WAW6T- Axis GrumpyMel and Lunaticus (Full Version)

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GrumpyMel -> WAW6T- Axis GrumpyMel and Lunaticus (5/20/2010 6:21:24 AM)

Doing an AAR of Explorers version 6T of WAW. I'm playing Axis along with Lunaticus playing Japan. We'll post our reports in this thread. The Allies are 82ndTrooper playing the West and Etzo playing the SU. They'll be posting in thier own thread, so the sides won't have to worry about giving up intel to thier opponents. We're playing with the following game options...

- Passwords
- Anti-Supply
- Anti PBEM Cheat
- Special units
- Historical Western Blitz
- Canadian Supply of UK
- Accelerate Ship Production

GrumpyMel -> RE: WAW6T- Axis GrumpyMel and Lunaticus (5/20/2010 6:30:43 AM)

Sept 1, 1939

War once again breaks loose over digital Europe. Poor Poland finds itself unprepaired and squarely in the cross-hairs. It's pixilated troops pay a heavy price for thier lack of readiness. The opening turn is fairly standard with Germany attacking as agressively as possible in order to take advantage of the surprise round. You can see the end results below. My troops suffered a few more losses then I'm really happy with, but it's important to kill as many Poles in the opening round as possible. This should set me up well to take Warsaw in the next turn and knock Poland out of the War.


GrumpyMel -> RE: WAW6T- Axis GrumpyMel and Lunaticus (5/21/2010 2:53:13 AM)

Sept 29, 1939

Warsaw falls along with the last Polish troops, knocking Poland out of the War. It did cost a few more casualties then I would have liked, including 1 tank in the final assault. However, the losses are not significant in the greater scheme of things. Now the Sitz-Krieg begins as we await the Spring and the assault on Western Europe. We are building forces in preperation for this. Although production of units has not kicked into full gear yet, as I am building a fair amount of PP's right now so I can build some upgrades and pressure the Axis minors into the war as soon as possible.

We are playing with the Historical Western Blitz option, which means France is frozen until the spring. That means the only action I really need to worry about right now is possibly some naval clashes in the Atlantic and maybe some air strikes against Northen Germany, if his bombers in England have the range to fly around the neutrals. I have stationed some of my fighters in the area in order to deal with that. Meanwhile my first Wolfpack has taken up station between Britain and Canada to see if they can upset any supply shipments. I am building more subs at a modest rate to keep England preoccupied with it's supply lanes.

Pictured below you can see my first group of subs out at sea, along with a summary of losses for the turn.


GrumpyMel -> RE: WAW6T- Axis GrumpyMel and Lunaticus (5/22/2010 3:06:27 AM)

Oct 27th, 1939

The Sitzkreig begins in earnest. The sole piece of action being that one of my u-boats got blocked by an English sub while trying to run the Channel. I'm sure I'll loose it during the Wests turn, but not a major situation.

Though there is little fighting going on. There is much planning and preperation. With the fall of Warsaw, I have recieved the Action Card for pressuring the Axis Minors into my Regieme. I played it this turn (as soon as I recieved it) with the PP's I've been saving, as it's a significant boost to production and getting these guys in as early as possible maximizes thier production time. Meanwhile planning and building for the Spring continue.

Germany is building for the invasion of France and the low countries. My basic goals here are to capture France in as short a time as possible while preventing the escape of as many French troops as I can. My timetable is very strict for this. The goals are to take Brussles, Amsterdam and Lille on the first turn of the offensive and Paris no later then the 3rd. I am building accordingly. I also need to plan for the invasion of Denmark and Norway, which will happen immediately before the offensive on France. This, however, is a much less important theatre and I will make it primarly a responsibility of the Kriegsmarine, although some small ground forces will be earmarked for it. Also during the Winter I will attempt to continue my campaign to disrupt Englands supply lines in the Atlantic.

Meanwhile Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania are building up for a Summer offensive against Yugoslavia. They should be able to achieve this largely on thier own...although if things go well in France I will likely be able to offer some German assistance.

Finland is slowley building for Barbarossa. With this much lead time, they should have a decent little force assembeled by then.

Pictured are the Axis Minors.


GrumpyMel -> RE: WAW6T- Axis GrumpyMel and Lunaticus (5/22/2010 7:28:59 PM)

Nov. 24th, 1939

The weather still remains fair. A good break, this helps our production situation. Also fortunate, our sub in the English Channel was not attacked. Surprising, but I will not look a gift horse in the mouth. I pull it back and sneak more subs out into the North Atlantic by the northern route which remains unguarded. I am operating mostly with single SFT subs as there is no cost for deploying units only HQ's in this scenerio. This will give me the greatest flexibility. My main wolfpack takes up position of the coast of Spain and begins to have some effect on the supply line to Gibraltar. Meanwhile, back on the continent we continue to build up our forces. We invested in Fighter II Research this turn. Since fighters are not upgrade-able it makes sense to improve tech in this area early on. I had been holding off building any until I purchased this Tech. The first ME-109's are now scheduled for production.


GrumpyMel -> RE: WAW6T- Axis GrumpyMel and Lunaticus (5/23/2010 1:19:06 AM)

Jan 19th, 1940

The new year dawns and winter lays heavy on Europe. The war has been remarkably quiet so far, with no casualties suffered by either side since the fall of Poland. That will change with the Spring thaw, a few short months hence. For now, I am content to build my forces, as I'm sure the West is doing. My U-boats are active in the Atlantic and beginning to exact a toll on Allied supplies. As you can see pictured below.


GrumpyMel -> RE: WAW6T- Axis GrumpyMel and Lunaticus (5/23/2010 3:43:51 AM)

March 15, 1940

The spring thaw has come and soon the quiet waiting will be over. In the Atlantic one of my submarines, U-12, has withstood 2 attacks by enemy ASW forces. I am moving it eastward to resupply. So far no losses among my U-boats. I slip one U-boat past Gibraltar in hopes of preventing any enemy evacuation from Southern France once the offensive begins. Next month, the Blitz against Denmark and Norway will commence. The Kriegsmarine stands ready, but it is the attack on France and the Low Countries due in May that occupies most of my attention.
You can see my planning pictured below.

3 Armies are poised on the doorstep of France. 3rd Army consisting mostly of Infantry will screen the French forces in the Maginot Line. Meanwhile 2nd and 1st Army will carry out the attacks. 2nd Army consisting of 6 Panzer and 5 Infantry Divisions will strike through Luxueburg with Lille and Rheims as initial objectives. 1st Army consisting of 3 Panzer and 5 Infantry Divisions will strike into the Low Countries, with Brussles and Amsterdam as objectives. The Luftwaffe, along with several FalschrimJaegar units will support the operation.


GrumpyMel -> RE: WAW6T- Axis GrumpyMel and Lunaticus (5/23/2010 4:39:41 AM)

April 12th, 1940

I recieved and played the Northern Blitz card this turn, allowing me to occupy Norway and Denmark. I moved a couple of U-boats off the Norwegian coast, screening Bergan and Stavanger. If the Brits try to sneak in a landing force, they may cause them some pause. I also created a new HQ for Norway, 4th Army in Oslo so that it can recieve production from the Swedish ore and from Oslo. The Kriegsmarine also transported 1 Infantry division into Norway, to help out in case the Brits stage a landing there.

Norway is mostly a distraction though. The important show will begin next month in France. My troops have already moved into attack positions.

Meanwhile, I lost my first U-boat in the Atlantic. U-12 was sunk on it's way back to port by a large enemy destroyer group. It did manage to kill one destroyer though before sinking. So a decent trade.


GrumpyMel -> RE: WAW6T- Axis GrumpyMel and Lunaticus (5/23/2010 7:20:45 AM)

May 10th, 1940

The attack on France and the Low Countries begins. On the ground things went reasonably well, with all first turn objectives achieved and reasonable kill/loss ratios. 1st Army took Amsterdam and Brussles with the aid from artillery and airstrikes. Meanwhile 2nd Army drove through Luxemburg to capture Lille and Rhiems. Though the Allied ground forces suffered no apparent readiness loss from our Blitz, we were able to smash them aside where-ever we encountered them. With the capture of Rheims, we were able to isolate the Maginot defences from Paris.
A paradrop north of Vichey should succede in cutting Maginots supply lines and avenue for retreat.

Unfortunately, it looks like our secondary objective of preventing the French Army from evacuating will be only partialy successfull. Although the Maginot forces are isolated, Paris itself has a clear line of evacuation to Calais. We were able to stage a small attack on Calais, but lacked sufficient AP's to capture the port. An attempt by U-boats and E-boats to interdict the Channel Crossing met with disaster. Our force ran into a station keeping force of 3 British DD's and an old cruiser. We attacked with 6 U-boats and 2 DD's, but lost 5 of our U-boats and inflicted no casualties on the enemy. The e-boats lacked movement to retreat after that and will probably be lost. Truely a black day for the Kriegsmarine, casting a shadow on an otherwise successfull Offensive.

Pictured below are our opening positions.


GrumpyMel -> RE: WAW6T- Axis GrumpyMel and Lunaticus (5/23/2010 7:22:06 AM)

Here are our final dispositions.


british exil -> RE: WAW6T- Axis GrumpyMel and Lunaticus (5/23/2010 10:45:35 AM)

Why didn't you do an air-recon of the channel before you moved the Kriegsmarine? I mean once the land attack starts the enemy know your're coming and a possible loss of a fighterI compared to those subs seems a good trade off.
But I think you will have used your fighters to protect the airspace for your Airborne forces, nice move BTW. But maybe 1 old fighter would/could have helped. Maybe, possibly, who knows. ????

I know that in hinsight I think of things I should have done. Plus once the big offensives start I do tend to forget somethings. But as soon as I do not need the fighter squadrons in action, they are always doing recon flights just to get xp and moral built up.

I know you will not take this post as critic because you a too experienced player to do such.
Keep your panzers fueled up and continue your storm through Europe mate.


GrumpyMel -> RE: WAW6T- Axis GrumpyMel and Lunaticus (5/23/2010 7:18:31 PM)


ORIGINAL: british exil

Why didn't you do an air-recon of the channel before you moved the Kriegsmarine? I mean once the land attack starts the enemy know your're coming and a possible loss of a fighterI compared to those subs seems a good trade off.
But I think you will have used your fighters to protect the airspace for your Airborne forces, nice move BTW. But maybe 1 old fighter would/could have helped. Maybe, possibly, who knows. ????

I know that in hinsight I think of things I should have done. Plus once the big offensives start I do tend to forget somethings. But as soon as I do not need the fighter squadrons in action, they are always doing recon flights just to get xp and moral built up.

I know you will not take this post as critic because you a too experienced player to do such.
Keep your panzers fueled up and continue your storm through Europe mate.



I knew what the enemy had there. I spotted his group[ with my ground forces. But I figured I could take them, I had 6 Sub II's and 2 DD II's going in on 1 DD II, 2 DD I's and 1 Cruiser I. With those odds, I actualy saw it as an opportunity to sink some Allied ships...never thought I'd get creamed as badly as I did. Those Royal Navy guys deserve and extra rum ration...they did a heck of a job that day.

GrumpyMel -> RE: WAW6T- Axis GrumpyMel and Lunaticus (5/23/2010 7:43:50 PM)

June 7th, 1940

The Allies have evacuated Paris and France all but lies at my feet. However, the cost has been heavier then I anticipated. Besides the loss of the Kriegsmarine task force (My remaining 2 e-boats were sunk by Allied carrier air on the West's turn), the Maginot defenders staged a suicidal series of counter-attacks into Luxemburg. Although they were driven back with heavy losses, they managed to destroy an artillery unit of 5 guns in the process. That was a lack of foresight on my part. I had anticipated the Maginot defenders would try to break out to the west in order to try to join the evacuation, not attack across a river into Luxemburg. An expensive lesson for me. The West is clearly a skilled and daring opponent.

At the very least, I am ahead of my schedule. Having walked into Paris unopposed this turn. The remaining Maginot defenders, though still a formidable force. Have little supply and slim chance of retreat. My attacks this turn were mostly to contain and disrupt them, I am avoiding a full scale direct attack on them while they are still powerfull, as it will cost uneccesary losses. I used the 4th SS Panzer division along with an Infantry division to strike at thier central flak defenses, which were left largely unguarded. These being knocked out, the Luftwaffe had some target practice. My forces then moved mostly to encircle these defenders. Although they still have some ability to attack, with thier disrupted organization and limited supply...they won't be able to move or attack far....and I think it will be less costly to force them to attack me (they are mostly defensive troops) rather then assault thier fortresses. If I decide to play the Vichey card, they will disappear anyway.

One good bit of news. My gambit into the Med has paid off...as my U-boats there are intercepting the Production from Marsielle, which seems to have been directed toward Africa or Gibraltar HQ.

Below is a picture of my starting position this turn.


GrumpyMel -> RE: WAW6T- Axis GrumpyMel and Lunaticus (5/23/2010 7:45:14 PM)

And here are my ending positions, along with the total losses in the war to date.


GrumpyMel -> RE: WAW6T- Axis GrumpyMel and Lunaticus (5/26/2010 5:57:04 AM)

July 5th 1940,

With the fall of Paris, the will to fight has gone out of the French people. The trapped Maginot defenders tried yet another suicidal attack into Luxemburg. They ran into much stronger resistence this time and only succeded in doing minor damage. Lots of French soldiers knocked out in that attack. We decided to play the Vichy Card which we recieved this turn. That eliminated the remaining enemy forces in France, as they disolve thier formations and go off to sulk and eat lots of cheese.

Vichy is a good option as it gives Japan some much needed resources in Asia, along with denying Mosul and North Africa to the West and means I don't have to waste time or troops killing off the remaining defenders in France. A fair trade for giving up Southern France. The West commenced his bombing campaign this turn by hitting Amsterdam. He did about 1000 points worth of structural damage, more of an annoyance then anything really... and my engineers repaired it completely this turn. Still, I am making preperations for the air war over Europe. We'll see how those turn out next turn.

With the Fall of France, Italy came into the war this turn. I have shifted production from both Milan and Venice over to OKW. Manpower is too precious to waste on troops with morale issues... supply doesn't have morale...nor do political points. So Milan and Venice can produce those and allow Germany to produce more fighting forces. Only Rome is producing for Supremo. I'll likely use that mostly for Naval production, as the Italian Fleet is decently strong early on in the game. I'll try to use them to keep the Brits off-balance in the Med a bit.

In Africa, we start preparing defend against Commenwealth troops. I have no grand plans for the Italians in Africa other then to stay alive as long as possible. It's mostly a distraction. Russia will be the make or break Theatre for Germany. Even now, I'm beginning plans for that campaign.

Japan is in the war now too....so hopefully we'll see some reports from them here soon.

Pictured below is France just before I played the Vichy Card. As soon as I did, all those blue units evaporated.


GrumpyMel -> RE: WAW6T- Axis GrumpyMel and Lunaticus (5/28/2010 5:42:05 AM)

August 2nd, 1940

With the ground war in France ended, the battle on the high seas and over the skies of Europe heats up. In the Western Atlantic we lost 1 U-boat to enemy action, though we sunk one of the destroyers which engaged us. The enemy seems to be stepping up thier ASW operations. We also have not destroyed much supply the last couple turns, although our subs are well situated to intercept. I'm unsure what the enemy is doing with his supply lines.

On the West's turn, the RAF paid a return visit to Amsterdam. This time we arranged a warm welcome for them. 11 squadrons of our new model Me-109's went out to engage 5 Squadrons of Bombers with 5 Fighter Escorts. The enemy was no match for us and we shot down 3 squadrons of bombers and 3 squadrons of fighters at no loss to ourselves.

On our own turn, we spotted a lone British submarine blocking the English Channel and the Luftwaffe went out and sunk it without opposition.

The West has not proven yet that his air strength is sufficient to present a serious threat to us. However, we must be cautious and we are building an integrated air defence over Western Europe, featuring batteries of immobile flak, interspersed with fighter squadrons. When the War in the East heats up we will withdraw fighters as neccesary and leave the bulk of the defence upto the flak batteries.

You can see our planned defences pictured below.


GrumpyMel -> RE: WAW6T- Axis GrumpyMel and Lunaticus (5/28/2010 6:10:08 AM)

In the Balkans, we bring the Blitzkrieg to Marshal Tito and Yugoslavia. The campaign starts with air strikes against Yugoslav forces in Belgrade, Skopje and Zagreb. On the ground, the 5th Army, consisting of 3 Infantry, 2 Cavalry and 1 Mechanized division starts the advance. The mixed Romanian, Bulgarian and Hungarian force quickly captures Belgrade against light resistance and nearly succedes in destroying Tito's HQ as it retreats westward with Romanian Armor and Cavalry in hot pursuit.

In the North, the German-Hungarian 6th Army of 3 Panzer, 3 Infantry and 1 Italian Mechanized division advances toward Zagreb, but lacks sufficient movement for an attack.

The swift capture of Belgrade has effecively decapitated the Yugoslavs, as they are left without a supply source. This should allow my forces a relatively easy campaign in finnishing the remaining defenders, especialy with air support from the Luftwaffe and Italian Air Force. The campaign will then move to Greece. Although depending upon the timing I may only use one Army for that attack as the other might need to move towad start position for Barbarossa.

Pictured below are my opening moves.


rjh1971 -> RE: WAW6T- Axis GrumpyMel and Lunaticus (5/28/2010 12:15:14 PM)

Nice AAR, I'm gathering new ideas from it, I liked your airborned attack to cut supply in France.
Keep it up.
Will you be playing the japs as well?

rjh1971 -> RE: WAW6T- Axis GrumpyMel and Lunaticus (5/28/2010 12:24:55 PM)

Never mind my last question Lunaticus is playing Japan, I just saw the allied thread separately.

GrumpyMel -> RE: WAW6T- Axis GrumpyMel and Lunaticus (5/30/2010 4:23:28 AM)

August 30, 1940

The skies above Europe are quiet this turn, although the Battle in the Atlantic continues. I lost 2 more U-boats this turn and killed one destroyer. I did destroy about 700 supply though. The enemy is winning this battle slightly, at least in terms of production destroyed. However, my commitment to it is fairly low. I am devoting no more production than 2 subs a turn to it...and sometimes less. My real goal here is not really to win in the Atlantic. I know my chances of doing so would be quite slim without devoting a large amount of production. Rather, I am trying to keep the West off-balance and distracted. If he believes he needs to commit serious resources to hunting down the few subs I send out to harras him...then he isn't doing anything more serious to disrupt my plans. One of my U-boats ran into his main battle fleet this turn, however I don't have enough subs in the area to think about challenging it...rather I'll keep playing hide and seek with him.

In the Balkans, 6th Army took Zagreb and 5th Army captured Skopje both with air and artillery support. Sarajevo was bombed but not attacked. I have time to take it in a coordinated attack. Then these armies can turn thier attention to Greece.

Planning and building for Barbarossa are in full swing and some of my forces are beggining to head east. Soon the numbers on the borders will start to matter and I must make sure that I have enough to keep the Soviets quiet until I am ready to attack.

Pictured below are our operations in the Blakans


GrumpyMel -> RE: WAW6T- Axis GrumpyMel and Lunaticus (5/31/2010 6:00:37 AM)

September 27th, 1940

Sarajevo falls to my Romanian forces and with it the Yugoslav army is nearly destroyed. In the Atlantic, we loose 4 U-boats this turn with no losses for the enemy save some supply. The battle here is not going well for us...still, we are generaly doing what we intended...keeping the West concentrating on defending his supply lines rather then disrupting our plans. I had rather we not loose so many subs doing so. If we had saved them and used them as a pack we might be able to threaten some Allied capital ships. On the other hand, the West might have felt less threatened and done more to disrupt my plans Europe.

Italian North Africa falls to Western forces this turn. There was really not much I could do about preventing that and it's not much of a loss.

Pictured below are my kills and losses in the war so far, as well as for the turn.


GrumpyMel -> RE: WAW6T- Axis GrumpyMel and Lunaticus (6/2/2010 3:35:21 AM)

October 25th, 1940

A quiet settles over the Atlantic and Western Europe, as forces on both sides watch the leaves turn and the skies turn grey in anticipation of the coming snow. Production shifts slowly towards supply to sustain our armies through the cold months and await the spring thaw.

Yet the Balkans are anything but quiet as it is Greeces turn to have the hammer fall upon her. Elements of the 5th & 6th Army launch the attack with the assistance of air and sea forces. Along the western coast, Greek Forces holding a critical blocking position on a road through the hills are hammered first by air strikes and then shelled by the Regia Marina. This allows 6th Armies armor to brush the defenders aside without any loss to themselves and push along the road toward Athens and Corinth... a critical element of the advance.

Although I dislike giving away my fleets position to the enemy in this manner, thier bombardment helps save losses among the ground troops. This early, the Italian Navy is still a potent force in the Med... so if the RN Med Fleet wants to come out to challenge us we're willing to oblige. Though I want to make sure to preserve the Regia Marina as a threat in being. The simple threat they pose to keep the enemy cautious in the Med is actualy more important than any other combat contribution they might make.

In the East, Bulgarian troops with air and artillery support take Thesaloniki, severely mauling the Greek garrison there.

I suspect the West will likely try to evacuate what forces he can salvage from Greece to North Africa. Whether he opts for this or attempts to reinforce the Greeks, I have deployed a screen of U-boats and Italian Submarines around the Greek coast to thwart his efforts and cut Greece off from assistance.

You can see my opening moves here.


GrumpyMel -> RE: WAW6T- Axis GrumpyMel and Lunaticus (6/2/2010 3:47:36 AM)

The results of our moves are pictured below. Note the armored column that has broken through the hills in the west and the screen of submarines in the south cutting off Greece from assistance. These are the 2 critical elements for a quick and decisive victory in Greece.


GrumpyMel -> RE: WAW6T- Axis GrumpyMel and Lunaticus (6/2/2010 4:13:15 AM)

In Africa, we're trying something a little bizarre. I haven't tried this before, so we'll see if it works out. Essentialy, I view Africa as a distraction from more important Theatres (like Russia) . I'd rather not waste alot of resources contesting it. Which means I'll likely loose it, should the West make a serious effort. This wouldn't be much of an issue at all save for the fact that the Italians loose 20 morale each turn they don't keep at least 20 Power Points of troops in Africa. Even though I'm not building much in the way of Italian ground forces, thier Navy is still important to me and I'd prefer to avoid it being handicapped with morale issues.

So I'm trying a bizarre strategy to avoid the morale loss without a major commitment to the defence of Africa. I've built a force of 22 Italian Scouts in Tripoli. The plan is to send them off into the deep desert, as far as they can get before thier supply runs out. With scouts ability to hide and store supplies, I'm hoping it will be a royal pain for the West to hunt them down, find them and knock them out. If the West does make a significant effort in Africa this may help me avoid the morale loss for a few turns. We'll see if it works out or if it was a lame brain idea. At least I'm asking the Italians to hide, instead of fighting and becoming POW's for the Brits.

Anyways the cinematics appeal to me. A lost legion of scruffy Italian soldiers sitting around some wadi in the desert just waiting for the opportunity to spring out of hiding and rebuild thier empire. Could make a plot for a bad Hollywood movie.


rjh1971 -> RE: WAW6T- Axis GrumpyMel and Lunaticus (6/2/2010 11:18:55 AM)

Backside to your plan is that the game engine plots the frontline so your oponents will know you have a unit operating in the desert. That feature would be something to modify, no frontline would greatly improve the FOW.

british exil -> RE: WAW6T- Axis GrumpyMel and Lunaticus (6/2/2010 7:18:23 PM)

Or maybe a frontline stays in place since the last recon and changes only when/if you have units in the area. Would as Rafael says greatly increase the FOW.


Tufkal2 -> RE: WAW6T- Axis GrumpyMel and Lunaticus (6/2/2010 8:03:40 PM)

Turn 16 played.
Actually so far Japan has been very passive if not to say peaceful [>:]
We have upgraded to Guns II and Heavy Infantry II and sent our fleet South to winter quarters.
While the US is supplying our fleet we are beginning to build some artillery and infantry units.

Question: Is there a list of Chinese cities which need garrision? I have heared that the list of cities are all which have "occupied" or "Chinese" as citizens as well as Taiwan, right?

GrumpyMel -> RE: WAW6T- Axis GrumpyMel and Lunaticus (6/3/2010 3:29:47 AM)


ORIGINAL: rjh1971

Backside to your plan is that the game engine plots the frontline so your oponents will know you have a unit operating in the desert. That feature would be something to modify, no frontline would greatly improve the FOW.

In this specific case, I think the plan is still reasonably viable. I've rarely seen the West flip much of the desert terrain away from the coast in Africa. Usualy they flip a broad band of hex's along the North African coast, but most of the terrain away from the coast tends to remain Italian territory long after the West has captured the rest of Africa. Since there is nothing down there to capture, most players I've seen don't bother to send anyone down to exert control over the territory. If my opponent doesn't do that, I might be able to get way with hiding a unit down there without drawing any notice to it. That's what I'm hoping anyways. If not, Graziani is going to have to do some fast talking to explain why he sent an entire division off to guard an empty sand dune [;)]

GrumpyMel -> RE: WAW6T- Axis GrumpyMel and Lunaticus (6/5/2010 4:16:28 AM)

November 22nd, 1940

The weather holds fair. A good break for us as it means less production devoted to supplies to feed our forces and more on producing combat units for our offensive against Russia in the Spring. Already we have sufficient forces stationed at the border to cow Russia until we are ready to attack. However I am carefull not to go over the 1500 power point limit that will wake them before Feb. I want the Soviets to have as little preperation as possible. I have saved sufficient Political Points to purchase Armor II tech this turn. This will proove invaluable in upgrading my mechanized forces for the coming campaign.

The West remains relatively quiet save for some futile defensive moves in Greece and sinking one of my U-boats in the Atlantic. I am doing a reasonable amount of damage to his supplies despite the scant forces I have commited there. Most of my submarines are in the Med. now, blockading Greece. I have quite a reasonable naval presence there now. Still no air activity from the West. I must confess, this has me a bit perplexed. I would have thought my opponent would have attempted some deep bombing raids to damage my production capacity but so far nothing since I turned back his raid on Amsterdam. This has allowed me to produce at full capacity and to nearly complete my Flak net. It is possible my opponent fears my fighter defences and is waiting until they are involved in Russia to unleash his bombers. It may also be that he hasn't invested in a bomber fleet and is going some other route, although so far he has offered no clue as to what that might be. However, I can't assume that to be the case, and it's only prudent for me to continue building my air defence grid. I haven't needed to devote excessive resources to it so far, and at the very least I'll have some protection for my major production centers. Needless to say, I await the Spring and Summer with interest. I can't imagine he'll let them pass without doing something to try to dilute a bit of pressure from Russia, the question is what? If it's not an air campaign... will he try an early invasion? I'll have to be prepared for the possibility at least. 41 should be an interesting year.

Meanwhile, back to the present. My forces in Greece continue to disect the Greek Army. The enemy has made no attempt to reinforce or withdraw his Greek forces. Instead he moved them to block the route to Athens as best he could. Without support, this effort was futile, however as 5th and 6th Army tore through the blocking forces with the aid of air, artillery and naval gunfire. The Regia Marina offered a particularly effective bombardment of one position, moving through the Corinth straights which I had just captured. Nothing stands between me and Athens now and the Greek HQ stationed there is entirely insufficient to defend it .

Pictured are my operations in Greece.


Tufkal2 -> RE: WAW6T- Axis GrumpyMel and Lunaticus (6/5/2010 11:48:29 AM)

Turn 17:
Japan to her shock discovers that the Chinese army is doing a massive campaign of armament close to the Chinese-Japanese border. We saw hordes of infantry on our borders as well as heavy infantry II upgrades.
The Japanese people is in a state of shock as to this threat.
The Japanese ministry of war convenes in an emergency meeting and calls all Japanese to get some combat training and prepare to repel the Chinese invasion.
Most Japanese factories switched to mass produce Artillery II units to aid in the defense.

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