RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (Full Version)

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Doggie -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/5/2009 7:18:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: Gary Childress

Shame, shame Doggie. Political discussions on Matrix Forums are forbotten. [:-]


I think that's classed as a blatant break of Matrix Forum rules Doggie....and you know it. On a thread by an admin too - naughty boy. I don't suppose you can help it, but still - naughty boy


He just hasn't understood that nobody cares about what he has to say...

Same reason why Dennis Miller isn't funny anymore; he's used the same material over and over again for too long.

Watching Miller's bits on the O'Reilly show is sort of sad to me. He really looks and sounds like someone whom the parade has passed him by. He just appears to lack confidence and doesn't have that "edge" anymore. I sort of sympathize with him but I wouldn't call him funny.

Come on, Doggie... If you're going to appeal to the next generation of your base (11-toed cousin-marrying banjo players) you should really get some new material. This whole "everyone is out to get me and Terminus is an a..hole" shtick is so old.

it looks like it will be cut short like so many threads by your obvious, right wing political agenda....again. You really should try voting. It might help to make you feel "less useless" and give your life some sort of meaning. I'm not suggesting your life has no meaning - simply that your posts quite often show that "character" trait...and I am applying the word "character" very, very liberally there!

you are still compelled to spill your right wing crap on any posts that offers an opporunity!

I expect you'll continue to spread your right wing crap across Matrix forums

Don't let my "middle ground" post stop your fascist posts -

No need to hijack forum threads with hatred, otherwise you're just a sad idiot shooting at the world.

Don't let the door hit you in the butt on the way out...

And Doggie, I've noticed that you refer to people who disagree with you as "college boys". I can only imagine that this is some sort of inferiority complex because you never went to college.

Well, we certainly wouldn't want tol hijack the thread with political ideaology and personal attacks, would we?


pasternakski -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/5/2009 7:39:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: Terminus
11-toed cousin-marrying banjo players

I highly object to this unwarranted attack on us banjo pickers (and, when you's good at it, you picks it, you doesn't play it).

C'mon. Walk away from this thread. All you maniacs. You're getting nowhere, any of ya.

GaryChildress -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/5/2009 7:56:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: pasternakski


ORIGINAL: Terminus
11-toed cousin-marrying banjo players

I highly object to this unwarranted attack on us banjo pickers (and, when you's good at it, you picks it, you doesn't play it).

C'mon. Walk away from this thread. All you maniacs. You're getting nowhere, any of ya.

EDIT: Deleted. Wanted to make a joke but thought better of it.

Misty99 -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/5/2009 9:00:59 PM)

I was on duty at the East German border in northern Bavaria with the BGS (Federal Border Guards) from 1978 to 1990. In the 80s we did a lot of patrols with the 11th ACR of the US Army.

Our sector was a few kilometers away from the so called Fulda Gap. I remember when we were observating together with an US patrol a DDR Grenztruppe pioneer squad repairing the fence. Suddenly a Cobra helicopter arrived and hovered over the scene. The East Germans stopped working, ran to theirs cars and phoned their officers. Then they began to take pictures. For us, this was very funny.

Brigz -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/5/2009 9:41:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: pasternakski


ORIGINAL: Terminus
11-toed cousin-marrying banjo players

I highly object to this unwarranted attack on us banjo pickers (and, when you's good at it, you picks it, you doesn't play it).

I think he's talking about 11 toes on one foot and not 11 toes on both feet. So you're safe Paster.[;)]

(And thanks for giving me a lead-in. I've been reading this and wondering how I could get an irrelevant post in before the admin gets back from holiday and locks it up.)

pasternakski -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/5/2009 10:03:58 PM)


ORIGINAL: Gary Childress
EDIT: Deleted. Wanted to make a joke but thought better of it.

Gary, one of the few pleasures I have derived from wasting time on these forums waiting for UV to become the game I wanted it to be, for WitP to become the game I wanted it to be, and for AE to turn WitP into a game I can at least go back to enjoying is being the butt of any of your jokes.

So, come on. Don't hesitate. I wanna be your butt.

pasternakski -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/5/2009 10:07:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: Dave Briggs
I think he's talking about 11 toes on one foot and not 11 toes on both feet. So you're safe Paster.[;)]

Dave! I thought you was my pal! Now, here you are giving away my deepest anatomical secrets to the great unwashed (hey - 22 toes is pretty sexy, huh, Dave? Don't tell Termy - he'll be so envious, he'll grow three or four feet just to catch up - not that he couldn't stand to be a little taller, mind you).

Terminus -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/5/2009 10:08:01 PM)

Oh dear, things just got explicit... Well, strictly speaking, they got implicit on their way to explicit. Colour me both intrigued and repulsed, simultaneously...

Brigz -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/5/2009 10:23:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: pasternakski

Dave! I thought you was my pal! Now, here you are giving away my deepest anatomical secrets to the great unwashed

I am your pal, but you seem to be the only one here who can appreciate my humor* without being insulted. A definite indication of higher intellectual capacity. (No matter how many toes you have!)

*"my humor" = innuendo wrapped in a compliment.

GaryChildress -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/6/2009 12:01:23 AM)


ORIGINAL: pasternakski


ORIGINAL: Gary Childress
EDIT: Deleted. Wanted to make a joke but thought better of it.

Gary, one of the few pleasures I have derived from wasting time on these forums waiting for UV to become the game I wanted it to be, for WitP to become the game I wanted it to be, and for AE to turn WitP into a game I can at least go back to enjoying is being the butt of any of your jokes.

So, come on. Don't hesitate. I wanna be your butt.

Thanks pasternakski. I've caused enough ruckus for a couple days. Just got through with dinner with some friends which included some great home made key lime pie. All is wonderful again. [:)]

SLAAKMAN -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/6/2009 12:03:59 AM)


Our sector was a few kilometers away from the so called Fulda Gap. I remember when we were observating together with an US patrol a DDR Grenztruppe pioneer squad repairing the fence. Suddenly a Cobra helicopter arrived and hovered over the scene. The East Germans stopped working, ran to theirs cars and phoned their officers. Then they began to take pictures. For us, this was very funny.

Haha Ausgezichnet! [:D]

jwarrenw13 -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/6/2009 1:38:24 AM)

I was on a patrol along the border with the 8th Infantry Division in 1988 when we accidentally crossed into East Germany in the Fulda Gap area. A unit of 8th ID was relieving the cav unit that normally patrolled the border. To explain, the actual border was marked only by some small metal posts. The border fences and defenses were actually 100 to 200 meters inside East Germany. I was tagging along with an 8th ID patrol as an observer when the point man made a wrong turn in some deep woods and brush and walked nearly right up to the border fence. The second lieutenant in charge of the patrol was really flustered but after a suggestion to him, we simply went back the way we had come, quickly and quietly. I have no idea if the East Germans ever saw us. So I guess I can claim to have invaded East Germany. Fortunately, we did not start World War III.



I was on duty at the East German border in northern Bavaria with the BGS (Federal Border Guards) from 1978 to 1990. In the 80s we did a lot of patrols with the 11th ACR of the US Army.

Our sector was a few kilometers away from the so called Fulda Gap. I remember when we were observating together with an US patrol a DDR Grenztruppe pioneer squad repairing the fence. Suddenly a Cobra helicopter arrived and hovered over the scene. The East Germans stopped working, ran to theirs cars and phoned their officers. Then they began to take pictures. For us, this was very funny.

06 Maestro -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/6/2009 2:30:43 AM)



I was on a patrol along the border with the 8th Infantry Division in 1988 when we accidentally crossed into East Germany ...

Now that is funny. The 8th ID's name was "The Pathfinders".[;)]

2ndACR -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/6/2009 4:15:17 AM)

I was in the 2ndAcr and patrolled the border from Coburg, Germany. Our main Kaserne was in Bamberg.

Misty99 -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/6/2009 8:38:34 AM)


I was on a patrol along the border with the 8th Infantry Division in 1988 when we accidentally crossed into East Germany ...

This happened to a patrol from our unit too. It was a foggy day in November, as they walked along the border and suddenly they touched the fence. A few years before, the East Germans captured a BGS patrol and imprisoned them for a few weeks.

The DDR Grenztruppe used Grenzaufklärer (boreder recon units), who went outside the fence. They were hiding near the metal border sticks and watching for the western patrols. Sometimes we tried to speak with them, but they refused. They were hardcore commies.

Knuckles_85 -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/6/2009 2:54:37 PM)

I can see how Doggie post can be seen as trolling but I approve any post the exposes the Termite for the pr!ick he is. He thinks he rules the roost because of his high post count but some of us have senority son [;)]

GaryChildress -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/6/2009 6:44:58 PM)




I was on a patrol along the border with the 8th Infantry Division in 1988 when we accidentally crossed into East Germany ...

This happened to a patrol from our unit too. It was a foggy day in November, as they walked along the border and suddenly they touched the fence. A few years before, the East Germans captured a BGS patrol and imprisoned them for a few weeks.

Where is Bill Murray in his super-Winnebago when you need him? [:D]

Doggie -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/6/2009 10:09:04 PM)



I was on duty at the East German border in northern Bavaria with the BGS (Federal Border Guards) from 1978 to 1990. In the 80s we did a lot of patrols with the 11th ACR of the US Army.

You aint got a girlfriend named Marrianne do you? If so, I'm the guy who sold you that black market stereo system from the Downs Barracks PX.

I was at Wildflecken and Downs Barracks in Fulda from 1976 -1979. The 7th cav was at Wildflecken and the 11th was in Fulda. I never did a border patrol but did visit a lot of the hobo villaqe forward deployment areas scattered all over the border area. The troops lived out of conex containers, old bus chassies, and bunkers made of psp and 55 gallon drums. People don't think of "rural" when you mention Germany, but the Fulda Gap area was the european outback. My girlfriends in Ostheim v.d. Rhone had coal burning stoves, no phones, and a pump handle in the kitchen for water. SMLM cars full of Russians were roaming around, and they had no sense of humor at all.

Doggie -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/6/2009 11:42:17 PM)

The DDR was not such a bad place


Glorification of the German Democratic Republic is on the rise two decades after the Berlin Wall fell. Young people and the better off are among those rebuffing criticism of East Germany as an "illegitimate state." In a new poll, more than half of former eastern Germans defend the GDR.

The life of Birger, a native of the state of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania in northeastern Germany, could read as an all-German success story. The Berlin Wall came down when he was 10. After graduating from high school, he studied economics and business administration in Hamburg, lived in India and South Africa, and eventually got a job with a company in the western German city of Duisburg. Today Birger, 30, is planning a sailing trip in the Mediterranean. He isn't using his real name for this story, because he doesn't want it to be associated with the former East Germany, which he sees as "a label with negative connotations

GaryChildress -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/7/2009 2:16:13 AM)



The DDR was not such a bad place


Glorification of the German Democratic Republic is on the rise two decades after the Berlin Wall fell. Young people and the better off are among those rebuffing criticism of East Germany as an "illegitimate state." In a new poll, more than half of former eastern Germans defend the GDR.

Wow. [X(] Sobering stuff.

Doggie -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/7/2009 3:17:08 AM)

And those defending the DDR, who would they be? I should think they would call themselves "left wing intellectuals," wouldn't they?

GaryChildress -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/7/2009 3:29:42 AM)



And those defending the DDR, who would they be? I should think they would call themselves "left wing intellectuals," wouldn't they?

You win Doggie. Point taken.

NefariousKoel -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/7/2009 6:28:52 AM)


ORIGINAL: Knuckles_85

I can see how Doggie post can be seen as trolling but I approve any post the exposes the Termite for the pr!ick he is. He thinks he rules the roost because of his high post count but some of us have senority son [;)]

I think the little pr!ck has been exposed for awhile.

It's always worth a chuckle when I see it, though.


Misty99 -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/7/2009 9:18:58 AM)


You aint got a girlfriend named Marrianne do you? If so, I'm the guy who sold you that black market stereo system from the Downs Barracks PX.

No, I had some US friends in the H- company (11th ACR) in Bad Kissingen. It was around 1975. One of these, his name was Chuck, bought me a Technics turntable and an amplifier in the Conn Barracks PX in Schweinfurt. Other friends bought Bose speakers from the PX, but the German customs didnt like that. My aunt lives near Ostheim/ Rhoen, in Stockheim.

jwarrenw13 -> RE: Walled in! The inner German border... (7/8/2009 12:32:29 AM)

Yes, lol. I still have my honorary Lifetime Pathfinder certificate from the commanding general on my wall, even though the 8th ID no longer exists.


ORIGINAL: 06 Maestro



I was on a patrol along the border with the 8th Infantry Division in 1988 when we accidentally crossed into East Germany ...

Now that is funny. The 8th ID's name was "The Pathfinders".[;)]

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