Historiker -> RE: Da Babes Mod (1/6/2010 10:58:03 AM)
ORIGINAL: Historiker Hey John, is there any chance that you revise the building dates of the ships to the time the work on them actually stopped? Work on Yamato was finished on 16th december 1941, while it isn't completed before may 1942 in the game. I know, this date includes testing, evalutation, training etc - and so is correct. BUT, the Jap player has to pay (via industry) as if this ship is still under construction on the slip. As a solution, one might let the ship be completed with 1 speed and 1 endurance and an immediate upgrade to its correct dates. This upgrade then lasts the time which was used for testing, training etc. In case of the Yamato, the upgrade would take 180 days. Hi Torsten, Unfortunately, no. We are trying to keep the mod (the Lite version, anyway) as close as possible to stock, because if it works as we expect, the sun shines, the creek don't rise, and we are very convincing, some of the things we are doing may (just 'may') find their way into the stock game and scenarios. Therefore, we have to stick as closely as possible to those dates and times that the majority of consumers have come to expect. It's just not possible to get fancy with non-standard upgrade/conversion options, especially for a ship as visible and important as Yamato. You have a valid proposition, and will give you all the help and support you wish, but will have to be in the context of your mod. I really hope you understand. J Ok, thank you for the answer. [:)]