Astarix -> RE: One Weird Battle (11/7/2010 7:54:35 AM)
I don't know if you will need to worry about bringing supply from Capetown to Aden. Aden receives supply convoys that drop about 500K of supplies once a month in 1942 (if I recall correctly), they start coming every 15 days in 1943. And Abadan produces all the gas you will need. I would check the Ground Reinforcement schedule. They sort as CD units. In fact check the Reinforcement Q anyway, there are an amazing number of units that should start showing up if they haven't already. In my opinion keep the U.S. Carriers hidden, unless you absolutely have to use them for some reason. Like if you can get a fight on your terms, such as if you see an opportunity to pick off a piece of the KB. Your biggest worry should be letting him corner you and then disrupting your troops with bombers. Realistically the battle for India is at the tipping point and has probably already crossed into your favor. You have a number of divisions that are a par with the Japanese in terms of experience. Your divisions have more and larger caliber guns and inherent armor, or soon will. Unlike in the early battles of the war and in China the Indian army while thin on experience in 1941 is at least as well, if not better equipped than the Japanese. The Australians, Africans, American and British formations can fight the Japanese on an even footing or better. You are going to have the same advantages fighting the Japanese in India that the Japanese usually have fighting the Chinese, Burmese, Dutch and Philippine forces, in terms of more and better equipped troops. The Japanese armored units are not comparable to comparable sized Allies formations. A British, Aussie or American Armored unit should normally be able to smash a similar sized Japanese unit and the Indians get or may already have some very powerful units already. One thing you might want to think about is possibly massing your Americans and/or armor somewhere he seems week and drive toward Calcutta. You can use infantry troops to secure your flanks. If you can manage to cut his forces off from their supply.... Fighting on land in India is much different than fighting from Atoll to Atoll in the Pacific. This fight is a fight the allies can win decisively without having to worry about interference from KB. From reading your AAR, I think Q is already overextended in India and I would look for chances to hurt him where you can do so with out much risk, like when you picked off his fragment of a division blocking the flank to Bombay. Also, remember that he has penny packets of troops spread hither and yon about India garrisoning all the cities he has captured. Some of the cities require a division or large brigade to garrison, which may explain why you can't account for all of them or you get the reports of units prepping for them. In 1943 the Indian troop quality goes up dramatically and their forces start to modernize pretty rapidly. Plus if he is attacking you and losing, they should be gaining experience. The real problem is the relatively low Infantry replacement rate for the British troops. By the middle of '43 at the latest, unless he pours more troops in, you will have him badly outnumbered. I think I counted 20+ full divisions and numerous independent brigades/regiments of infantry, tanks and artillery. When all is said and done, I think just the forces that arrive in Aden, Africa and India amount to about 12k AP by Mid 43. A good piece of it is normally stuck in India due to restricted commands and garrison requirements. You've lost a couple of divisions, but you will still have the advantage in the long run. Once if feels like you have the chance to go over to the offensive in India, you should at least retake everything up to Calcutta. He is going to be receiving a ton of HI that he doesn't need to ship Resources into the Home Islands to feed, or at least retake Ledo to cut it off from its source of fuel. Sorry for the wall of text. Jason