Jamoid -> RE: How does this stack up to Gal Civ II (4/28/2010 9:42:41 PM)
ORIGINAL: Fishman That's true only of good things. For negativity, you only need one counter-example. If you want to say "space shuttles are safe", I only need to cite one example of one blowing up to refute this. If I say "space shuttles are unsafe", citing an example of one that didn't blow up doesn't undermine my point, because my point is negative, and therefore requires only a single example to be true. you're thinking in black and white, that's not how things work. 1 shuttle out of 1 thousand crashing does not necessarily mean that whole line of shuttles needs to be declared unsafe. however, if 100 of them crashes, then you have a different story. you make judgements based on degrees and severity, both on negative AND positive feedback. without assuming that every positive person is a paid for part of a conspiracy. in distant world terms, if i read these forums and there is one crash complaint (probably by sigh), but 10 positive comments then i may buy the game. however, if there was 10 crash complaints (probably all still sigh) and only 1 positive comment, then i might not. more importantly, perhaps you are only joking and i am reading into this far too much. |o/