RE: Through a Glass Darkly (Full Version)

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Canoerebel -> RE: Through a Glass Darkly (9/27/2010 8:57:30 PM)

I don't feel like I have enough replacements for any model. I just switched out SBD-2s for the two biplane Helldiver squadrons on Hornet, which was nice. But several carriers are still carrying Buffalos and F4F-3s.

My carriers have been parked in Capetown for months now. Their pilots have been set to 100% training the entire time. Most are very good, but there are a few ragtag flyboys spread amongst them.

About three or four days ago I decided that there was essentially no circumstances under which I would commit my carriers in the next two or three weeks, so most of my combat ships are now upgrading. I made this decision when it became pretty apparent that Brad is concentrating his efforts at Chittagong rather than a big amphbious landing on the west coast. I doubt I would commit them even then, but I'm a bit more relaxed about it now.

crsutton -> RE: Through a Glass Darkly (9/27/2010 10:09:24 PM)

Well, in my game 3/43. I just had my one (rope a dope fanboy here) carrier clash resulting in the loss of about 230 aircraft for each side. And, as a result I am very short of wildcats and SBDs. If you are playing an aggressive Japanese opponent in Scen #2, then you will not have enough airplanes until well into 1943.

After a 16 months of war, I would say I have about a dozen army bomber squadrons equipped with obsolete bolos or no aircraft at all, not to mention the empty marine and army fighter units. It is getting better but there are never enough planes. Not like WITP at all. I am hardly flying my medium bombers at all and still can't fill up the squadrons.

Meanwhile my opponent wakes up every morning and ****s out fighter planes by the cartload...[:D]

Amoral -> RE: Through a Glass Darkly (9/27/2010 10:11:33 PM)

The main benefit of your fleet in being is that it means QBall has to cover all his invasions with the KB. But he only has one invasion, so he'd be doing that anyways. I'm not sure you're getting a strategic benefit.

Canoerebel -> RE: Through a Glass Darkly (9/27/2010 10:15:42 PM)

It's early 1942. The Japanese should be advancing on mutliple fronts all over the map. Brad isn't for two reasons - he's tied up most of his forces in India and, I think, he's leary of venturing forward in the Pacific.

The Allies being able to move forward in the Pacific to garrison forward bases at this early stage of the game is a major strategic advantage in my book.

crsutton -> RE: Through a Glass Darkly (9/27/2010 10:20:57 PM)



The main benefit of your fleet in being is that it means QBall has to cover all his invasions with the KB. But he only has one invasion, so he'd be doing that anyways.

Yes, but that is the whole mind set. You are going to be hard pressed to stop any invasion vs Japan in the first three quarters 0f 1942. He just has too much to bring to the party and if he crushes your carriers (even if he loses a bunch) then he will "run" the table on you. The idea is to force him to keep KB together and focus on one invasion at a time. Japan is going to take territory in 42-nothing to be done about that. The idea is to limit his gains by forcing him into one operation at a time. If the Allied big six are intact then only the boldest Jafanboy will risk splitting operations.

This by no means says you should not be looking for opportunities to smack him down if he gives you an opportunity. My biggest rule is I never commit my carriers to an operation unless I am pretty dang sure of where KB is lurking about. The one thing I don't commit to is a major carrier action before late 1942. Everything else is in play.

Canoerebel -> RE: Through a Glass Darkly (9/28/2010 4:19:25 PM)

4/26/42 and 4/27/42

crsutton: He said it much more eloquently than I did.

Brad's Grand Strategy?: There are alot of troops pouring into NE India, but the real question is whether Brad's ultimate goal is to either (1) isolate and destroy as many troops as possible while taking Calcutta, or (2) doing those things and then moving on to the conquest of India. If it's the first option, he will probably begin to draw down troops soon after he takes Calcutta, using a few "extra" units to push further inland while beginning to evacuate some of the big units to work on his defensive line. I will be interested in seeing which way he goes. I hope it's (2), of course.

Allied Grand Strategy: I have kept this close to my vest, and will continue to do so. I have mentioned a few tidbits recently: (1) Burma is a very low priority, and (2) to utilize any deep penetration into Oz or India to my benefit for deception purposes later in the game. I want to pursue (2) by moving forward in Australia if it appears that Brad has most of his divisions committed to India, with perhaps none in Oz. In about three weeks, a third US Army division (32nd) will arrive in Australia. If conditions remain similar then, I plan to move forward the three US divisions plus Australian troops to try to reclaim NW Oz by a land campaign.

India: Brad is advancing on three vectors: In the south, 6th Guards Division is probably bottled up. Indian divisions are blocking his best routes to the north; In the east, there's alot of empty space, so Brad can advance here almost at will, but there aren't any strategically significant targets close by; In the NE, the massive buildup around Chittagong continues, but it's a heck of a long way from there to western India.

China: 60th IJA Division isn't enough to evict the Chinese defenders at Nanning. Brad will need more, and he has more close by.

SoPac: 32nd Division was originally slated for Fiji, but I would rather put it to use in Oz even if it means Fiji remains vulnerable to invasion. More infantry and marine units will be arriving in the USA in coming weeks, so I'll try to get one or two of them to Fiji to join 9th Marines.

CenPac: The Midway base force has begun loading aboard transports for the trip to Attu Island.

paullus99 -> RE: Through a Glass Darkly (9/28/2010 4:58:02 PM)

I can see India & Oz as being just giant attritional campaigns for Japan - and not necessarily in their best interest unless they can close the deal quickly or force you to commit large-scale US forces to either. The Brits, Aussies & Indians aren't war-winners, whereas US Carriers & seapower are, so I applaud your efforts to keep those intact for as long as possible (and create a lot of uncertainty in your opponent, I'm sure).

If you can keep your forces intact in India & force him to react elsewhere (potentially pulling troops out of both OZ & India), you'll be in a good position to take advantage of that. It goes back to this - either Japan has to close out these offensives quickly or by proxie, build a solid defensive line - backed up by the KB, or they will find themselves in deep trouble.

Canoerebel -> RE: Through a Glass Darkly (9/28/2010 6:23:09 PM)

I agree with you 100%, paullus.

crsutton -> RE: Through a Glass Darkly (9/28/2010 7:11:58 PM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

4/26/42 and 4/27/42

Allied Grand Strategy: I have kept this close to my vest, and will continue to do so. I have mentioned a few tidbits recently: (1) Burma is a very low priority, and (2) to utilize any deep penetration into Oz or India to my benefit for deception purposes later in the game. I want to pursue (2) by moving forward in Australia if it appears that Brad has most of his divisions committed to India, with perhaps none in Oz. In about three weeks, a third US Army division (32nd) will arrive in Australia. If conditions remain similar then, I plan to move forward the three US divisions plus Australian troops to try to reclaim NW Oz by a land campaign.


Just be aware that since the last patch or so. Supporting any more than about a corp overland past Daily Waters is very difficult. Supply just does not flow.

Canoerebel -> RE: Through a Glass Darkly (9/28/2010 7:22:13 PM)

Uh oh, that could be a show stopper.

Amoral -> RE: Through a Glass Darkly (9/28/2010 8:01:47 PM)

Removing any element of chance until American might removes any element of chance is excellent strategy. Let me be the first to congratulate you on your inevitable victory.

/sarcasm, but you get my point.

Canoerebel -> RE: Through a Glass Darkly (9/28/2010 9:16:17 PM)

Amoral, that's a succinct and accurate way of summarizing my strategy.

I chose this strategy in light of the following factors: (1) Q-Ball is a very good player; (2) Q-Ball has played both sides in AE and thus knows exactly what I have to defend with and how far he can push early; (3) he has some extra goodies with Scenario Two.

Amoral -> RE: Through a Glass Darkly (9/29/2010 12:00:52 AM)

I think it could lead to a game without a lot of big moments. No carrier clashes, half successful invasions or that sort of thing. Does that concern you?

Nemo121 -> RE: Through a Glass Darkly (9/29/2010 12:05:48 AM)

Hmm, I think that in this situation Q-Ball's committment to Ceylon has cost him time he badly needed to take India before significant reinforcements could arrive.

My concern though, from reading this AAR, is that you seem to be committing forces forward such that they are being destroyed piecemeal to little gain. In short, Q-Ball made a mistake with invading Ceylon and the delay that imposed but if you defend so far forward that you lose too many units you can gift him the advantage again. Simply put, if you got 1,000 additional squads to defend India because of his delay but your forward defence costs you 1500 squads to little avail you'll allow him to recoup all the disadvantage the delay at Ceylon imposed on him.

Have you considered just running for Delhi and Karachi and Bombay and just sitting behind forts with tens of thousands of tons of supply and good SLOCs to Aden? Forcing him to commit beyond the automatic reinforcement triggering line should be your goal so as to force a nice long ground battle which attrits his forces at a rate he cannot afford. I don't agree that this war cannot be won by the British etc. I've won it with Chinese, UK etc ground forces several times with an overland drive from Burma, through Thailand and Malaysia and into China to the Shanghai coast. I don't see why you couldn't do the same.

Canoerebel -> RE: Through a Glass Darkly (9/29/2010 5:16:25 AM)

I doubt Brad originally planned a conquest of India. So seizing Ceylon was probably the first step towards also taking NE India. It's a good move for many reasons including eliminating by far the best RN base/repair yards in the theater, wiping out most of the garrison (which in this case included a British division), and gaining an unsinkable large carrier.

I am playing a pretty loose defense in India. The bulk of my firepower is far to the rear at Bombay, Surat, Ahmadebad, and Karachi, including 90% of my best troops (the Oz division and the newly arrived UK division). I've suffered what I consider light losses on the front lines - mainly 20 AV units from the Burma Army. Cadres from most of those units were extracted successfully. More importantly, these units are tying down paratroops and good Japanese divisions far, far to the east. That suits me and I intend to continue to try to slow him down at each base that has forts of three or more.

I have had a few units roughed up recently - a low experience Indian division and the equally low experience BFF Brigade. The former concerns me as this just happened in SE India and may inspire Brad to go ahead and charge across India if he thinks my Indian troops aren't worth a lick.

Canoerebel -> RE: Through a Glass Darkly (9/29/2010 4:52:33 PM)

4/28/42 to 5/2/42

KB: Some Japanese carriers nearing Soerabaja flew, inadvertently on Brad's part I'm sure, a mission against a Dutch Island east of Java. This confirms what I had suspected - the KB departed India (or has been divided, with part left there). In turn, this suggests that Brad is gearing up for the next phase - utilizing his offensive assets in the Pacific for the first time in months. I'm most concerned about Suva and Midway. I think a visit to the western Aleutians isn't out of the question. Canton Island is also a likely target and easy to overwhelm. This move also suggests to me that Brad isn't planning any more major amphibious invasions deep behind my lines in India.

Japanese Divisions: I believe 12 are now accounted for in India: 6th Guards to the south; 4, 18, 48, 38, 2, 21, 54, and 38 in NE India; and 10 in SE India. In addition, 1st and IG were last seen at Ceylon. That's a heck of alot of firepower - at least 12 divisions by my count. I know Brad has at least three more Guards Divisions that come with Scenario Two, and I suppose he could have even more, but this shouldn't leave him much to work with, either for offensive operations in westeren India or in the Pacific. (Brad has troops prepping for various places in Oz, but at this point I completely discount the possibility of any major amphibious drives there - both because Brad can't have much left and because two US Army divisions are present with a third on the way).

India: Brad is driving trying to isolate and destroy troops in several pockets. He'll claim some small units here and there (with cadres evacuated by air in most cases). I've decided to evacuate Madras as troops are closing in from the north and south. I also began a "quiet" withdrawal from Diamond Harbor about a week ago. I've set up decent garrisons at the bases along the railroad leading from Calcutta to the western India to guard against para-assaults.

NoPac: More SigInt indicating Brad is paying attention in NoPac. He has about 60 aircraft at Paramushiro, and a base force and engineers at Onnekotan. When the KB returns to the Pacific, I bet he'd like to take a swing through the western Aleutians to put a damper on whatever the Allies have going on there. I really want Brad's concern about NoPac to increase as the game goes on.

Sub Wars: I-25 and I-26 combined to destroy an xAK nearing San Diego. S-37 tagged an xAK near Timor. The Allies have had a very long string of "hit/no detinations" over the past month or so.

Canoerebel -> RE: Through a Glass Darkly (9/29/2010 10:30:16 PM)

5/3/42 to 5/6/42

Brad is cranking out turns at a unprecedented rate, which tells me that something is up.

India: On the 6th, the Japanese took Diamond Harbor, which the Allies had vacated a day or two earlier. Brad has also detected the Allied withdrawal from Madras (though he may not realize that, to the south, a few units in strategic mode still have to make it to the city). Overall, the Allied retreat seems to be fairly orderly, but I remain worried about emboldening Brad to "go for the entire subcontinent."). An East African unit recently arrived at Mombasa. It loaded aboard transports and will try to make Aden, which necessitates transiting a small portion of the map. I have some picket xAKLs leading the way, but if Brad has thought far enough ahead to post carriers there, I'm toast. The African unit will bring an additional 95 AV - with experience 55 - to the theater.

NoPac: Brad has an engineer unit at Uruppo Jima, a small island in the Kuriles. This is yet another indication that he is paying attention to NoPac, which suits me. I wouldn't be surprised if the prolonged absence of the KB from the Pacific, combined with the Allied build-up of the westen Aleutians, has his full attention. I hope it creates some nagging concern that will mount as the game continues.

SoPac: Two US Army battalions are nearing Fiji - one prepped for Suva and the other for Nadi. Brad has a sub posted at Nadi. For that and other reasons I am worried about getting these troops safely to shore.

John 3rd -> RE: Through a Glass Darkly (9/30/2010 2:29:16 PM)

I am wondering what your current strength in the Aleutians is? You've mentioned some of the units going up there but I don't have a clear picture as to what is where.

Canoerebel -> RE: Through a Glass Darkly (9/30/2010 3:08:35 PM)

5/7/42 and 5/8/42

South India: The Allies have extracted most of the units that were threatened with envelopment. Brad has at least two divisions here - 1st and 6th Guards.

East India: Japanese units are moving moving south and north from the middle and will soon have all east coast bases.

NE India: The Allies are just about to evacuate Calcutta.

West India: I'm really not sure yet how I want to prepare "Fortress West India." There are some good urban hexes to defend, but I can't risk dividing my troops into too many strongpoints, thus allowing Brad to isolated and destroy in detail. So I may not defend Bombay. The ultimate line may be in three parts: Ahmadebad, Delhi, and Karachi. It should take quite some time for Brad to get anywhere close to West India, so I have time to configure the defenses.

Rourke's Drift/Alamo: I am going to send some reinforcements from USA to Capetown, including 27th Divsision, though it will be several weeks before I can buy that. In the event of a wholesale Japanese campaign for West India, and if Brad relies upon LBA while employing the KB far away, I will use my carriers to escort reinforcements in to Karachi. I hope it doesn't reach that point, obviously. But the Allies are nearing the point in the Pacific where they have reinforced the critical areas, so if Brad uses the KB to cover invasions, the troops will have to stand and fight on their own. There were two primary reasons to keep my carriers hidden: (1) it froze Brad in the Pacific, permitting reinforcement of certain critical bases, and this operation is about finished, and (2) to protect them from damage as my master plan requires maximum number of carriers; the risk to the Allied carriers - mainly subs and LBA from a distance - will be slight as long as the the KB is far away.

NoPac: John, the Allies have nearly completed reinforcing the Aleutians. While the garrisons are decent, they are sufficient for defensive purposes only. I do not have the men, much less the ships, to engage in offensive operations. Attu has a Marine regiment, strong CD unit, and a bit more. Adak has an Army battalion with a Regiment on the way. Dutch Harbor has a battalion plus. Amchitka has about 100 AV. Each of these islands also has an engineer unit, so forts are progressing nicely.

CenPac: I have 5,000 troops including a CD at Midway, and I'm looking for a way to bump that up to about 6,000 with a detachment of armor or infantry. At that point Midway has to stand by itself. Canton Island has an Army battalion and CD and will stand alone.

SoPac: Nadi has a Marine regiment, an Army battalion about to land, and a good CD unit. Suva has an Army battalion with an Army RCT on the way, but it also needs a CD unit - I'll probably take one from the three currently at Pago Pago. That will be sufficient for Fiji.

Has Time Been My Friend?: I'm hoping that pyschologically, Brad has developed a feeling that the Allies have strongly reinforced these bases during his prolonged absence from the Pacific. That may dissuade him from pushing as far as he otherwise might. Nevetheless I would be shocked if he doesn't take a stab at Midway. Canton is also a viable and logical target, though of less value to me so I'm not sweating it. Suva worries me, though I think he may conclude it might be a tough nut to crack at this point [RO-68 was just sunk by a DD escorting two AP and an AMC, so Brad knows troops are coming in].

Sub Wars: As noted, Allied ASW scored a rare victory in sinking RO-68; Grenadier scored a rare hit on a Japanese xAKL near Sapporo.

John 3rd -> RE: Through a Glass Darkly (9/30/2010 3:30:50 PM)

Thanks Dan.

What about Base Forces? Are you building up the bases as well as Forts? I ask because the Aleutians are a MUST GO place for the Japanese player. If you REALLY wanted to stage an ambush, bring your 'Fleet-in-Being' up to Anchorage and await an opportunity. Guarantee that he will show up there at some point this spring...

Canoerebel -> RE: Through a Glass Darkly (9/30/2010 3:37:11 PM)

The Midway base force was evacuated a week ago and is about to land at Attu Island. More will be on the way as soon as I have the required political points, but that'll be awhile. Also, I have at least three restricted Canadian units posted at Prince Rupert and Vancouver. I will buy them, send them to Anchorage or Kodiak, and then move American units at those bases further forward.

My goal has been to secure the Aleutians and then to create the appearance of mounting threat so that Brad really has to pay attention to NoPac and ends up committing alot of forces there. I want him thinking "NoPac" when the time comes for the Allies to move forward.

There is also a slim chance that the Allies actually might focus on a NoPac campaign, but that will happen only if I'm desperate or circumstances arise so that my original plan - the one I've been working on since December 7, 1941 - does not seem viable.

My carriers aren't going to NoPac, though. They'll remain at Capetown in case they are needed to escort reinforcements to "save" India should the need arise. That, too, has been the plan since day one. Not that I have to blindly stick to a plan, but thus far the plan has been working pretty much as envisioned.

JohnDillworth -> RE: Through a Glass Darkly (9/30/2010 5:31:02 PM)


My goal has been to secure the Aleutians and then to create the appearance of mounting threat so that Brad really has to pay attention to NoPac and ends up committing alot of forces there. I want him thinking "NoPac" when the time comes for the Allies to move forward.

Get some B-24's up there doing long range searches. Maybe they will get spotted. Also some small ships running useless ASW patterns or just getting within search range of his basses. Also, units you are never going to buy out should be prepping for ambitious northern pacific bases, maybe even stuff closer to the home islands. Perhapsehis intel will pick them up

John 3rd -> RE: Through a Glass Darkly (9/30/2010 6:03:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: JohnDillworth


My goal has been to secure the Aleutians and then to create the appearance of mounting threat so that Brad really has to pay attention to NoPac and ends up committing alot of forces there. I want him thinking "NoPac" when the time comes for the Allies to move forward.

Get some B-24's up there doing long range searches. Maybe they will get spotted. Also some small ships running useless ASW patterns or just getting within search range of his basses. Also, units you are never going to buy out should be prepping for ambitious northern pacific bases, maybe even stuff closer to the home islands. Perhapsehis intel will pick them up

Excellent ideas...

Canoerebel -> RE: Through a Glass Darkly (9/30/2010 7:13:44 PM)

5/9/42 and 5/10/42

NoPac: I don't have any B-24s yet (though I do have a few LB-30 squadrons). I guarantee, though, that Brad is keeping close tabs on developments in the Aleutians. He's seeing port and airfield size beginning to increase, and he probably knows there are ships moving in and out of the western-most bases.

India: I have a bit of a problem at Calcutta. I don't have much left there, but what I had was already set to strategic mode and was ready to move out at the drop of a hat. Brad moved two divisions to Caclutta to Diamond Harbor. To my surprise, they shock attacked - I didn't know there was a river crossing involved. That meant an attack took place a turn sooner than I had believed possible. Nevertheless, my troops held. So I went ahead and ordered all the units in strategic mode to leave town. When I received the next turn, all the move orders had been cancelled and the units are still parked in Calcutta in strategic mode. I'm going to try again, but this is beginning to look like a FUBAR situation. I don't have much there AV-wise, but I don't want to lose anything if I don't have to.

Whither Japan?: So, will Brad go for all of India or not? I have no idea.

Allied Reinforcements: The East African brigade TFs safely made it from Mombassa to Aden Channel. When they arrive in Aden in two days, they'll then head to Abadan, then on to Karachi. I've also decided not to commit 27th Division to India - at least not yet. It will be weeks before I have the PP to buy them. Meanwhile, I have most of an unrestricted Marine Division arriving at East Coast base in eight days. So I've sent more transports there. These troops will head to India via Capetown. That will take a good two months, which is probably about when they would be needed.

Fiji: The Allies currently have 200 AV at Nadi and 220 at Suva, with another battalion to arrive at Nadi in two days.

Air Wars: Allied fighters in India are holding their own. They don't do well when attacking, but over the home field they inflict greater damage than they take.

Chickenboy -> RE: Through a Glass Darkly (9/30/2010 7:34:26 PM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel
When I received the next turn, all the move orders had been cancelled and the units are still parked in Calcutta in strategic mode.

Hi CR,

Pretty sure that LCUs that have their LOCs or hex control challenged cannot engage in STRAT move orders. They'll reset next turn too AND they'll have any combat modifier disadvantage to being in STRAT mode during a combat assault.

Mistmatz -> RE: Through a Glass Darkly (9/30/2010 7:57:00 PM)


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel
When I received the next turn, all the move orders had been cancelled and the units are still parked in Calcutta in strategic mode.

Hi CR,

Pretty sure that LCUs that have their LOCs or hex control challenged cannot engage in STRAT move orders. They'll reset next turn too AND they'll have any combat modifier disadvantage to being in STRAT mode during a combat assault.

Yep, thats what I recall from the manual as well.
Strategic move requires total ownership of source and destination base and of course an uncontested rail line.

crsutton -> RE: Through a Glass Darkly (10/1/2010 3:28:09 AM)

Yep, read Andy Macs and PzBs AARs. Same thing happened to PzB in OZ and he took a big beating.....Can't move out in strategic if there are enemy units in the hex.

Canoerebel -> RE: Through a Glass Darkly (10/1/2010 2:29:36 PM)


Calcutta: Oof, I didn't know that! So, now I have a handful of units in Caclutta trying to make an insta-switch from strategic to combat mode. Some will take two days; some will take one. If Brad attacks in the meantime, the units may "freeze" - IE, get stuck where they can't be moved (I've had that happen before with units successfuly attacked while in strategic mode). Brad hasn't attacked in the two days following his unsuccessful shock attack. If he holds off another day or two, I'll avoid the worst of the problem. Fortunately, the Allies only had a handful of units left in Calcutta and none of them are big infantry or armor. The group is base forces, artillery, enginners, AA, and a small infantry or two.

South India: While the retreat from NE India is not going a smoothly as I'd like, things in South India are fine. The Allies evacuated Madras in good shape. An Indian division will probably engage in a rear-guard action against a Japanese division west of Madas. Then it, too, will move out.

Oz: A small Allied army approaching Carnarvon reports that the base is vacant.

SoPac: Oof x 2: a Japanese combat TF wiped out an Allied transport TF bringing an army battalion to Nadi - two AP, two xAK, and a PC were sunk. The TF had been set to rendezouvs with an Allied combat TF (flagged by CA Louisville) tomorrow. The combat ships will continue on to Nadi tomorrow to see if they can close with the enemy. (The enemy TF made a mid-ocean intercept about five hexes SE of Nadi). I strongly suspect that Brad has his eyes on Fiji. This base isn't essential to future Allied plans, but I'd like it to exact a decent toll on the Japanese.

CenPac: An Army battalion at Hilo is loading aboard transports bound for Midway. This will up the Allied AV to about 200 and the garrison to right at 6,000.

KB: No sign of it since a sniff near Soerabaja. Brad will seek an opportunity to upgrade at some point, but I also expect enemy carriers to be employed offensively around Fiji, Midway, or the Aleutians at some point.

Canoerebel -> One Weird Battle (10/1/2010 5:47:44 PM)


Calcutta: This is turning into one weird battle. I want to evacuate my troops. They refuse to leave. My opponent wants to take the town and I'm willing to give it to him. But my troops that refuse to leave keep beating off enemy attacks. An IJA deliberate attack did drop forts to three, but I think the defenses will hold long enough for my "strat mode" troops to convert to regular mode and then vacate town. Right now the Allies have about 370 AV present - 70 in the static fortress unit and the rest a hodgepodge that includes two Indian brigades and a pretty strong British BF. I think most of these guys are going to make it out in decent shape, so perhaps the FUBAR situation will work out after all.

South India: The Indian division set to fight a rear-guard action just west of Madras successfully repelled an attack by 1/3rd of an IJA division. The retreat in this sector continues in orderly fashion.

Reinforcements: The East Africa brigade is on the way from Aden to Abandan. From there it will make the short, but potentially hazarous, hop to Karachi. The next infantry reinforcement due to arrive in Madras is an Indian brigade in 50 days. Does anybody know if it will divert to another base if Madras is in enemy hands?

SoPac: The Allied cruiser TF missed intercepting the Japanese cruiser TF south of Fiji.

crsutton -> RE: One Weird Battle (10/2/2010 4:19:36 AM)

Good question. I know that ships and air units due to arrive in an occupied base will not arrive until that location is retaken. I suspect you will have the same trouble with your infantry. If this is the case you will need to retake Madras as soon as you can. A lot of Indian units come on there later on. It might really pay Qball to hold Madras for a while.

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