fw1206 -> RE: Game enhancement? (7/19/2009 1:00:08 PM)
I think, a good game enhancement will be, what we are playing in our board game with diplomatic manipulating on minors. Only the best diplomatic attempt on a minor will count. In the computergame it is possible that the state of a minor will change up to 7 times in one diplomatic phase. Lets say all 7 are going to manipulate a neutral Naples. Sequence will be Fr, Gb, Pr, Au, Ru, Tu, Sp. Every attempt is working. First Naples will be Fr influenced, second Gb brings it back to neutral, third it will be Pr influenced, fourth Au brings it back to neutral, fifth it will be Ru influenced, sixth Tu brings it back to neutral and at the end of this phase is's Sp influenced. In our boardgame only the best attempt will count, but the money you gave to attemp so is lost for everybody. After this only one attempt against this minor, it will resist against the best and not against all possible 7 attemps