RE: WitpStaff questions and suggestions here please (Full Version)

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Nux Mortis -> RE: WitpStaff questions and suggestions here please (9/2/2009 10:58:11 PM)


That must be a bug in WitpStaff, please send savefile etc. (as mentioned in first post). You are going to get my e-mail address.
*edit* You aren't trying to load a small scenario, are you? I still want the save file to have look at the problem, but there is no support for the small scenarios as they have serious problems with HQs.

no, itīs the GC 2, sent you the files.

Chad Harrison -> RE: WitpStaff questions and suggestions here please (9/3/2009 5:14:18 AM)




I really like all the problems the different Windows versions cause.
In principle you have two options:
a) Get the 64bit Version of the SWT library from e.g., unzip it and overwrite the swt.jar file in WitpStaff's directory with the one from the zip file. Although I fear your next problem then will be the .dlls which are 32 bit also.
b) Install a 32 bit version of Java on your computer (should be possible to do in addition to the 64bit version you already have) and use that to run WitpStaff (you will need to edit the witpStaff.bat file by adding the absolute path to the 32-bit java.exe into it).

a) looks easier to me but might not work and you might need to repeat it if a WitpAE patch updates the swt.jar file. Please give feedback on what worked and what not so I can put a summary in the first post.
You knew what you were up to when you selected the 64bit version, weren't you?

Thanks for the reply Woos. My only computer is my work computer (one of the few advantages of self employment [:D]) and the 64 bit does actually help on the work end. Not so much on the AE end though . . . and dont get me started on Vista.

I will give these all a whirl once the full patch 01 comes out, as I think I messed up the sub folders trying to get it to work so I need a clean install.

Thanks again for the reply.


rattovolante -> RE: WitpStaff questions and suggestions here please (9/3/2009 11:46:57 AM)

suggestion: could you add "Supply stored" and "Supply reach" columns in the Logistics > Industry tab?

sorry if this was already suggested!

moose1999 -> RE: WitpStaff questions and suggestions here please (9/3/2009 1:07:22 PM)

Here's what I deemed relevant from the log-file: is db
Now trying plugin UPGTestPlugin
Warning: AK load cost of LCU 6886 (Vladivostok Naval) is > 32767 (98972)
Problem with 52nd fragment number 3
...(about 100 of those)...
Couldn't execute the following command:
INSERT INTO "LCUStatus" VALUES (6464,41,18,871,100,53,99,2,13613,145,NULL,0,0,110,100,'RAF 223 Group Wing',0,10,9,0,NULL,0,NULL,false,false,25,0,75,0,0,975,0,0,0,0,1,0);
...(20 of them)...
Got an Exception java.lang.NullPointerException
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at de.retsiemuab.witpDecoder.c.a(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at org.eclipse.swt.custom.BusyIndicator.showWhile(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at de.retsiemuab.witpDecoder.gui.X.widgetSelected(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TypedListener.handleEvent(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runDeferredEvents(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(Unknown Source)
at de.retsiemuab.witpDecoder.gui.aR.a(Unknown Source)
at de.retsiemuab.witpDecoder.Main.a(Unknown Source)
at de.retsiemuab.witpDecoder.Main.main(Unknown Source)

And by the way, thanks for taking the time to create and support this great tool!

Woos -> RE: WitpStaff questions and suggestions here please (9/3/2009 9:35:37 PM)


Supply reach cannot be shown as I cannot predict supply usage. The overall supply reach (in the Storage tab) is calculated simply by backcalculating supply usage from the development of the stored values but that is useless for individual clusters who might get additional supply delivered by ship or rail resp. taken away by that.

And concerning "supply stored" I find the "Supply" Map Overview much more useful which shows you supply shortages of individual bases and LCUs.

Note that I think that my supply usage estimations for LCUs might be off anyway, they look a bit high.

P.Hausser -> RE: WitpStaff questions and suggestions here please (9/3/2009 11:30:06 PM)


Plz help..

I have Vista64, and start the progrem from the 'jar.

I Initialize the DB ect correct, then I restarted the program, when I get into program agian I load file 2, but the program then closes itself ??

Anyone ?

herwin -> RE: WitpStaff questions and suggestions here please (9/4/2009 8:36:34 AM)

Hi, Woos,

I've been having problems with WitPStaff in v1083c. See this thread. I've uploaded the evidence to my RHS backup site.

Icedawg -> RE: WitpStaff questions and suggestions here please (9/4/2009 7:23:01 PM)


ORIGINAL: n01487477

Sorry mate,
Woo's will have to come along and help you with this one ...

And just so ppl can see a diagram of setup (which was in another thread) - hope you don;t mind me putting it here Marcus(Woo's)



Where do you find the "save" in "pick save"? I tried this, but when I selected "Load Savefile", I couldn't find any file. I posted this problem in the AE general discussion forum but haven't had any responses yet. Can anyone here tell me why I'm not getting any files appearing in my db directory?

Woos -> RE: WitpStaff questions and suggestions here please (9/4/2009 8:42:40 PM)

Ok, its a WitpStaff problem. The fix for destroyed LCUs still refering to leaders and HQs seemingly doesn't always work and fails completely if two HQs in the command chain are destroyed/withdrawn. That needs some thought and work and I know no workaround (except not to get into 1943 as Allied player ;-)

you seem to have the msvcrt.dll problem. See very first bullet in first post.

The save files are where all the save files are. In WitpAE\Save (depending how you called the directory you installed WitpAE in).

herwin -> RE: WitpStaff questions and suggestions here please (9/4/2009 9:47:39 PM)



you seem to have the msvcrt.dll problem. See very first bullet in first post.

Right, but this is with a clean install of 1083c. It's back...

erstad -> RE: WitpStaff questions and suggestions here please (9/4/2009 11:03:52 PM)

I don't recall seeing this one previously. Public beta AE, I can initialize a database and load several days of turns. However, I get to a particular save and I get an error box with this message in the log file.

Interestingly, this only occurred when I did a batch load. If I load the files one at a time, it's not a problem.

Couldn't execute the following command:
UPDATE "Factory2Base" SET "size"=6,"repair"=0,"doRepair"=true,"doProduce"=true,"factorytype"=522 WHERE "baseID"=226 AND "factoryindex"=3;
Couldn't write things to the DB due to java.sql.SQLException: S1000 General error java.lang.NullPointerException
java.sql.SQLException: S1000 General error java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.hsqldb.jdbc.Util.sqlException(Unknown Source)
at org.hsqldb.jdbc.jdbcStatement.fetchResult(Unknown Source)
at org.hsqldb.jdbc.jdbcStatement.executeUpdate(Unknown Source)
at de.retsiemuab.witpDecoder.a.b(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at de.retsiemuab.witpDecoder.c.a(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at org.eclipse.swt.custom.BusyIndicator.showWhile(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at de.retsiemuab.witpDecoder.gui.X.widgetSelected(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TypedListener.handleEvent(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runDeferredEvents(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(Unknown Source)
at de.retsiemuab.witpDecoder.gui.aR.a(Unknown Source)
at de.retsiemuab.witpDecoder.Main.a(Unknown Source)
at de.retsiemuab.witpDecoder.Main.main(Unknown Source)

Rugens -> RE: WitpStaff questions and suggestions here please (9/5/2009 5:15:05 AM)

I had the same problem you describe. If you check post #84 in this thread I think you may find your solution. After I downloaded and ran the program they refer to, WitpStaff worked fine.

Good Luck,





Plz help..

I have Vista64, and start the progrem from the 'jar.

I Initialize the DB ect correct, then I restarted the program, when I get into program agian I load file 2, but the program then closes itself ??

Anyone ?

Hanzberger -> RE: WitpStaff questions and suggestions here please (9/5/2009 2:20:56 PM)

Iron man scenario, but looking from the Jap side. (I think this is the error) [sm=crazy.gif] Not really a game just a look so its no big deal really. I am waiting for the first official patch to decide whether to start a game.
When you say delete the DB I am assuming the whole folder? I think I did that, I did upgrade microsoft, java etc.
No I didn't get any errors in startup it said it loaded it quite nicely. The only error I got is the one I posted and I don't know how to post it differently. I will try to educate myself on that.
PRODUCT OF GOVERNMENT EDUCATION SYSTEM. (I can't wait for government healthcare.....cough)

"BTW, WitpStaff.log is an ASCII file. You do not have to screenshot it"
BTW=? by the way???
ASCII= I have no idea. but I will look for it. is it different then what I posted?[&:]
I don't know how or if i wiggled around it. I did move the orginal DB folder out. HOnestly I moved a few things around back and forth, who knows what I came up with. [:D] JK, just the DB folder. I think I took the contents of the DB folder and opened it up in the main folder, but also had the DB folder.[sm=00000028.gif] I will try another game out and post. [sm=00000945.gif]

Woos -> RE: WitpStaff questions and suggestions here please (9/5/2009 2:40:49 PM)

it is not back. It is new. In all their kindness Matrixgames decided to enforce that to read 1083 save games the very latest version of msvcrt.dll (the one with the security fix) is needed. You will get the same problem with WitpTracker once it is out. The clean install of 1083c is exactly what is causing that problem so unless you install the MS dll redistributeable it will not go away. For good measure you might want to install the non-fix version first (alas I can not say whether that is necessary as there is scarce feedback on what worked for people and what not).

known problem stemming from HSQLDB (it existed already in witpDecoder). Nothing I can do about, it seems to be a bug in HSQLDB when lots of things get deleted and added and deleted again and .... .
Solution. Quit WitpStaff. Restart it and continue Batch load from the position where you got the problem.

cverbrug -> RE: WitpStaff questions and suggestions here please (read the first post!) (9/5/2009 4:19:38 PM)

Got an error I can't solve:

I have v1.0083beta
i have the new dll for witpstaff
i created a new game for scenario6
I deleted al old databases, i created a new game, i initialized successfully.
but from the moment i try to load the save file, i continue to get an error. I am completely hopeless here.

This is the error message:
Could not read the turn because of Skipping forward failed somehow. Unexpected EOF at pos 1040?

I get the same error if i make a new initialization with another scenario...

This is the error log from java: is db11
You didn't correctly closed the DB last time. LeaderPrefs exists.
You didn't correctly closed the DB last time. ACFactors exists.
Now trying plugin UPGTestPlugin
Could not read the turn because of Skipping forward failed somehow. Unexpected EOF at pos 1040? Skipping forward failed somehow. Unexpected EOF at pos 1040?
at de.retsiemuab.witpDecoder.ioreaders.p.a(Unknown Source)
at de.retsiemuab.witpDecoder.ioreaders.c.a(Unknown Source)
at de.retsiemuab.witpDecoder.c.a(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at org.eclipse.swt.custom.BusyIndicator.showWhile(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at de.retsiemuab.witpDecoder.gui.X.widgetSelected(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TypedListener.handleEvent(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runDeferredEvents(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(Unknown Source)
at de.retsiemuab.witpDecoder.gui.aR.a(Unknown Source)
at de.retsiemuab.witpDecoder.Main.a(Unknown Source)
at de.retsiemuab.witpDecoder.Main.main(Unknown Source)

What do do?

Woos -> RE: WitpStaff questions and suggestions here please (read the first post!) (9/5/2009 4:47:23 PM)


What do do?

Don't read in 1079/1080 save games with 1083 WitpStaff. Nor vice versa.

Nux (and everyone else playing the Allies in 1943),
try the attached witpDecoder2.jar (overwrite the existing one). Should help.

cverbrug -> RE: WitpStaff questions and suggestions here please (read the first post!) (9/5/2009 5:35:28 PM)

Hi Woos,

I tried the new jar, no change. The same error as described in my post above

As to the version, i updated the game to version 1.803c public beta, and ONLY THEREAFTER started a new game, scenario 6.
Aren't they then also version 1.803c?
What do i need to do to get v 1.803c scenario's used (apart from just running the public bata patch)?

I really have no clue what to do?

Woos -> RE: WitpStaff questions and suggestions here please (read the first post!) (9/6/2009 7:11:29 PM)


the new jar was not supposed to fix your issue but Nux's one.

If you actually try to load an 1083 savegame with an 1083 witpStaff your issue is probably that you either installed the hotfix from beginning of August over the patch (which the first post of the thread specifically tells you not to do) or that the patch didn't work completely. Please reinstall the 1083 patch (ignore the warning that the patcher gives you) from the same account that you installed the game with.

cverbrug -> RE: WitpStaff questions and suggestions here please (read the first post!) (9/6/2009 7:45:43 PM)

Thanks Woos - Probelm solved.
0. deleted everything
1. reistalled the game
2. ran the 1803c public beta patch
3. started a ew game
4. ran witpstaff
5. created a new database
6. initiailized
7. restarted the xitpstaff jar
8. imorted the first turn - went fine now, no error messages

herwin -> RE: WitpStaff questions and suggestions here please (9/7/2009 7:25:33 AM)



it is not back. It is new. In all their kindness Matrixgames decided to enforce that to read 1083 save games the very latest version of msvcrt.dll (the one with the security fix) is needed. You will get the same problem with WitpTracker once it is out. The clean install of 1083c is exactly what is causing that problem so unless you install the MS dll redistributeable it will not go away. For good measure you might want to install the non-fix version first (alas I can not say whether that is necessary as there is scarce feedback on what worked for people and what not).

I installed vcredist_x86.exe, and I'm running now...

dereck -> How to find Java version? (9/7/2009 4:57:42 PM)

How can I find the Java version (if any) on my computer?

I searched for the Java.exe file and found plenty in many different Oracle 9i directories - none of which I think are valid because of the date of the directories.


n01487477 -> RE: How to find Java version? (9/7/2009 5:02:57 PM)

java test


dereck -> RE: How to find Java version? (9/7/2009 5:34:37 PM)

Thanks. Seems I don't have Java installed so that's something else on my to-do list.

Nux Mortis -> RE: WitpStaff questions and suggestions here please (9/8/2009 11:46:54 AM)



Ok, its a WitpStaff problem. The fix for destroyed LCUs still refering to leaders and HQs seemingly doesn't always work and fails completely if two HQs in the command chain are destroyed/withdrawn. That needs some thought and work and I know no workaround (except not to get into 1943 as Allied player ;-)



Nux (and everyone else playing the Allies in 1943),
try the attached witpDecoder2.jar (overwrite the existing one). Should help.

The new .jar works perfectly, witpstaff is running now.

Thank you very much for fixing it, good work.

awadley -> RE: WitpStaff questions and suggestions here please (9/9/2009 4:40:56 AM)

I have done all of the above and still get the following error. is db
Now trying plugin UPGTestPlugin
Could not read the turn because of Skipping forward failed somehow. Unexpected EOF at pos 1040? Skipping forward failed somehow. Unexpected EOF at pos 1040?
at de.retsiemuab.witpDecoder.ioreaders.p.a(Unknown Source)
at de.retsiemuab.witpDecoder.ioreaders.c.a(Unknown Source)
at de.retsiemuab.witpDecoder.c.a(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at org.eclipse.swt.custom.BusyIndicator.showWhile(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at de.retsiemuab.witpDecoder.gui.X.widgetSelected(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TypedListener.handleEvent(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runDeferredEvents(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(Unknown Source)
at de.retsiemuab.witpDecoder.gui.aR.a(Unknown Source)
at de.retsiemuab.witpDecoder.Main.a(Unknown Source)
at de.retsiemuab.witpDecoder.Main.main(Unknown Source)

awadley -> RE: WitpStaff questions and suggestions here please (9/9/2009 5:04:50 AM)

    Followed the above and reinstalled the 0183c and it now works.  Just my inability to keep up with the temp fix, the batch and several comments about the other files that needed to be updated.  Thanks for the help.

Swenslim -> RE: WitpStaff questions and suggestions here please (9/11/2009 4:54:33 AM)


Deca -> RE: WitpStaff questions and suggestions here please (9/12/2009 4:59:45 PM)

First time using WitP Staff

This was for Scenario 1
Playing as Allied
Save file was from the beginning of Turn#2 before any orders were input.

It works; however, I got the following 2 Errors. Any cause for alarm?

I click "Yes" for both of the errors, and it finishes loading the saved game file.


jomni -> RE: WitpStaff questions and suggestions here please (9/14/2009 12:10:48 AM)

WitpStaff and also WitpTracker fails to open anymore.
What's new? Java has been updated and also WitP AE.
How do I fix this?

doc smith -> RE: WitpStaff questions and suggestions here please (9/14/2009 1:43:36 AM)

I've been having problems with WitP Staff since updating WitPAE with the 1st patch (not the beta, the patch recently announced).

Staff wouldn't read what has gone before, so I moved the db directory to the desktop, initialized a new db, copied the old db back into the new directory, and now when I run the batch program, I get "hit any key to continue" and no Staff.

I can send files to help track this down. Running WinXP svc pk 2. Worked fine until I installed the update. Didn't see anything here about Staff problems with the update.

Doc Smith

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