RE: One Weird Battle (Full Version)

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Canoerebel -> RE: One Weird Battle (2/3/2011 6:43:47 PM)

Wow, Tim, what a memory you have!

The Japanese invasion of India was late 1944. The most memorable event there was this:

I had a RN BB just finish repairs at Bombay and was sending her unescorted to Colombo. She just happened to be passing Tivandrum when the Japanese amphibious armada arrived. I couldn't believe John was invading India in late '44; John couldn't believe I was "prepared." He thought somebody must've tipped me off for me to have a BB in waiting; meanwhile, I was laughing my rear-end off trying to figure out what was happening.

Thinking about these things makes me appeciate:

1. How great a game we have in WitP and AE.
2. How much I appreciate the fun opponents (John, Miller, and Q-Ball) I've had the pleasure of opposing.
3. How much I admire and appreciate nearly all of the people who bother to read and post to my AAR. What an eclectic, bright, courteous, and encouraging group. I need to do better to live up to your standards.

Lomri -> RE: One Weird Battle (2/3/2011 6:55:26 PM)

Sorry to continue the off-topic India language thread part. But I couldn't help but throw in my 2cents!

In my experience most folks in India, although less so in rural areas, understand English even if they don't speak it. The reason it hasn't gone away it is a very helpful understanding glue for all the different local dialects. While there are 18 or so official languages (my memory said 22, but I'm probably wrong) there are way more local variants within that.

I have a few nephews who explained it to me like this "I go to school and some classes are in English and some classes are in Hindi, and I go home and my parents speak Marwari. Most of my friends speak English, Marwari, and Hindi like me, but not all, and some speak [some other dialects I can remember]" You can imagine this leads to a lot of mix-and-match language use. Not to mention kids picking up "texting" and "the internet" - the ease of using roman characters as opposed to the Hindi script really stands out.

Ok I'll stop hi-jacking now, especially since this part of the thread was over yesterday!

modrow -> RE: One Weird Battle (2/3/2011 9:00:12 PM)



ORIGINAL: Canoerebel
Darn that WitE!

+1. Though I have to say it helps me pass the time when I'm waiting for the next turn of one of my opponents, who fell for it (and AARs over there) as well. Unfortunately, my other opponent is in a lots of stuff to do in real life phase even without WitE, so I have been careful not to mention that game to him.


Canoerebel -> Bid Thee Return (2/3/2011 10:34:55 PM)

What do you guys think? Should I send this creation to Q-Ball? Not only hasn't he sent a turn last night or today, he hasn't sent a quick email to say, "Next turn tomorrow," or "Can't do one today" or whatever. I've asked him about thirty times to just drop me a note to give me a head's up, but it's not in his DNA apparently. So I've been reduced to this:


CaptBeefheart -> RE: Bid Thee Return (2/3/2011 10:39:12 PM)

I don't know the reference above (been living overseas for some time) but I hope this continues. Thanks for a very entertaining AAR. Your thinking-out-loud style is very, very informative and I'm sure Q-Ball has plenty of fight left regardless of his misadventures on the subcontinent.


Canoerebel -> RE: Bid Thee Return (2/3/2011 10:41:12 PM)

The reference is to a movie, Somewhere in Time. It's not really well known, but it's a well done movie that is particularly loved by the ladies (bonus points there, guys) but also quite suited for real men (unlike a certain Movie that Shall not be Named).

Cribtop -> RE: Bid Thee Return (2/3/2011 11:09:30 PM)

If you must endure a chick flick, Somewhere in Time is one of the most man friendly. CR, we may have been separated at birth as I not only immediately got the reference but also began to reflexively hum the theme. Creepy.

Canoerebel -> RE: Bid Thee Return (2/3/2011 11:12:16 PM)

Well, I posted a li'l "Come back to Me" in the WitE room. Twenty minutes later I had a turn file with no comment.

This probably means Brad played the turn in record time and isn't paying attention to what's going on. He's either going to clobber me in these invasions, or he's going to get really surprised and come back alter and say, "You know, I'm not giving this the attention it needs; it's time to concede."

We should know in about a week game-time.

witpqs -> RE: One Weird Battle (2/3/2011 11:38:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

Wow, Tim, what a memory you have!

The Japanese invasion of India was late 1944. The most memorable event there was this:

I had a RN BB just finish repairs at Bombay and was sending her unescorted to Colombo. She just happened to be passing Tivandrum when the Japanese amphibious armada arrived. I couldn't believe John was invading India in late '44; John couldn't believe I was "prepared." He thought somebody must've tipped me off for me to have a BB in waiting; meanwhile, I was laughing my rear-end off trying to figure out what was happening.

I wasn't going to make this comment because I didn't want to give cap_and_gown free intel in case he reads your AAR. But who am I kidding - he's onto WITE and (along with his real life interruptions) I've only gotten 2 turns back to January 8th (so little chance he'll see this).

You probably know I had a bunch of carriers smacked around in (I think it was) early October '43 while invading Ponape. Since then I've made a few small invasions, moved through Burma, and basically consolidated things. We're now in mid-February '44, and a few weeks ago I invaded Ocean Island and Wake Island at about the same time. I figured Ocean Island was fairly safe, and I had LBA plus fleet assets available. Wake was a gamble. Afterward he wrote (basically) "Wow, you must have been pretty certain of KB's location to risk your ships like that."

Aside from knowing KB wasn't deep under my search umbrella or on top of one of my subs, I had no idea where it was. I just judged the risk worth it. AE with FOW is far different from board games with all pieces displayed!

ckammp -> RE: Bid Thee Return (2/3/2011 11:47:19 PM)

Somewhere in Time vs. That Movie that Shall Not be Named

28-yr-old Jane Seymour vs. 28-yr-old Kate Beckinsale.

Too close to call.

Christopher Reeve, Christopher Plummer, and William H. Macy vs. Ben Affleck, Josh Hartnett, and Alec Baldwin.

No contest.

That Movie that Shall Not be Named should also NEVER be watched.

Canoerebel -> RE: One Weird Battle (2/3/2011 11:50:12 PM)


Witpqs, I had followed the action around that battle, but I had forgotten you are his opponent. That game and Yubari's game gave me a big case of the yips when it comes to Allied carrier activity. Both reinforced my resolve not to commit my carriers against the KB.

CenPac: The TFs continue moving west (towards Marcus) and southwest (towards Wake). They are widely separated. I will probably recall the Marcus group in a few days, but not quite yet. The Wake group is probably just three or four days out now. No signs of enemy activity or awareness. My picket ships and invasion TFs could be within patrol-aircraft range within a day or two. Time to pucker (bear in mind that I'm risking forces that I can afford to lose, though I don't want to, and that I'm counting on drawing the KB to SoPac; we'll see how good I am at these goals).

SoPac: The Allied carriers are even with Auckland and will steam a bit north with all kinds of merchants and combat ships. I have lots of pickets and flankers out, but I am nervous. My carriers won't go much further north until I know where the KB is or isn't.

India: Allied divebombers picked off three xAK departing Madras; SS Pike picked off another; SS Amberjack got a PB off Diamond Harbor.

vettim89 -> RE: Bid Thee Return (2/4/2011 12:30:41 AM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

What do you guys think? Should I send this creation to Q-Ball? Not only hasn't he sent a turn last night or today, he hasn't sent a quick email to say, "Next turn tomorrow," or "Can't do one today" or whatever. I've asked him about thirty times to just drop me a note to give me a head's up, but it's not in his DNA apparently. So I've been reduced to this:


Dan, stoooopppppppppp!!!!!!! I about fell off my chair. If I had coffee in my mouth it would be all over my screen. That is hilarious and so many people will not get it

Chickenboy -> RE: One Weird Battle (2/4/2011 12:34:52 AM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel
What an eclectic, bright, courteous, and encouraging group.

Canoerebel, do you have another AAR running somewhere? [;)]

Bullwinkle58 -> RE: Bid Thee Return (2/4/2011 12:51:29 AM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

What do you guys think? Should I send this creation to Q-Ball? Not only hasn't he sent a turn last night or today, he hasn't sent a quick email to say, "Next turn tomorrow," or "Can't do one today" or whatever. I've asked him about thirty times to just drop me a note to give me a head's up, but it's not in his DNA apparently. So I've been reduced to this:


I don't know if you should send it, but your hair is FAB---U---LUSSSSSS!!!!!!! [:'(]

Canoerebel -> RE: Bid Thee Return (2/4/2011 2:34:54 AM)

Hey, I'm secure in my sexuality....[X(]

Just wait until you see my next "Signature Creation." I've been planning it for months....

Now, for those of you in need of a good dose of chest-hair sproutin', beer swillin', gun totin' masculinity, I offer the following observations:

1. The University of Georgia had a dadgum good recruiting class - #6 in the country. But I saw a sports section article today that Boise State and TCU have averages about #70 over the past six years, and their records are just stellar.

2. Have any of you guys heard of Lt. Col. T.B.H. Otway, 9th Battalion, 6th British Airborne Division? On D-Day, he led - and I mean LED - a rag-tag outfit to destroy a German battery at Merville, near Sword Beach. When I read about his intrepid bravery and resourcefulness in Stephen Ambrose's D-Day, I just had to tip my cap to him and the rest of the British and Canadian paratroopers who did so much that day. Those guy were men and I know they would have shot anybody who watched the Movie that Shall not be Named.

3. Jane Seymour was a vision of loveliness in Somewhere in Time. I would have fallen in love with her photo just like the Richard Taylor character did.

anarchyintheuk -> RE: Bid Thee Return (2/4/2011 2:45:47 AM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

Hey, I'm secure in my sexuality....[X(]

Just wait until you see my next "Signature Creation." I've been planning it for months....

Now, for those of you in need of a good dose of chest-hair sproutin', beer swillin', gun totin' masculinity, I offer the following observations:

1. The University of Georgia had a dadgum good recruiting class - #6 in the country. But I saw a sports section article today that Boise State and TCU have averages about #70 over the past six years, and their records are just stellar.

2. Have any of you guys heard of Lt. Col. T.B.H. Otway, 9th Battalion, 6th British Airborne Division? On D-Day, he led - and I mean LED - a rag-tag outfit to destroy a German battery at Merville, near Sword Beach. When I read about his intrepid bravery and resourcefulness in Stephen Ambrose's D-Day, I just had to tip my cap to him and the rest of the British and Canadian paratroopers who did so much that day. Those guy were men and I know they would have shot anybody who watched the Movie that Shall not be Named.

3. Jane Seymour was a vision of loveliness in Somewhere in Time. I would have fallen in love with her photo just like the Richard Taylor character did.

I am secure in my sexuality. I liked the film. [:D]

1. Much as I like TCU, they did play in a weenie conference . . . Boise as well. Fun teams to watch tho and they actually graduate some of their players.

2. Had never heard of the incident. I guess they kind of get overshadowed by the Pegasus bridge fu.

3. +1, she was still hot in Wedding Crashers a couple of years ago.

Cribtop -> RE: Bid Thee Return (2/4/2011 2:52:59 AM)

Texas had top ten classes for umpteen years in a row and still went 5-7 last season, so you never know. We did, however, replace the worst offensive co-ordinator in the history of football and get a great RB, so we'll (hopefully) get'em next year.

Jane Seymour at 28 (makes sound of drooling a la Homer Simpson).

anarchyintheuk -> RE: Bid Thee Return (2/4/2011 2:57:04 AM)

Agreed, he managed to make Jamaal Charles completely irrelevant at UT. A task now thought impossible.

JeffroK -> RE: Bid Thee Return (2/4/2011 6:04:06 AM)

2.   Its about time you yanquis caught up with the history of the rest of the war.  
     PS. The 9th Para Bn might take offense at being called ragtag

1.   A Champion team always beats a team of Champions.

3.   I am officially allowed to be in love with Jane Seymour (As long as my wife isnt reading this)

aciddrinker -> RE: Bid Thee Return (2/4/2011 9:06:34 AM)

This game going to slow down. Reason:

Canoerebel -> RE: Bid Thee Return (2/4/2011 11:54:41 AM)


2.   Its about time you yanquis caught up with the history of the rest of the war.  
     PS. The 9th Para Bn might take offense at being called ragtag

Permit me to clarify, as I actually didn't say that 9th Bn was ragtag. What I did say was that Lt. Col. Otwell of the 9th Bn ended up commanding a ragtag bunch, which is true. Here's the story in brief:

Otwell's 9th Bn. of 800 paratroopers was given the job of taking out the German gun battery at Merville, which was ringed by barbed wire, trenches, and a minefield, and defended by 200 well-concealed and protected infantry. They had to do so before dawn, because then the troops would be coming ashore and would be exposed to fire, and the Allies would strike with glider-born infantry and massed bombers or naval gunfire. During their drop, 9th Bn became tremendously scattered. Otwell was only able to cobble together 150 soldiers, none of whom had heavy weapons. Given the importance of the timetable, he carried on rather than waiting to round up more. His 150 were able to attack from only one side, rather than all four sides as planned, and he lost something like 25% of his men in the attack, but they took out the battery, fired the flair signal to indicate the job was done, and thus permitted a glider landing to take place without threat that those guys would get caught up in the Allied artillery (or was it bombing?) that had been scheduled to reduce the battery if necessary.

So, it was a ragtag bunch, but only in a narrow sense of the word. Those guys were men and Lt. Col. Otwell was a leader.

Chickenboy -> RE: Bid Thee Return (2/4/2011 2:01:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel
Those guy were men and I know they would have shot anybody who watched the Movie that Shall not be Named.

Probably not, dude. Being smart combat veterans, they would likely not have wasted valuable ammunition. That's what knives and teeth are for!

Canoerebel -> RE: Bid Thee Return (2/4/2011 2:21:28 PM)

I realize it gets tiresome when the game occasionally intrudes on the cornucopia discussions we have in here. Fortunately, Brad hasn't sent a turn since his sudden, spasmodic turn late yesterday afternoon in response to my "Come back to me!" post in the WitE forums. Maybe he'll send one today, but if we're fortunate we can squeeze in a few of our esoteric discussions. I hope so, for I have one I've been meaning to mention:

About a month ago I heard a report on radio, and I think it came from a reliable source, of a study done to determine the age at which a woman is the "most beautiful." The results surprised me, and I think might surprise some of you gents. So, before revealing that result, let me ask you guys: When do YOU think a woman is the most beautiful (no off-color comments like "when she's naked and under the sheets and shooting me a 'come hither' look) and what age do you think that study indicated?

Bullwinkle58 -> RE: Bid Thee Return (2/4/2011 2:29:57 PM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

About a month ago I heard a report on radio, and I think it came from a reliable source, of a study done to determine the age at which a woman is the "most beautiful." The results surprised me, and I think might surprise some of you gents. So, before revealing that result, let me ask you guys: When do YOU think a woman is the most beautiful (no off-color comments like "when she's naked and under the sheets and shooting me a 'come hither' look) and what age do you think that study indicated?


Women in their 20s haven't learned to live in their bodies yet. Or, often, to realize it's OK to act smart when one IS smart.

Canoerebel -> RE: Bid Thee Return (2/4/2011 2:39:41 PM)

Bullwinkle, can you clarify? Are you speaking of female ungulates and ruminants that respond in a visceral way to your spread of antlers, or female humans?

I interrupt this discussion to post a current strategic map of the game, which gives an idea as to the extent of Allied advances and probes.


Canoerebel -> RE: Bid Thee Return (2/4/2011 3:52:00 PM)

I'm not sending this to Brad right now. Just holding it reserve in case I need a gentle reminder later.


Grollub -> RE: Bid Thee Return (2/4/2011 4:02:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

I'm not sending this to Brad right now. Just holding it reserve in case I need a gentle reminder later.



Chickenboy -> RE: Bid Thee Return (2/4/2011 4:16:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

Bullwinkle, can you clarify? Are you speaking of female ungulates and ruminants that respond in a visceral way to your spread of antlers, or female humans?

I interrupt this discussion to post a current strategic map of the game, which gives an idea as to the extent of Allied advances and probes.


What's that solitary green dot of yours in Burma?

Do you still have some troops alive in N. Sumatra too? Wonder if these can act as 'pathfinders' for your Sumatran gambit?

Prediction: When Brad cares enough to apply some passing interest in this game of his, he will respond most violently to the Marcus incursion. Wake can be retaken at another time. Marcus is just too close to Iwo and the other volcano islands and makes too nice a jump off point for the Marianas.

Chickenboy -> RE: Bid Thee Return (2/4/2011 4:23:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: Bullwinkle58


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

About a month ago I heard a report on radio, and I think it came from a reliable source, of a study done to determine the age at which a woman is the "most beautiful." The results surprised me, and I think might surprise some of you gents. So, before revealing that result, let me ask you guys: When do YOU think a woman is the most beautiful (no off-color comments like "when she's naked and under the sheets and shooting me a 'come hither' look) and what age do you think that study indicated?


Women in their 20s haven't learned to live in their bodies yet. Or, often, to realize it's OK to act smart when one IS smart.

30-35. Just old enough to have some maturity and wordly experience (I ain't liking none of them naive waifs), but still young enough to retain some cosmetic beauties of youth.

I also distinguish 'sexy' or 'racy' from 'beautiful'. The latter supposes a more mature attractiveness than the former, which are mostly built on physical appeal.

ETA: I'm glad that this discussion has not included any of those 'off-color' remarks like your first post had. [:'(]

ETA II: I'm talking about human females of the species.

ETA III: 35-45 YO ungulates (particularly moose) are anything but beautiful. Sorry, dude (looks at Bullwinkle), but nature is harsh. The only 35-45 YO moose flesh out there is the stuff that comes in Minnesota National Guard c-ration cans.

Canoerebel -> RE: Bid Thee Return (2/4/2011 4:26:19 PM)

Andre, you have a good eye.

A few days ago I spotted that dot in Burma and checked it out. It's Kalemyo, a dot hex SW of Mandalay.

Yes, I have some remnant units in Sumatra (and Borneo and New Guinea, too). I fully plan to use them as pathfinders.

I am really having an internal struggle over Marcus, not because I mind risking or losing the force committed, but for these opposite reasons:

1. Brad will laugh when I take Marcus as he will know it can be retaken easily and at his leisure. So on the one hand the seizure of Marcus doesn't accomplish anything of direct value, but on the other....

2. Taking Marcus will probably take a little bit of the immediate heat off Wake, which in turn takes the immediate heat of Tarawa, where the Allies want to move soon. Brad has to be a little careful in sending forward carriers and amphibious ships to re-take atolls. He'll have to prep a bit (probably) and will likely focus on one before the other. He might choose Wake first, but having two annoying Allied islands will add some to his plate. I think it helps clear a route to Tarawa, and I hope it also boosts the appearance of Allied focus on CenPac/NoPac.

I'm totally undecided at the moment whether to proceed with Marcus. I could recall the ships and prep the troops for Tarawa (or a supporting island). Or I can carry on and see if Marcus proves more fruitfull than common sense might suggest.

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