HARD_SARGE -> (6/26/2002 7:15:40 PM)
Hi Marc LOL we never gonna let this one die :) I never sayed something different. I juts ment that one guy claims "I have the facts right here on my bookshelf" and the other guy says "But my facts are true, I have evidence". And then there comes a third guy that says. "No, you all know nothing". Beeing a Grog you should know what I mean well this is part of the point I was going after, the idea that the Grogs "say" they know something when in fact they don't we have plenty of people who know (with in reason) what they are talking about, but are not good writers, and others who are great writers, who don't know much (the best Grogs are the ones who do both) (I for one, don't believe anything I read, I like and try to read all sides of the story before I form my ideas, which must say, it is a lot easier now then it has been in the past, one book I loved was about the BoB, the English writer, tried to knock the numbers that the GE claimed for airplane losses, and used a single day to show his point, the GE claimed 55 kills that day, and the GB ony lost 19 fighters, but as you get into it, the GB had lost alot of planes over France that same day, which when all added together, give them over 60 losses for the day, but "only" 19 fighters were lost, so his point about the BoB was right, the GE claims were pretty close to what the GB had really lost) hmmmm pig's breakfast, now that is an interesting thought (good point Jennifer) HARD_Sarge I think we are getting to a new meaning to Grog now, at least as the designers see them Grog=someone who thinks they know everthing and are willing to tell everyone what they know, and pity the fool who disagrees with him/her ;)