RE: Name the battlefield.... (Full Version)

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Chickenboy -> RE: Name the battlefield.... (1/14/2010 5:23:03 AM)


ORIGINAL: Ron Saueracker

You Americans,,,can't you play nice? Like you guys can "project" proper values...[;)] Kill. **** cat, kill, kill, kill!!!!


Ron Saueracker -> RE: Name the battlefield.... (1/14/2010 5:28:19 AM)

You know...bomb the boats, feed the fish. Seriously, why do I have to watch a squadopn of F-16s do a flyby at a football game? (I'm half in the bag on Caaaanuck beer)[:D]

Ron Saueracker -> RE: Name the battlefield.... (1/14/2010 5:29:23 AM)

Us Canucks are pretty mellow....[:D][8D]

Ron Saueracker -> RE: Name the battlefield.... (1/14/2010 5:30:47 AM)

Oooooh Boy......HeeHee

Ron Saueracker -> RE: Name the battlefield.... (1/14/2010 5:32:13 AM)

Hey, it's Warrior Dat on "jeapordy!!":[:D]

bradfordkay -> RE: Name the battlefield.... (1/14/2010 6:18:08 AM)

And here I was just reading about the Canadian Corps taking Vimy Ridge in 1917...[;)]

whippleofd -> RE: Name the battlefield.... (1/14/2010 10:47:33 AM)



Definitely Gettysburg.  I was there last April.

One day isn't enough...


Small world! My son and were there last April as well. We spent the weekend, and that was STILL not enough. Went back this summer and spent a week. That was enough time to explore, but boy howdy were we tired after that.


fabertong -> RE: Name the battlefield.... (1/14/2010 10:59:25 AM)

Some fine guesses.....but as of right answer.......

Raverdave -> RE: Name the battlefield.... (1/14/2010 11:31:34 AM)

It is in Tennessee, I was there back in '07.   I'll dig out some of the pics that I took.

Raverdave -> RE: Name the battlefield.... (1/14/2010 11:40:45 AM)

Battle of Franklin.....

Raverdave -> RE: Name the battlefield.... (1/14/2010 11:41:05 AM)

Stones River !

RevRick -> RE: Name the battlefield.... (1/14/2010 12:31:34 PM)

Raver, I love your sig quote, but your avatar drives me nuts. I like spiders about as much as Indiana Jones likes snakes - a necessary evil, but I ain't gonna keep one as a pet.

Your sig quote reminds me of what Grandpa used to say, and Heinlein wrote:

Never wrassle with a pig. Ya both git dirty and the pig likes it.

About the battlefield... it could be Manassas...but can't really tell from the angle of this shot.

John Lansford -> RE: Name the battlefield.... (1/14/2010 12:33:57 PM)

Stones River?  I grew up 30 miles south of there and have visited the battlefield several times.  Perhaps, if the cannon are the ones near the highway and next to the circular grove of trees the Union made their last stand around.  Most of that battlefield is full of rocks and dense trees, but there are some open fields that look like that.

morganbj -> RE: Name the battlefield.... (1/14/2010 1:54:34 PM)

Well, it ain't San Jacinto.  There's no mosquitos buzzing the people in the pic.  And there ain't no BB35 (USS Texas) in the background, either.

Canoerebel -> RE: Name the battlefield.... (1/14/2010 2:55:13 PM)

I had guessed Stones River/Murfreesboro above, but I'm withdrawing that guess.  The terrain there has alot of cedar trees and I don't see any in this photograph.

I had also guessed Chickamauga.  I'll stick with Chickamauga and throw in Kennesaw Mountain as my second choice.

John Lansford -> RE: Name the battlefield.... (1/14/2010 3:32:47 PM)

I don't think it's Chickamauga; that battlefield has more trees on it than Stones River does, and is relatively flat until you get to the Union's final position.   I'll stick with either Stones River or Antietam.

Rugens -> RE: Name the battlefield.... (1/14/2010 3:36:01 PM)

F-16's are sissy flybys. Now, an F-4 flyby, that was some serious noise. [sm=00000436.gif]


ORIGINAL: Ron Saueracker

You know...bomb the boats, feed the fish. Seriously, why do I have to watch a squadopn of F-16s do a flyby at a football game? (I'm half in the bag on Caaaanuck beer)[:D]

sfbaytf -> RE: Name the battlefield.... (1/14/2010 4:40:54 PM)

Minerun or Monocasy

BrucePowers -> RE: Name the battlefield.... (1/14/2010 5:06:58 PM)

I don't remember Stone's River (Murfreesboro) being that open so I don't think it is Stone's River.

Chickenboy -> RE: Name the battlefield.... (1/14/2010 10:16:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: Ron Saueracker
(I'm half in the bag on Caaaanuck beer)[:D]

Only HALF in the bag? [8|]

Chickenboy -> RE: Name the battlefield.... (1/14/2010 10:18:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: Ron Saueracker

Us Canucks are pretty mellow....[:D][8D]

Umm...yeah...very respectful too.

Chickenboy -> RE: Name the battlefield.... (1/14/2010 10:19:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: fabertong

Some fine guesses.....but as of right answer.......

D'oh! I'd like to retract my previous comment re: my awesomeness (for the time being). Has anybody shouted 'too late'?

Canoerebel -> RE: Name the battlefield.... (1/14/2010 10:34:11 PM)

So it's not Gettysburg, Antietam, Manassas, Mine Run, Kennesaw Mountain, Chickamauga, or Stones River.

I feel sure we can eliminate:  Vicksburg, Shiloh, Ocean Pond, anything to do with Charleston, Savannah, Fort Fisher, Knoxville, Nashville, Chattanooga, Missionary Ridge, Lookout Mountain, Brice's Crossroads, the Peninsula, Fredricksburg, Harper's Ferry, Pea Ridge, the Red River campaign, Wilderness, Spotsylvania, or Petersburg.

Leaving as possibilities:  Perryville, Appomattox, Chancellorsville, Winchester?

John 3rd -> RE: Name the battlefield.... (1/15/2010 12:01:43 AM)


ORIGINAL: bradfordkay

I'm guessing that it is either Sharpsburg (Antietam) or Murfreesboro (Stones River). I put the alternate names in there for those of you who only speak Yankee...


You made me laugh with this comment. In class I tell my students that I use Battle Names interchangeably. If I hearing Battle Hymm of the Republic, it is Antietam. If I'm hearing Dixie, it is Sharpsburg. Drives my students nuts.

As to a guess--and that is what this IS--I would say a Union perspective looking towards Seminary Ridge at Gettysburg OR somewhere along the Stone's River site. These are fairly useless guesses but it is my thought.

Mike Scholl -> RE: Name the battlefield.... (1/15/2010 12:31:50 AM)


ORIGINAL: fabertong

Some fine guesses.....but as of right answer.......


John 3rd -> RE: Name the battlefield.... (1/15/2010 1:26:49 AM)

Couldn't imagine it being Chancellorsville due to the heavy forest throughout that Battlefield.  Might be a open field there though.  HECK--I don't know.

Can we get a TINY hint???

Mynok -> RE: Name the battlefield.... (1/15/2010 1:35:32 AM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

So it's not Gettysburg, Antietam, Manassas, Mine Run, Kennesaw Mountain, Chickamauga, or Stones River.

I feel sure we can eliminate:  Vicksburg, Shiloh, Ocean Pond, anything to do with Charleston, Savannah, Fort Fisher, Knoxville, Nashville, Chattanooga, Missionary Ridge, Lookout Mountain, Brice's Crossroads, the Peninsula, Fredricksburg, Harper's Ferry, Pea Ridge, the Red River campaign, Wilderness, Spotsylvania, or Petersburg.

Leaving as possibilities:  Perryville, Appomattox, Chancellorsville, Winchester?

Winchester is in the Shenandoah valley. Should be able to see the Blue Ridge somewhere. Agree on the not wooded enough for Chancellorsville. Don't know enough about Perryville.

What about Bentonville in NC? That is very flat land and open.

sfbaytf -> RE: Name the battlefield.... (1/15/2010 1:54:02 AM)

How about "The Battle near the little red farm"

John Lansford -> RE: Name the battlefield.... (1/15/2010 3:02:58 AM)

Bentonville is privately owned and has no cannon on it.

bradfordkay -> RE: Name the battlefield.... (1/15/2010 4:20:05 AM)

I'm now thinking Spottsylvania, or maybe Petersburg.

John, I'm glad that someone appreciated my little joke...

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