SGHunt -> Learning Curve for Noobs (7/11/2010 2:20:07 PM)
Dear Grogs I am a new play tester (for which both thanks and surprise, and of course delight). Standard disclaimers apply - we're in Alpha, the texts I refer to are in rough draft, my opinions are my own. My idiocy also. I thought I would share my experiences of learning the game to date, because I know that many of you (us until very recently) are so hungry for news from the front. OK - just scratching the surface of the game so far, but I have read both of the major AAR's on this thread, most of the other recent threads too, plus the first third of the draft manual, printed the Hot Keys list, and refer to a couple of early draft quick start guides. I have played the game for a few hours. (In terms of context, I have played quite a few quite complex computer, board and table top wargames.) So what is it like to learn WitE? Initially, it is both simple and utterly daunting! The simple stuff is moving and fighting, and the map (which is gorgeous to play on)- just get used to the way right and left click works (left for select, right is for action - plus the shift key for planned rather than hasty attacks). Then you are away - waheeey! Move and kill. Beat those Soviet infantry divisions into the ground. Watch them rout. Grind up their armour with overwhelming fire power in combined arms assaults! Check out the number of AFV kills in the combat screen. Only 83 smoking wrecks in this battle? More. Onwards. I am Ozimandias, king of kings, look on my works, ye mighty, and despair...!!! But, what's that? Extra divisions grow out of the ground, my sweeping envelopment grinds to a halt against a second line, or is channelled away from my my preferred route of attack. OK - use the auto-Recon function. And why am I without petrol? Why are the Russians overwhelming my flanks? Where is my HQ unit? Oh, it has displaced some 70 miles to the rear because it was adjacent to the enemy. I press again, too hard, too fast, but my training tells me speed and initiative is of the essence. How come they are escaping me so easily? Why is the combat value of my elite units suddenly so low. Why is Totenkopf surrounded, 50 miles from the nearest support? OMG, it's Mud this turn! Rescue is impossible. Re-supply by air! But 30 transports are shot down without fighter cover. Oh damn, I forgot the auto Bomb-Airfields function. I am nothing like in the right sort of kill ratio for AFVs... I am a proud fool to imagine the Russians would be easy! So you can see, I'm enjoying it. (And don't fret, I did manage to dig out the Death's Head Division.) The corps organisation is really easy to see, but it is much harder to manage and maintain cohesion. Drill into it and suddenly the screen fills with deep mystery and complexity - this is an especial mystery for those of us who like the big picture and are less hot on the micro world. It will be the Holy Grail for those of you like this stuff! Same for Leaders, Attached Units, Subordinate Units, Supply, Forts and Fortresses - Aircraft Units, Air Bases and HQ's are another whole sub-game that I haven't even started to understand, same for the Higher HQs. And then there's logistics... (railways, rail repair units, rail movement, supply, supply, supply - I am becoming a Quartermaster! Me - the famous and feared von Jaeger! Famous and feared by my micro-chip opponents that is! [;)]) All this stuff, and trying to balance your attention on tactical leadership, operational management, and strategic planning (let alone grand strategic vision!)and, boy, there's lots to learn. But the game rewards your work - my advice would be to balance reading with playing. Reading the very large manual without playing will not be helpful. Get in a good supply of whisky/beer/gin/wine (delete as applicable) and make arrangements with your family to be gone for some time.... Questions welcome, contributions from other 'learners' most welcome. All the best Stuart (hopelessly addicted already)