SqzMyLemon -> RE: So ends another month. (5/7/2012 5:17:37 PM)
ORIGINAL: obvert Yeah, if you are stuck with PDU of and Oscars forever, you're just going to have to produce a LOT of them. It's all good. I know you don't need this explanation, but I'll provide it so others that may not understand some of the implications of PDU off can get an idea of how limiting I've found it in my own experience. I have come to dislike PDU off for some very specific reasons after dealing with it over the course of a year of game time. I know it may come across to many people that I just have a blanket hate on for it, but there are reasons [:D]. I actually don't mind the fact I have to rely on the Oscar. I can deal with that, but it's the other aspects of PDU off that make things a losing proposition overall for me. People say it cuts both ways, but who'd you rather be, the Japanese or Allies with PDU off and why do 90% of players choose to play PDU on? As Allies, I'd take the P-40K over the Oscar any day of the week and also sleep easy knowing I'd face unarmoured Japanese fighters and bombers (and only 27 of those) for at least a year. Some other reasons follow. The big one, of course, is quality of aircraft I can fly. Being limited to historical unit upgrades, I don't get to have hundreds of Tojo's or Helen's or whichever aircraft. I must use everything in some form within my air arsenal. I have one Sentai capable of using the Helen IIa, that's 27 bombers and it's March/43. I have 90 Tojo's and 66 Tony's for the entire Pacific. No flexibility. I can't downgrade any air units to older models. If I want to use up A6M2 Zero's for example, I have to make sure some units never upgrade at all. Many units can't upgrade whatsover. I can't mass air assets without stripping entire portions of the Pacific. Without reserve units, I can't sustain any kind of meaningful air defence against what just occurred in Burma. I'd be in great shape if I could move in three or four reserve units, but I don't have them. They are all sitting behind the lines stuck with Nate's and Ki-43-Ic Oscar's, or in the Solomon's where I also expect air combat soon. It took almost everything I had in the JAAF fighter force to put a dent into the first large scale Allied air attack in Burma. Once May rolls around I start getting the Ki-43-IIb Oscar, so that at least will provide a few more Sentai's to play with. I'm not giving up though and simply crying it's hopeless. It just means I have to manage my air assets to the best of my ability. I will strip China of every Ki-43-IIa Oscar, that is one Sentai of 42 aircraft. I will strip the Solomon's of its Ki-43-IIa Oscar Sentai of 36 aircraft as well. I may also have to strip out the KI-44-IIa Tojo unit of 42 aircraft from the Solomons too. I'm still waiting for a second Sentai to convert to Tony's, so that will be another 36 aircraft. I could have a much bigger reserve of air units to play with if they weren't all Nate units waiting to upgrade to better aircraft. A few are restricted so don't matter, but quite a few unrestricted units won't be freed up for another 2-5 months! I have a number of Zero units that I will also commit to Burma, but primarily I want the naval air to defend the Solomons and the DEI. I have a few Ki-43-Ic's Sentai's kicking around, so they may also need to be committed. They will be manned by inexperienced pilots and set to low CAP to draw down enemy fighters so my better pilots have a chance. The priority right now is building a reserve of air units that can replace the beat up ones in Burma. Having interlocking airfields is all well and good, but if I don't have the reserve air units to fly, having those extra bases is meaningless. I'm working on that. I got sloppy watching my Oscar pools though and reduced their production prematurely. Oscar production will expand immediately. This is where being unable to downgrade aircraft is a problem, I could increase the reserve pool if I could switch a couple of Sentai's to a different model. Long winded post, but I hope to show I'm not just ranting about PDU off. There are some serious shortcomings with it, that as a new player I had no idea of at the time of choosing it. I never thought it would be as restrictive as it actually is. Buyer beware! I'm stuck playing with Japan's historic air organization and we all know how that went, but at least I don't have to deploy them in the same way. It's not a complete lost cause yet. [:D]