Bucks -> RE: Real world logistics question (3/2/2010 11:11:45 PM)
ORIGINAL: cchiang When I play some of the scenarios of ANW, I noticed that, for example, a squadron of F-4 Phantoms only has 5 extra loads of sparrows on a base. so, say 12 Phantoms with 4 sparrows already loaded + 5 extra loads = 68 total sparrows. Here's the thing, I've never been in the military (in any country), but wouldn't a standard base (whether it's Japan, US, or Turkey) carry more than just 68 sparrows? I know the logistics is created by the scenarios designer/builder and it's all up to them, but I always curious about this... shouldn't a base carry more in real life ? Thank you [:)] cchiang, There's also another point to be considered here. Real life operational tempos. In most cases a combat aircraft will only be capable of 2 - 3 missions/sorties per day, at best. Your example of a F-4 Phantom, carrying say 4 x AIM-7 Sparrows would mean that it could fire say 8 to 12 missiles per day maximum. Of course there's no guarantee that the aircraft concerned will fire all of those missiles. So lets go with an average of 8 missiles per day, maximum use, with maybe even a zero usage depending on mission type. If the Phantoms were tasked to air to ground "mud moving" they may find they don't use any of their air to air ordnance due to possible fighter cover taking care of the opposition. There are many possible reasons behind the scenario designer's allocation and it may simply be that he expects you can carry out the mission(s) in his scenario with the weapons he's provided. You can always use the ammo capacity feature to simply increase the difficulty inherent in the scen. From some reading I've done on this topic, the RAAF for example has only a few days supply of air to air missiles. The Australian government has a deal with the US Navy whereby my Govt. contributes to the US Navy weapon procurement budget and we can therefore call on stocks of the required weapons. In other words we don't store large quantities of weapons and I suppose we believe we'd always have the opportunity to ship in required replacements as required. Cheers Darren