taltamir -> RE: Game Stopper (5/19/2010 7:44:44 PM)
ORIGINAL: AMF It is totally ridiculous that we can't effectively slaughter alien populations without massive civil morale hits. I mean, not to put too fine a point on it, but the only race that we know about, Humans, have had no problem in their history slaughtering millions of each other with little morale hits. It's not too hard a leap to realize that if we can "de-humanize" each other enough to allow that, then we could easily make excuses for killing millions or billions of aliens on distant worlds. I mean, genocide is not my chosen tactic to deal with alien races in DW, but if Hitler, Stalin, and Mao could do it to fellow humans, I should certainly be able to get away with doing it to aliens, no? Hope this example isn't in poor taste. Just wanted to point out the illogic I see. I agree, it is not how I like to play, but the penalty for nuking a planet from orbit right now is that everyone in the galaxy declares war on you and half your planets and fleets split off from you in civil war. (forget about genocide inside your own planets). Heck, nuking a planet from orbit isn't even genocide, its the slaughtering of millions, but many times that amount could be living comfortably in planets you control... and it should be doable as an intimidation.