JEB Davis -> RE: Something needs to be done about SPWAW (8/21/2010 4:37:35 PM)
ORIGINAL: Nikademus quote:
ORIGINAL: JEB Davis Nikademus, I'm curious about what you think of the effects of artillery on the infantry using only your 200 Inf.Tough. along with 100 Artillery. Arty casualties go way down, as with small arms fire, to a more reasonable level. Primary effect especially in cover terrain, zero movement is suppression effects (vs. casualties) which then allows one to root them out of their positions. On the default settings all you have to do (usually) is fire at them a few times and they'll take casualties and retreat. At times it probably is too anemic (which is why i'm interested in the LC settings) but overall i found it a better game experience. Inf units caught in the open and/or moving can still be mowed down by MG and HE arty fire (AFV or arty) I also play with auto-rally off as i found over the years that that was the biggest culprit (next to the general fragileness of soft units under the SP-III engine) to mass slaughter. Units don't retreat 9 out of 10 times...they auto rally and sit there and get anhilated. (which is why i don't think the SPWW2/MBT model suffers for not having an "auto rally" feature during the opposing side's turn, making them more survivable) Biggest problem is that the typical scenario tends to be short on turns, optimized for default settings which, as most know, one can get quick results evaporating enemy soft targets with the application of mass firepower. With the INF toughness set to max, depending on the scenario it can be next to impossible to achieve the objective hexes in the time allotted. Thank you for the well thought out reply. Your observations regarding default settings completely agree with my own. It may seem that my LC arty settings 180 vs soft & 130 vs armor could be too high, but in play you may find them pretty good. You're not going to see many casualties from "unobserved" artillery bombardments, so it encourages use of "spotted" fire (having your calling unit with LOS to target hex) to gain a more effective result. With LC settings (using C&C of course), a dug-in (in-cover or entrenched) infantry unit is going to take casualties infrequently, and low levels of suppression. They will have to be rooted out, or fired upon from close range to get them to retreat from their cover. Careful use of stance changes is highly recommended. If you have the orders to spare, switching a scout or other slowly advancing unit to "defend" mode as they advance by bounds into known enemy observed areas can enhance their survivability greatly. Your comments regarding AutoRally OFF are superbly stated. The LC fans completely agree, retreating troops are retreating for a reason... why let the computer control them and try to make them stand & die? The shortness of turns is absolutely true if the scenario was designed for default settings. I would recommend a quick edit of the scenario to add 25% or more turns. This is a rough guess, since I almost only play PBEM games. During testing to come up with the current Low Carnage settings, we did test Inf.Tough 200, just so you know that. I'm interested in your input. Have you visted the Enhanced Forum and seen our work with the North Afrika mod and PBEM Battalion Commander campaign concept?