Strategic Questions (Full Version)

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Concord -> Strategic Questions (10/23/2009 2:37:45 AM)

Can anyone help with these questions? I have the purchased version of the game.


I've noticed that naval support is only available on some (not all) coastal areas. In one turn against the AI, I wasn't able to allocate any naval support, even to coast areas. Is this right?

I also seem to recall mortar support not being available to all units on the campaign map. How is this availability determined?


When/how does AB units regain supply? There are some instances where I have taken an exit VL leading to friendly lines, but ammo/fuel remains low. Do you have to take a whole map region before you are considered in supply again?

I haven't been tracking individual team ammo levels during battles, but I assume that as a BG runs low, this will be reflected in the teams ammo levels?


Some BG's (especially AB) have no chance to rest because they are stuck in battle after battle. Had a skim through the manual again, and it basically says that cohesion goes down as losses go up, and cohesion goes up with rest. It also says that the effect of lowered cohesion is that your units will respond slower in battle. Is this right? Any further insights into this feature?

Repair and Replacement

The manual says that infantry units that lose 60% or more of their soldiers will be disbanded (eg. losing 4 out of the 6 men in a typical Allied rifle team), and that BG's out of supply have a reduced chance of replacing lost men.

So does that mean that for example an AB rifle unit that is fighting while out of supply might lose a team permanently if it loses say 2 or 3 men from the 6 man team?

The manual states that there is a 40% chance of recovering damaged vehicles. Does damaged mean immobilised? What about vehicles that have lost one or more crewmen - are they considered damaged?

Andrew Williams -> RE: Strategic Questions (10/23/2009 3:37:36 AM)



I've noticed that naval support is only available on some (not all) coastal areas. In one turn against the AI, I wasn't able to allocate any naval support, even to coast areas. Is this right?

I also seem to recall mortar support not being available to all units on the campaign map. How is this availability determined?

This has been addressed somewhat in the 07b patch

Mortar should be available on any map.



When/how does AB units regain supply? There are some instances where I have taken an exit VL leading to friendly lines, but ammo/fuel remains low. Do you have to take a whole map region before you are considered in supply again?

I haven't been tracking individual team ammo levels during battles, but I assume that as a BG runs low, this will be reflected in the teams ammo levels?

The Bg needs to be able to trace an uncontested line of maps back to the supply depots.

After the movement phase is done, each moving BG is reduced one fuel supply level.

After each battle the two BGs involved are each reduced by one ammo supply level.

At the end of each strategic turn supply lines are calculated and BGs are re-supplied or not as the case may be.



Some BG's (especially AB) have no chance to rest because they are stuck in battle after battle. Had a skim through the manual again, and it basically says that cohesion goes down as losses go up, and cohesion goes up with rest. It also says that the effect of lowered cohesion is that your units will respond slower in battle. Is this right? Any further insights into this feature?

You will find units become very fatigued even starting battles fatigued.

Some will become disorganized and not have full number of team members.

In battle units may not respond so readily to orders but I have not noticed this.


Repair and Replacement

The manual says that infantry units that lose 60% or more of their soldiers will be disbanded (eg. losing 4 out of the 6 men in a typical Allied rifle team), and that BG's out of supply have a reduced chance of replacing lost men.

So does that mean that for example an AB rifle unit that is fighting while out of supply might lose a team permanently if it loses say 2 or 3 men from the 6 man team?

The manual states that there is a 40% chance of recovering damaged vehicles. Does damaged mean immobilised? What about vehicles that have lost one or more crewmen - are they considered damaged?

yes  to all   (but i will follow that up with a little research)

FeurerKrieg -> RE: Strategic Questions (10/24/2009 6:05:41 AM)


The manual states that there is a 40% chance of recovering damaged vehicles. Does damaged mean immobilised? What about vehicles that have lost one or more crewmen - are they considered damaged?

This also means vehicles that are out fuel might be lost. So be careful how much armor you take when the fuel levels are low. If they start and are out of fuel, they may be gone regardless if they take a single hit in the battle.

CSO_Talorgan -> RE: Strategic Questions (10/25/2009 11:36:56 AM)


ORIGINAL: Feurer Krieg

So be careful how much armor you take when the fuel levels are low. If they start and are out of fuel, they may be gone regardless if they take a single hit in the battle.

... but if they are not in your active force pool they might be redeployed to the Eastern Front ...


Tejszd -> RE: Strategic Questions (10/25/2009 6:38:20 PM)

A catch 22. Possibly lose them because they ran out of gas or because they got pulled from the forcepool. This new feature is good as you can recreate more historical situations but there is no message that it is happening.... Really would be nice to have a couple spots to reserve/rest units without losing them or their stats if you want them out of the active group.

Andrew Williams -> RE: Strategic Questions (10/25/2009 8:17:50 PM)

Just looked at the dta and The Germans don't have any teams removed.... so no chance of a visit to a gulag.

Looking at the data v campaign it looks very unlikely that you could have fuel problems V redeployment problems with the "Special" allied teams, even if you kept them in your active roster throughout nthe campaign.

CSO_Talorgan -> RE: Strategic Questions (10/27/2009 11:24:03 AM)



Really would be nice to have a couple spots to reserve/rest units without losing them or their stats if you want them out of the active group.

... à la CC III?

Yes, I agree.

On the other hand, sub-units could and can be redeployed in real life, so why should that not be simulated in the game; although I take your point about being notified as to what is happening.

Looking at the phenomenon from outside the military I wonder how much (real life) redeployment is really necessary. I know that commanders are supposed to have a "menu" of forces from which to form task forces to accomplish missions, but it must have an impact on morale and cohesion. "Mix & match" must carry a price?

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