Bullwinkle58 -> RE: One Weird Battle (1/9/2011 6:35:50 PM)
ORIGINAL: Canoerebel Nemo, I'm keeping that possibility in mind, though I would prefer to hit eastern Sumatra. If I did that successfully, it would neutralize Palembang and Singapore and make it difficult for Brad to extra his India troops. I won't try to begin a support/discuss on Nemo's idea if you're not interested, but I've been thinking about it, looking at the map, and I think it's a VERY interesting proposal given the force dispersions you're currently facing. Instead of dinking around the edges at places like Wake and Norfolk I, it drives a stake into his heart, and losing Bangkok would be salt in the wound, a big pressure bandage right across his aorta. Georgetown has a potentially large airfiled and port, and you can control the western approaches at sea at fairly low-cost with the forces you have/have saved, let alone what you're about to get. I know that Sumatra has been your El Dorado since the start of the game, and that's fine, you might want to experiment with it. But if your goal is to win the war and game fast, I think you should really break Nemo's suggestion down in terms of economic impact, strictures on resource flows overland, the effect on the entire Malaysian penninsula, the funneling of necessary oil and fuel through a new submarine-vulnerable tunnel out of southern Sumatra once Singapore is stoppered, not to mention the overall strategic panic you would inject into your opponent. I look at the map right now as a very long, tall (Japanese) stemmed rose. An eleven division head, huge and beautiful, and a thin, stick-like stem reaching due south all the way to Batavia in an unbroken line. Georgetown lets you break the stem in half, with the northern stub trying to desperately support that huge blossom up at Bombay as it begins to wither. Tounge firmly in cheek, you might call Nemo's proposal Step 1 in a Grinder Recovery 12-Step program. You ought to seriously consider it. He's right that you could cut years off of the war.