamber-pot back down the line
to be filled up again.


Sarge -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/5/2009 2:53:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: Gary Childress



I’m so done with this forum

Why? [&:]

Why ?

I was asking a simple question on the relevance of Miller ’n O'Reilly on this thread.

Believe it or not some of us members that visit don’t have the time to sit on this forum 24/7 to dissect every post

I attacked no one or inserted any forbidden subjects, if Judge ‘n Terminus with their passive aggression want to play forum cop that’s Matrix problem .

Personally im tried of reading their BS


ORIGINAL: JudgeDredd
I expect you'll continue to spread your right wing crap across Matrix forums. It does seem like you've been given a free hand to do so. Don't let my "middle ground" post stop your fascist posts - you carry on - I'll "take the hit" for the team. [:'(]

And where there's one, there's the other!! [:D]. Kind of like turning the light off in a New York flat!


ORIGINAL: Terminus
Don't let the door hit you in the butt on the way out...

Fair enough ?

GaryChildress -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/5/2009 4:34:01 PM)




ORIGINAL: Gary Childress



I’m so done with this forum

Why? [&:]

Why ?

I was asking a simple question on the relevance of Miller ’n O'Reilly on this thread.

Believe it or not some of us members that visit don’t have the time to sit on this forum 24/7 to dissect every post

I attacked no one or inserted any forbidden subjects, if Judge ‘n Terminus with their passive aggression want to play forum cop that’s Matrix problem .

Personally im tried of reading their BS

Well I didn't attack you in any of my posts so I apologize if you mistook any of my posts as an attack on you. And I didn't take your "simple question" as being so "simple" with a crazy icon behind it. Still I didn't attack you regardless. Terminus responded directly to you AFTER you said you were quitting the forum. Since I seem to have started this fiasco responding to Doggie's snipe on liberals, I really don't want to be the cause of your leaving. I actually like you, Sarge, believe it or not. You seem like a good guy even if we don't see eye to eye on everything.

Sarge -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/5/2009 5:40:22 PM)

Quitting ?

No I’m not quitting matrix, I just have come to the conclusion the General forum is more of a hassle then its worth ,every thread worth reading gets trashed . Your comments/replies have nothing to do with Judge ‘n Terminus personal vindications.

The brown shirts are free to police anyway they feel appropriate ......[;)]

Yogi the Great -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/5/2009 6:16:43 PM)



How long before members of the "intellectual left" tell us this is all a myth?

With all due respect Doggie, isn't the therm "intellectual left" an oxymoron?

Oh I forgot, I apologize in advance for anyone I have offended with this post, offended in the past and/or may offend in the future. [8|]

Doggie -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/5/2009 6:16:44 PM)

This has become an insight into the mindset of the sort of people that ran the East German Government.

GaryChildress -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/5/2009 6:21:26 PM)



Quitting ?

No I’m not quitting matrix, I just have come to the conclusion the General forum is more of a hassle then its worth ,every thread worth reading gets trashed . Your comments/replies have nothing to do with Judge ‘n Terminus personal vindications.

The brown shirts are free to police anyway they feel appropriate ......[;)]

I don't get the impression Judge and Terminus have any authority on these forums which others do not. As far as I have observed they seem to participate in the forum at the same level the rest of us do. I'm thankful I'm not the only one who saw Doggie's snipe as an attempt to stir up a political debate. And it's not like any of us were admonishing Doggie all that seriously. "Naughty boy" and "shame, shame" don't exactly seem like degrading remarks meriting the response of being referred to as "trolls" in Doggie's response. I think maybe Doggie get's lonely sometimes over at the Drive Thru. Maybe more liberals should visit and give him something to debate about.

GaryChildress -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/5/2009 6:26:23 PM)


ORIGINAL: Yogi the Great



How long before members of the "intellectual left" tell us this is all a myth?

With all due respect Doggie, isn't the therm "intellectual left" an oxymoron?

Oh I forgot, I apologize in advance for anyone I have offended with this post, offended in the past and/or may offend in the future. [8|]

People who call themselves "Yogi" are dufuses.

NOTE: I apologize for offending you.

Yogi the Great -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/5/2009 6:32:25 PM)


ORIGINAL: Gary Childress


ORIGINAL: Yogi the Great



How long before members of the "intellectual left" tell us this is all a myth?

With all due respect Doggie, isn't the therm "intellectual left" an oxymoron?

Oh I forgot, I apologize in advance for anyone I have offended with this post, offended in the past and/or may offend in the future. [8|]

People who call themself Yogi are dufuses.

NOTE: I apologize for offending you.

No need to apologize Gary, dufeses are impossible to offend. In fact please join me and all other dufeses in a friendly toast in honor of the wall coming down, whomever might deserve the credit. [sm=00000436.gif]

06 Maestro -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/5/2009 6:35:29 PM)



Quitting ?

No I’m not quitting matrix, I just have come to the conclusion the General forum is more of a hassle then its worth ,every thread worth reading gets trashed . Your comments/replies have nothing to do with Judge ‘n Terminus personal vindications.

The brown shirts are free to police anyway they feel appropriate ......[;)]

The brown shirts are not free to police anything here. Nor are the pink shirts, lavender shirts or red shirts. They may be annoying on occasion, but they are not in control.

I understand your frustration, but in this digital world, everyone is an expert, and everyone can throw stones repeatedly for no reason. The good thing is that digital stones don't hurt-and the overall scene can be quite funny at times-perhaps not honorable, but funny.

GaryChildress -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/5/2009 6:37:01 PM)


ORIGINAL: Yogi the Great


ORIGINAL: Gary Childress


ORIGINAL: Yogi the Great



How long before members of the "intellectual left" tell us this is all a myth?

With all due respect Doggie, isn't the therm "intellectual left" an oxymoron?

Oh I forgot, I apologize in advance for anyone I have offended with this post, offended in the past and/or may offend in the future. [8|]

People who call themself Yogi are dufuses.

NOTE: I apologize for offending you.

No need to apologize Gary, dufeses are impossible to offend. In fact please join me and all other dufeses in a friendly toast in honor of the wall coming down, whomever might deserve the credit. [sm=00000436.gif]

Sounds great! To the Berlin Wall coming down and the end of the Cold War! [sm=00000436.gif]

06 Maestro -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/5/2009 6:43:37 PM)

Back to the Wall. I never expected to see it fall in my lifetime. It all came about so quickly. This gives cause for hope. Things can suddenly change, and sometimes the changes are actually good for people.

Jeffrey H. -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/5/2009 6:44:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: Gary Childress


ORIGINAL: Jeffrey H.


ORIGINAL: Terminus

He just hasn't understood that nobody cares about what he has to say...

Same reason why Dennis Miller isn't funny anymore; he's used the same material over and over again for too long.

Umm I still think Dennis Millers rants are funny.

Watching Miller's bits on the O'Reilly show is sort of sad to me. He really looks and sounds like someone whom the parade has passed him by. He just appears to lack confidence and doesn't have that "edge" anymore. I sort of sympathize with him but I wouldn't call him funny. [:(]

Yes, I sort of agree with you. His for-radio rants are much much better, he really hits his stride on those.

06 Maestro -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/5/2009 6:48:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: Gary Childress

Sounds great! To the Berlin Wall coming down and the end of the Cold War! [sm=00000436.gif]

The cold war is not over-at best, the participants took a short vacation. The struggle goes on between the old antagonists. There is no end in sight.

GaryChildress -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/5/2009 6:51:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: Jeffrey H.


ORIGINAL: Gary Childress


ORIGINAL: Jeffrey H.


ORIGINAL: Terminus

He just hasn't understood that nobody cares about what he has to say...

Same reason why Dennis Miller isn't funny anymore; he's used the same material over and over again for too long.

Umm I still think Dennis Millers rants are funny.

Watching Miller's bits on the O'Reilly show is sort of sad to me. He really looks and sounds like someone whom the parade has passed him by. He just appears to lack confidence and doesn't have that "edge" anymore. I sort of sympathize with him but I wouldn't call him funny. [:(]

Yes, I sort of agree with you. His for-radio rants are much much better, he really hits his stride on those.

I haven't heard him on radio. I should probably give a listen one of these days. I don't listen to much talk radio though, right or left leaning. Mostly just relaxing music for me.

GaryChildress -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/5/2009 6:59:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: 06 Maestro


ORIGINAL: Gary Childress

Sounds great! To the Berlin Wall coming down and the end of the Cold War! [sm=00000436.gif]

The cold war is not over-at best, the participants took a short vacation. The struggle goes on between the old antagonists. There is no end in sight.

I thought the Eastern Block was finished. Now there's the Euro and stuff like that. I'm tired of the Cold War. No more air raid drills in public school. Let's have cold peace instead. [8D]

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