Sinnari -> RE: Master Wishlist Thread (6/28/2010 4:19:16 PM)
Ok, here are my suggestions (did not have time to read the whole thread, so i am unaware if anyone else had already suggested some of these): 1. ETA display for ships: - when assigning movement order - when a moving ship is selected - display ETA on ship info screen - do not crowd the map with ETA's, but it would be NICE to see ETA near my mouse pointer, if it hangs over a moving ship. 2. Course display for ships: - display a ships course with an animated line on the map. - not to crowd the map with this, make options: display for selected ship, display for mouseover ship, display for all ships, display for military ships 3. Ship icons are to be reworked.. Situation: an enemy system with a base, several mining stations and multiple private ships and my single warship in the system. When I zoom out, I cannot see any signs of my ship presence in the system - the ships icon just gets overwhelmed by enemy units icons. Also I cannot always even say, if there is a star, or it all happens in deep space. A SOLUTION would be to change overlay with zooming range. Personally I suggest to arrange special smaller presence marks circulary around stars when zoomed far out. So that i will alway know who's actually there, in this pill of unit icons. 4. Not all icons are perfectly readable from distance. Consider this. 5. Add special notification. Say if I send a ship somewhere far away with Ctrl+RMB, then a pop-up will tell me, when the ship arrives there. A very valuable notification feature actually. Watching for all the zoo manually makes me crazy when I plan 3-4 simultaneous operations in different regions of space. 6. Make it possible to select several ships from Ship List.. also there is a small galaxy map in the upper-right corner, so, make a greater use of it: if i select, say Troop Transports as the ships type, make it possible to select all Troop Transports in a region by dragging a rough mousebox over this map. This is also valuable for military ships.. 7. Make it possible to filter ships by their class, not only role, in the Ships List. Say Military -> Cruisers... and even further -> Particular_Design. This feature in composition with feature 6 will greatly ease selecting. 8. Make it possible to create nav-points. Say I create a nav-point in certain coordinates and then I just select any ship, right-click on it and say go to the waypoint. Same valid for fleets. Huge strategic command improvement. 9. Planets are circling around stars.. but the galaxy is still? If calculations amount will not be too high, make i possible for the galaxy to swirl. Diffirent stars have different speeds, same as planets. Although, I realize, this is just something very experimental.. but logical. Game mechanics will change dramatically and I am not sure if it will become better in terms of gameplay. 10. Add the following control feature: if I click an enemy planet/ship with RMB, i get the menu, where i can select what to do with the planet/ship. Say, attack, board, colonize, send troops.. and then choose between manual and automatic ships assignment for these missions. 11. Why can't i control privates? The Galactopedia says that I can be a warship captain, but why can't I be a trader? Or a passenger transporter? Maybe I can have not just a single ship, but found my own company? With wars raging here and there, it could be quite interesting. But it involves implementing market and price-lists and all the stuf that comes with it. It can be very interesting. 12. Finally, what this game really lacks is the mission creator. For all things a player needs to arrange it would be nice to create some kind of mission editor where a player can create a mission and assign ships to it. Because individual ships controlling is exhausting when it gets to a certain scale. Even fleets cannot lighen this burden (opposite thing - because of automation, fleets are even harder to control than individual ships or numbered unautomated ship groups... fleets come with constant annoying stupid messages of sending a fleet of 2 troop carriers into extremely militarized enemy capital to capture one of his major planets. I did not try yet, I really hope you have fixed it). So a mission editor would help to create a virtual mission (which exists independently of anything) and consists of a sequence of actions to be taken by the ships assigned. Say it can look like this: MISSION NAME: Attack on Nabuu CURRENTLY ASSIGNED: Fleet_1, Ship_AAA - Refuel - Gather at NAV_POINT_121 - Attack anyone in system XXXXX or MISSION NAME: Attack run CURRENTLY ASSIGNED: Fleet_1, Ships built in SpaceYard NNN - Go to NAV_POINT_EPSILON - Attack system XXXXX - Report: 'phase 1 complete', ships_alive_list - Go to system YYYYY - Refuel - Attack all Gas_Mining_Station at sytem ZZZZZ - Report: 'phase 2 complete', ships_alive_list - Return - Refuel - Report: 'mission mission_name complete', ships_alive_list well, you've got it. 13. PLEASE MAKE MULTIPLAYER!!! with a save-game feature... Think of that: with time you can even setup your own servers which will be capable of hosting even bigger galaxies (because no calculations are to be done from the client's side) and even multiple galaxies, with connections or jumpgates or travel through void between them... but surely players must have an ability for LAN play. Definetely, multiplayer is what many really good 4x-alike games miss. Everyone will tell you this. 14. Please make moon names more recognizable (at least optionally). This is not cool to see something like 'You Moon GX332 was captured' when I do not even know where this moon is... so i have to click on this and go to see, what happened.. i mean, i cannot get a clear picture from the message title. 15. Make selected items look like selected on the map while zoomed out. Now it is not always clear where they are.. the faint purple (pink) circle does not work. 16. Make selection box visible whle zoomed out. Because selection box is nor visible, neither works fine when i zoom out full. This is all I can think of right now. Thank you.