May 26-27/42 (Full Version)

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SqzMyLemon -> May 26-27/42 (7/13/2010 12:56:08 AM)

May 26-27/42 Update:

May 26/42:


Darwin was again targeted by G4M1 Betty's (36) in a morning raid at 10k, however it was not a milk run this time. P-39D Airacobra's (9) and P-40E Warhawk's (6) flying LRCAP from Katherine downed 10 bombers and damaged another 5 for no loss. The remaining bombers held on course and delivered their payloads inflicting 1 AB and 7 Runway hits on the airfield. I have been anticipating LRCAP to appear from Katherine at some point here, sadly, a unit of Zero's at Dili assigned to escort had failed to join up with the Betty's and the bombers paid a heavy price. I will have to check to see if they are assigned the same HQ, I have a feeling they are not.

The following raid of Ki-21-IIa Sally's (35) were escorted by A6M2 Zero's (22) flying from Saumlaki at 10k as well. I've assigned the Zero's to the 5th Air Division, the same as the bombers, to try and insure that the bombers would be escorted. Again LRCAP from Katherine of P-39D Airacobra's (2) and P-40E Warhawk's intercepted. One Airacobra was downed for the damaging of two bombers. The Zero's even though at a lower altitude proved more than a match for the Allied fighters. However, the attack on the airfield itself was rather disappointing, only 1 ABS and 5 runway hits, I expected more from the Sally's.

I will attack again tomorrow and can only hope the Allies will commit the fighters again. I'll try and attrition Allied aircraft anyway I can.

New Guinea:

Allied bombers attempted to hit the airfield at Lae. LB-30 Liberator's (4) were intercepted by A6M2 Zero's (9) flying CAP over Lae and downed a bomber outright with the other three bombers damaged for no loss. The turn Air Loss Table showed two bombers destroyed. the raid yielded no damage to the airfield.

The Banda Sea:

The 91st JAAF unit began unloading at Lingga.


Nago expands fortifications to size 2
Dili expands fortifications to size 1

May 27/42:

Sub Ops:

I'm almost speechless here. The I-24 (yes that's a Japanese sub) spots the CA Pensacola off the northeast tip of New Zealand and puts one torpedo into the heavy cruiser. The cruiser appears on the sunk list, but highly doubtful she actually sank. No heavy damage or fires were reported. I think she'll head for Sidney for repairs, so all subs in the vicinity will vector for an intercept course in case I'm right, maybe I'll get lucky. The enemy TF consisted of 2 CA's and 2 DD's.

SS Tarpon launches 4 torpedoes at the CM Katsuriki off the coast of Foochow in shallow water and hits, with a dud. Lucky again with the duds I am (Yoda voice). I'll beef up my ASW to include the shallow water zones here incase this is a new trend from Allied submarines in an attempt to find my TF's.


Minesweeper's began arriving at Soerabaja and cleared a total of 82 mines.


I took a chance and sent the same raids against Darwin. G4M1 Betty's (30) went in unescorted and hit the airfield with 2 AB, 2 ABS and 25 Runway hits. Three bombers were damaged. There was no Allied CAP. A follow up raid of Ki-21-IIa Sally's (12) escorted by A6M2 Zero's (25) caused a further 4 AB, 1 ABS and 6 runway hits, with 3 bombers damaged. In the afternoon, another raid of Sally's (18) escorted by Zero's (25) hit the airfield again for another 1 AB and 3 Runway hits. Two bombers were damaged. Recon shows the damage to the airfield is now 54%.

I am sending a lot of recon over Northern Australia, Darwin, Broome and Derby in particular. I believe it's gotten the attention of the Allies.

The Banda Sea:

Lingga is captured.


Rashin expands fortifications to size 1
Malaybalay expands airfield to size 2

51st I.F.Chutai converting to Ki-46-II Dinah


Heavy recon here is starting to give me a picture of the Allied dispositions. I was surprised to see a large number of Allied units around Calcutta and the Imphal region. I was hoping this area would not have a heavy concentration of troops. I was originally thinking of a seaborne invasion at Diamond Harbour or Chittagong. Recon shows 38 Allied units at Calcutta, 11 at Diamond Harbour (31920 troops, 517 guns and 346 AFV's), 7 units at Chittagong (18840 troops, 152 guns and 82 AFV's) and Imphal with 14 units (28100 troops, 211 guns and 219 AFV's).

I'm trying to recon Ceylon, but so far Jakes from a 2 CL and 2 DD force have not picked up any intelligence on Colombo, while Betty's based at Port Blair haven't reported anything yet either. If Ceylon is weakly held I will land there, although I want to make sure I am able to support ground operations with LBA so I may have to risk landing at bases with CD units. I plan on sending little KB of 2 CVL's to poke around and try and gain some much needed intelligence. I have to decide whether to send all of KB, or just a few CV's from Saipan to bolster operations here. If the Allies commit the British fleet, I want to be able to smash it though.

I have almost four divisions I can throw at Ceylon with numerous tank and artillery units in support, If I strip Sumatra and a portion of Java I can add another two. I have no idea on Allied troop strength in this theatre so I'll have to rely on my recon giving me an idea what I'm up against. I'd prefer to hit north of Burma, because I can have LBA support my operations and it complements a move by troops from Burma, and could push my defensive line well forward of what it is now. It would only require a large initial committment of Imperial Navy forces to land the assault troops ashore and enough supply to sustain operations. The large number of Allied troops worries me though.

Ceylon, on the other hand, would garner me a large number of VP's and deny a large port and repair yard to the Allies, but splits my force into two non-supporting offensives. If I do land at Ceylon, Madras will also have to be neutralized to avoid Allied air interdicting my landing operations, or disrupting my troop movements. LBA will have to be shipped in and I may have to commit KB to ensure air superiority, not to mention provide the hammer in case the British Fleet appears. Ceylon will require a long term committment by Imperial Navy forces to transfer supply and reinforcements on an ongoing basis. I have some thinking to do.

I'm committed to India, just not sure how best to go about it yet. The main Japanese fleet is at Saipan with the Yamato and Hiyo en route from Hiroshima to join it. When they reach Saipan I will decide on how many CV's to send for operations in the Indian Ocean. I don't want to completely leave the southeast and central Pacific open to an Allied move, and I know I cannot rely on LBA alone to provide an adequate punch if Allied CV's appear. If I split KB, I then run the risk of not being strong enough to counter if all the American CV's appear. It will take weeks to prepare, as I shift troops from Java and supplies from Japan for the offensive, but I need to know in a few days which naval assets to commit.

I'll post more specifics later, but this is where any opinions on India will be greatly appreciated. I've tried finding a current AAR that has an Indian invasion on the go to see what can possibly happen, but haven't found one. Feel free to offer any ideas, as I said, I'll post more specifics on my ideas on both possible invasion plans and the forces available. Right now I'm just thinking out loud, but have to decide on a plan in a few days to get the forces in motion.

More later!

SqzMyLemon -> May 28/42 (7/14/2010 10:10:29 PM)

May 28/42 Update:


Soerabaja's harbour is free of mines with the last 34 being cleared, so the port is completely open for business. Troops on the island are making for Batavia and Soerabaja for embarkation to staging areas for operations in India. All available transport shipping is en route to facilitate a quick repositioning of these units.


I risked another unescorted bombing raid against Darwin with G4M1 Betty's (18) based from Ambon and encountered no LRCAP. Damage inflicted by the Betty's was 4 Runway hits. A heavier raid followed of Ki-21-IIa Sally's (40) escorted by A6M2 Zero's (27) and added a few more craters to the airfield with 1 AB, 1 ABS and 17 Runway hits. I am disappointed in the damage today, but both raids occurred during thunderstorms so perhaps that limited the destruction. Recon indicates airbase damage at 46%, I can only hope that is FOW and that the runway is actually a moonscape now. I will start to hit both the airfield and port in future raids.

New Guinea:

A major Allied bombing force of B-17E's (17) hit Lae again today. CAP of A6M2 Zero's (13) was ineffective and damaged only 4 of the bombers. Luckily no Zero's were lost. Damage to the airfield was 1 AB and 6 Runway hits, but upon examination of the airfield post raid showed no damage.


A small engagement between the 1st Ind. Inf. Group and the 62nd Chinese Corps northwest of Wuchow resulted in a negligible result. Japanese forces suffered one disabled infantry and non-combat squad against 0(3) infantry and 1(1) non-combat squads lost for the Chinese. Once again I received a (-) leader modifier so I'll assign a new commander.


Paramushiro-jima expands airfield to size 1
Iloilo expands fortifications to size 2
Taung Gyi expands fortifications to size 2
Great Nicobar expands fortifications to size 1
Nanning expands fortifications to size 1
Wuchow expands fortifications to size 1
Dili expands fortifications to size 2

E Shimushu beginning refit at Saipan

Future Strategy:

A note on China strategy. In light of the planned operations against India the situation in China has...changed. The Japanese High Command has ordered the establishment of a continuous road network from China to Burma proper, which means that an offensive in southern China is required. The priority is still Sian, but troops in the south are now required to mount an offensive of their own rather than remain on the defensive. In fact, it's been decided to step up the pressure in China all along the front. It's time to start pushing.

I've decided on a two stage invasion of India. With the majority of Allied strength apparently focused north of Burma I think an assault on Ceylon seems the most rewarding option although at higher risk to Japanese forces. I am having difficulty with accurate recon of Ceylon however, weather is hampering my intelligence gathering. Little KB is en-route to garner some hard facts and ascertain the defence of the island.

Phase one is to smash Allied positions on Ceylon with overwhelming force while simultaneously capturing Madras to eliminate the threat of air attack from that quarter. The main landing will hit Trincomalee to provide a level 6 airfield for immediate use by LBA to support ground operations. The fleet component will comprise the majority of the surface assets with 2 CV's, 3 CVL's and 2 CVE's providing naval air support. This force should be adequate to handle the British Fleet if it sallies forth.

Phase two is then abandoning Ceylon, except a small garrison, to hit mainland India. Depending on the Allied response the Madras operation will be expanded on, or units will embark for an invasion of Chittagong in conjunction with an offensive launched from Burma. Japanese army committments will be large and all available army forces will be earmarked in support of this operation. The DEI, New Guinea and Marshall's will be garrisoned by naval LCU's and reinforced with what may become available. Four CV's and a strong surface force will be the sole counter to any Allied offensive in the Central or Southeast Pacific. Any advance by Allied forces in the DEI will have to be countered though, New Guinea, the Gilberts and Marshall's I'm not so worried about, but will cross that bridge when I have to.

I'll begin to post some screenshots on the planned offensive, preparations underway and forces involved. It will takes weeks if not months to plan and get everyone in place. In hindsight I wish I'd thought of this sooner, but until Soerabaja fell I didn't have the forces free anyway. The last 1/2 to 1/3 of 1942 will be a massive Japanese undertaking to try and shift the balance of power in the Far East indefinitely. I know it's late in the game to be planning such a massive undertaking, but perhaps the very lateness of it will work to my advantage. If all goes well perhaps I'll completely upset the apple cart enough to cause some serious damage and reverses to the Allied war effort.

I don't think anything I do in the Southeast Pacific will garner enough of a response to commit the American Fleet to anything less than on equal terms. The logistics seem a real nightmare to me and it really puts me out there far from any support. I see no need to capture islands that I'll neither garrison nor be unable to defend adequately for the effort expended. Not to mention they have little or no economic or strategic benefit to the Empire other than slowing down the inevitable Allied advance. Capturing Suva will not win the war, capturing Dehli might. If the options are to just try and delay the inevitable steady advance of Allied operations in the Pacific, or put myself in a strong position where I might be able to destoy a major portion of the Allied forces and capture a large portion of Allied war production capacity, I have to choose the latter. Operations in the Indian Ocean keep me near a major port, repair, supply and fuel sources and substantial LBA assets.

Ok (insert reality check here), I know I will not conquer India this late in the game, I have no idea of garrison requirements or of the forces that I face, but if I can push my perimeter as far as a I can, and severely maul the British Fleet and take the focus away from a nice orderly buildup of American forces in the Pacific, I might as well go for it.

More to follow, it's time for some screenshots. Thanks for following along and as always any comments are greatly appreciated, especially now! [:D]

SqzMyLemon -> Submarine woes (7/16/2010 8:19:06 PM)

I think I've just learned why my submarine forces have been ineffectual to date. I've been setting destinations and using waypoints and then setting my submarines to "remain on station" and couldn't understand why I was not intercepting Allied shipping, in some case not even reacting to a spotted TF in an adjacent hex. I've now learned that "remain on station" does not allow my forces to react to an enemy TF. This changes "EVERYTHING" [:D]. I will redeploy my entire submarine force with "patrol" waypoints instead of actually selecting a destination hex as I have done in the past. I can't tell you how much I hope this changes things around. It has been one aspect of the game which has been a complete disaster on my end and a serious blow to my war effort to date. I hope to make up a lot of ground after wasting six months.

I'm not stupid, but I find since hitting 40 things are starting to slip! [8|] [:D]

SqzMyLemon -> May 29-June 2/42 (7/23/2010 5:33:19 AM)

May 29 - June 2/42 Update:

May 29/42:


Ki-21-IIa Sally's (36) escorted by A6M2 Zero's (29) based at Saumlaki hit the airfield at Darwin in a morning raid. No Allied CAP was present and damage to the airfield was 1 AB, 8 Runway and 1 Port hits.


A morning bombing attack by Ki-21-Ic (20) and Ki-21-IIa (21) Sally's against Chinese forces at 83,43 resulted in 16 squads and 2 guns disabled totalling 154 casualites.

Minor skirmishing is occuring along the front in various areas as Japanese forces push back probing Chinese forces. Northeast of Wuchow, the Japanese 1st. Ind. Inf. Group engaged the 62nd Chinese Corps in a shock attack and inflicted losses to the enemy of 10(5) infantry, 8(3) non-combat squads totalling 224 casualties and forced it to retreat. Japanese losses were 0(10) infantry and 0(7) non-combat squads totalling 189 casualties. As the 1st Ind. Inf. Group pursues, a large Japanese force of roughly 1000 AV will follow behind to counter any Chinese counterattack in the area.


Paramushiro-jima expands fortifications to size 2
Buna expands fortifications to size 2
Kai Island expands airfield to size 2

May 30/42:

Sub Ops:

SS KX launches a two torpdeo attack against the PB Busho Maru and misses while receiving 1 DC direct hit.
SS S-23 sinks the xAK Syoto Maru carrying elements of the 23rd Naval Guard unit being transported back to Rabual. I always have extra transports carrying LCU's so I did not lose much of the unit itself.


Another 3 Runway and 1 Port Fuel hits were recorded against Darwin from the now daily visit from Sally's.


Cagayan expands fortifications to size 3
Medan expands fortifications to size 1
Palembang expands fortifications to size 1
Saumlaki expands fortifications to size 3

CVE Unyo arrives at Nagasaki/Sasebo
2nd Ku S-1 arrives at Yokohama/Yokosuka
2nd Ku K-1 arrives at Yokohama/Yokosuka
1st Air Army arrives at Tokyo
2nd Air Army arrives at Changchun
Majuro Base Force arrives at Majuro
88th JAAF AF Bn arrives at Harbin

May 31/42:

Sub Ops:

I've re-routed the majority of my submarines at sea with new patrol zones and hope to start seeing some positive results. SS I-29 spots 3 AM's patrolling off the coast of Sydney, but elects to not attack. The AM's on the other hand do, but no DC hits are recorded. Sigh


Clear Sky over Darwin results in a good attack against the base. 4 AB, 1 ABS, 13 Runway, 2 Port and 1 Port Fuel hits were recorded. No Allied CAP is present at all and suppressing the base goes unmolested.


Chichi-jima expands fortifications to size 2
Batavia expands fortifications to size 3
Billiton expands fortifications to size 1
Nadzab expands fortifications to size 1

xAK Shoun Maru arrives at Hiroshima/Kure
xAP Teia Maru arrives at Saigon
xAP Teika Maru arrives at Yokohama/Yokosuka
xAP Teibi Maru arrives at Saigon
SC CHa-35 arrives at Fukuyama

So ends May...with a whimper [>:]. June will not be much more exciting, other than the re-deployment of LCU, air and naval assets for operations against India there won't be much going on. Massive supplies are being shipped from the Home Islands to China, Burma and Singapore to sustain operations. I've decided to send pretty much the entire fleet to the Indian Ocean, if the Allies commit the British Fleet I want to be able to deal it a crushing blow. Some small SCTF's and 1 CV and 1 CVL will remain behind to defend the Solomon's and Marshall's and to give the impression of naval air in the region.

June 1/42:

The month begins with a small Japanese naval loss of the AMC Saigon Maru which was patrolling waters far off the coast of Western Australia. Hoping to find a lightly defended transport TF it instead ran across the DD Kortenaer and DE's Edsal and Paul Jones at 40,159. Needless to say, it was a short battle with the AMC quickly sinking after being peppered with 3 shell and 2 torpedo hits. At least I know there is something out there. I will start sending some small SCTF's to snoop around. In fact, a CA and 2 DD's are days away from appearing near Palmyra to see if they may come across anything. I'll be using CL's and DD's much more aggressively to raid and recon areas to start shaking things up somewhat.


Darwin receives another 2 Runway and 3 Port hits from air attack.


South of Hengyang, the 49th Chinese Corps is sent reeling back over the river from a shock attack by the 2nd Ind. Mixed Rgt. Chinese losses were 36(0) infantry, 11(0) non-combat and 1(2) engineer squads lost totalling 510 casualties. No Japanese losses.


H6K4 Mavis upgrading to H6K5 Mavis at Osaka/Kyoto

Rashin expands fortifications to size 2
Sabang expands airfield to size 4

PC Kaki taken out of commission to begin refit at Takao
PC Ashi taken out of commission to begin refit at Nagasaki/Sasebo
PC Sumire taken out of commission to begin refit at Takao
E Shirataka beginning refit in shipyard at Singapore

xAP Teiko Maru arrives at Saigon
xAP Teison Maru arrives at Saigon

June 2/42:

Sub Ops:'s only an AM, but the SS I-30 puts a torpedo into the AM Bunbury off the coast of Sydney and sinks her! I hope this portends things to come for Allied shipping now that I've completely reorganized my submarine forces. A reaction and a kill. [sm=00000028.gif]


Poor weather prevented any air attacks today.


Bombing of various Chinese units as Japanese forces continue to redploy and advance.


Kagoshima expands fortifications to size 2
Mili expands fortifications to size 2

The majority of troops on Java have redeployed by rail to Batavia for embarkation to Singapore and area in preparation for the India offensive. Major naval assets have left Saipan en route to Singapore. Air units are rebasing and supply continues to move west. Screenshots to follow to update all major theatres.

SqzMyLemon -> June 3/42 (8/7/2010 5:14:51 AM)

There isn't any significant action in the the war to justify showing any new screenshots as nothing much has changed, so I'll stick to just another text update.

June 3/42:


Darwin hit with multiple air attacks causing 16 Runway, 5 Port and 1 Port Fuel hits. 11 bombers were damaged from Flak.


The 1st Ind. Inf. Group continued the pursuit of the 62nd Chinese Corps southeast of Kweilin at 76,55. A shock attack forced the Chinese to retreat into the base. Japanese casualities were light at 14 disabled squads totalling 128 troops, Chinese losses were 415 casualties of which 19 squads were destroyed.

The Maluccas:

Moratai was captured by the Sasebo 3rd SNLF, the purpose to deny a possible refueling base for Allied subs.


Clark Field expands fortifications to size 2
Wuchow expands fortifications to size 2
Nadzab expands fortifications to size 2

xAP Teifu Maru arrives at Saigon

June 4/42:


The daily air raids on Darwin caused 2 AB, 11 Runway and 4 Port hits, 9 bombers were damaged to Flak.

The Banda Sea:

The Bandasan SNLF began landing on Alor.


The Yokosuka 3rd SNLF captured Sinabang off the west coast of Sumatra.


Mukden expands airfield to size 7
Nanyang expands fortifications to size 3
Den Passar expands fortifications to size 3
Lomblen expands fortifications to size 3

Device Mitsubishi Ha-43 advances R&D

DD Kagero beginning refit in shipyard at Singapore
DD Yukikaze beginning refit in shipyard at Singapore
DD Maikaze beginning refit in shipyard at Singapore
DD Tokitsukaze beginning refit in shipyard at Singapore
DD Yamagumo beginning refit in shipyard at Singapore
DD Fumizuki beginning refit in shipyard at Singapore

June 5/42:

Sub Ops:

SS I-4 spots a heavily escorted TF near Manihi and is immediately spotted by the escorts. SS I-4 takes one direct DC hit and a near miss in deep water from the escorts and limps away. As mentioned numerous times, not even a chance to launch a torpedo before being spotted and receiving effective ASW attacks. The Allied TF was reported as 2 CL, 3 DMS, 4 DD, 2 TK, 2 xAP and 2 xAK's.


Darwin takes 1 AB, 2 Runway, 2 Port and 1 Port Fuel hits today with 5 bombers damaged to Flak.


The 143rd Inf. Rgt. captures Akyab uncontested. The goal here is to push until the Allies push back and try and draw strength into Northern Burma.

The Banda Sea:

Alor is welcomed into the Empire.


Kai Island expands airfield to size 3

xAK Katsukawa Maru arrives at Tokyo

June 6/42:

Sub Ops:

Not a good day to be a Japanese submarine commander, but then again has there ever been a good day? [:D]

SS I-175 is spotted by an ASW DD hunter group near Lord Howe Island and is treated to one direct DC hit and a near miss causing moderate damage which effectively ends her patrol.
SS I-30 spots two AM's off the coast of Sydney and elects not to attack, at this stage that is not looked at kindly by the naval high command and the Captain will be replaced when next in port. I want everything attacked even if it's only a rowboat.
SS I-170 spots the DD hunter group that hit the I-175 and launches 4 torpedoes at the DD Nestor and miss. Later SS-170 tries again launching another 4 torpedoes at the DD Nestor and, you guessed it, miss again. However, this Allied ASW TF is deadly. The submarine is pummeled receiving 2-3 direct DC hits and forced to surface, in desperation she launches another 4 torpedo salvo against her tormentors which miss again. After receiving numerous shell hits she slips beneath the waves and is sunk. The first Japanese submarine lost in the war.

That's 3-5 direct DC hits on 3 different Japanese submarines in deep water in 2 days.


Darwin is hit for 1 AB, 13 Runway and 2 Port hits with 6 Sally's being damaged to Flak.

The Solomons:

The 8th Ind. SNLF Coy landed at Munda today and will capture the base tomorrow.


Babeldaob expands fortifications to size 3
Palembang expands fortifications to size 2
Dili expands fortifications to size 3
Taberfane expands airfield to size 1

Device Nakajima Ha-45 advances R&D

There's a lull in turns as my opponent is on holidays at the moment so things should pick up again around mid-August.

SqzMyLemon -> June 7-11/42 (8/18/2010 11:25:52 PM)

June 7-11/42 Update:

June 7/42:


Darwin is still bombed daily weather permitting. Damage to the airfield was 4 Runway hits while Ki-21-IIa Sally's (5) were damaged.


As Japanese units finally begin to converge on Sian the softening up by air bombarment has begun. Ki-49-Ia Helen's (25) hit Chinese troops causing 0(6) infantry, 0(4) non-combat and 0(1) engineer squads to be disabled. No bombers were damaged or lost.


The 33rd Division captured an abondoned Myitkyina. I'll deploy some construction and air support units here once the rail line is open get the airbase to level 2 in order to allow fighter sweeps into Allied territory.

The Solomon's:

Munda was occupied by the 8th Ind. SNLF Coy.


Ichang expands fortifications to size 1
Guam expands airfield to size 2
Lashio expands fortifications to size 3
Pingsiang expands fortifications to size 4

Device Kawasaki Ha-60 advances R&D

TK Ayazono Maru arrives at Maizuru
TK Manei Maru arrives at Nagasaki/Sasebo

June 8/42:


Darwin receives 11 Runway hits today. Five Sally's are damaged.


Bombing of Sian by Ki-21-IIa Sally's (18) and Ki-49-Ia Helen's (25) caused 0(17) infantry and 0(18) non-combat squad disablements. No bombers were lost or damaged.

Fighter sweeps over Changsha show no Allied fighter flying CAP. I plan to start bombing the airfield at some point here to draw Allied fighters to the region or risk losing use of the airfield.


Talaud Island expands airfield to size 4

CL Naka taken out of commission to begin refit at Singapore
DD Hatakaze beginning refit in shipyard at Singapore
DD Yakaze beginning refit in shipyard at Singapore

xAK Koho Maru arrives at Osaka/Kyoto

June 9/42:

An explosion during the naval movement phase indicated an Allied ship had hit a mine at Portsea today. The combat report indicted the DD Litchfield had sustained heavy damage and on fire. Smeulders has already indicated it is a non-fatal hit.

Sub Ops:

SS Perch hits the xAK Nitiho Maru with a dud. No ASW attack is launched by the PB escort.


Another 0(7) infantry, 0(10) non-combat squad disablements caused at Sian by air bombardment.


Kusaie Island expands fortifications to size 1
Device Nakajima Ha-44 advances R&D

xAP Teiritsu Maru arrives at Saigon

June 10/42:

Sub Ops:

SS O23 is located near Miri by air ASW so I responded by sending a 3 DD ASW TF to try to attack the enemy submarine. A DC attack was indeed launched, but no hits were recorded.

SS Trigger torpedoes the AMC Awata Maru while returning from a fruitless search for Allied shipping near Osthaven. Damage is at 69 flotation, cruise speed has been ordered and the ship might make port.


Darwin suffers 1 AB, 1 ABS and 12 Runway hits from the air bombardment today.


Another sweep by Ki-43-Ic Oscar's (19) enticed one brave Allied H81-A3 on CAP to respond. The Allied fighter was downed for no loss.

Sian continues to be bombed with 0(6) infantry and (10) non-combat squad disablements today.


Uttaradit expands fortifications to size 1
Oita expands fortifications to size 3

Pilot Tomonaga, J. is reported as having been found. This is so cool to actually find an MIA.

June 11/42:


The daily bombing raid on Darwin was intercepted by Allied CAP from Katherine today, and sadly the escorts faired badly. Ki-21-IIa Sally's (34) escorted by A6M2 Zero's (24) were intercepted by P-39D Airacobra's (8) and P-40E Warhawks (4) with 3 Zero's being downed to A2A and 2 more and a Sally to Ops losses. It's believed 2 Allied fighters might have been Ops casualties on the day. Damage to the airbase was 5 AB and 26 Runway hits.


Bombers cause another 0(9) infantry and 0(6) non-combat disablements at Sian.


Port Blair expands airfield to size 2
Madioen expands fortifications to size 1
Donggala expands airfield to size 2
Koepang expands fortifications to size 3

53rd JNAF AF Unit arrives at Tokyo

Time for a strategic update next posting. It's extremely quiet action wise as my efforts continue to focus on building up my defences. The Imperial Fleet is one day away from massing at Singapore. I'll repair minor operating damage while ground forces redeploying from Java continue to arrive at Singapore. Air units are transferring west, while bases are being built up to sustain operations. Supply continues to be shipped to Singapore. I think I'm about 2 weeks away from sending the Ceylon invasion force out. I continue to push north in Burma, but the Allies are content to wait it out and are spending the time expanding airfields in the region. I believe the majority of the Allied forces are at Calcutta and area so I think Ceylon is relatively lightly defended. Time will tell, but it's time to start some serious recon of Ceylon and commit little KB as bait to see what may come put to play.

SqzMyLemon -> June 12-17/42 (8/27/2010 6:17:59 AM)

June 12/42:

Sub Ops:

It's getting awfully dangerous for Japanese submarines patrolling off the southeast coast of Australia these days. The DD Nestor and company (including my nemesis, the DD "nine lives" Electra) continues to wreak havoc.

SS I-17 is spotted near Port Kembla. Six torpedoes are launched at the DD Electra, all miss, and the submarine takes damage from a near miss DC.
SS I-17 is spotted again and takes damage from another 5 near misses, there may be a hit in there too (I just can't remember). This ends the patrol as she limps for home.
SS S-38 however sinks the xAK Nitiho Maru with two torpedo hits off the coast of Lae, and troops are lost from an Inf. Rgt. being withdrawn from Buna.


Sian bombed. Chinese casualites: 0(6) infantry, 1(7) non-combat squads losses totalling 85 troops. My troops continue to march towards their kickoff point for the start of the offensive to capture Sian. Still a few weeks away.


Sabang expands port to size 2

DD Akizuki arrives at Kobe

June 13/42:

Sub Ops:

SS I-1 is spotted near Newcastle by the DD Stuart which is also a member of the "Gang of Four". This ASW DD TF consists of the DD's Napier, Nestor, Stuart and Electra. SS I-1 takes damage from 4 near misses.

The Celebes:

Kofiau is captured by the Sasebo 3rd SNLF.


Padang expands fortifications to size 1

DD Minekaze beginning refit in shipyard at Singapore
SC Ch 24 taken out of commission to begin refit at Ambon
SC Ch 26 taken out of commission to begin refit at Ambon

June 14/42:

Sub Ops:

SS Trigger is spotted near Oosthaven and attacked by SC CH 21 and SC CH 22, no hits are recorded. Hey at least they attacked.


Sian bombed. Chinese casualties were 0(7) infantry, 1(10) non-combat squad losses totalling 130 troops.


Nanning expands fortifications to size 2
Kai Island expands airfield to size 4

SC Ch 31 arrives at Tokyo
SC CHa-36 arrives at Tokuyama
95th Sentai arrives at Takamatsu

June 15/42:

Sub Ops:

SS I-1 spots the DD Electra near Port Kembla and launches 4 torpedoes, all miss. No ASW attack is launched. [&o]


Bombing of Darwin commenced again after 3 days of sweeps by Zero's encountered no CAP. The bombers were unescorted today. 2 AB, 1 ABS and 13 runway hits were scored.


Kai Island expands fortifications to size 1
Billiton expands fortifications to size 2

AK Kaga Maru beginning refit in shipyard at Singapore
Repairs completed on PC Kaki at Takao, ship returned to service
Repairs completed on PC Ashi at Nagasaki/Sasebo, ship returned to service
Repairs completed on PC Sumire at Takao, ship returned to service

June 16/42:


Darwin bombed. Damage was 5 AB, 2 ABS and 37 runway hits. One Ki-21-IIa Sally is downed by Flak.


Sian bombed. The airbase was hit today and damage was 1 AB, 2 ABS and 28 runway hits. If anything it eats up supply having to repair the airfield


E Hachijo beginning refit at Singapore
E Kunashiri beginning refit at Singapore
SC Ch 7 taken out of commission to begin refit at Singapore
SC Ch 9 taken out of commission to begin refit at Singapore

June 17/42:


Darwin bombed. 5 AB, 1 ABS and 37 Runway hits.


Sian bombed. Damage to the airbase was 6 AB, 1 ABS and 10 Runway hits.


Shikuka expands fortifications to size 2
Lomblen expands port to size 2
Nadzab expands fortifications to size 3

CV Shokaku beginning refit in shipyard at Singapore
CV Zuikaku beginning refit in shipyard at Singapore

Strategic (or lack thereof) musings.

As you can see I've decided to mothball two CV's for 20 days to refit. If you are thinking what happened to the Ceylon/India's off. Sadly I've come to the conclusion that any major undertaking there this late in the game is foolish. As much as I want to hit somewhere, I base this decision on how I anticipate the Allies will respond, and that is I think they won't. Recon shows no major Allied ships home and I don't think he's basing the British Navy there. The whole point is to draw the Allies out to do battle and I think taking Ceylon plays right into their hands. I will never hold it and all Allied reinforcements are landed on the west coast of India and railed in anyway. I think if I stick my head way out for an operation that the Allies are not forced to react to achieves nothing, except the isolation of a large number of Japanese units. I can achieve more by building up Port Blair and area for early warning of any British seaborne moves and react accordingly without dispersing my ground and air forces.

China is about to get active, a screenshot or two will finally show what is going on there.

Practically my entire fleet is at Singapore as is the majority of my available troops. I've decided to start taking bases on the north coast of Australia to further isolate Darwin and perhaps draw out some Allied surface ships. I plan on a raid in force off the coast of Western Australia, maybe even a hit and run invasion of Perth to destroy what I can and bug out. I have 4 CV's and 2 CVL's available for the operation while the Shokaku and Zuikaku refit. A raid on Ceylon is not out of the question either, but if all recon is indicating are AM's and patrol craft I'm not showing my hand for such small fish. I do want to try and catch a large resupply TF bound for Perth or Southern Australia though! Sadly my submarines report nothing, every day. I get no sightings of Allied transport TF's at all which has been very frustrating to say the least.

Essentially, other than tactical operations to achieve a somewhat better defensive posture there are no grand strategic undertakings planned. I think I have limited myself to remaining on the defence and await some kind of Allied movement. Until I learn where the US carriers are I am not comfortable treading too far into the Southeast Pacific.

Industry wise, I am not getting enough resources to Japan. I'm in the process of streamlining fuel/oil transportation to the Home Islands and my fuel reserves are finally starting to rise. Aircraft production of Kate's, Val's, Zero's, Oscar's and Jake's has been halted as I have plenty in reserve and instead am stockpiling the HI.

Pilot training wise I'm doing good. As soon as a pilot reaches experience in the low 50's and their primary and defensive skills reach 70 they are sent to frontline units or the reserve. I will rely on fighting over my own territory to attrition the Allied air units as by now I'm sure they are adequately trained and have plenty of reserve aircraft to be on par with my mine. I could wait until they reach higher experience but that takes awhile and it only takes one or two big air battles to see them used up. I have to go with the Russian mentality here, they may not be the best but there will be a lot of them [;)].

My focus right now goes back to fortifying and strengthening my small perimeter and capturing Sian. The Marshall's have been neglected to date and a crash program of getting the defence's improved is underway.

I'm normally not such a conservative player when it comes to war games, however for numerous reasons this particular game I've played poorly with no clear objective and it's developed into Sitzkrieg. The plan now is to finally accept that I blew it and live with it. I'll do my best to hurt the Allies when they finally appear on the horizon.

Screenshots are long overdue and they will be provided before anymore daily updates. Thanks to those of you still following along, I'm sure as things finally pick up there will be reason for discussion and comments on the proceedings. Not a great AAR to follow, but it will pick up soon. [:)] Ack, time for bed I'm starting to have a pity party for myself. Screenshots to follow...promise!

SqzMyLemon -> RE: June 12-17/42 (8/28/2010 11:48:52 PM)

Here are screenshots of the China theatre as of June 18/42.

Northern China:


SqzMyLemon -> RE: June 12-17/42 (8/28/2010 11:49:28 PM)

Southern China:


Walker84 -> RE: June 12-17/42 (8/29/2010 12:04:03 AM)

Hi SqzMyLemon,

I have been following your thoughtful AAR regularly and read your strategic musings with interest as I find myself at a similar point playing as Japan in late April 42 and deciding what options to pursue now that the early invasion bonus is giving out. I agree with your thoughts about Ceylon - what benefit does taking it at this stage provide if the Allies don't come out to play - you won't be able to hold it indefinitely and in time it could become a trap for your forces. Its frustrating not to be able to force a decisive battle when you have the most favourable terms at this stage of the war. I think to some extent we are up against the reality that faced the Japanese High Command. After failing to take Port Moresby the decisive battle they sought finally happened - at Midway!

In my own game vs ADB123, I never really considered India seriously - the logistical challenges are immense for a first timer and by the time Singers and Bataan fell it was probably too late anyway. Instead I consoled myself by taking Pt Moresby, Darwin and Guadalcanal because I could and it was better than happened in reality. I still hope to pull off one or two significant offensive coups but I am already concentrating on preparing my bases for an effective defensive strategy.

It's important not to overlook the strategic benefit that successful China ops can bring and your offensive against Sian sounds as if it could reap major rewards by forcing your opponent off balance there. Anyway good luck with the planning and looking forward to reading more updates soon.[:)]


SqzMyLemon -> June 18-21/42 (8/31/2010 7:48:09 PM)

Hi Walker,

Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you are getting something out of following along. It has been a frustrating game so far, but I'm in good shape I think. It will be interesting to see how things develop in the future.

I'm just posting the miscellaneous information for the last four days as nothing has happened except the usual bombing of Darwin and Sian. However I will explain in more detail what is happening in China as that is the only active front at this time.

June 18/42:

Ichang expands fortifications to size 2
Kaifeng expands fortifications to size 1
Malaybalay expands airfield to size 3

June 19/42:

Tjilitjap expands fortifications to size 3
Madjene expands airfield to size 2

June 20/42:

Sidate expands fortifications to size 2

June 21/42:

Fusan expands port to size 5
Myitkyina expands fortifications to size 1

xAK Oita Maru arrives at Osaka/Kyoto


June 18th - A mistake on my part sent an armoured recon unit into Liuchow's base hex ahead of my main force. I don't trust the "follow" command anymore and had all my units marching at their own pace to enter the hex, but forgot to hold this one back.

June 19th - my main force arrives at Liuchow and the Chinese do not attack, in fact they are evacuating to the northwest.

June 20th and 21st - I held off attacking the Chinese withdrawal and they exited the hex on June 21st. I did not launch an assault for a reason. Recon may indicate the number of troops I have, but so far the Chinese do not know the AV strength of my army. I think I will try and keep them in the dark for as long as I can, as I really can't accomplish a big push with this small force. I will advance as if to chase the retreating Chinese force and leave one small unit remaining to actually capture the base. Then I will probably about face and occupy Liuchow and build up it's defences.

Smeulders indicated it was foolhardy to try and defend the base in open terrain and with his troops having supply issues he decided to withdraw into better terrain. I have to say I don't blame him, but then again it takes two to play. Once again an engagement has been avoided due to the unwillingness of the enemy to fight. As far as I'm concerned it's a coup for me, I take a supply generating base at no cost and can consolidate my position. An assault would have showed my hand and only caused a few casualties to the Chinese that they could easily replace. I don't want an aggressive China in the south if they knew how weak I actually am here. I do need to take advantage of the lack or martial spirit in the theatre though, I have a free hand to move around as I please and if I plan things right I may make the Chinese pay a heavy price for their inactivity. The fall of the north would be a great place to start.

In the north, Japanese forces continue to close in on Sian, my main army is now directly southeast of the base. I have an opportunity here for a massive defeat of Chinese forces, but I don't want to get too cute and waste more time. I'm worried about reinforcing Chinese units arriving before I can surround the base and begin a direct assault. The rough terrain to the west/southwest of Sian make it very slow going to seal the trap. To the northwest of Sian there appears to be few Chinese troops and I am very tempted to make a dash to Lanchow with my secondary army. My main worry though would be supply, my secondary army is showing supply in the red for some units despite sufficient supply being drawn to the nearby base of Yenan and area. I think it best to first stick to the plan of isolating Sian if the Chinese will stand fast, and it has been hinted at by Smeulders that he will fight for Sian. [sm=00000036.gif] All I can say is I'll believe it when I see it. I will maneuver around the base to try and completely surround it providing there is no relief Chinese force on the horizon. If there is then I mass as quickly as I can and assault Sian with 8000AV directly. This would save the Chinese army by allowing them to retreat, but gain me an important supply and fuel generating base providing that I can crack the defences of the 48 units defending to begin with.

Stay tuned.

SqzMyLemon -> June 22-23/42 (9/2/2010 9:23:24 PM)

June 22-23/42 Update:

June 22/42:

Sub Ops:

Today was a frustrating day for Japanese ASW forces. I've been vectoring SC's to patrol around known Allied submarine positions located by air ASW flights. The results were poor to say the least. [8|]

SS Gato spots a large TF of empty AP's near Bara and singles out the APD Aoi launching a six torpedo spread. One torpedo that hit fails to detonate. The DD Asagao responds with a DC attack, but no hits or near misses are recorded.

SS KIX spots two SC's near Donggala, but elects to not attack. The SC's are oblivious and no ASW attack is conducted. This occurs twice in the turn.

SS O19 is spotted near Tawi Tawi by SC's, but no ASW attack is launched.

The SC's in question will be directed to port next turn for replacement of their captains if warranted. Sadly the pool of captains to choose from is not great so I'll hope to pick out a diamond in the rough. The experience of the crews is poor as well, but that can't be helped. I don't know what increases the experience level of ships crews, but I can only hope that by continuing to spot and sometimes attack they will slowly improve over time. I've been extremely lucky lately with Allied duds, but this has been offset by truly brutal ASW attacks on my end. I can't sink them if my ships never attack or continue to score no hits on the rare occasions they do attack at all. I've started to put together a couple of DD only ASW TF's and will try and achieve something with these.


Darwin bombed, 11 Runway hits scored.


Sian is hit by two separate air attacks. The first raid of 28 bombers, Sally's (23) and Helen's (5)cause 3 AB, 2 ABS and 2 Runway hits. The follow up attack by 38 bombers, Sally's (18) and Helen's (20) cause 1 AB, 5 ABS and 39 Runway hits, a nice raid.


Katha is captured by the 112th Inf. Rgt. This opens the rail line all the way to Myitkyina. I'm deploying a JAAF BF there so Oscar's can begin some sweeps over Allied airspace.


Wakkanai expands port to size 4
Rashin expands fortifications to size 3
Ponape expands fortifications to size 3
Port Blair expands airfield to size 3
Talaud Island expands fortifications to size 1

1st Recon Battalion arrives at Mukden
1st Mobile Infantry Regiment arrives at Mukden
1st Mobile AA Battalion arrives at Mukden
2nd Recon Battalion arrives at Mukden
2nd Mobile Infantry Regiment arrives at Mukden
2nd Mobile Field Artillery Regiment arrives at Mukden
2nd Mobile AA Battalion arrives at Mukden
2nd Mobile Engineer Regiment arrives at Mukden

June 23/42:

Sub Ops:

SS Trigger has been hanging out west of Oosthaven patrolling for any ships running the gap between Sumatra and Java and has been spotted by air ASW for days. I put together a DD ASW TF based at Batavia to patrol the area. I was rewarded with the spotting of the SS Trigger, but despite the DD's attacking right from the get go, not one DC hit or near miss was recorded. [8|]


Darwin hit for 18 runway hits.


The 13th Chinese Corps has taken up residence directly to the northwest of Sian to force my secondary army to attack across the river. Knowing how vulnerable troops are to air bombardment in clear terrain I sent 40 Sally's to hit the formation and inflicted 1(14) infantry, 3(22) non-combat and 0(2) engineer squads losses totalling 368 troops. They will be bombed again tomorrow and as long as they occupy that hex.

Helen's (25) were still ordered to hit the airfield at Sian and caused 7 AB, 5 ABS and 40 Runway hits. Another nice result, I hope this is starting to cause supply strain on the defenders.

Ankang was abandoned by Japanese forces shortly after capture. I couldnt draw supply there and felt it put any troops there at risk. I see some of the Chinese units southwest of Sian starting to move towards reoccupying the base. I hope it is the whole stack of 5 units, as that would leave the hex clear for me to occupy and add one more piece of the Sian stranglehold in place.

Some Chinese I-16 and I-15 IIIs strafed the 27th division near Lanchow for no loss to Japanese forces.

My secondary army is 3 days away from crossing the river and occupying the hex directly northwest of Sian. My main army will be ordered to move on Sian after the next turn to invest the base directly. Then I'll break off a few units to occupy all the hexes around the base, once that is accomplished they will be ordered to Sian directly to gain control of every hexside cutting off the Chinese army at Sian. The assault on Sian will begin in earnest once there is no retreat route left available to the defenders, or if a Chinese reaction makes me have to attack sooner. I want to bag this entire Chinese army!


Myitkyina expands fortifications to size 2
Kai Island expands fortifications to size 3
Paotow expands fortifications to size 1

SqzMyLemon -> Sometimes, I just have to laugh or is that cry? (9/4/2010 12:38:53 AM)

June 24-25/42 Update:

June 24/42:


Air ground attack on the 19th Australian Battalion which moved out from Darwin caused 0(1) infantry and 0(10) non-combat disablements totalling 67 casualties. I won't waste time doing that again and tomorrow I resume hitting the airfield and port at Darwin.


The 13th Chinese Corps northwest of Sian was hit from the air again by Sally's (32) today suffering 0(8) infantry, 0(13) non-combat and 0(1) engineer squad disablements totalling 188 casualties.

Helen's (20) hit the airfield at Sian for 2 AB, 5 ABS and 19 Runway hits.


Brunei expands port to size 4

Device Kayaba Argus advances R&D
Device Mitsubishi Ha-42 advances R&D

DD Oite beginning refit in shipyard at Soerabaja
DD Yunagi beginning refit in shipyard at Soerabaja
AK Sakura Maru beginning refit in shipyard at Soerabaja
AK Sasako Maru beginning refit in shipyard at Soerabaja
AK Kinka Maru beginning refit in shipyard at Soerabaja
AK Kyushu Maru beginning refit in shipyard at Soerabaja
AK Tosan Maru beginning refit in shipyard at Soerabaja

June 25/42:

Sub Ops:

SS Growler near Nakadori-jima launches 6 torpedoes at the PB Sureboko and hits with a dud. The patrol boat responds with yet another useless Japanese DC attack scoring no hits.

SS Trigger, which is being hunted daily, west of Oosthaven launches 6 torpedoes at my DD ASW TF and hits the DD Yayoi with a dud. NO DC attack is launched by the destroyers.

SS KIX is spotted near Donggala by a three ship SC TF with better Captains and the SC CH 30 actually attacks the Dutch submarine, NO hits are scored. SS KIX later decides to not launch an attack against the same SC TF and retires, the SC's do not launch a DC attack.

SS Pollack spots the DMS W-20 near Makassar and launches 4 torpedoes and one hits, but is another dud. Two escorting DD's DO NOT launch a DC attack.

SS S-45 lurking near Kirakira puts a working torpede into the xAK Shofuku Maru and sinks her. The TF was transporting supplies.

SS Trigger again spots this time an ASW SC TF near Oosthaven and hits the SC Ch 21 with another dud. NO ASW DC attack is launched.

This is quickly becoming ridiculous. My escorts or dedicated ASW TF's are only being saved by the high dud rate of Allied torpedoes. My DD's are constantly being hit on these attacks, while Japanese subs just plain outright miss when attacking an Allied DD. I'm fed up with these brutal results, I may not be losing ships, but the fact that the Allied submarines are continually hitting my ships, duds or not, is ridiculous. It seems that from one game to the next there is no consistency in results. My ASW and submarine endeavours to date have been nothing short of abysmal while the Allied efforts continue to chip away with a hit now and then and my losses are only being kept down because of the duds. This is completely frustrating and the AI can start rewarding my efforts anytime here. [:@]


Darwin receives 1 ABS, 11 Runway, 2 Port and 1 Port Fuel hits from the Sally's today.


The 13th Chinese Corps is bombed again for 3(10) infantry, 0(15) non-combat and 0(1) engineer squad losses totalling 215 troops.

Luichow is captured, but not in the way I had intended it to be. [&:]


Kaifeng expands fortifications to size 2
Padang expands fortifications to size 2

AK Hirokawa Maru beginning refit in shipyard at Singapore

A gripe:

Best laid plans often go awry. I'm starting to dislike land movement in this game as there is no rhyme or reason as to why certain movements fail or do not go as planned. Case in point was my idea to not attack at Liuchow until my stack had moved out to keep the AV hidden from the enemy. Well, this is what I did. I had orderd 12 of my LCU's to march due east in "move" and "march" mode while leaving the 20th Recon Rgt. in "combat" mode to assault the base (which was given no movement orders of course). Prior to sending this last turn I checked my units and they showed they'd moved 44 of 46 miles towards their destination, so I figured that the units would vacate the hex prior to the deliberate attack by the recon unit. Nope, only one unit, an Ind. Mixed Inf. Rgt. actually left the hex, the other 11 lost all their movement and were still in the hex when the 20th Recon launched its attack. Needless to say the full AV of my force is now known.

So what gives? I thought land movement preceeded ground combat? Why did only one of my units leave the hex, while 11 lost theirs completely when they all had the same amount of movement to go towards the next hex. All units were set to "march" and not "follow". The "follow" command in this game is buggy and I will no longer use it. It has screwed my movements so many times, but this is just icing on the cake.

Another thing I have run across is that when you issue a movement to a unit, the distance shown on the unit screen is given as "how the crow flies" and not the number of miles the unit will actually move. I find this very confusing and in some cases it has caused a unit to move into a location I had never intended it to go. If I order a unit to move to a location and it's two hexes away, I expect it to move 92 miles towards the location, as the unit movement screen indicates, not 138 as it ends up actually moving sometimes. I've lost road movement at times because I think the unit is moving along a road, or through traversible terrain, all the while confirming the distance to the destination with the unit movement screen, and yet it ends up going into the bush or some unintended rough terrain hex, resulting in days/weeks of delay getting the heck out of the hex. I know the manual states the path chosen will be along the best route that supply can travel, but this is not always the most logical or sensible route.

I would like to see a movement route indicated for LCU's as there are for naval units. Land movement is unpredictable, buggy, and it can severly screw up a players operations as you have no idea on the route your units are actually taking. I am forced now to move one hex at a time so my movements don't get screwed up and I loath to even think about the "follow" command anymore. I don't like the fact that you cannot ever change a movement order after it is first given and even if the new destination is in the same direction you still lose all your previous progress and have to start over. What is the reasoning behind this? I can understand if you are completely reversing direction, but if a valid movement route can include the hex you are already traversing to the new destination, it's just plain dumb that you lose the progress to date, it gives no flexibility at all in an ever changing battlefield. Are you telling me when Patton broke off his offensive and started marching north to Bastogne and his army had travelled say 20 miles already, that if he received an order to head for Antwerp instead (the same general direction I might add [8|]) they'd have to stop, turn around, march back the 20 miles to where they started from and then turn around again and resume the march? And then you learn the distance might be 1000 miles to Antwerp, but the army might actually move 1500 miles and by a route you have no control over? Something is not right here and the manual should be clearer, or some kind of addendum should lay it all out so it's not a surprise to the player.

It's a great game, and I have much to learn, but I think there are some serious movement issues that need to be fixed. There's no consistency at times and it's hard to understand why something works one turn, and not the next.

SqzMyLemon -> June 26/42 (9/5/2010 4:03:53 AM)

June 26/42 Update:

A very quiet day, but things are developing nicely in China at the moment where the focus of my attention is these days.


Darwin's daily bombing yields 25 Runway and 2 port hits.


This is where the action is these days. The 13th Chinese Corps is once again bombed by Ki-21-IIa Sally's (31) and casualties are 1(12) infantry, 0(9) non-combat and 0(2) engineer squad losses totalling 145 troops.

Bombing of Sian did not occur today because of poor weather.

Japanese troops force a river crossing northwest of Sian against the defending 13th Chinese Corps. Japanese casualties were light at 1(35) infantry, 1(28) non-combat and 0(6) engineer squad losses totalling 642 troops. The 13th Chinese Corps on the other hand suffered 74(27) infantry, 161(19) non-combat and 7(5) engineer squad losses, including 2 guns destroyed totalling 3946 troops.


Pisanuloke expands airfield to size 3
Guam expands fortifications to size 3
Madioen expands fortifications to size 2
Talaud Island expands fortifications to size 2
Shwebo expands airfield to size 2

54th JNAF AF Unit arrives at Tokyo

The following screenshot shows the situation in Northern China as of the morning of June 27th. The numbers in brackets are the prep levels for Sian. So far the operation is going as planned, how long that will last has yet to be determined. A nice Birthday present in game terms for me today. [sm=00000436.gif]

Stay tuned.


SqzMyLemon -> June 27-29/42 (9/7/2010 11:42:03 PM)

June 27/42:

I have to give credit to the Allies for always having a submarine snooping around key routes to pick off the odd ship or gather intel on my fleet movements. Then again, if my ASW could actually accomplish something before 1945 that would certainly help my war effort. I'm trying to minimize the stress this aspect of the game is causing me, but so far no luck. The competitive side of me keeps trying to improve my efforts and strive towards achieving better results. Then there is the AI, which doesn't give a crap about my "feelings" and continues to just inform me of continued sinkings and unsuccessful ASW attacks, and to just bend over and say "thank you Sir, may I have another" as a certain bodily orifice is violated on a regular basis. [X(]

Sup Ops:

SS Sealion spots my CVL force redeploying from Sabang in Sumatra to Singapore. Luckily no carriers are mentioned in the combat report, but I'm sure the Allies will guess it's a CV TF. BB Mutsu, 1 CA, 3 CL's and 5 DD's are revealed as well as a CS. One DD launches a DC attack, and of course there is not even a whiff of a near miss or hit...whatever. I've had a SC TF hunting in the area for days and nothing was ever spotted.


Darwin bombed for 11 Runway, 1 Port and 1 Port Fuel hits.


Sian bombed for 1 AB, 1 ABS and 9 Runway hits.

13th Chinese Corps bombed for 2(9) infantry, 1(14) non-combat and 0(1) engineer squad losses totalling 166 troops.


Rabaul expands fortifications to size 4
Liuchow expands fortifications to size 1
Bihoro expands port to size 2

AK Aratama Maru beginning refit in shipyard at Singapore

June 28/42:

Sub Ops:

SS Growler spots a transport TF near Nakadori-jima and torpedoes the xAK Otake Maru in two separate attacks. A total of 3 torpedoes hit and explode with another hit being a dud out of 10 torpedoes launched. Escorting PB's do not launch a DC attack.


Darwin bombed for 1 AB, 21 Runway, 3 Port and 2 Port Fuel hits.


13th Chinese Corps bombed for 16 disabled squad losses totalling 99 casualties.

I'd like to start attacking Sian in some regard, but despite having good supply lines, many of my units are in the red in terms of supply. I will wait for a turn and see if they are fully supplied before launching an artillery bombardment to gather intel on the Chinese strength and then deliberate attacks to start wearing down the defence as the encirclement continues.


Chiang Mai expands fortifications to size 2
Great Nicobar expands airfield to size 1
Soerabaja expands airfield to size 5
Balikpapan expands fortifications to size 4
Tarakan expands port to size 4
Billiton expands airfield to size 2

SC Ch 9 begins refit while under repair at Singapore

Kanoya Ku K-1 arrives at Kagoshima

June 29/42:

Sub Ops:

SS Growler was spotted by air ASW after it's last successful attack so I vectored in a four SC TF today to hunt for the sub. Each of these subchaser's has an ASW rating of 8 and the best Captains I could find. Here were the results:

Sub attack near Saishu To at 100,56

Japanese Ships
SC CHa-21
SC CHa-31
SC CHa-30

Allied Ships
SS Growler

SS Growler launches 4 torpedoes at SC CHa-21
Growler diving deep ....
SC CHa-31 fails to find sub and abandons search
SC CHa-30 fails to find sub, continues to search...
SC CHa-30 fails to find sub, continues to search...
SC CHa-30 fails to find sub, continues to search...
SC CHa-30 fails to find sub, continues to search...
SC CHa-30 fails to find sub, continues to search...
SC CHa-30 fails to find sub, continues to search...
Escort abandons search for sub

The Allied sub actually hit the SC CHa-21 with a dud, so by rights I should have lost another subhunter.

SS O20 spots a resource TF near Laong and sinks the PB Higashiyama Maru, NO DC attack is launched by the other escorting PB's.

Nothing I do matters, and this aspect of the game sucks for me. I try not to get frustrated by this, but after 6 months of this, my ability to look forward to watching the replay and actually caring what is happening is becoming a little harder everyday. I have two games going, both as Japanese and in one I have had success both hitting Allied shipping with my submarines, and inflicting Allied submarine losses. And that' However, despite doing much the same in this PBEM, I have no success whatsoever? What gives? It's not likes Smeulders is doing anything brilliant, he sets his patrol zones, I spot them with air ASW and avoid them when I can and send in the ASW TF's to try and suppress and sink the Allied subs, yet I suffer successful Allied submarine attacks constantly while scoring no DC or bomb hits from ASW assets. I include a dud as a successful attack, because it essentially is still a hit, even if determined by the game to not explode because of the dud modifier for 1942. I dread 1943, actually that's not true, as far as I'm concerned the Allied submarines in this game have been fantastic from day one.


13th Chinese Corps is bombed for 2(9) infantry and 0(7) non-combat squads losses totalling 152 casualties.

Sian bombed for 3 AB, 2 ABS and 14 Runway hits.

The supply situation is still poor for my troops at Sian which I don't understand, my bases in the area are well stocked. Port Arthur shows 60k+ worth of supplies and is not drawing any excess. The needed supplies at Port Arthur is 957, yet my troops in the field at Sian can't get supplies while there are thousands at Port Arthur? What is up with this? I transport hundreds of thousands of supplies to China and my troops are unsupplied at the one place I want to launch an attack? [&:] I'm starting to feel like either the dumbest player here, or just plain unlucky as nothing is going right these days. My attack is delayed once again. I bombard tomorrow supplies or not.


Device Nakajima Ha-45 advances R&D (2/43)

Pilot Matsuki, S. is reported as having been found

PC Nire taken out of commission to begin refit at Cagayan
PC Take taken out of commission to begin refit at Cagayan

DD Naganami arrives at Nagoya

Previous report of sinking of SS S-39 incorrect. Intelligence reports ship is still in service ( I get these messages all the time [:D])

246th Sentai arrives at Tokyo
2nd Area Army arrives at Tokyo
1st Area Army arrives at Mutankiang
2nd Army arrives at Tokyo

SqzMyLemon -> June 30/42 (9/8/2010 9:59:08 PM)

June 30/42:

Sub Ops:

SS Sealion is spotted by my subchaser TF near Sabang. NO DC attack is launched once again.


Oscar's based at Myitkyina swept Dimapur at 15k but no Allied fighters were on CAP at a level 5 airbase.


Sian bombed for 4 AB, 1 ABS and 9 runway hits.
13th Chinese Corps bombed for 0(5) infantry and 0(6) non-combat squad disablements totalling 100 casualties

Disaster at Sian. I decided to launch an artillery bombardment against Sian today and the results were less than spectacular [:D]. I had also ordered the movement of the 15th Tank Rgt. southwest across the river to Sian, a huge mistake.

Pg. 190 in the manual states: Moving across a River hex side will also cause the crossing unit to initiate a shock attack unless the moving side has a presence of friendly units that are already in the hex that meet a threshold of strength when compared to the non-moving side.

I thought 5000AV already occupying Sian would cause my tank unit to suffer disruption while crossing, or at the worst, suffer heavy casualties in the crossing if forced to shock attack. Instead it was completely wiped out. I have to blame myself for ordering the movement in the first place and resorting to guessing what the consequences might be. Due to lack of documentation in the manual as to what exactly this "threshold" needs to be in order to avoid a river crossing disaster, I've lost an entire tank regiment. This could be dire for my operations to capture Sian.

Without knowing what constitutes this magical "threshold" my army to the northwest of Sian will not cross the river to join forces with my army at Sian. I will not risk losing another unit, or worse an entire division, in attempting to consolidate my forces by crossing a river into Sian. The secondary army will instead march on Lanchow now and sever the supply of fuel into Central China. My main force at Sian will begin ground attacks once the supply situation stabilizes after dipping again into the red. The odds in terms of AV are 1:1 so I will have to rely on the experience of my troops and hope my engineers can bring the fort levels down quickly. I will launch a deliberate attack once conditions permit and see how it goes. Here's the combat report for the exact list of units involved.

Ground combat at Sian (83,41)

Japanese Shock attack

Attacking force 3155 troops, 248 guns, 175 vehicles, Assault Value = 5182

Defending force 144935 troops, 739 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 4846

Assault collapses, survivors seek cover

Japanese ground losses:
285 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 36 destroyed, 72 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Vehicles lost 95 (68 destroyed, 27 disabled)
Units destroyed 1

Allied ground losses:
309 casualties reported
Squads: 6 destroyed, 15 disabled
Non Combat: 2 destroyed, 9 disabled
Engineers: 1 destroyed, 3 disabled

Assaulting units:
35th Division
9th Armored Car Co
3rd Division
9th Ind.Mixed Brigade
34th Division
40th Division
13th Division
32nd Division
4th Ind.Mixed Brigade
37th Division
3rd Ind.Mixed Brigade
90th Infantry Regiment
59th Infantry Brigade
36th Division
13th Tank Regiment
58th Division
15th Tank Regiment
8th Engineer Regiment
7th Ind. Engineer Regiment
52nd Ind.Mtn.Gun Battalion
11th Army
5th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
2nd Ind. Engineer Regiment
8th Ind. Engineer Regiment
6th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
1st Mortar Battalion
14th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
1st Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion
22nd Ind. Engineer Regiment
2nd Hvy.Artillery Regiment
12th Army
15th Ind.Medium Field Artillery Regiment
2nd Ind. Mountain Gun Regiment
51st Ind.Mtn.Gun Battalion
20th Medium Field Artillery Regiment

Defending units:
29th Chinese Corps
98th Chinese Corps
33rd Chinese Corps
57th Chinese Corps
3rd Construction Regiment
19th Chinese Corps
5th New Chinese Corps
93rd Chinese Corps
1st Chinese Corps
4th Chinese Cavalry Corps
47th Chinese Corps
23rd Chinese Corps
34th Chinese Corps
3rd Chinese Corps
96th Chinese Corps
16th Chinese Corps
8th Route Army
7th Construction Regiment
76th Chinese Corps
15th Chinese Corps
27th Chinese Corps
36th Chinese Corps
90th Chinese Corps
1st Construction Regiment
22nd Group Army
37th Group Army
24th Group Army
4th Group Army
4th Chinese Base Force
7th Group Army
1st War Area
2nd Construction Regiment
2nd War Area
12th Chinese Base Force
10th Chinese Base Force
6th Group Army
15th Chinese Base Force
Red Chinese Army
34th Group Army
14th Group Army
Jingcha War Area
36th Group Army
2nd Group Army
8th Group Army
18th Group Army
15th Group Army
39th Group Army
4th Construction Regiment

As you can see there's a massive Chinese army at Sian with lots of construction units, I dread to see what the fort levels are. If direct assault will not carry the day, I'll resort to stopping the flow of fuel into Central China, and still maneuver to completely surround Sian and starve it into submission. Not an auspicious start to what I had hoped would be a great operation. So far I have paid for every mistake I have made. It's early yet but I'll continue to maneuver and see how things develop. The lack of supply to my frontline units is a royal pain though, I have to delay a day to recover before I can launch the first ground assault.

I see the Chinese are moving at Hengyang, I guess the Allies figure I've loaded the north of China so I'm weak in the south. I have to follow through in the north though, I've spent too much time planning this, I have to achieve some positive results. Maybe a move towards Lanchow will cause some distress and force the Chinese to make a mistake. I think the only thing that can stop me taking Lanchow will be supply issues, or a huge Chinese force in the rough terrain in the northwest that recon hasn't picked up yet.

Uttaradit expands fortifications to size 2
Great Nicobar expands airfield to size 1
Liuchow expands fortifications to size 2
Sabang expands port to size 3
Soerabaja expands fortifications to size 1
Paotow expands fortifications to size 2
Buitenzorg expands fortifications to size 1

xAKL Uga Maru arrives at Yokohama/Yokosuka
SC CHa-37 arrives at Niigata
66th Sentai arrives at Tunghua

So ends June of 1942 on a sour note, but tomorrow is another day!

SqzMyLemon -> July 1/42 (9/9/2010 6:17:51 PM)

First off before I get to the turn update, I have to eat some humble pie here. The river assault rule is stated in a patch readme file and explains in much greater detail what is required to avoid a shock attack when crossing a river. Hexside control does come into play as well. So I may have lost a tank regiment, but I learned a valuable lesson. I'm competitive and sometimes have difficulty when things don't go as planned. I need to step back and realize I don't know the game that well yet, there is so much to learn and trying to play a perfect game with my limited experience is just asking for a heart attack [:D]. I really just need to relax, play, learn and get better. Ok, now on to the update, things are actually picking up and there was an appearance of Allied cruisers today so even the Allies are getting restless.

July 1/42:

Sub Ops:

After months of frustration today was a good day for Japanese ASW.

SS Trigger still prowling off the coast near Buitenzorg launched a 4 torpedo spread at the DD Yayoi, but all missed and no dud hits either. Both the DD'd Hakaze and Okikaze responded with DC attacks, two of which were direct hits causing heavy damage and a serious fuel leak, a third might have forced the submarine to the surface, but I'm happy to get a few licks in today.

DD Fumikaze patrolling off the north coast of Miri spots the SS O23 and launches a DC attack. Two near misses are recorded, one of which damaged the forward tubes of the submarine.

SS Spearfish launches a 4 torpedo spread against the E Shimushu near Dinagat but none hit. No DC attack is launched.

I've diverted more DD's to ASW patrol and hopefully in conjunction with air ASW and the subchaser's I may start to make the waters a dangerous place for Allied submarines. This was only one day though, so I'll wait and see if it's a trend in the right direction, or whether I just got lucky today.

Southeast Pacific:

An Allied cruiser TF consisting of 3 CA's and 4 DD's caught a small resupply TF at Ndeni today. The PB Shonon Maru #15, PB Takunan Maru #2 and xAK Ryuyo Maru were sunk. CA Pensacola was the ringleader, so the torpedo she took awhile back caused little damage, as suspected. The TF then proceeded to bombard the port causing 4 Port and 2 Port Supply hits and casualties were 1 non-combat squad disabled of the 5th Ind, SNLF Coy.

This is a wake up call to see to the defences in the Solomon's and area. I've neglected things here for too long. My search arcs were misplaced and the enemy TF was completely undetected.


Ledo was swept by Oscar's today, no Allied CAP present.


Sian was bombed today, but the target were the ground troops as I planned to launch the first deliberate attack today. Chinese casualties were 0(11) infantry, 1(13) non-combat and 0(2) engineer squad losses totalling 137 troops.

Following the air bombardment, the ground troops went in and I was pleased with the results overall, if nothing Earth shattering.

Ground combat at Sian (83,41)

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 141533 troops, 1357 guns, 456 vehicles, Assault Value = 5155

Defending force 144576 troops, 739 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 4822

Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 4

Japanese adjusted assault: 2713

Allied adjusted defense: 2510

Japanese assault odds: 1 to 1 (fort level 4)

Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 4 (Does this indicate they were level 5 previously, or that they actually remained at level 4 as shown above?)

Combat modifiers
Defender: forts(+), preparation(-), experience(-), supply(-) (I'm better prepped and supply is an issue for the defenders!)


Japanese ground losses:
11247 casualties reported
Squads: 39 destroyed, 1132 disabled
Non Combat: 41 destroyed, 853 disabled
Engineers: 4 destroyed, 98 disabled
Vehicles lost 90 (3 destroyed, 87 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
12201 casualties reported
Squads: 70 destroyed, 221 disabled
Non Combat: 105 destroyed, 1055 disabled
Engineers: 45 destroyed, 51 disabled
Units destroyed 1

Assaulting units:
37th Division
13th Division
32nd Division
4th Ind.Mixed Brigade
58th Division
59th Infantry Brigade
3rd Ind.Mixed Brigade
9th Ind.Mixed Brigade
90th Infantry Regiment
13th Tank Regiment
34th Division
36th Division
9th Armored Car Co
3rd Division
35th Division
40th Division
8th Engineer Regiment
2nd Ind. Mountain Gun Regiment
51st Ind.Mtn.Gun Battalion
5th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
2nd Hvy.Artillery Regiment
22nd Ind. Engineer Regiment
1st Mortar Battalion
1st Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion
14th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
11th Army
2nd Ind. Engineer Regiment
7th Ind. Engineer Regiment
52nd Ind.Mtn.Gun Battalion
15th Ind.Medium Field Artillery Regiment
12th Army
6th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
8th Ind. Engineer Regiment
20th Medium Field Artillery Regiment

Defending units:
7th Construction Regiment
5th New Chinese Corps
15th Chinese Corps
98th Chinese Corps
47th Chinese Corps
4th Chinese Cavalry Corps
57th Chinese Corps
34th Chinese Corps
3rd Chinese Corps
16th Chinese Corps
3rd Construction Regiment
19th Chinese Corps
8th Route Army
93rd Chinese Corps
36th Chinese Corps
90th Chinese Corps
23rd Chinese Corps
33rd Chinese Corps
96th Chinese Corps
29th Chinese Corps
1st Chinese Corps
76th Chinese Corps
27th Chinese Corps
1st Construction Regiment
Red Chinese Army
10th Chinese Base Force
4th Group Army
2nd War Area
12th Chinese Base Force
2nd Construction Regiment
15th Chinese Base Force
Jingcha War Area
34th Group Army
24th Group Army
4th Chinese Base Force
6th Group Army
2nd Group Army
15th Group Army
39th Group Army
14th Group Army
22nd Group Army
1st War Area
7th Group Army
18th Group Army
8th Group Army
36th Group Army
37th Group Army
4th Construction Regiment

Another small battle occurred at 76,55 around Luichow. A deliberate attack against the 62nd Chinese Corps resulted in 5:1 odds and losses of 10(10) infantry and 7(4) non-combat squad losses totalling 272 troops for the Chinese. Japanese casualties were light at 2 infantry and 2 non-combat squads disabled totalling 26 troops. The Chinese retreated to Kweilin.

I'm concerned about Chinese movement around Changsha, a probing Chinese Corps has appeared northeast of Pingsiang and troops appear to be about to cross the river from Hengyang to dislodge my Inf. Bde. blocking the railway. I'm sending two divisions out from Pingsiang to drive back the probing Chinese unit. I will keep my eye on things here and see what the Chinese may hope to accomplish. My first thoughts are unblock the railway, and cause me to show my strength.


DD Murasame beginning refit in shipyard at Soerabaja
DD Harusame beginning refit in shipyard at Soerabaja

Previous report of sinking of SS Trigger incorrect. Intelligence reports ship is still in service (at least I know she got hit today, how badly I'll find out)

Interesting times these days, I think a war is actually begining to break out! [sm=00000036.gif]

SqzMyLemon -> RE: July 1/42 (9/11/2010 9:40:49 PM)

July 2/42:


Darwin bombed resulting in 1 AB, 28 Runway, 4 Port, 1 Port Fuel and 2 Port Supply hits.


Imphal swept by Oscar's, no Allied CAP was present. Imphal's airfield was then hit by Ki-21-IIa Sally's (23) for 2 AB and 4 Runway hits.


Sian bombed resulting in 12 infantry and 10 non-combat squads disabled totalling 139 casualties. An artillery bombardment was launched by Japanese ground forces against Sian for a further 133 casualties consisting of 2(3) infantry, 4(4) non-combat and 0(1) engineer squad losses and 1 gun destroyed.

A river assault by Chinese forces east of Hengyang mauled the defending 12th Ind. Mixed Bde with heavy casualties at 65(123) infantry, 29(37) non-combat, 2(2) engineer squads lost and 1(2) guns lost totalling 3335 troops. The unit has retreated safely to Pingsiang. Chinese losses were 6(216) infantry, 7(185) non-combat and 0(14) engineer squads lost totalling 3298 troops.

Is this the start of a general offensive? Hard to say, but I do think the Chinese will push around Changsha knowing 2/3 of my forces are at Sian. I will stay put and see if the Chinese push further before I commit anything.


Rahaeng expands fortifications to size 2
Myitkyina expands fortifications to size 3
Nabire expands airfield to size 2

DD Oyashio beginning refit in shipyard at Singapore
SS I-32 arrives at Cam Ranh Bay

Northern China:


SqzMyLemon -> RE: July 1/42 (9/11/2010 9:41:26 PM)

Southern China:


SqzMyLemon -> July 3/42 (9/17/2010 11:29:53 PM)

July 3/42:


Darwin bombed resulting in 2 AB, 1 ABS, 15 Runway and 1 Port Fuel hits.


Kalemyo was bombed resulting in two disabled infantry squads to elements of the 15th Punjab Bn. The Allies continue to avoid any air combat in the theatre. I'm re-deploying both the 33rd and 38th Divisions to Lashio for a drive against Paoshan.


Sian bombed resulting in 1(15) infantry, 0(17) non-combat squad losses totaling 273 troops. this was followed by an artillery bombardment that resulted in 2(0) infantry, 7(5) non-combat and 0(1) engineer squad losses and 1 gun destroyed totalling 70 troops. Counter battery destroyed 1 gun and 1 non-combat squad. with a further 11 squads disabled. Japanese AV is 4178 compared to Chinese AV of 4427. That first assault really hurt.


Toungoo expands fortifications to size 3
Port Blair expands airfield to size 4
Buna expands fortifications to size 3
Lae expands fortifications to size 4
Soerabaja expands fortifications to size 2

Previous report of sinking of BB Arizona incorrect. Intelligence reports ship is still in service (sigh)

July 4/42:

Sub Ops:

SS Truant is spotted near Miri in shallow water and no ASW attack is launched by DD Fumizuki or the E Hachijo.
SS Tarpon launches torpedoes at the SS I-9 [X(] just south of Nagoya, they all miss. The continued reactions of Allied submarines continue to cause me concern while my forces continue to appear clueless as to what is going on around them.


Darwin hit again for 1 AB, 1 ABS, 29 Runway, 1 Port, 1 Port Fuel and 1 Port Supply hits.


Sian is hit hard today from aerial bombardment. Chinese troops suffered 4(28) infantry, 4(29) non-combat and 0(2) engineer squad losses totalling 466 casualties.

July 5/42:

Sub Ops:

SS Herring miss the xAK Fusemi Maru near Wakkanai, no ASW is launched by the escorting PB's.
SS S-38 misses the SC CH 10 near Lae, once again no ASW attack is launched.
SS Drum hits and sinks the SC CHa-26 near Aogashima. The remaining SC's do not attack.
SS KIX is spotted near Donggala by SC's, but again no ASW attack is launched.

Four submarine contacts and not one DC dropped in anger, truly pathetic.


Darwin bombed for 1 AB, 38 Runway and 2 Port hits.


Sian bombed for 0(20) infantry, 1(21) non-combat and 0(1) engineer squad losses totalling 251 casaulties.


Pilot Yano, S. is reported as to have escaped capture

July 6/42:

Sub Ops:

SS KXIII is spotted near Batavia by DD's, no ASW is launched.
SS Herring is spotted near Wakkanai by SC's and a rare DC attack is launched, not one hit or near miss is recorded.
SS Flying Fish is spotted near Fukue-jima by SC's and a DC attack is launched (see above).
SS KXIII is spotted again near Batavia and a DC attack is launched (see above)

What more can I say besides truly turd like results.


Darwin bombed for 3 AB, 1 ABS and 18 Runway hits.


Sian bombed for 1(13) infantry and 0(25) non-combat squad losses totalling 132 troops.

A Chinese LCU crossed the river to the northwest of Sian the day before and today I shock attacked to drive it back into Sian. I was surprised that it was actually eliminated with 2(0) non-combat, 1(0) engineer squad losses and 47 guns destroyed totalling 30 troops. Japanese suffered 4 squad disablements totalling 24 troops. How is a Chinese unit with no AV value allowed to cross a river hexside into a Japanese controlled hex and not receive any casualties in the crossing?


Nago expands fortifications to size 3

July 7/42:

Sub Ops:

SS Herring spots my ASW SC group and elects to not attack, the SC's sail on oblivious.
SS Flying Fish launches 6 torpedoes at the SC CHa-36 and hits with a dud, no DC attack is launched.
SS Herring spots my first oil transport TF en route from Shuikuka near Wakkanai and hits the TK Bushu Maru with a dud. No ASW attack is launched.

I was lucky with the duds, but come on, these submarines are spotted daily by air/naval ASW or escorts and they are not supressed let alone attacked beyond rarely. Once again Japanese ASW lays a big turd.


Darwin bombed for 2 AB, 22 Runway and 1 Port Fuel hits.


Sian bombed resulting in 1(14) infantry and 0(14) non-combat squad losses totalling 101 troops.

Northwest of Sian at 82,38 I decided to launch a shock attack against the 13th Chinese Corps by my Secondary Army. Japanes loses were 3 disabled squads totalling 18 casulties. The 13th Chinese Corps was treated roughly and suffered 153(0) infantry, 115(0) non-combat 7(0) engineer squad losses and 2 guns destroyed totalling 1683 troops. The Chinese retreat West across the river to the dot base. I am driving towards Lanchow with the entire 2305 AV. I will shatter the Chinese units alog the way and take one oil/fuel base. There is a Chinese force of 100,000+ troops blocking the route into Central China, but they will not be able to react in time to stop me taking Lanchow. I anticipate a move East across the river and then possibly a drive to reinforce Sian, or they may pursue my Secondary Army. I'll just have to use recon to indicate if they begin to move.

My AV is slowly creeping up at Sian so I may launch another deliberate assault against Sian soon, It would be nice to lower the forts another level, but I dread the casualties I'll take. I can only hope the supply situation will affect the Chinese defenders and give me 1:1 odds at least. I have another division as reinforcement on the way to boost the AV by another 450.


3rd Air Army arrives at Saigon

The Kaga, Akagi and Hiryu have reached Hiroshima and will begin their 3 week refit. There is absolutely no reason to not upgrade at this time and it will be best to have all my AA available for the eventual clash. Once the Shokaku and Zuikaku finish their upgrade at Singapore they will head to Saipan to be joined by the other carriers. I will mass KB at Saipan and await developments.

I will have almost 1800 PP's after next turn and will probably buy out the 53rd or 54th Division from the Home Islands. The next thing to do will be to start buying out the units to form my first Tank Division from units that are at Mukden.

Does anyone have an idea where best to reinforce? I'm thinking of sending a division to Truk, or Saipan. I believe the Allies will hit New Guinea first. I'm just not sure on the best defence in terms of ground troops. Until I see some Allied movements I can't tell where the main thrust will come from. Japan is woefully short of troop reinforcement for the rest of 42 and I don't want to strand what little I have somewhere that won't be attacked. Lot's of thinking to do!

Overall it's still quiet. No sign of the Allied airforce and fleet units are out there somewhere. My submarines are starting to form picket lines in the Marshall's, IO, DEI and Solomon's. I've given up on trying to locate transport convoys and will resort to massing them at key points to throw them at any sign of an Allied push wherever/whenever that may occur. I continue to build up defences and concentrate on resources and fuel flow to the Home Islands. I'm producing healthy amounts of reserve engines and pilot reserves are growing. I am focusing training of bomber units on recon and naval search. When the Allies push I want eyes in the sky so I will see exactly what is coming at me, intelligence will be the key to my defence. Other than the odd resource convoy from Singapore to Takao, I'm starting to just focus on gathering resources directly from around the Home Islands at Port Arthur and on Hokkaido. to reduce fuel usage.

Thanks for still following along as I muddle my way through things here.

SqzMyLemon -> July 8/42 (9/20/2010 6:20:46 AM)

July 8/42:

Sub Ops:

SS Growler hits the xAK Hohuku Maru with a dud near Saishu To, no ASW attack is launched from the escorting PB's.
SS O19 is spotted near Sandakan by the SC CHa-20, but no ASW attack is launched.


Darwin bombed for 13 Runway and 1 Port Supply hits.


Sian bombed for 0(32) infantry, 2(25) non-combat and 0(1) engineer squad losses totalling 170 casualites. An artillery bombardment followed inflicting a further 2(14) infantry, 7(18) non-combat and 0(1) engineer squad losses totalling 265 casualties. Ground forces have recovered from the first attack so another deliberate attack against the base will be launched tomorrow. I hope to reduce the fort level again at best, although I do believe lack of supply for Chinese forces may factor into a favourable outcome for my assault. I've ordered the 40th Inf Bde., 78th Inf. Bde and the 39th Division to reinforce Sian. I just realized the 1st army HQ and 78th Inf. Bde. are still in move mode and should arrive prior to the attack on Sian, I hope I haven't provided a (-) modifier for my attack needlessly.


Rangoon expands fortifications to size 3
Nanyang expands airfield to size 2
Yenan expands fortifications to size 1
Palembang expands fortifications to size 3
Waingapu expands airfield to size 2
Waingapu expands fortifications to size 3

CV Kaga beginning refit in shipyard at Hiroshima/Kure

I've bought out the 54th Division from the Home Islands and assigned it to the 2nd Army and is en route for Saipan. I have not decided on it's final deployment as yet. The next PP buy outs will be to establish my 1st and 2nd Tank Division's for deployment in Burma.

d0mbo -> RE: July 8/42 (9/20/2010 2:13:06 PM)

Very interesting AAAR!

How's the resource situation? You mentioned a while back you were running a deficit?
Does singapore/malaya produce supplies on its own? Is this not enough to suplly your forces?

Curious to know, as i am not that far in my PBEM.

SqzMyLemon -> The Sian Meatgrinder (9/20/2010 7:22:00 PM)

July 9/42:

Sub Ops:

SS Sturgeon hit the xAK Hokkai Maru near Kavieng with one torpedo. The transport is still afloat, but damage is 35,60,12,19. I suspect she'll go down tomorrow with Japan's damage control being so poor.
SS Herring is still at large near Wakkanai and despite being spotted again by subchaser's no ASW attack is launched.


Sian was bombed for 0(30) infantry, 0(22) non-combat and 0(2) engineer squad losses totalling 249 casualties.

The second deliberate attack at Sian was launched and casualties on the Japanese side were again heavy. Strength comparison was Japan's 4633AV to China's 4389AV which resulted in 1:1 odds and the fort level was reduced to 3. Japanese casualties consisted of 34(945) infantry, 17(346) non-combat and 4(118) engineer squad losses including 1(50) vehicles totalling 15579 troops [X(]. Chinese casualties amounted to 42(386) infantry, 91(1219) non-combat and 7(49) engineer squad losses totalling only 5181 troops. Japanese strength is reduced to 3813AV.

Compared to the first deliberate attack my casualties are heavier, but I lost less AV strength. I will recover disruption and take troop replacements then launch the 3rd assault in 4-5 days. It's an expensive operation, but there is no avoiding it. Chinese reinforcements are looming to the Northwest and time is not my ally. The casualties are heavy, but I have not tapped into using my replacement pools much yet, so I should have no problems replenishing the units.

The 53rd Inf. Bde. was bombed by A-29A Hudson's (8) at 82,43, but no losses were incurred. The bombers were at 10k.

Paoshan was bombed by Ki-21-IIa Sally's (26) inflicting 2 AB, 3 ABS and 15 Runway hits on the airbase.


Kumamoto expands fortifications to size 3
Paramushiro-jima expands airfield to size 2
Kanoya expands fortifications to size 3


Thanks for following along and I'm glad you finding the AAR interesting. Resource wise I'm slowly increasing what is stored in the Home Islands. I've been supplying so many outlying bases with fuel and supplies that I'm still running a deficit, but that is changing as I focus now on everything going to the Home Islands. I've been meaning to post what is happening there, but that's another beast completely. I am ok for supply in Burma, but I find bases run in the red with the expansions I'm doing, so I send supplies to Singapore to keep everything going. This will only increase as my units eventually will be in combat. China also gets massive infusions of supply on a regular basis. I have an ambitious fort expansion program and it consumes a lot of supplies, not to mention just keeping my frontline units in fighting form. I do mean to post in more detail on my industry, but I'll wait till I have everything in place and pools begin to rise.

crsutton -> RE: May 18/42 (9/20/2010 10:43:18 PM)




Bombing of the 35th Chinese Corps resulted in 1 infantry, 1 non-combat squads and 7 guns destroyed. This Chinese force is almost wiped out. I've included a few screenshots of the Chinese theatre as well in this update. It's the only place of interest at the moment.

You are doing him a favor by bombing this unit. If destroyed completely, it will return in Chunking in 30 days as a very strong unit. Better to leave it be. It takes forever to rebuild a Chinese fragment and eats up precious supply as well.

SqzMyLemon -> RE: May 18/42 (9/21/2010 12:47:46 AM)


ORIGINAL: crsutton

You are doing him a favor by bombing this unit. If destroyed completely, it will return in Chunking in 30 days as a very strong unit. Better to leave it be. It takes forever to rebuild a Chinese fragment and eats up precious supply as well.

Whether I destroy them or not won't they still die of attrition anyway? I can't stop deliberate attempts to wipe out their own units either, as a small Chinese unit with no AV value was sent northwest out of Sian across the river into a Japanese held hex a few turns ago in what I believe was a deliberate attempt to wipe the unit out to achieve it respawning.

Is it true that a Chinese unit destroyed comes back at the same experience level as when it was destroyed? If that's the case, doesn't that reward an Allied player for being reckless with Chinese units, sacrificing them needlessly in order to get a better unit in return? I understand the respawing at 1/3 unit strength as it represents the huge manpower available to the Chinese, but they should be at the lowest experience level and it should have to come out of their monthly replacement rate. Otherwise there's no point for a Japanese player to try and eliminate a Chinese unit outright, even though the Allied player is free to do so by sending them behind the lines in the first place.

Am I seeing this right or missing something?

crsutton -> RE: May 18/42 (9/21/2010 4:48:25 AM)

No, I have never seen a Chinese unit die of attrition. It is 4/43 in my game and I still have some Dutch units sitting around in the bush. Seems like only the real low exp units die off. My oppponent is careful about not killing units and I have a few Chinese units with no squads and only some guns. These units can run behind enemy lines and block supply but a unit without any squads cannot advance into an enemy owned hex. Kill them off and they come back at 1/3 strength which for a Chinese Army Corps is about 250 squads-generally about as strong as most start the game. Exp is good 45-50, but morale will be in the 30-50 range when they come back so they have to sit another month or two.

The most annoying thing is that you just can't kill off your own units. A 300-1 attack vs a fragment sometimes just pushes it back a hex and kills nothing. This is actually very frustrating for the Allies as you cannot disband any Chinese units that I have seen.

If the Allied player had to rely solely on the 200 squad a month replacement rate, a decent Japanese player would own China before 1942 ends. Sometimes the Chinese will lose 1,000 or more squads in a retreat. And sometimes the supply situation is so critical that you have to turn off replacments as it eats up too much supply. I am playing scen#2 and would have to say that I have been sweating China since our game started. Every turn brings a crisis. It really is the only theater that I am worried about but think it is almost impossble for Japan to now take all of China since the patches.

SqzMyLemon -> July 10-12/42 (9/24/2010 12:02:34 AM)

July 10/42:

Sub Ops:

SS Trusty surfaces near Singkep and pummels the xAKL Meiko Maru with 36 shell hits! Down she goes.
SS Herring is still at large and avoids an ASW attack once again near Toyohara.
SS KIX near Donggala is spotted by the SC Ch 27 and takes damage from one near miss DC attack.


Darwin bombed for 1 AB and 13 Runway hits.

New Guinea:

Two 4E raids against Lae occurred today. B-17E's (12) paid a visit in the first raid and bombed the airbase. A6M2 Zero's (9) intercepted and were treated roughly, in all I lost five fighters to A2A and Op's losses. Eight bombers were damaged and Lae took 7 AB and 7 Runway hits and I lost a further Ki-57-1 Topsy and Ki-46-II Dinah destroyed on the ground. In the second raid B-17E's (6) were intercepted by Zero's (4) and one bomber was shot down to three Zero's damaged. Damage to the airbase was 1 AB, 1 ABS and 5 Runway hits with a Zero and Topsy destroyed on the ground.


Paoshan's airbase was hit by Ki-21-IIa Sally's (25) escorted by Ki-43-Ic Oscar's (20) and caused 2 AB, 2 ABS and 27 runway hits.

Sian received no air attack today due to weather, but an artillery bombardment caused 5(13) infantry, 1(8) non-combat and 1(0) engineer squads losses totalling 240 casulties to the Chinese, 0(6) non-combat squad disablements totalling 16 casualties were suffered by Imperial forces. The ground troops continue to reat and recover disruption/fatigue before the next attack. It's appears that the Chinese are attempting to move further troops out of Sian, to what purpose I do not know yet. I plan another ground attack in 2-3 days.


Cocos Islands expands airfield to size 1
Sabang expands fortifications to size 1
Soerakarta expands fortifications to size 1

CV Soryu beginning refit in shipyard at Hiroshima/Kure
CV Akagi beginning refit in shipyard at Hiroshima/Kure
CV Shokaku available for service in damaged state at Singapore (refit is complete and will be available in 4 days after repairing)

July 11/42:

Sub Ops:

SS Herring just won't go away and hits the xAK Bingo Maru with a dud near Wakkanai. No ASW attack is launched by escorting PB's.


Darwin bombed for 1 AB, 32 Runway and 5 Port hits.


Sian bombed for 1(21) infantry, 1(16) non-combat squad losses totalling 249 casualites. Another artillery bombardment against the defenders of Sian resulted in 1(10) infantry, 1(6) non-combat squad losses totalling 131 casualties, Japanese suffered 0(2) non-combat squads disabled. AV comparison is 3911 vs. 3819 in Japan's favour. Movement ticks still indicate Chinese troops are attempting to leave Sian to the East and Northwest.

A-29A Hudson's (8) bombed the 53rd Inf. Bde. at 82,43 but inflicted no losses.

My secondary army has reached Kungchang in Northern China and a shock attack will be launched tomorrow, only one Chinese unit is defending and I expect the base to fall easily. I hope it's capture will stop the flow of fuel/oil from Lanchow and Urumchi. I expect the Chinese supply situation to start getting worse when the base falls, unless the fuel is able to be transported through rough terrain into Central China somehow. I don't even know if Sian's fuel has stopped flowing into Central China either considering I block the road and railway to the Northwest.


Recon of Kalemyo show a level one airbase has been completed. I launched an attack by Ki-21-IIa Sally's (25) escorted by Ki-43-Ic Oscar's (9) and hit the airfield for 4 Runway hits. No Allied CAP was encountered.


Kusaie Island expands port to size 1
Singkawang expands fortifications to size 3
Madjene expands fortifications to size 1
Buitenzorg expands fortifications to size 2

DD Shiratsuyu beginning refit in shipyard at Hiroshima/Kure
DD Shigure beginning refit in shipyard at Hiroshima/Kure
DD Yudachi beginning refit in shipyard at Hiroshima/Kure
DD Yamakaze beginning refit in shipyard at Hiroshima/Kure
DD Kawakaze beginning refit in shipyard at Hiroshima/Kure
DD Umikaze beginning refit in shipyard at Hiroshima/Kure
DD Suzukaze beginning refit in shipyard at Hiroshima/Kure

July 12/42:

Sub Ops:

SS Herring launches 4 fish at the SC CHa-6 near Toyohara and hits with a dud, an ASW attack is launched by the SC Cha-33 which quickly runs out of DC's. No hits are recorded. Back to port to replenish...sigh.


Darwin bombed for 2 AB, 31 Runway and 1 Port hits.


Sian bombed for 0(25) infantry, 2(21) non-combat and 0(1) engineer squad losses totalling 283 casualties. Following the air attack was another artillery bombardment. Chinese casualties were 71 troops of 0(4) infantry and 1(3) non-combat squad losses. Movement now indicates the Chinese are just attempting to move Northwest. I will launch the next ground attack tomorrow. Reinforcements of almost 600 AV will arrive in two days.

Kungchang Falls! [sm=happy0065.gif] The shock attack carried the base and routed the defending 6th Chinese BF. Chinese casualties were 58(0) infantry, 142(0) non-combat and 11(0) engineer squads lost including 2 guns destroyed totalling 2113 troops. Japanese losses were 1(14) infantry, 0(5) non-combat and 0(3) engineer squad losses. China again received a (+) modifier for leadership. I'm guessing the leadership ratings of my units are being averaged or something, because otherwise it seems Chinese leadership is consistently better than the Japanese...


Kalemyo's airbase was bombed again for 5 AB, 2 ABS and 9 Runway hits. No Allied CAP once again, but there are 5 auxilliary aircraft based there now according to recon.


Jolo expands fortifications to size 4
Kukong expands fortifications to size 2
Talaud Island expands fortifications to size 3
16th Sentai converting to Ki-48-IIa Lily

8th Fleet arrives at Truk

Screenshot of Northern China to follow.

SqzMyLemon -> July 13-16/42 (9/29/2010 2:13:22 AM)

July 13/42:

Sub Ops:

SS Herring is still active around Wakkanai, but elects not to launch torpedoes. There is no ASW attack from the hunting SC's.
SS O23 is spotted near Kuching in shallow water and is aggressively attacked by DD's Uranami and Murakumo. The ASW attack scores 2 direct DC hits and 6 near misses that inflict damage to the fuel tanks and the forward tubes. Unfortunately the DD Murakamo ran out of DC's, otherwise one more direct hit might have forced the sub to surface.


Kalemyo was bombed and the airbase suffered 3 AB, 2 ABS and 6 Runway hits. The RAF still won't commit CAP in the area.

Lashio was hit hard by Blenheim IV's (59) and Wllington Ic's (28) inflicting 1 Resource, 4 AB, 3 ABS and 18 Runway hits. I had no CAP at Lashio. [:(] I will move a unit of Nick's there incase another unescorted raid hits tomorrow.


Darwin bombed resulting in 1 AB, 18 Runway and 1 Port Fuel hits.


Poor weather grounded the daily bombing of Sian which was unfortunate, as I launched the 3rd deliberate ground assault today. Oucho! Japanese casualites were 89(395) infantry, 18(773) non-combat and 1(36) engineer squad losses totalling a whopping 16277 casualites. The Chinese defenders suffered 56(220) infantry, 80(540) non-combat, 9(34) engineer squad losses including 1(1) guns lost totalling 8557 casualties. The odds and modifiers broke down like this:

Ground combat at Sian (83,41)

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 123996 troops, 1342 guns, 462 vehicles, Assault Value = 4002

Defending force 126858 troops, 700 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 3816

Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 2

Japanese adjusted assault: 3558

Allied adjusted defense: 2246

Japanese assault odds: 1 to 1 (fort level 2)

Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 2

Combat modifiers
Defender: preparation(-), experience(-), supply(-)

At least the forts are down to 2. Every attack has been very costly, but the forts have been reduced by one every attack. I'll be able to make good the losses, but it's turning out to be a Verdun of sorts for my troops.


Repairs completed on PC Nire at Cagayan, ship returned to service
Repairs completed on PC Take at Cagayan, ship returned to service

19th Tank Regiment arrives at Fukuoka
18th Tank Regiment arrives at Kagoshima
1st Ind.Tank Co arrives at Truk
13th Ind.Hvy.Art Battalion arrives at Fushun
55th JNAF AF Unit arrives at Tokyo

July 14/42:

Sub Ops:

SS Trusty is spotted near Singkep and is attacked by the escorting DD Numakaze scoring 3 near miss DC hits that lightly damage the submarine. This was a tanker transport TF, so a brief moment of panic and luckily no torpedoes were launched.


Darwin bombed for 1 AB, 1 ABS, 19 Runway, 1 Port, 2 Port Fuel and 1 Port Supply hits.


Kalemyo was hit again for 1 AB and 5 Runway hits.

No sign of RAF bombers today. I guess Smeulders is just trying to practice coordination and seeing how his operations go before he commits to any kind of sustained operations, otherwise I have no idea why he never follows up. I did move fighters to Lashio, which I'm sure he spotted, so I'm guessing that was enough of a deterrent.


Sian was bombed for 0(15) infantry, 2(18) non-combat squad losses totalling 258 Chinese casualties. I followed up yesterday's ground assault with another artillery bombardment today. Chinese defenders suffered 4(11) infantry, 3(4) non-combat and 0(1) engineer squad losses totalling 175 casualties. Only three Chinese units have moved out from Sian to the Northwest. It's not a complete withdrawal. Smeulders informed me that an entire Chinese Corps spawned at Sian so that freed him to move some units out. That sucks for me of course. I don't think a contested hex should be able to allow reinforcements to spawn there.


Chiang Mai expands airfield to size 2
Kusaie Island expands fortifications to size 2
Meiktila expands airfield to size 2
Donggala expands airfield to size 3

SC Ch 10 taken out of commission to begin refit at Rabaul
SC Ch 11 taken out of commission to begin refit at Rabaul

AMc Wa 4 arrives at Tokyo
AMc Wa 5 arrives at Tokyo
DMS W-21 arrives at Tokyo
CM Niizaki arrives at Tokyo
CMc Ma 3 arrives at Tokyo
SC CHa-38 arrives at Ominato
55th I.F.Chutai arrives at Hailar

July 15/42:

Sub Ops:

SS Tarpon spots a tanker TF near Foochow and hits the TK Koho Maru with a dud...whew! One direct DC hit from the escorting PB Kongo Maru is recorded.
SS Thresher hits the xAK Yamazato Maru with one torpedo resulting in heavy damage, although float damge is 53 so the transport may still make port. The escorting DD's launch an ASW attack, but no hits are recorded. This TF is an amphibious one heading to Kobe to pick up the 54th Div.
SS Sealion launches a torpedo attack against the SC Ch 16, but all miss. An ASW attack is launched scoring no hits.
SS Trusty is spotted near Lingga and escorts launch an ASW attack, no DC hits are recorded.


Darwin bombed for 4 AB, 14 Runway and 1 Port hits.


Kalemyo is bombed for 2 Runway hits.


Ki-21-IIa Sally's (41) bomb the 56th Chinese Corps that now occupies the hex diretly Northwest of Sian. Casualties are 0(2) infantry, 0(3) non-combat squad losses totalling 34 troops.

Sian is bombed by Ki-49-Ia Helen's (18) inflicting 0(2) infantry, 0(11) non-combat and 0(1) engineer squad losses totalling 74 casualties. Another artillery bombardment hit the defenders for 1(11) infantry, 2(12) non-combat squad losses totalling 182 casualites. The reinforcing Chinese Corps now makes the AV comparison 3484 to 3265 in the Chinese favour. This should be offset tomorrow with the arrival of a new Japanese division and brigade totalling 500+ AV as reinforcement.

My secondary army continues to push towards Lanchow and launches a shock attack against the 6th Chinese BF at 81,35. Japanese troops suffer 0(2) non combat squad losses totalling 9 casualties while the Chinese lose 2 guns and retreat into Lanchow. I should be in Lanchow in 2 days at "move" mode and the assault on the base will be launched immediately.

Ankang is retaken by the 48rd Chinese Corps. This may be a mistake on my part as it could allow supply to flow into Sian. I'm going to try and scrape up some more troops to retake the base, but that will take weeks. The small number of Chinese units to the Southwest of Sian are causing me grief, but I only have the 53rd Inf. Bde. to counter right now.


Ichang expands fortifications to size 3
Kolaka expands fortifications to size 1
Saumlaki expands fortifications to size 4

July 16/42:


Darwin bombed for 1 AB, 19 Runway and 1 Port hits. I will stop the bombing tomorrow for a few days to rest my crews.


Kalemyo bombed for 1 AB, 1 ABS and 8 Runway hits. I'll stop this bombing tomorrow as well for a few days.


Ki-21-IIa Sally's (42) again hit the Chinese forces Northwest of Sian inflicting 2(22) infantry, 0(20) non-combat and 0(1) engineer squad losses totalling 225 casualties.

Sian bombed again by Helen's (18) for 3(11) infantry and 0(4) non-combat squad losses totalling 118 casualties. The artillery bombardment was very effective today. Chinese defenders suffered 17(17) infantry, 2(21) non-combat and 1(0) engineer squad losses totalling 450 casualties. AV comparison is now 4066 to 3477 in Japan's favour. I will launch another ground assault tomorrow.


Uttaradit expands airfield to size 1
Eniwetok expands fortifications to size 3
Tavoy expands fortifications to size 3

SqzMyLemon -> Northern China as of July 17/42 (9/29/2010 2:43:59 AM)

Northern China - July 17/42.


SqzMyLemon -> July 18-26/42 (10/23/2010 9:09:43 PM)

It's been awhile since I've updated the AAR, real life took precendence for a few weeks. I'll only go over the major developments to get things back up to speed quickly.

July 18/42:


Unescorted Ki-21-IIa Sally's (25) were mauled over Kalemyo by Hurricane IIb Trop's (11) with 10 bombers destroyed and a further 3 damaged. This was a special guest appearance of the RAF in Burma as otherwise they've kept a low profile.


Lanchow fell to the first deliberate attack and routed the Chinese defenders. AV comparison was 2299 to 720 in Japan's favour and the fort level was zero. Japanese losses were light at 4(97) infantry, 0(133) non-combat and 1(9) engineer squad losses totalling 1822 casualties. The Chinese suffered 223(187) infantry, 272(134) non-combat, 48(1) engineer squads lost including 18 guns totalling 8302 casualties. Disappointingly, Lanchow's industry was completely trashed, both oil and refinery capacity at 0%. A huge let down. I had no specific engineer units involved in the assault, so I wonder if that was the major contributing factor to the devastation of the base.

July 19/42:


The fourth deliberate attack was launched at Sian and the defence is starting to weaken substantially. AV comparison was 4298 to 3429 in Japan's favour and the forts were reduced to level 1 at 2:1 odds. Japanese and Chinese casualties were roughly even in terms of numbers, but not destroyed squads. Japanese forces suffered 22(53) infantry, 20(468) non-combat and 1(43) engineer squad losses totalling 8349 casulties. Chinese forces sustained 114(440) infantry, 70(799) non-combat and 11(29) engineer squad losses totalling 7837 casualties.

Chinese forces still apear to be leaving the base to the Northwest and in light of the increased casulties to air attack and the last assault, I have decided to launch another attack tomorrow and not rest to reduce disruption.

July 20/42:


Sian falls! [&o] After 5 deliberate attacks Japanese forces were finally successful in forcing out the remaining Chinese defenders of the base. Contributing to the fall was that roughly 1000+ AV withdrew to the Northwest prior to the assault. The remaining defenders did not have a chance at 3:1 odds and the forts reduced to zero. Japanese forces lost a further 12(341) infantry, 17(188) non-combat and 13(14) engineer squad losses totalling 4513 casualties. The Chinese suffered heavily with 1174(168) infantry, 1538(254) non-combat, 231(2) engineer squad losses including 42(3) guns lost totalling 28594 casualties.

Sian's industry is heavily damaged, but not completely trashed so oil and fuel will start being produced immediately. However, the tactical situation is not good. With a major Chinese force to the Northwest and the defenders retreating Southwest into rough terrain, a movement due East could threaten my forces at Sian. I've sustained heavy casualties to capture the base and I may in the end have to abandon it. The plan right now is to leave one division as a garrison and withdraw the remaining forces one hex to the Southeast. I cannot pursue Chinese forces to the Northwest without fear of having the Chinese move right back into Sian. There are now roughly 200k+ Chinese troops between Sian and Lanchow and I can't advance until my forces have rested and replenished anyway. I need a few days to sort out the situation and determine what the Chinese forces will do now. If Chinese forces try to retake Sian, I will counterattack and catch them in open terrain with no fortifications and defeat them.

July 23/42:

Akyab is retaken by a British recon force and Cox's Bazaar now shows some enemy forces there. I think the Allies may begin to push back here first as it requires no fleet committment and is the safest bet for little to no risk.

July 25/42:

Sub Ops:

[X(] SS I-166 spots and torpedoes the xAK City of Manchester off the Southwest coast of Australia at 48,166. One torpedo explodes while another one is a dud. I heard the tell tale sinking sound effect later in the turn so I can only surmise she went down.

To offset my recent success, the SS I-28 was spotted near Christmas Island and suffered 3 near miss hits from DC attack by an Allied ASW TF inflicting a severe fuel leak.

July 26/42:


A suicide assault by a small Chinese force shock attacked across the river into Sian soley defended by the 35th Division. The 5th New Chinese Corps was wiped out with 12 infantry, 22 non-combat and 3 engineer squads destroyed totalling 126 casualties for no loss to Japan. Granted, the majority of my forces just withdrew from Sian, but this shows that whether I destroy them or not, my opponent will undertake operations seeking to eliminate his own forces in order for the unit to respawn at greater strength, there's no other explanation for it. [:-]

That brings things up to date. I'll post a few screenshots and start to go over how things are in the Empire soon. The last e-mail from Smeulders indicates he is about to go on the offensive somewhere, so I need to start thinking about where that first strike may come and in what strength. There's not much I can do at the moment and to be frankly honest I'm not prepared for an Allied counterthrust. I've been digging in for months, training air units and upgrading fleet units, but really until I know where the Allies will strike I find it impossible to be prepared everywhere.

My initial thoughts are Attu in the Aleutians, Ndeni or Tulagi in the Southeast Pacific, or Port Moresby in New Guinea. I also think I may see an appearance of the British Navy in the IO, as they have been untouched and Port Blair could be a target. I've two CV's at Saipan, with three more at Hiroshima/Kure upgrading. The remaining CV and CVL's are in Soerabaja and Singapore. Right now I plan on increased naval search to try and spot something and react from there. Betty and Nell units are set strictly to naval search, as I don't want them blundering into an Allied CV TF to get slaughtered. The experienced torpedo bombers crews are like gold and I won't sacrifice them needlessly. Until I get a clear idea of what may be up, there will be no knee jerk reaction from Imperial forces.

I truly am intrigued to see how the Allies will respond when finally putting their forces into harms way and what the loss tolerance will be. I decided a long time ago to not recklessly seek combat for little or no gain, so I hope to surpise the Allies with a tenacious defence and inflict some severe losses on them with an essentially intact Imperial Fleet, minus the Hiryu of course.

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