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LuckyJim1005 -> Cost (10/24/2009 4:26:40 PM)

Just been payed so i'd thought I would treat myself to AE.

But seriously - £52 for digital download. I was dumbstruck. I expected to pay up to about £30 but £50 for a wargame.....

Is it just me or is this really expensive for a game ?

I appreciate the time it took and the level of detail but do matrix ever consider they may be missing out on sales by such a high cost.

I suppose that those interested in the period/level will pay no matter what but I am sad I cannot justify such expense on a game I would love to play.

After all you are not starting from scratch - it is a game you have already developed and are building on.

I expect to get flamed and am doning flak vest. [:)]

treespider -> RE: Cost (10/24/2009 4:30:58 PM)

As many have said...

On a per minute/ per hour/ per time played basis this is the best investment in wargaming available...

n01487477 -> RE: Cost (10/24/2009 4:36:09 PM)

Not again [8|]

witpqs -> RE: Cost (10/24/2009 4:45:03 PM)

You will be down to less than £0.10 per hour in a year, quite possibly well under a year.

When you reach that level we all expect you to come back to this thread and post your retraction!


SuluSea -> RE: Cost (10/24/2009 5:02:43 PM)

Heck, I'm already below 30 cent per hour played. This is the best entertainment investment  I ever made.

tocaff -> RE: Cost (10/24/2009 5:30:24 PM)

I'm an addict and I have to admit the following:

After I bought WPO and WITP I didn't buy another game until AE was released and that was years ago.  This gives more bang for your buck than a, well forum rules preclude my continuing that chain of thought.  [;)]

herwin -> RE: Cost (10/24/2009 5:35:46 PM)

The price of comparable paper games is a good deal higher.

LuckyJim1005 -> RE: Cost (10/24/2009 5:36:51 PM)

Fair point by all - except the 'Here we go again' poster. Please point out the rules that say 'dont cover what has already been said'.

Amazes me you took the time to post instead of just ignoring what has, to you, been hashed over already.

I dont think that retraction will be forthcoimg witpqs as I cannot justify the initial outlay, not the return in a year's worth of play.

Bit like saying that your £150K car only costs a £1 per hour if you drive it for 150,000 hours.

Looks good but does not really stand up to serious scrutiny.

So, is Matrix losing sales from the more casual gamer because of the price ?

Oldguard1970 -> RE: Cost (10/24/2009 5:44:22 PM)


If you are like many of us, you have old games gathering dust.  You may have paid less for them, but you never played them, or only played them a few times.  For some people, that will happen with AE.  However, if you are among those of us who are "captured" by this game, you will have gotten the best "value for money" possible.

Will you like the game?  Will you be captured?  Read some of the AARs.  That should help you discover if you are a good candidate for this game or not.

treespider -> RE: Cost (10/24/2009 5:51:57 PM)


ORIGINAL: LuckyJim1005

So, is Matrix losing sales from the more casual gamer because of the price ?

AE is not for the casual gamer.

USSAmerica -> RE: Cost (10/24/2009 5:52:42 PM)

LuckyJim, no, Matrix is not losing sales from more casual gamers because of the price.  Almost all "casual gamers" will not have much interest in a game that contains so much detail and micromanagement.  This is a "grognard's" game.  If that is your cup of tea, you can't find a better way to spend 52 pounds.  I've spent money on no other game in the 3 years I've owned WitP, and now AE.  There is honestly no better deal in computer wargames anywhere.  [8D]

witpqs -> RE: Cost (10/24/2009 5:56:55 PM)


ORIGINAL: LuckyJim1005

Fair point by all - except the 'Here we go again' poster. Please point out the rules that say 'dont cover what has already been said'.

Amazes me you took the time to post instead of just ignoring what has, to you, been hashed over already.

I dont think that retraction will be forthcoimg witpqs as I cannot justify the initial outlay, not the return in a year's worth of play.

Bit like saying that your £150K car only costs a £1 per hour if you drive it for 150,000 hours.

Looks good but does not really stand up to serious scrutiny.

So, is Matrix losing sales from the more casual gamer because of the price ?

OK - it's your money so take these remarks in the good nature in which they are offered. [:)]

Cannot justify the initial outlay? How many games do you purchase each year? At what cost each & total? If you wish, you have the choice of purchasing AE in place of what - 2 other games? 1.5 other games?

Want it but don't have the money now for AE? Don't buy anything now. Instead wait until you would have bought the next game. Combine the money from the two games you would have purchased, buy AE and (almost certainly) have a little left over.

Regarding the car analogy, that hardly applies. The cost ratio of AE to most games on the market is nowhere near the cost ratio of a £150K car to most cars on the market. I'm sensing that you're experiencing 'sticker shock' upon seeing the price. I understand that - so you're asking "what's so good about AE that makes it worth the price?" Fair enough. But you seem to have already made up your mind. So are you just asking out of curiosity or are you looking for some in-depth testimonials that might convince you to buy AE?

Templer_12 -> RE: Cost (10/24/2009 5:58:34 PM)


ORIGINAL: LuckyJim1005

Fair point by all - except the 'Here we go again' poster. Please point out the rules that say 'dont cover what has already been said'.

>There is none!

@ LuckyJim1005,

welcome to the dark side [sm=character0095.gif]

Here we go:
Read it, think about it - enjoy it? Post back. [;)]
Why is this game so expensive ?

I guess that´s why n01487477 posted "Not again..." Be assured, this was no offense [:)]

TommyG -> RE: Cost (10/24/2009 6:07:45 PM)

There are many of us that have been playing this game 40 hours or more a week for more than five years. I personally have spent $150 just photcopying and binding the only marginaly useful manual. But, this game is not for everybody. It can (and should) take 10 or more hours just to set up the first turn, and that is after you already know what it is you are trying to do and where everything you need to do it is located. Many of us started with board games 40 years ago and have been playing increasingly more difficult versions of this particular game since Gary's Guadalcanal Campaign came out in 1981. Yhe learning curve is steep (think cliff) and to play well also requires a great deal of familiararity with WWll equipment, geo-politics, naval and air docrrine; as well as recently added minutiae on cargo handling capacities of Cook Island ports of call. But God do I love it. And, if you do get in to it you will never, ever, regret the intial cost. Oh, yeah, you will also meet and communicate with a hell of a lot of great guys.

RevRick -> RE: Cost (10/24/2009 6:52:45 PM)



LuckyJim, no, Matrix is not losing sales from more casual gamers because of the price.  Almost all "casual gamers" will not have much interest in a game that contains so much detail and micromanagement.  This is a "grognard's" game.  If that is your cup of tea, you can't find a better way to spend 52 pounds.  I've spent money on no other game in the 3 years I've owned WitP, and now AE.  There is honestly no better deal in computer wargames anywhere.  [8D]

I think you may be guilty of understatement. Any "casual gamer" who investigates this game with any degree of intention and, therefore, takes a long look at the detail will try to find one of the 'beer and pretzel' games instead. And, there's nothing wrong with that. But, it's not my cup of tea for this theater... And I have been playing this theater for 15 years now on computer. Not as long as some of you, but...

LuckyJim1005 -> RE: Cost (10/24/2009 6:59:22 PM)

Okay guys I am going to take witpqs advice and not buy the next 2 games but get this next month. As it happens an invoice is getting paid for some software I have wrtten so WiTP AE is my next purchase.

Without getting all teared up about it can I just say that you lot should be in the pay of Matrix. You have sold me.....

LuckyJim1005 -> RE: Cost (10/24/2009 7:09:24 PM)

Forgot to say i have been playing Time of Wrath and have found it a little to simple. Not to detract from it, it is a great beer & pretzel game just a little lacking in some Navel aspects so I am looking for something with a bit more bite.

And yes I admit I think it was 'sticker price shock' that kicked in.

If I have 2 more glasses of wine the credit card is coming out [:)]

Missus is going to kill me..

BTW Is it just me or do any of you old time board gamers sit here thinking we are in a great age for PC wargaming ?

Apologies if I annoyed anyone.

chesmart -> RE: Cost (10/24/2009 7:10:01 PM)

This is the definitve WW2 STRATEGY GAME simple. Nothing Comes close to it. The problem it is so addictive that all other addictions will give way to this. Kiss goodbye to your life and welcome to this world. In Dantes Inferno on the gates of hell there is written "Abandon all hope all ye who enter here" Just remember that quote as all other games will become something of the past. The only thing that Pisses me off about AE is the AI Andy Mac programmed it is wicked.

pmelheck1 -> RE: Cost (10/24/2009 7:13:47 PM)

I've seen reviewers who have been stunned by the size and scope of AE.  As many have stated this is not for the casual gamer.   I've seen one or two reviews where the reviewer complained about the work and complexity of playing.  This is exactly what some of use are looking for.  As for me and I think some others on this board the price was not an issue.  We might have had to save our pennies to get it but their was never a doubt we were going to get it.  There is simply no other program on the market that covers the subject in the depth and detail that AE does.  The next closest runner up isn't even close.  It would be sort of like comparing TIC-TAC-TOE to 3 dimensional chess.  Tic-Tac-Toe is fun if it's what your looking for but it isn't for me.  This game isn't for the faint of heart or if you hate micromanagement, it's a hard core wargamers game.  I don't want to scare you off I always like to see new blood both to AE and to wargames but I also don't want to talk you into something that isn't going to to be your liking.  If WW2 Pacific theater is your thing NOTHING does it better than AE.

fabertong -> RE: Cost (10/24/2009 7:41:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: LuckyJim1005

Forgot to say i have been playing Time of Wrath and have found it a little to simple. Not to detract from it, it is a great beer & pretzel game just a little lacking in some Navel aspects so I am looking for something with a bit more bite.

And yes I admit I think it was 'sticker price shock' that kicked in.

If I have 2 more glasses of wine the credit card is coming out [:)]

Missus is going to kill me..

BTW Is it just me or do any of you old time board gamers sit here thinking we are in a great age for PC wargaming ?

Apologies if I annoyed anyone.

Have the wine......then buy the game........I doubt you'll regret either.....

tocaff -> RE: Cost (10/24/2009 8:12:11 PM)

OH NO!  He's currently married.  I hope she won't mind his spending hours on end playing "that game" again.  Just wait until you get the hang of it and then get into PBEM......

LuckyJim1005 -> RE: Cost (10/24/2009 8:12:59 PM)

fabertong - I have and I dont [:)]

Downloading it now.

CMDRMCTOAST -> RE: Cost (10/24/2009 9:04:21 PM)

I bought UV played for a year, purchased WITP played for 2.5 - 3 years, took 2 years off
and came back to find AE with most of the things added we asked for since UV came out and I still
think I got a great deal for the money as the game keeps improving..
You will luv the game if your strategic minded except for the first year of gettin your a$$ handed to ya..[:D]

Knavey -> RE: Cost (10/24/2009 9:12:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: LuckyJim1005

fabertong - I have and I dont [:)]

Downloading it now.

Better go find your "last thing to do" while it is downloading. After the install, you will have TOO much to do with this game, and not much time left for anything else.

Oliver Heindorf -> RE: Cost (10/24/2009 11:05:25 PM)

the old endless discussion. I am tired of it [>:].

Calculate the bang for the buck you receive like Sulu Sea did and you've found the master. And be aware what treespider said !

good luck

CMDRMCTOAST -> RE: Cost (10/24/2009 11:11:22 PM)




ORIGINAL: LuckyJim1005

fabertong - I have and I dont [:)]

Downloading it now.

Better go find your "last thing to do" while it is downloading. After the install, you will have TOO much to do with this game, and not much time left for anything else.

Cause you will have days of trying to figure out how this happend too ya..


Night Time Surface Combat, near Eniwetok at 76,74

Japanese Ships
CA Takao
CA Mogami
DD Shimakaze
DD Hatsuzuki
DD Tamanami
DD Urakaze
DD Hatsushimo
DD Satsuki

Allied Ships
PT PT-20
PT PT-235
PT PT-382
PT PT-450, Shell hits 7, and is sunk
PT PT-478, Shell hits 43, and is sunk
PT PT-484, Shell hits 3, on fire, heavy damage

Night Time Surface Combat, near Eniwetok at 76,74

Japanese Ships
CA Takao
CA Mogami
DD Shimakaze
DD Hatsuzuki
DD Tamanami
DD Urakaze
DD Hatsushimo
DD Satsuki

Allied Ships
PT PT-23
PT PT-24
PT PT-25
PT PT-133, Shell hits 4, and is sunk
PT PT-374, Shell hits 33, and is sunk
PT PT-483

Night Time Surface Combat, near Eniwetok at 76,74

Japanese Ships
CA Takao
CA Mogami
DD Shimakaze, Shell hits 4, Torpedo hits 1, on fire
DD Hatsuzuki, Shell hits 1
DD Tamanami, Shell hits 1
DD Urakaze
DD Hatsushimo
DD Satsuki

Allied Ships
PT PT-26
PT PT-64
PT PT-300
PT PT-455
PT PT-481, Shell hits 23, and is sunk
PT PT-550, Shell hits 1, and is sunk

Night Time Surface Combat, near Eniwetok at 76,74

Japanese Ships
CA Takao
CA Mogami
DD Shimakaze, Shell hits 6, on fire, heavy damage
DD Hatsuzuki, Shell hits 1
DD Tamanami
DD Urakaze
DD Hatsushimo
DD Satsuki

Allied Ships
PT PT-27
PT PT-29
PT PT-40
PT PT-42, Shell hits 21, and is sunk
PT PT-475, Shell hits 9, and is sunk
PT PT-528, Shell hits 5, and is sunk

Night Time Surface Combat, near Eniwetok at 76,74

Japanese Ships
CA Takao
CA Mogami
DD Shimakaze, on fire, heavy damage
DD Hatsuzuki
DD Tamanami
DD Urakaze
DD Hatsushimo
DD Satsuki

Allied Ships
PT PT-45
PT PT-46
PT PT-168
PT PT-264
PT PT-315, Shell hits 14, and is sunk
PT PT-333

Night Time Surface Combat, near Eniwetok at 76,74

Japanese Ships
CA Takao
CA Mogami
DD Shimakaze, Shell hits 3, on fire, heavy damage
DD Hatsuzuki, Shell hits 9, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
DD Tamanami
DD Urakaze
DD Hatsushimo
DD Satsuki

Allied Ships
PT PT-47, Shell hits 7, and is sunk
PT PT-310
PT PT-311
PT PT-452
PT PT-466, Shell hits 4, and is sunk
PT PT-551, Shell hits 7, and is sunk

Night Time Surface Combat, near Eniwetok at 76,74

Japanese Ships
CA Takao
CA Mogami
DD Shimakaze, Shell hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
DD Hatsuzuki, on fire, heavy damage
DD Tamanami, Shell hits 2
DD Urakaze
DD Hatsushimo
DD Satsuki

Allied Ships
PT PT-62
PT PT-131
PT PT-338
PT PT-376, Shell hits 7, and is sunk
PT PT-454, Shell hits 6, and is sunk
PT PT-524

Night Time Surface Combat, near Eniwetok at 76,74

Japanese Ships
CA Takao
CA Mogami
DD Shimakaze, on fire, heavy damage
DD Hatsuzuki, on fire, heavy damage
DD Tamanami
DD Urakaze
DD Hatsushimo
DD Satsuki

Allied Ships
PT PT-63
PT PT-65
PT PT-132
PT PT-305
PT PT-313, Shell hits 15, and is sunk
PT PT-469

Night Time Surface Combat, near Eniwetok at 76,74

Japanese Ships
CA Takao
CA Mogami
DD Shimakaze, Shell hits 8, on fire, heavy damage
DD Hatsuzuki, Shell hits 8, on fire, heavy damage
DD Tamanami, Shell hits 3
DD Urakaze
DD Hatsushimo
DD Satsuki

Allied Ships
PT PT-66
PT PT-73
PT PT-77
PT PT-129
PT PT-249, Shell hits 90, and is sunk
PT PT-462, Shell hits 6, and is sunk

Night Time Surface Combat, near Eniwetok at 76,74

Japanese Ships
CA Takao
CA Mogami
DD Shimakaze, Shell hits 7, on fire, heavy damage
DD Hatsuzuki, Shell hits 7, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
DD Tamanami, Shell hits 1, Torpedo hits 1, on fire
DD Urakaze
DD Hatsushimo
DD Satsuki

Allied Ships
PT PT-79, Shell hits 3, and is sunk
PT PT-105
PT PT-106
PT PT-334
PT PT-383
PT PT-472

Night Time Surface Combat, near Eniwetok at 76,74

Japanese Ships
CA Takao
CA Mogami
CL Oi, Shell hits 1
DD Shimakaze, Shell hits 8, and is sunk
DD Tamanami, Shell hits 5, on fire
DD Urakaze, Shell hits 4, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
DD Hatsushimo, Shell hits 3, on fire
DD Satsuki, Shell hits 2

Allied Ships
PT PT-107
PT PT-108
PT PT-124
PT PT-306
PT PT-332
PT PT-460

Night Time Surface Combat, near Eniwetok at 76,74

Japanese Ships
CA Takao, Shell hits 7
CA Mogami, Torpedo hits 1, on fire
DD Tamanami, on fire, heavy damage
DD Urakaze, Shell hits 5, on fire, heavy damage
DD Hatsushimo, on fire
DD Satsuki

Allied Ships
PT PT-125
PT PT-126, Shell hits 3, and is sunk
PT PT-137
PT PT-322
PT PT-335
PT PT-476

Night Time Surface Combat, near Eniwetok at 76,74

Japanese Ships
CA Takao
CA Mogami, on fire
DD Tamanami, Shell hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
DD Urakaze, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
DD Hatsushimo, Shell hits 5, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
DD Satsuki, Shell hits 6

Allied Ships
PT PT-128
PT PT-130
PT PT-163
PT PT-238
PT PT-381
PT PT-527

Night Time Surface Combat, near Eniwetok at 76,74

Japanese Ships
CA Takao
CA Mogami, on fire
DD Tamanami, on fire, heavy damage
DD Hatsushimo, Shell hits 15, on fire, heavy damage
DD Satsuki

Allied Ships
PT PT-134
PT PT-138
PT PT-167
PT PT-314
PT PT-463
PT PT-470

Night Time Surface Combat, near Eniwetok at 76,74

Japanese Ships
CA Takao
CA Mogami, on fire
DD Tamanami, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
DD Hatsushimo, and is sunk
DD Satsuki, on fire

Allied Ships
PT PT-169
PT PT-170
PT PT-236
PT PT-237, Shell hits 9, and is sunk
PT PT-465, Shell hits 14, and is sunk
PT PT-529

Night Time Surface Combat, near Eniwetok at 76,74

Japanese Ships
CA Takao
CA Mogami, on fire
CL Oi, Shell hits 6, Torpedo hits 1, on fire
DD Satsuki, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage

Allied Ships
PT PT-248
PT PT-250
PT PT-261
PT PT-262, Shell hits 3, and is sunk
PT PT-341
PT PT-343

Night Time Surface Combat, near Eniwetok at 76,74

Japanese Ships
CA Takao, Shell hits 1, Torpedo hits 1, on fire
CA Mogami, on fire
CL Oi, on fire
DD Satsuki, and is sunk

Allied Ships
PT PT-263
PT PT-301
PT PT-304
PT PT-307
PT PT-321
PT PT-526

Night Time Surface Combat, near Eniwetok at 76,74

Japanese aircraft
no flights

Japanese aircraft losses
E13A1 Jake: 2 destroyed
F1M2 Pete: 2 destroyed

Japanese Ships
CA Takao, Shell hits 4, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk
CA Mogami, on fire
CL Oi, on fire

Allied Ships
PT PT-308
PT PT-320
PT PT-340
PT PT-377
PT PT-480
PT PT-486, Shell hits 1, and is sunk

Night Time Surface Combat, near Eniwetok at 76,74

Japanese Ships
CA Mogami, on fire
CL Oi, Shell hits 1, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk

Allied Ships
PT PT-309
PT PT-493
PT PT-525
PT PT-531, Shell hits 6, and is sunk
PT PT-545
PT PT-548

Night Time Surface Combat, near Eniwetok at 76,74

Japanese Ships
CA Mogami, Shell hits 6, Torpedo hits 2, on fire, heavy damage

Allied Ships
PT PT-312
PT PT-323
PT PT-324
PT PT-325
PT PT-522, Shell hits 1, on fire
PT PT-547

Night Time Surface Combat, near Eniwetok at 76,74

Japanese Ships
CA Mogami, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage

Allied Ships
PT PT-342
PT PT-360
PT PT-361
PT PT-373
PT PT-530, Shell hits 3, and is sunk
PT PT-532

Night Time Surface Combat, near Eniwetok at 76,74

Japanese Ships
CA Mogami, Shell hits 7, on fire, heavy damage

Allied Ships
PT PT-362
PT PT-363
PT PT-372
PT PT-468
PT PT-482
PT PT-496, Shell hits 18, and is sunk

Night Time Surface Combat, near Eniwetok at 76,74

Japanese aircraft
no flights

Japanese aircraft losses
E13A1 Jake: 5 destroyed

Japanese Ships
CA Mogami, Shell hits 8, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk

Allied Ships
PT PT-451
PT PT-453
PT PT-461
PT PT-485, Shell hits 4, and is sunk
PT PT-535
PT PT-544

stuman -> RE: Cost (10/25/2009 4:55:49 AM)


ORIGINAL: LuckyJim1005

Forgot to say i have been playing Time of Wrath and have found it a little to simple. Not to detract from it, it is a great beer & pretzel game just a little lacking in some Navel aspects so I am looking for something with a bit more bite.

And yes I admit I think it was 'sticker price shock' that kicked in.

If I have 2 more glasses of wine the credit card is coming out [:)]

Missus is going to kill me..

BTW Is it just me or do any of you old time board gamers sit here thinking we are in a great age for PC wargaming ?

Apologies if I annoyed anyone.

Welcome to the cult, err I mean club.

Cathartes -> RE: Cost (10/25/2009 6:36:34 AM)

If you are not playing AE consider the alternatives: 

1. you might instead go out drinking and it takes no time to spend that kind of money you might otherwise spend on AE.

2. you might be doing chores or exercising, and you could injure yourself, and with the insane cost of health care (in the US) you could be out the equivalent of 6-7 games with just one two-hour ER visit (with insurance and depending on deductible). Hopefully you have a policy that covers non-generic drugs.

Buy AE, for health and prosperity!

histgamer -> RE: Cost (10/25/2009 7:01:30 AM)

Jesus how many PT boats did you run into? Not exactly a big vet nor am I a WWII historian but I would think from the looks of that your ships just were overwhelmed in a flood of PT boats. 

CMDRMCTOAST -> RE: Cost (10/25/2009 8:20:13 AM)


ORIGINAL: flanyboy

Jesus how many PT boats did you run into? Not exactly a big vet nor am I a WWII historian but I would think from the looks of that your ships just were overwhelmed in a flood of PT boats. 

That actually happened when WITP just came out like 5 years ago but its a reminder of how you can play this game
over and over and still see new things all the time..

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