marc420 -> RE: Battles Need A Lot Of Work A lot (4/5/2010 7:44:45 AM)
Some of what could improve fuel in the game involves the UI. -- Ship range should show the circle at 'point of no return' instead of dry tanks. Ie, 50% of what's now. -- When trying to give a ships orders, the AI should let you know if its beyond the point of no return. Most missions should stay inside of this to avoid having empty ships sitting dead on the map. Sending a ship beyond this should be a big deal. Its usually either a suicide mission for the ship, or some sort of hail mary where you send a ship then say 'don't worry, we'll get supplies to you'. Either way, it should be very noticeable that you are doing this. (Logic in the code could maybe take a move order's destination and then check it for 'nearest refueling' then ask if the fuel that's expected to be on board the ship when it arrives at its destination is enough to get it back to the 'nearest refueling'. If no, then either block the move or make the player go through a 'are you sure?' box to do it.) -- Ships should automatically head for refueling base when they reach 'point of no return' fuel levels. Then they should automatically return to their patrol point or whatever their previous position/mission was. Captains of naval ships would always break off a mission when fuel levels dictated. Its hard to imagine that a space ship captain would just let his ship run out of fuel and float dead in space. When the fuel gage says 'head to port', they'll head for port. -- Ideally a 'fleet' would organize itself such that if it was supposed to both 'patrol' or 'escort' something, but also refuel, that it would send back its units on a rotation. Ie, four destroyers are on patrol. One at any given time is probably back at base being refueled. So, if you put a 'fleet' on patrol instead of individual ships, then the commander (and staff) of the fleet is 'managing' the refueling while keeping a force on station. If you put individual ships on the same mission, then each just refuels when it has to do so. -- Ships patrolling at a refueling point should be able to manage to keep themselves topped off or close to it. Its strange to me to go to my home fleet to want to grab some ships to respond, only to find out that they are sitting empty on fuel. Maybe the game needs a concept of something different than 'patrolling' to stay near a point. What I want is to keep a fleet ready for action, and if I've done this at a base that can refuel, then I expect they'll be fueled and ready for action when I need them. If there's a separate 'in port' command for putting ships in such a ready status at a base, then maybe that's what's needed. But my reserve of big ships 'in port' at a refueling base, but then maybe have some small craft 'patrolling' around it. -- The 'resupply' ships that set up a base that makes fuel are a good idea. But the game also needs the concept of 'tankers' or 'oilers' or 'colliers'. Put them in a fleet, and they automatically keep everyone topped up. And the game needs a 'tanker' mission/role for ships where ships who need to 'refuel at nearest' can spot the tanker and head for it instead of a base. The game needs tankers! By all means keep the fuel system in the game. But some UI help would be greatly appreciated. :)