Canoerebel -> RE: One Weird Battle (11/19/2010 2:37:12 PM)
8/26/42 Reading the Tea Leaves: My opponent is making it very difficult for me to figure out what is going on. He orchestrates false, misleading, or confusing SigInt that doesn't fit together in a way that allows me to know exactly what's happening. Some examples: 10th Tanks: For months, I've been getting reports that 6/10th Tanks is aboard xxx Maru heading for Calcutta. This has been going on so long that I'm certain 10th Tank is aboard a bunch of ships steaming in circles in the Bay of Bengal. The Engineers are Coming!: Weeks ago I reported SigInt that an engineer unit was aboard a Maru bound for the key base across the bight from Surat, India. Nothing ever came of that, so either Brad recalled a real invasion (unlikely) or this was deception (likely). Dancing Division Part One: Months ago, I received SigInt that 2nd Division, which had been at Diamond Harbor, was aboard a Maru bound for Truk. This suggested that Brad wasn't going to come full bore in India, else why would he weaken his forces? Since that report, I haven't seen hide nor hair of 2nd Divsion. It could be at Truk or aboard an assault TF at Colombo. Dancing Divisions Part Two: Yesterday, I noted that the whereabouts of three divisions previously known to be in India was unknown - 2nd, 18th, and 21st. Today, I received SigInt that 21st Division is prepping for Suva. As with 2nd Division, it makes no sense for Brad to strip this unit from India if he really wants to defeat the Allies there. At the same time, it really doesn't make sense to send it to Suva - in the first place, he's already weakened his SoPac garrisons like Noumea. In the second, if he's hunting VP, it would be alot easier to keep 21st in India to go after Bombay or Ambadebad or Delhi. On the Other Hand: Brad doesn't show any signs of backing down in India. He has Bombay under siege and a stout army to the north. He's actively building up airfields throughout India, even in places remote from Bombay. Conclusion: I can use good evidence to support reasonable inferences ranging from Brad is coming for India full bore to Brad is going to stand down in India and try to glean easier pickings elsewhere. Default Position: Since India poses the gravest threat, the Allies have played like that was the chief target since early March. IE, even during periods of maximum uncertainty, I've still sent everything possible to India. As for the Pacific bases, all of them are garrisoned adequately now. If Brad wants them, he'll have to come in a serious way and he'll take some losses. As for August 26, 1942: The big Allied fighter ambush over Bombay didn't turn out very well. The Japanese scored a 2:1 victory. No sign of IJN raiders around Karachi. The second TF carrying 27th Division exits the Abadan channel tomorrow.