RE: First Impression (Full Version)

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CSO_Talorgan -> RE: First Impression (9/6/2009 8:10:23 PM)


ORIGINAL: Senior Drill

No, it is entirely random. I could be wrong about the re-oordering, not being any sort of statistician. Perhaps it makes no difference where a particular name is in the list, it still has the same chance to be used as any other.

As you know I have my own surnames files. I tried to adjust these so that common names would appear more often by adding in extra copies of these names. I became convinced that this had the opposite effect! The more common names seemed to disappear completely. Furthermore, I noticed that the program seemed to have a "liking" for certain names, which always seemed to appear. Odd.

CSO_Talorgan -> RE: First Impression (9/6/2009 8:13:13 PM)



Learn German, it may be useful after our next attempt to steamroll other nations.... we may make it to Australia, next time.


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