ORIGINAL: golden delicious
I have to assume that- whatever the Soviet propaganda- the relocation of the factories to the East resulted in a major dip in their effective output. This in addition to loss of millions of able bodied workers and potential recruits. So I'm sure that, all else being equal, the Soviets would have produced more if the Germans had not advanced as far.
That's true- but it's really only a symptom of the key problem: the ability of the Red Army to make an orderly exit from the Western Soviet Union more or less without a fight. This is what would need to be changed.
No doubt the Soviets could have produced more:
Losses were placed at coal 42%, iron ore, 65%, pig iron 60%, steel 55%, and coke 63% the first year.
Those are major Donbas resources.
Now, if the RKKA had retreated as players seem to want to do I doubt very much if they could have justified this to the population. Blatantly abandoning 40% of the population, 60% aluminum, 41% of the railroads, the bulk of their prime farmland, 42% of the electrical production and the pigs, think of the pigs, 60% of them. [X(]
How long could the regime last if they had actually turned their back on that without a fight? Plus the previous coal, etc figures.
That only matters if the resource is the bottleneck. [;)]
Luckily for the Sovjet Union, they had plenty of forest. Wood became the primary energy source.
Now, the Donbas had critical ammo production facilities, which were not moved, but luckily for the Sovjets the western allies were able to provide the resources they need.
As for the pigs:
(thousands of tons)
Soviet Production 1,460
Allied Deliveries 610
Total 2,070
Allied Proportion 29.5%
(thousands of tons)
Soviet Production 3,715
Allied Deliveries 664.9
Total 4,379.9
Allied Proportion 15.1%
(in tons)
Soviet Production 600,000
Allied Deliveries 295,600
Total 895,600
Allied Proportion 33%
Copper Ore
(in tons)
Soviet Production 470,000
Allied Deliveries 387,600
Total 857,600
Allied Proportion 45.2%
(thousands of tons)
1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 Total
66 56 45 69 82.7 86.3 263
Allied Deliveries 328.1
Total 591.1
Allied Proportion 55.5%
Railroad rails
(excluding narrow guage rails)
Soviet Production 48,990
Allied Deliveries 622,100
Total 671,090
Allied Proportion 92.7%
(all types)
1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 Total
928 708 9 43 32 8 442
Allied Deliveries 1966
Total 2408
Allied Proportion 81.6%
Rail cars
(all types)
Soviet Production 2635
Allied Deliveries 11,075
Total 13,710
Allied Proportion 80.7%
Aviation Fuel
thousands of tons (includes Allied deliveries)
1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 Total %
889 1269 912 1007 1334 1017 4396
Allied Deliveries 2586 59
Soviet Production 1810 41
Automotive Fuel
thousands of tons
Soviet Production 9431.5
Allied Deliveries 242.3
Total 9673.8
Allied Proportion 2.5%