RE: How does this stack up to Gal Civ II (Full Version)

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mbar -> RE: How does this stack up to Gal Civ II (4/26/2010 2:01:00 PM)


ORIGINAL: shanicus
Sword of the Stars (if they would ditch the stupid 3d map).

I think the recent patch of Agros Naval Shipyard added a 2d disk galaxy. It's in there though.

Zakhal -> RE: How does this stack up to Gal Civ II (4/26/2010 4:38:19 PM)




ORIGINAL: shanicus
Sword of the Stars (if they would ditch the stupid 3d map).

I think the recent patch of Agros Naval Shipyard added a 2d disk galaxy. It's in there though.

I think the 2d option was before that even. Possibly in a patch. Sword of the Stars has easily the best combat, ship design and most interesting research-options of all 4x games. What you research & design and how you fight in the battles makes a clear difference how you succeed in the game. And the game is very challenging even on medium difficulty.

jam3 -> RE: How does this stack up to Gal Civ II (4/26/2010 6:48:14 PM)

Galciv had a broken economic model which after about 20 games you either learned to tolerate or u just shelved it, i shelved it.

scotten_usa -> RE: How does this stack up to Gal Civ II (4/26/2010 7:20:10 PM)




ORIGINAL: shanicus
Sword of the Stars (if they would ditch the stupid 3d map).

I think the recent patch of Agros Naval Shipyard added a 2d disk galaxy. It's in there though.

The original game had a 2D galaxy, but I find that map penalizes some races - like the hivers. On a true 3D map they can expand like wildfire, but a 2D map restricts their growth.

kschur -> RE: How does this stack up to Gal Civ II (4/27/2010 2:04:25 AM)

I find Galactic Civ and Distant World both very enjoyable games in their own right. As you know Galactic Civ is turn based wheras Distant Worlds is real-time. The degree of automation in Distant Worlds is excellent and the universe feels alive with private ships pursuing their own objectives (passenger transport, mining, etc). I also enjoy the graphics of Distant Worlds. The only thing that Galactiv Civ has that Distant Worlds does not is the AI opponent in Galactic Civ will adapt it's ships to counter your ship designs. On the other hand, Distant Worlds has less of a rock, paper, scissors fell to it than Galactic Civ. I strongly recommend Distant Worlds.

p.s. Don't mind the trolls on this forum. Some people just enjoy trashing things because it makes them feel good and powerful in their very, very, very, small little universe of meaninglessness.

HsojVvad -> RE: How does this stack up to Gal Civ II (4/27/2010 2:12:52 AM)

Don't forget GC II had lots of patches to fix the AI so the AI will build agaisnt your own ships. So as of now, I guess you can say that, but then you have to take in context, when GC II came out at 3 weeks, it wasn't as polished as it is now. Just a reminder, GC II had lots of complaints about the AI as well in it's ealry incarnation as well.

jam3 -> RE: How does this stack up to Gal Civ II (4/27/2010 4:27:20 AM)

The way building maintenance, empire sliders, and the general economy worked in Galciv was one of the most convoluted messes in any turn based empire game I think I have ever seen. The fact they didnt fix it from 1 to 2 says alot about the game in general. Mastering the economy destroyed the immersion of the game itself because it became incredibly gamey. Galciv 2 in alot of ways became a ship building tool much in the same way spore was just a toolset. There are alot of people who mastered the econ system and somehow still love that game but even the developers themselves admit its a horrible model.

DW has a rather opaque econ model at the moment but it almost seems to simple: grow, minimize maintenance costs, earn credits. I think DW has the upper hand because econ in galciv 2 was fundamentally flawed and couldn't be fixed via tuning. DW should be able to balance out the problems via patching.

And I love the 3d space in sots maps as well as homeworld tactical movement. Is it really that confusing? Are that many people spatially challenged?

Zakhal -> RE: How does this stack up to Gal Civ II (4/27/2010 8:25:07 AM)



And I love the 3d space in sots maps as well as homeworld tactical movement. Is it really that confusing? Are that many people spatially challenged?

For me the combat was a bit confusing at first but after learning handful of very useful shortcut keys it became the best ever 4x combat.

Gertjan -> RE: How does this stack up to Gal Civ II (4/27/2010 10:58:17 AM)

How much of a clickfest is tactical combat in SOTS? How much micro is there involved?

Lamb Chop -> RE: How does this stack up to Gal Civ II (4/27/2010 11:17:28 AM)



How much of a clickfest is tactical combat in SOTS? How much micro is there involved?

No clickfest.
pretty enjoyable combat. micromanagement is very limited also if you choose so.
If you are into more bigger picture, GalCiv II has no modern competition.
MOO II is also out for 5.99 and runs on vista win 7 etc.
Take your pick

HsojVvad -> RE: How does this stack up to Gal Civ II (4/27/2010 12:34:32 PM)

OOPS got games confused, I was thinking SotS was a different game. Never played SotS, so can't comment.

Zakhal -> RE: How does this stack up to Gal Civ II (4/27/2010 1:31:25 PM)



How much of a clickfest is tactical combat in SOTS? How much micro is there involved?

Not much really. Most you just give few orders here and there and then wait and see let AI handle the rest. New orders are given only if situation changes. You can also slow down the combat just like in Distant Worlds. Or speed it up if the ships are too far apart or somthing like that.

Sots also has much of other stuff than just ships. It has orbital platforms, aliens, asteroids, planetary missiles, fighters all kinds of stuff. And there is a kind of physics too i.e ships loose momentum when hit with mass drivers and other high caliber projectile weapons. And there is structural damage too that you can see when ships get damaged. If ship is on course towards planet/asteroid and its enginge get damaged well its propably bye bye for that ship.

Erik Rutins -> RE: How does this stack up to Gal Civ II (4/27/2010 1:55:32 PM)

SOTS and GalCiv are great games. I played GalCiv back from the original OS/2 release and while I got into SOTS pretty late (after the second expansion), I caught up quickly. Each of those has some great gameplay to offer. If I had to pick one over the other, it would be the fully expanded SOTS by a bit.

If you compare DW as far as first releases go, compare it to the original GalCiv and SOTS releases before their expansions as we've just begun. By the time we're done, DW will have come a long way from these beginnings. I think even the upcoming 1.0.4 official update will make a lot of people happy. We're proud of DW and where it's going, I hope you all join us and stick around for a very fun time.


- Erik

mbar -> RE: How does this stack up to Gal Civ II (4/27/2010 2:34:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: Erik Rutins
If you compare DW as far as first releases go, compare it to the original GalCiv and SOTS releases before their expansions as we've just begun. By the time we're done, DW will have come a long way from these beginnings. I think even the upcoming 1.0.4 official update will make a lot of people happy. We're proud of DW and where it's going, I hope you all join us and stick around for a very fun time.

Are you kidding!!! I wouldn't want to miss it!!! I'm so glad I caught Distant Worlds coming right out of the gate. I fully intend to enjoy the ride!!!!

I wish I could have done the same with Sins of a Solar Empire.

Zakhal -> RE: How does this stack up to Gal Civ II (4/27/2010 2:35:00 PM)

It was really all the expansions that made sots great. I tried the demo of the original release first and hated the it. Then I bought deluxe version with two expansions and it became my favorite 4x game.  

VarekRaith -> RE: How does this stack up to Gal Civ II (4/27/2010 2:44:35 PM)

GalCiv 1 and 2, SotS and DW. I love 'em all. [:)]

Gertjan -> RE: How does this stack up to Gal Civ II (4/27/2010 3:19:30 PM)

LOL, where do you guys get the time? I'm now also curious about SOTS. But I will first install the 1.04 update for DW once it is done. I'm looking forward to it!

Alinroch -> RE: How does this stack up to Gal Civ II (4/27/2010 4:17:54 PM)

GalCiv was a mess IMO and really felt too WOWish. I've seen other people on here say it had no soul, which I have to agree with. Economy was ridiculous, and since I'm not really a "make ships pretty" type of gamer, the ship build thing held zero appeal to me.

SOTS on the other hand was a little too simplified to really be of my taste although it is a really good game overall. I'd choose it over either GalCiv without a doubt.

This game on the other hand, shows great promise. This game is kind of close to what I was hoping MOO3 was going to be (anyone else remember the sheer disappointment that was that miserable game?) As long as the developers can resist the twinkie crowd (heroes, seriously?) I expect that it will only get better.

Gertjan -> RE: How does this stack up to Gal Civ II (4/27/2010 7:57:41 PM)

So, Alinroch, what's are your favourite 4x games?

@zakhal, why did you buy SOTS, when the demo wasn't good? Wasn't that a big risk?

Alinroch -> RE: How does this stack up to Gal Civ II (4/27/2010 9:20:38 PM)



So, Alinroch, what's are your favourite 4x games?

@zakhal, why did you buy SOTS, when the demo wasn't good? Wasn't that a big risk?

Pax Imperia 1 was/is the bar I hold 4x games against. Pity it was only available for Macintosh, but check it out if you ever get a chance. It's an unknown, glorious gem that predated MOO.

Other than that Imperium Galactica 2 was pretty good but was insanely laggy in the endgame. Hegemonia LOI was pretty awesome, but too short. [:(] The Homeworld series was also very well done, although it wasn't really a 4x game.

And any given time, I'll have at least 1 EVE client open. [:D]

HsojVvad -> RE: How does this stack up to Gal Civ II (4/27/2010 9:20:47 PM)

I guess the big risk was that you can't be really picky when you want to play a new 4X space game. I have tried the demo, but havn't touched it since DW came out. Actually the only other game I play is Civ Rev. I play Civ Rev so I don't have DW overload, and I can complete a game in a day.

As for playing GC II, I played more in the ship desing screens than playing the game. I don't think I ever got past turn 100 in GC II.

Zakhal -> RE: How does this stack up to Gal Civ II (4/27/2010 10:17:35 PM)



So, Alinroch, what's are your favourite 4x games?

@zakhal, why did you buy SOTS, when the demo wasn't good? Wasn't that a big risk?

Since the game got two expansions I thought perhaps it had gotten better or I had missed somthing in the demo - generally they dont make multiple expansions for failed games. And many people and critics were giving good word on the expansions. And there wasnt much other 4x games back then. And it was sold in neat deluxe edition that among many things came with the expansions and printed scifi novel based on the game's universe. And it was cheap only 25€ or so.

I started the game year ago on week long holiday and most of it went to playing that game night and day. I pretty much played it to death. And it was challenging on medium difficulty even I had to play like 3-4 days before winning my first hard-won victory and even that took som luck.

While waiting for DW/Armada patches I think Ill take another round of sots. Havent played it since last summer and they say the latest patch has improved the AI:

A bit more efficient is an understatement. Still in my first 1.7.2 game, but my initial take is the same as yours. The AI must've gotten some love. I'm usually first/second/third in colonies/income/ships and last in tech. This game, the top slot AIs decidedly out-expanded me - I had 20 or so colonies at turn 100 and couldn't figure out why I wasn't #1. Turns out the #1 and #2 factions both had in the 30s by turn 100!

Gertjan -> RE: How does this stack up to Gal Civ II (4/28/2010 9:33:59 AM)

I might want to try Hegemonia soon. Is it rts or tbs?

Bartje -> RE: How does this stack up to Gal Civ II (4/28/2010 10:21:50 AM)

Haegemonia is an awesome RTS game, a bit like Distant worlds but much smaller in scope and it has somewhat better graphics.

It also has a neat singleplayer semi persistant storly line, something that would fit right into Distant Worlds!

Bartje -> RE: How does this stack up to Gal Civ II (4/28/2010 10:26:12 AM)


ORIGINAL: Fallschirmjager

I am sure this has been asked a lot. I enjoy 4x games and consider Gal Civ II to still be the overall best. I am considering a purchase of Distant Worlds based on positive feedback and busy forums (both good signs). Does the game warrant a purchase and does it mean I can retire Stardocks classic?

Distant Worlds would be a very good purchase for you and I can give several convincing reasons that persuaded me to buy it:

-Potential: This game has so much potential crammed into it that its almost impossible to fathom. Its far beyond any other game I've ever played, and I've played a lot of games.

Add to this the fact that DW has a very active development team which is quite dedicated to their product.

Furthermore the game also posesses quite a bit of moddability so its almost a guarantee that beyond the considerable potential the game already possesses there will be alot of custom content.

In short: If you purchase Distant Worlds you not only buy a game you will enjoy now, you are investing into your recreational future by affording a product with infinite replayability.

Fishman -> RE: How does this stack up to Gal Civ II (4/28/2010 6:06:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: Fallschirmjager

I am sure this has been asked a lot. I enjoy 4x games and consider Gal Civ II to still be the overall best. I am considering a purchase of Distant Worlds based on positive feedback and busy forums (both good signs). Does the game warrant a purchase and does it mean I can retire Stardocks classic?
Don't be taken in by the propaganda. Remember, all positive feedback is the work of company shills. Look at the negative feedback and decide if the complaints are things you can live with. Just as there is no such thing as cold, only the absense of heat, there is no such thing as good, only the absence of bad. Any "positive" commentary is nothing more than the work of paid propaganda shills engaging in guerilla marketing. Only the negative matters.



Distant Worlds would be a very good purchase for you and I can give several convincing reasons that persuaded me to buy it
See? This here is a shill. When you see someone talking like this, ignore him, he's a bought marketeer.



-Potential: This game has so much potential crammed into it that its almost impossible to fathom. Its far beyond any other game I've ever played, and I've played a lot of games.
Lots of games have potential. But potential is just that: Potential. Often it will never be properly realized in the window in which it matters.



Add to this the fact that DW has a very active development team which is quite dedicated to their product.
Well, they APPEAR dedicated. Just as the appearance of security does not necessarily represent true security, the appearance of dedication does not necessarily represent true dedication.



Furthermore the game also posesses quite a bit of moddability so its almost a guarantee that beyond the considerable potential the game already possesses there will be alot of custom content.
You're joking, right? From a moddability standpoint, DW is practically monolithic.



In short: If you purchase Distant Worlds you not only buy a game you will enjoy now, you are investing into your recreational future by affording a product with infinite replayability.
And if you adopt a more wait-and-see stance, and ignore the shill, you may keep your retirement savings. Up to you.

Bartje -> RE: How does this stack up to Gal Civ II (4/28/2010 6:09:31 PM)

Aren't you a bit negative? I'm just giving an opinion not a markreting speech. I think you are reading waaaaaaaay too much into it.

Always assuming the worst about things is a proven way into negative emotions and depression by the way.

I'm not saying you should just believe everything you hear, but that doesn't mean opinions that aren't negative are by default worthless.



Fishman -> RE: How does this stack up to Gal Civ II (4/28/2010 6:16:02 PM)



Always assuming the worst about things is a proven way into negative emotions and depression by the way.
Untrue! It's a proven fact that pessimists are happier than optimists. Our expectations are always met, and we are never disappointed. A pessimist looks both ways before crossing a one-way street. An optimist gets run over!



I'm not saying you should just believe everything you hear, but that doesn't mean opinions that aren't negative are by default worthless.
If A, then B.

Bartje -> RE: How does this stack up to Gal Civ II (4/28/2010 6:19:24 PM)

or C!

You *might* find it interesting that in psychology it really is defined that way concerning the pessimist / optimist distinction.

Most pessimists infact, are depressed or on the path towards depression. Ofcourse, its not rocket science but why take the risk if you can also choose to be happy, or isn't it a choice? [;)]


I stand by my opinion, this game has lots of potential. Too bad if you don't see it that way

Fishman -> RE: How does this stack up to Gal Civ II (4/28/2010 6:27:31 PM)



Most pessimists infact, are depressed or on the path towards depression.
That sounds more like depression than pessimism. I don't do depression, it falls outside of the limited emotional range that my ancestors bred me for. As such, I am incapable of sadness, only varying degrees of anger.



Ofcourse, its not rocket science but why take the risk if you can also choose to be happy, or isn't it a choice? [;)]
I would argue that choosing to expect the worst IS choosing to be happy. This is a win/win situation. Either things work out anyay, or I get to sit there and go, "See, I told you so!" in smug satisfaction because I am right.



I stand by my opinion, this game has lots of potential. Too bad if you don't see it that way
Oh, sure. I agree the game has lots of potential. But then, other games in the past have had potential as well, and ultimately it was squandered and the game was relegated to the dustbin of history, and nothing was learned from it for better or worse. Statistically, the odds favor the latter.

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