ny59giants -> RE: BB Hyuga....Hit! (2/24/2010 10:40:37 PM)
Dec 9: Buffaloes die in mass![:)] ASW/Subs: I-154 sinks TK Semiramis off Palembang I-154 gets her second sinking with TK Iris Carriers: Mini-KB runs into 2 American DDs during the night and both run away. [:D] They are found by 11 Val later in the day - quote:
DD John D. Ford, Bomb hits 3, and is sunk DD Pope, Bomb hits 3, and is sunk KB2 is now within range of Malaya (able to send most of a Daitai of Zeros as LRCAP over transports - see below comments) Malaya: Invasion TF (located 3 hexes ENE of Kuantan) - I have 18(0) A6M2 Zero, 5(0) Ki-27b Nate, and 14(0) Ki-43-Ib Oscar on LRCAP to face off vs 10(2) Buffalo I. The next wave of Allied planes arrive. 18(0) A6M2 Zero, 1(0) Ki-27b Nate, and 14(0) Ki-43-Ib Oscar on LRCAP face 10(4) Buffalo I and 5(1) Swordfish I. No ships are attacked. More fighters are sent in. I still have 18(0) A6M2 Zero, 1(0) Ki-27b Nate, and 14(0) Ki-43-Ib Oscar on LRCAP as 8(2) Buffalo I are encountered. Still seeing more attacks as 17(0) A6M2 Zero, 1(0) Ki-27b Nate, and 13(0) Ki-43-Ib Oscar still are on LRCAP to go up against 8(2) Buffalo I escorting in 5(2) Swordfish I. No ships are attacked. Alor Star - 15th Indian Brigade is the target of 75(3) Ki-21-IIa Sally (without escort [:(]) faces a surprise of 3(0) H81-A3 on CAP. I look forward to face off vs AVG in Malaya. [8D] quote:
Allied ground losses: 14 casualties reported Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled Vehicles lost 1 (0 destroyed, 1 disabled) Kuantan - 22nd Indian Brigade is the target here as pre-invasion attacks commence. 4(0) Ki-27b Nateand 28(0) Ki-43-Ia Oscar escort in 45(0) Ki-48-Ib Lily. The don't inflict any casualties. Luzon: Invasion TFs - One of two invasion TFs headed for San Fernando runs into 4 PT Boats and they avoid combat. The same group of PT Boats run into another transport TF and one of them is sunk. This transport group runs into 6 more PT Boats and they avoid combat. At Vigan, the British DDs show up and torpedoes are launched fast and furiously. quote:
Japanese Ships CL Abukuma DD Natsugumo, Shell hits 1 DD Minegumo DD Asagumo, Shell hits 1 DD Murasame DD Harusame, Shell hits 1 DD Yudachi DD Samidare Allied Ships DD Scout, Shell hits 3 DD Thanet, Shell hits 1, on fire DD Thracian, Shell hits 2 15(0) Betty launches torpedoes at DD Thracian and DD Thanet without success. The transport are targeted again. At San Fernando, 2 Ki-27b Nate cannot slow down 3 P-40E Warhawk escorting in 6 B-17D Fortress who drop bombs at 2 x xAKs, but miss both. Clark Field - 20(1) Zero repeat yesterdays performance and do a sweep at 19,000. A mixture of Allied fighters are on CAP - 3(1) P-26A, 3(0) P-35A, 9(1) P-40B Warhawk, and 9(1) P-40E Warhawk. 6(0) Zero sweep in vs 1(0) P-26A, 1(1) P-35A, and 1(0) P-40B Warhawk. Manila - 18(0) Zero only dance with 2(0) P-40E Warhawk. After being shut out due to poor weather yesterday, some of the Nell/Betty are able to visit the port. 15(0) A6M2 Zero sweep aside 3(1) P-40E Warhawk so 4(0) G3M2 Nell and 15(0) G4M1 Betty can hit those ships still left in port. quote:
Allied Ships xAP President Madison, Bomb hits 1 xAKL Compagnia Filipinas, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk xAKL Princess of Negros, Bomb hits 1, on fire CL Raleigh, Bomb hits 2, heavy damage SS Tarpon, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk AO Pecos, Bomb hits 1 San Fernando - Landings commence SRA (East): How can ONE lonely DD do so much damage?? Off of Morotai quote:
xAKL Tomozono Maru #3, Shell hits 2, and is sunk PB Kure Maru #5, Shell hits 5, on fire xAK Nittai Maru, Shell hits 2, heavy fires sunk xAK Shinkoku Maru xAK Shinwa Maru xAKL Ujigawa Maru, Shell hits 1, heavy fires xAKL Heiwa Maru, Shell hits 4, heavy fires, heavy damage sunk xAKL Hitora Maru, Shell hits 9, heavy fires, heavy damage sunk xAKL Higari Maru, Shell hits 3, on fire xAKL Genmei Maru xAKL Daitei Maru, Shell hits 2, heavy fires xAKL Taiyu Maru PB Hakata Maru #2, Shell hits 3, on fire Allied Ships DD Stewart, Shell hits 1 Japanese ground losses: 836 casualties reported Squads: 7 destroyed, 19 disabled Non Combat: 18 destroyed, 72 disabled Engineers: 2 destroyed, 4 disabled Guns lost 2 (1 destroyed, 1 disabled) Revenge is swift and painful! [sm=00000055.gif] quote:
CS Chiyoda BB Nagato BB Mutsu BB Tosa BB Kaga All come from her 41cm main guns! DD Shiratsuyu DD Shigure DD Hatsuharu DD Nenohi DD Mikazuki DD Yakaze DD Wakatake DD Kuretake DD Kaosame Allied Ships DD Stewart, Shell hits 6, and is sunk Notes: Air Losses show a total lose of 30 Buffalo (20 in 2a2). Kuantan landings will start tomorrow. [image]local://upfiles/15133/2F7CB01C319F4CFBB3AC0735C4EE808F.jpg[/image]