lastdingo -> RE: Repair/expansion speed of industries (7/22/2009 9:04:53 PM)
The AI has two terrible shortcomings; -inability to synchronize task forces for operational objectives (like an invasion fleet, a bombardment fleet and a carrier fleet sticking together) - inability to protect its shipping from routine losses The latter means that the AI sends ships into danger zones (normal range of enemy bombers) for no good reason. These problems already existed in Uncommon Valour and were not fixed. I have little hope that the WitP:AE overhaul will fix this. That alone is already enough to severely limit the auto convoy system. I consider it (as Japanese player) auto convoying only for Osaka (I concentrate many home defence forces there, so the AI moves many supplies to Osaka by rail) and a few harbours in safe areas (Chinese harbours, Okinawa, Formosa, Bonin and similar). I don't allow any auto convoys near combat zones. Finally, I add new harbours only slowly to the auto convoy system, not many at once. Btw, I restarted my very successful IJN campaign after 42-04. It's better to get many obsolete aircraft than very few at all. My new production changes are less ambitious and I stuck to the 10,000 supplies rule this time. The Japanese industry expands too slowly. The rte should be higher at least later in the game. I know that the Japanese had serious problems; they had still imported some aircraft parts till the war began (like some cockpit instruments) and it's reasonable that they won't be able to expand quickly. Yet, they should be able to do so later on if these efforts are well-resourced. It's especially irritating that even R&D projects don't repair quickly.