taltamir -> RE: Master Wishlist Thread (7/7/2010 8:00:43 PM)
From this, we can see that the small-scale rebellions that occur within DW do not fit either of these definitions. The little rebellions lack an ability to take the fight beyond the planet they're fighting on, due to a lack of ships. Fleets defecting to the opponent in the Civil War would help equalise the situation, with maybe a 1/4 or a 1/3 of the original Empire's fleet defecting to the enemy in the bigger Civil Wars. There is civil war in the game... if morale gets bad enough, social upheaval helps too (ex: switch from democracy to dictatorship). A new empire forms, with identical tech as you, and 1/3 to 1/2 your planets and ships. The "little rebellion" where just one planet raises troops is perfectly fine as is, as it doesn't represent a massive scale revolution, but an attempted revolution that failed to spread beyond one planet. The best outcome for them is that they take over said planet and defect to another empire, joining said empire. Second best outcome for them is if they become independent because the other empire doesn't want them (any planet with negative cashflow due to quality under 50%). And I see no reason why such a crappy lone planet would be in any position to do anything but get bombarded to dust from orbit. The worst (for them) outcome is that local troops stationed on the planet belonging to the government win the fight, and maintain control of the planet, suppressing the rebellion violently. Anyways, the DW system for rebellion currently is perfect, it exists and it occurs, but unless you REALLY mess up public opinion (eg: get really really low reputation, try to stage a coup, etc) then it would be confined to a few civil disturbances in some planets. So, to sum it up... stages of unrest: 0: no unrest 1: planet in "revolt", refuses to pay tax (also, doesn't build) 2: planet in "revolt", rebels raise their own troops which fight current garrison troops, if rebels win they join another empire (unless nobody would take them for being low quality planet); troops on planet help against this. 3: civil war, a new empire is formed, they take 1/3 to 1/2 your planets AND ships AND space stations AND freighters... become independent, are AT WAR with you at their inception, have identical tech as you. Things that resist revolution: 1. not letting your reputation drop too low. (or being a race that doesn't care) 2. leaving AI control of taxes so it can lower taxes on bad years (or manually lowering taxes) to combat low morale. 3. Avoiding war weariness (via racial abilities, government type, or not being in war) 4. Not nuking planets from orbit. (related to reputation, nuking causes a big rep drop) 5. Not backstabbing your allies (causes big rep drop) 6. Not trying to stage a coup (switch government type, with a few exceptions, going to way of ancients doesn't seem to cause any issues. going to democracy causes less issue then some governments, but there is still upheaval even going to democracy... which makes sense, other generals / nobles / etc might disapprove and fight you)