n01487477 -> RE: Is it worth the upgrade? (8/1/2009 9:36:05 AM)
If you didn't have the time to invest in WITP, then you're not going to have the added time needed to invest in AE. Divided thoughts on this one, sticking to the old one will give you untold years of enjoyment, but then you won't be learning the new system if you ever do upgrade. Also it sounds like you couldn't do a PBEM, so AE will give you more challenge in this department... If you had the time and inclination I'd get this one, but cutting your teeth on the much easier and as Joe himself has stated, less "work" version, might make the transition slightly easier (although as I previously stated, that is up for debate)... I wonder how many newbies are already finding it overwhelming ? ... I don't think it is, but I've spent many hours playing the original and understanding the dynamics involved, so the step up is not too bad. --Damian--