Battleline -> RE: Ouch! Pearl Harbour Wipeout.. (9/15/2009 10:12:08 PM)
I, too, have the Pearl Harbor guided torpedo problems. Every single time, the battleships get blasted, mainly by torps. I have played it several times CPU vs. CPU and get the same results. And then the game crashes on Dec. 8, but that's a different story! I can't get how the ships historically berthed in positions where they can't be hit by torpedoes, the Tennessee and Maryland, are taking multiple fish hits. This shouldn't be happening! It should be an easy fix to put something in where those ships shouldn't be taking torpedo hits, unless the ships next to them are blown out of the way. Another PH item is that there should be some type of chance that sunk ships can be raised, like the West Virginia and California historically were. Maybe they're not able to be put back into service once raised, such as what happened to the Oklahoma.