thiosk -> RE: Battles Need A Lot Of Work A lot (4/6/2010 7:25:06 AM)
I like fuel. I like fuel a lot more than "Range," where you can move ships around however you want, as long as you are within the "Magical Barrier." Numbered lists are "in" so i'll number a few things. 1. I want tankers. Super tankers, mega tankers, ultra tankers-- why can't some enterprising citizens band together and sell fuel back to the very escorts that are expending imperial resources to protect them? Seems like the ultimate capitalist move-- you have to protect me, while I get this stuff, SO I CAN SELL IT BACK TO YOU! Genius. Thats how you play the cash flow game. Tankers would be generally useless for assisting with a push out to the distant reaches of the galaxy, but why isn't anyone delivering fuel to ships that are just milling about on protection/patrol duty? 2. What is REALLY bothering me, and I think its mostly bug related, is that I'll give a ship a job to do, it will fly all the way to the destination, then turn around and fly back to refuel, then fly back to the destination, then turn around and fly back again. I have no idea what these ships are doing, but I believe its a bit of funny business. Example: I built a resupply ship. Took it to the appropriate gas cloud. Killed enemy supply ship and ordered mine to deploy. It started to fly to the next star on impulse power, until it ran out of fuel, then I had to scrap it. Whats up with that?! 3. Its really unclear to me why ships choose the places they choose when they want to refuel. Example. Enemy mining bases in a colonized system. My glorious imperial force is dispatched to clear them out. Upon arrival, they are nearly out of fuel. Since puttering around in system and firing guns is impossible without fuel, I command them to refuel at the planet before spilling blood for the blood god. They turned around and flew back. Huh?!