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ny59giants -> Game status (2/17/2010 5:07:34 PM)

Juan has sent out the custom scenario files. We hope to get some form of finalized HRs out by John asap.

John will do his orders as his is less than mine (SRA, China, and economy which includes setting up Resource/Oil convoys).
I "hope" to start doing orders tonight and finish tomorrow (I'm off work Thursday). Run a test opening turn and then send to Allies. Bullets flying and bombs dropping by weekend. [:D]

John 3rd -> RE: Game status (2/17/2010 6:12:05 PM)

I've sent out the 'tentative' final HR.  We'll see what people think and then put them onto the AAR.

tocaff -> RE: Game status (2/17/2010 11:36:41 PM)

I'm looking forward to seeing how things go and how soon the plans get shot to hell.  

John 3rd -> First Turn (2/18/2010 1:40:48 AM)

I've fired off the turn to Michael to work on for the evening.  Had a heck of a time getting things right.  Took three tries before things were good.  Did a stupid thing and forgot to turn Auto SS Ops off!  Fixed that--Reload turn.  Oopps.  The second time saw the 144th Inf Reg and 15th Base Force NOT sitting snug in their transports.  Fixed that--Reload turn.

Third time worked.

Planned out the Pearl and Manila Strikes, set-up my initial TF at Truk and Kwajalein, and my first re-supply convoys from the Home Islands to Kwaj and Truk.  The 29 SS under my control got orders as well.  Any commander with a rating of under 50% has been recalled to Kwajalein to be replaced.  A "hunting squadron" of 9 boats has been dispatched to the West Coast while another group is moving south to Canton--Suva--Pago Pago.  Several boats are also moving along the Midway--French Frigate Shoals area too.

Will detail the actually TF compositions and objectives later tonight.

Cribtop -> RE: First Turn (2/18/2010 4:36:30 AM)

Sounds good. I'd pay money to be able to modify the starting location of units. I long for the "setup phase" like in the long lost days of 1980s Avalon Hill board games!

Good luck. With reference to the Darwin threads, don't forget to garrison the DEI!

John 3rd -> RE: First Turn (2/18/2010 9:46:40 PM)

I sent Michael the turn last night and he has steadily worked on it going region-by-region.  MAN there is A LOT of work involved!  With WitP I got to the point of being able to crank out that First Turn in an hour or so.  NOT SO now!  [:-]

He sent me the tentative opening and I ran the turn watching to see what the results were, invasion fleet locations, and supply convoy plots.  Everything looks pretty good.  Think it is safe to say that we'll send the turn to our opponents tomorrow.

I THINK the HR are settled.  We had some discussion regarding Manila and Singapore having the chance to have CAP aloft.  This made some sense and it just provides us more opportunities to shot down P-40s!  [sm=00000106.gif]  The other side wanted to LIMIT Fighter altitude some and so we'll see how that shakes out too.  Once we know these are final we'll post them on the AAR.

That is the state of things.

John 3rd -> C-in-C Combined Fleet (2/19/2010 7:06:15 AM)

While the vast majority of the Kaigun is being used in the DEI Region, my opening moves are now plotted and sent to Adm. Benoit for final polishing. My major responsibilities and Opening Moves Ordered:

KB-1 Nagumo Force---A total of 5 CV will strike at Pearl Harbor for a single day. To facilitate a quicker return to the Marshalls and Canton Region, the carriers will sneak into launching range from the SW of Pearl. The TF carries 441 planes that will all be used in the attack. Planes: 30 Zero on Escort @ 17,000 Ft, 80 Zero on AF Attack, 140 Vals @ 12,000 Ft Naval Attack, and a like number of Kates @ 8,000 Ft Naval Attack.

This impressive TF is made even more so in that it includes the new Battleships Yamato and Musashi as well as the two Ikoma-Class BC, 2 CA, a CS, and over a dozen escorts.

Sub Force---As stated in an earlier post 29 I-Boats and Ro-Class are moving throughout the Pacific under my control.

The Marshalls---The Atolls of Rio-Namur, Maleolap, Kwajalein, and Jaluit all sit covered by Japanese Infantry and Support Troops. None are over crowded but it does come close. Objectives:

1. Within days of Pearl Harbor, Ocean and Nauru shall be taken by small Infantry Detachments.
2. Baker Island will be invaded by an SNLF. A follow-on Bafe Force will begin loading Dec 8th.
3. Canton Isle is the real target for earlier attack. A pair of AMC are loaded with an SNLF and they will attempt to race to the Atoll and capture it in a coups-de-main. We'll see if it works. These guys are a potential sacrifice.
4. Going in ahead of these boys will be a STF of 2 CA, 1 CLAA, and 5 DD. They should hit the Canton area on the 9th to clear any shipping out.

By the 10th, the KB should be moving into the area...

Truk---A large amount of Infantry, Engineers, Base Forces, and Support Troops have moved here. HQ--Combined Fleet has set-up shop at this location. While having almost no aircover to speak of, the Japanese early operations will set the tone of the southward thrust:

1. Kavieng will be taken by the 9th/10th.
2. Lae and Shortlands by the 12th
3. Lunga by the 14th---The Lunga Force is an SNLF and 2 Naval Construction Bat.
4. Covering this initial set of convoys is a powerful force of 1 BB, 2 CA, 1 CL, and 4 DD patroling NW of Rabaul.
5. Additional Covering Forces will be dispatched after the 7th
6. The main Invasion Fleet carrying the 4th Inf Div will begin loading on the 7th and will hit Rabaul about the 14th. It will be Covered by 2 BB and several escorts.

DEI---After extensive consultation with Admiral Benoit my talents have been called upon to catch as many of the 'Thundering Herd' as possible when they try to escape the Deathtrap that is Manila Bay. Four fast-moving TF made up of a CL and 2-4 DD are mine to move about in the Philippine/Borneo Region.

My counterpart is VERY interested in grabbing Singapore FAST and wants to ingnore the shipping for the most part. His CVs (KB-2 with 3 CV and KB-3 with 2 CVL and 1 CVE) will help to either support the invasion of Mersing or the reduction of Amboina. While airpower is expected to do its part in sinking the 'Thundering Herd,' these hard-hitting and quick STF should be able to get the job done.

THOSE are the plans from my side for December 7th! Thoughts/Questions?


John 3rd -> C-in-C Combined Fleet (2/19/2010 7:07:11 AM)

Here is the initial Truk moves into the Solomons and New Guinea:


FatR -> RE: C-in-C Combined Fleet (2/19/2010 7:32:28 AM)

Why Naval attack and not Port attack for the PH strike? Did you test if they'll even fly against the anchored fleet with such orders

bklooste -> RE: C-in-C Combined Fleet (2/19/2010 10:45:45 AM)

re Kates what is the max range of the 40mm AA ? If its 8000 than  1 tick more might be good .

Also are you sure there are no allied CVs at PH if so a sweep may be wise. Prob a good idea to change 1 daitai of zero from Air field to sweep incase PH puts up a decent cap.

John 3rd -> RE: C-in-C Combined Fleet (2/19/2010 2:50:31 PM)



Why Naval attack and not Port attack for the PH strike? Did you test if they'll even fly against the anchored fleet with such orders

Operator ERROR here. I meant Port Attack!

For Turn One I don't expect a bunch of AA issues since those dratted 40MM aren't heavily used yet, however, Michael and I are running a 'terst' turn to make sure everything works. Will watch for this issue and if losses are high, will change ASAP.

Expect Michael to post about all sorts of stuff from his side of things. Once again it really isn't hi area--my area. We will overlap and confer about everything! Truest Team coordination we can create.

Q-Ball -> RE: C-in-C Combined Fleet (2/19/2010 6:21:27 PM)

Why use the 4th Division to clear Rabaul?

Use the 144th Regt, that is supposed to land on Guam. This force is sufficient to clear Rabaul. Guam can be easily taken later by a Nav Gd in transit to the SW Pacific. It is a harmless base in your rear.

Prep the 4th for Port Moresby, and land it THERE, by Christmas.

ny59giants -> RE: C-in-C Combined Fleet (2/19/2010 8:20:20 PM)

Thanks for reinforcing what I had suggested to John. [;)] I asked him to do the same, but.....[sm=nono.gif]

I have got to get get John in more of a forward planning thought process. We are playing three dimensional chess here. He doesn't know it yet, but he will need to know how to run the economy by mid-42. As a counselor, I have keep my teaching skills sharp. [:D]

FatR -> RE: C-in-C Combined Fleet (2/19/2010 8:44:40 PM)

Yeah, taking PM early with 4th Division makes sense. Thanks to the terrain, pushing defenders out of there once they have reinforcements and fortifications can be rather hard (I was stuck in a siege for 1,5 months in my first game against AI, after moving too slowly at the beginning).

Overall, I think, that the worst thing Allies can do in this mod to counter your plan is not to contest SWPac seriously after their shipping lanes are pushed south, and turtle, concentrating everything on defending Ceilon, the southeastern part of OZ and Hawaii. Establishing the perimeter is only half of the task, you also need to make a good dent in the Allied naval and ground forces, while you can.

John 3rd -> RE: C-in-C Combined Fleet (2/19/2010 9:35:13 PM)



Yeah, taking PM early with 4th Division makes sense. Thanks to the terrain, pushing defenders out of there once they have reinforcements and fortifications can be rather hard (I was stuck in a siege for 1,5 months in my first game against AI, after moving too slowly at the beginning).

Overall, I think, that the worst thing Allies can do in this mod to counter your plan is not to contest SWPac seriously after their shipping lanes are pushed south, and turtle, concentrating everything on defending Ceilon, the southeastern part of OZ and Hawaii. Establishing the perimeter is only half of the task, you also need to make a good dent in the Allied naval and ground forces, while you can.

The 4thy Inf Division will take PM. I will split off an RCT to take Rabaul while the remainder of the Division swings around to take Moresby. The 144th Regiment is at Kwajalein and will be used to take Pago Pago. I will not risk moving those boys until the KB is around to keep any 'surprises' from happening.

The points above are good. I want to sink SHIPS by the dozen. This is where Adm Benoit and I have differences. He wasn't too interested in sinking the THundering Herd as it flees Manila and I REALLY want to hit as many as possible. Don't get a bunch of opportunities to bag 30-50 ships. This is a commerce war and we'll go after shipping wherever possible. The presonal goal I set is 6 ships a day for the first 30 days=180 ships by January. For January and February I want 2-3 ships a day sunk=120-180 more.

Goals are important so we'll see what happens. I've got enough support at the Marshalls to handle the initial moves and set-up the follow-on months. Truk is bulging at the seams with troops, HQ, and Support. I'll be adding the Imperial Guads Brigade at Toyko into my Order-of-Battle within a few days of the war starting.

ny59giants -> RE: C-in-C Combined Fleet (2/20/2010 12:23:01 AM)

Enough of pre-turn 1 micro-management has been done by me. The turn is over to John for his final adjustments. Hopefully, sometime Saturday the bombs will drop and bullets will fly.

Mike Solli -> RE: C-in-C Combined Fleet (2/20/2010 12:48:47 AM)


(I think you guys are trying to steal my record for amount of babble before you actually run a turn.) [:D]

ny59giants -> Operation: Delusional (2/20/2010 2:34:44 AM)

Malaya has been a difficult piece of real estate for Japan to conquer in AE. I was a believer that just a steady march down the west side of the peninsula to Singapore was good enough. Time to go against my normal tendencies and try to improve on what has happened before.

Singora: only the 41 Rgt/30 Division along with a single BF will land here

Pattani: even less in an AA, Construction, and FA Rgt

Kota Bharu: 56 Rgt/18 Division, 12 Eng/18 Division, an Independent Eng, and baby BF (most of LBA in IndoChina will hit here and focus on the ground units vs leaving the AF looking like the moon).

Imperial Guards Division and a few other units are starting to load on the Rail for a week long trip to Singora from Battabang to Phnom Penh.

After a lot of juggling, I got most of the troops moved around in the TFs that start at Samah. This will allow me to execute the most important parts of this operations. Using the first turn move bonus the TFs for Kuantan and Mersing will end up off Saigon.

Kuantan (3 days delay): 55 Rgt/18 Division, 114 Rgt/18 Division, 2 x BF (72 aviation support), 2 x Construction, Independent Eng Rgt, and AA

Mersing (5 day delay): ALL of 5th Division!![:D] 2 x FA, Construction, Independent Eng Rgt, Shipping Eng, 2 x Tank, 2 x AA, 11th Special BF and BF (36 aviation support).

Follow Up Forces: 2/3 of 56th Division is pre-loaded and leaving Hiroshima. 33rd Division at Nagasaki will follow as soon as I can round up transports.

KB II which has 3 CVs plus the 2 x BB based SC TF (at Kota Bharu) to cover the next two invasions. KB II should arrive by third day (starts 4 hexes due west of Manila).

Notes: My thoughts were based on the need to get to Singapore asap. I had tried to land at Mersing in WITP with some of the same thoughts. In my other PBEM it is in early March 42 and Singapore is still standing. If I can take the triangle of hexes (Mersing, Johore Bharu, and wooded hex), then Singapore will be isolated.
If the Allies try to move LCUs into Strat Mode to get those from Alor Star, Taiping, and Georgetown south quickly, then I will use the 1st Raiding Rgt (loaded and leaving Japan on turn 1) to para drop on these empty bases and never have to place Imperial Gds back into combat mode until she arrives at Taiping. I have broken down the multiple Chutai of Recon to allow a thorough covering of the peninsula (9 recon LBA sections). I will place Kuala Lumpur and especially Malacca under heavy recon with dedicated Lily, Sally on ground attacks there. The retreating LCUs will need to change mode in either of those bases for a day or two. Hopefully this will be a nice surprise.
Each of these short invasions along the east coast will hopefully be covered by a recently captured AF (Kota Bharu, Kuantan, Mersing) along with 3 CVs.


Cribtop -> RE: Operation: Delusional (2/20/2010 3:53:39 AM)

Feedback for Adm. John:

- Canton is a good plan and a calculated risk. There could be several Allied CAs there. Can Netties reach from the Marshalls? In my game as Allies (I know, the shame) I sent 2 CA, 2CL and 6DD to Canton and played hell using the 8K fuel. However, doing this took approx. 10 days to assemble, so IMHO the early grab attempt is a worthwhile risk.

- Have you considered using AMCs as deep surface raiders early? They don't really have the ammo to be effective, but showing it early could result in panic/overescorted/re-routed Allied convoys.

- Positioning KB SW of PH might just net you an Allied carrier if the other side is too aggressive.

- Invade PM and the Solomons early as per your plan. It will never be easier than in December '41.

- In this "juiced" mod, are you fully convinced that the SCTF near Rabaul can handle anything the Allies could bring to bear before you secure Rabaul and PM? If I were playing this mod it would be easy to thrill to my own new toys while forgetting that the bad guys have a larger stack of chips to play with as well. You may be fine as I don't recall any new ANZAC ships and I doubt USN can get there in time. Still, study the intel on the other fleet carefully.

Thoughts for ny59giants:

- Your plans for Singers are aggressive but seem sound. I would consider committing paras to undefended bases asap right alongside the Mersing op (obviously recon the LZs, but you plan to). Amphib at Mersing while seizing Kuala Lumpur and nearby bases by air should do it. Beware Allied attempts to evac by sea via Georgetown (and Malacca if I remember the map correctly). Netties or an early ground assault can solve Georgetown. Netties and paras could deal with Malacca.

- Consider Maskirovka. Perhaps a few early probes toward Moulmein will take the Allies' eyes off the Mersing ball? Maybe not, but it could be worth a try. Probably pointless if you are willing to commit the paras along with the Mersing landing, but an alternate strategy if you want to hold the paras back. Still, this is about the only useful way I can think of to employ the Royal Thai Army.

- Don't forget about crashing into the eastern DEI. Resistance here is truly weak in AE, and you can position for Java very quickly. Ambon/Kendari/Macassar open an alternate route to Batavia via Semarang (sp?) in case Malaya bogs down.

Good luck, gents. You both have more experience than I do, so don't pay too much attention to my ramblings.

ny59giants -> RE: Operation: Delusional (2/20/2010 4:53:55 AM)

Good thoughts there Cribtop. John got the 2 x SNLF para moved to the Marshalls. So I only have the 1st Raiding until the 2nd Raiding becomes available.

Moulmein is nice, but just above Rangoon is the AVG. Not going there until I can do so in force. Right now only 2/3 of 55th Division will march over to take Tavoy. 1st Raiding will take Port Blair if not needed in Malaya. This will cut off his short legged fighters from getting back to India/Burma.

I have the forces prepping for Ambon, Kendari, Timor, and Darwin. I haven't posted how this operation will flow yet. At least I hope it does. It will include Mini-KB and 4 BBs. Darwin will need transports (xAKs to convert to xAK-t) and pick up 21st Division at Shanghai.

Mike Solli -> RE: Operation: Delusional (2/20/2010 5:21:06 AM)

How are you using the xAPs? There are quite a few in and around the Home Islands. You don't need many to haul a division.

John 3rd -> House Rules (2/20/2010 5:21:41 AM)

I just sent the OFFICIAL House Rules to all the players. I would draw attention to the clauses on maximum Fighter Altitude and Burma.

Here they are:


1. 1st turn can have multiple port attacks, but ONLY from carriers. Manila and Singapore may have Fighters up and on CAP. Cannot transfer new Squadrons reflecting prior knowledge.

2. PPs to move out of national borders (Japan - Manchuria, Thai) and (Allies - India, China)

3. No strategic bombing (Oil, Resources, HI, LI, etc.) until July 1943

4. Manila subs can form TF based on a date/time stamp (use the last digit in a pre-determined e-mail). Since this may be the second port attack, the last digit in the time (hh:mm:ss) is used to determine how many subs can form TF

5. Japan will follow restrictions Juan suggests on conversions: Japan should only have two BB or CVL conversions at any one time, and four CA or CVE conversion at any one time.

6. Non-historic 1st turn, +/- 60 day reinforcement, PDUs ON, orders for TF formed already

7. Offensive operations in jungle and mountain hexes on the Burmese front should be stopped from early-June to early-December, allowing R&R and unit rotations, and give both players on the front a much less bloody (and much more interesting) experience. This would mean:

- No deliberate or shock attack in the jungle hexagones in the designated area
- Bombardment attacks are still allowed
- Movement into friendly or empty hexs are still allowed
- No offensive air ops from or against the Burmese front hexagones (recon still allowed)
- No offensive carrier operations in the Gulf of Bengal against Burma (other naval ops, including bombardment, are still allowed). Striking either Bengal, Northern India or Malaya from carriers in the Gulf is still allowed, of course.

Hexagones would be corresponding to everything above the "Thailand" label within Burmese and Thailandese borders + the few jungle hexagones going 3 or 4 hexagones into "India" (Kohima, Ledo, Imphal area)

8. Night Bombing must have 50% Moonlight through the end of 1943. Starting January 1, 1944 Night Bombing may occur in any condition.

9. Aircraft Limitations:
a. TB2D-1 Skypirate and FD-1 Phantom should only operate from land bases or Midway class CVBs.

b. A7M Sam and B7A/-D Grace should not be operated from Japanese CVE's.

c. Combat altitude could be fighters only from:
Dec 1941- May 1942 20,000
June 1942-Dec 1942 25,000
1943 28,000
1944 31,000
1945 Whatever

All other Aircraft below 20k (except Recon)

10. Four-Engine Bombers:
a. 4e bombers restricted to 10k or higher for naval attacks (does not include PBY/Mavis type patrol craft)

b. 4e bombers CANNOT bomb troops

John 3rd -> RE: C-in-C Combined Fleet (2/20/2010 5:23:14 AM)


ORIGINAL: Mike Solli


(I think you guys are trying to steal my record for amount of babble before you actually run a turn.) [:D]

Mike you about made me spew my TEA! [:-]

I would remind you that we did have to wait a week for the Mod. Mike and I are normally very shy and quiet people... [sm=00000016.gif][sm=innocent0009.gif]

John 3rd -> The Government of Japan regrets to inform... (2/20/2010 5:41:02 AM)


The Turn has been sent. 

We are now off and running.

skrewball -> RE: The Government of Japan regrets to inform... (2/20/2010 6:31:09 AM)

This is probably one of the most anticipated PBEMs out there! Lol.  [&o]

And I'm sure I speak for everyone out there when I say, "It's about time! Lol" Banzai!

John 3rd -> RE: The Government of Japan regrets to inform... (2/20/2010 6:40:10 AM)


ORIGINAL: skrewball

This is probably one of the most anticipated PBEMs out there! Lol.  [&o]

And I'm sure I speak for everyone out there when I say, "It's about time! Lol" Banzai!

Thanks! It has been quite a while (Aug 27th of last year to be precise) since I've sent a full game turn so this should be fun. Time for the customary lightsabers:


Everyone break out your Rosary, Prayer Shawls, Buddha statue, Sweet Grass, rug, secret decoder ring, etc... for a GOOD pair of attacks at PH and Manila.

bklooste -> RE: The Government of Japan regrets to inform... (2/20/2010 7:28:27 AM)

The fighter stuff is weird does

"All other Aircraft below 20k (except Recon) " mean all B17 must always be under 20K ? Do other aircraft altitudes match fighters ?

First thing that popped into my mind is Sonia's have cameras , do huge amount of recon ( never a bad thing as you seem to get huge combat and bombardment bonuses)  , get the combat bonus and give the pilots combat experience ( exp  ).

Are sweeps allowed on turn 1 which are not from CVs ?


bklooste -> RE: The Government of Japan regrets to inform... (2/20/2010 7:29:51 AM)

What are the production changes in the mod and what are your changes ?                                             

ny59giants -> RE: The Government of Japan regrets to inform... (2/20/2010 12:00:25 PM)


What are the production changes in the mod and what are your changes ?

I'm in correspondence with Admiral Cochran and our economic consultant, Damian, about changes. Last night some of the engines were addressed. More to follow.

Cribtop -> RE: The Government of Japan regrets to inform... (2/20/2010 3:50:22 PM)

Give 'em Hell, boys! [:D]

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