RangerX3X -> RE: Business Model (1/14/2011 4:03:24 AM)
ORIGINAL: diablo1 Matrixgames has decided to seal themselves off from the gaming world and that's one big reason you don't see their prices fall to less than $10 unless the developer is also with another publisher with games like Time of Wrath and Storm over the Pacific, etc. So don't expect to ever see Battles from the Bulge for $5 until 20 years from now or thereabouts. Matrix is still selling Highway to the Reich for $49.99/$59.99, so I would be surprised to see that happen, assuming of course that Matrix is still in business 20 years from now or thereabouts. quote:
ORIGINAL: vonRocko Face it people, the average wargamer is somewhat brighter than the average shmuck! I just need to look at my friends and associates to see that. It also follows that these bright people tend to make more money, usually due too more education and motivation. We are a true minority. The only reason the "average wargamer" is a "true minority" is because the advertising of these games by the publisher sucks. You have to spend money to make money. In all of the games that I have ever played, I have never once seen a Matrix title advertised on a fan site. There are thousands of people who play Counter Strike 1.6 day in and out, and if they were ever exposed to an ad for Harpoon or Conquest of the Aegean it would be like new synthetic crack to them. quote:
ORIGINAL: diablo1 Would you consider the newer version of Axis & Allies computer game a wargame? I can't speak to a newer version, but as far as AAA v 5.0 c 1998, it has more strategy involved than any scenario I have played from HTTR or the BftB demo, so yes I would consider it a wargame. Analyzing the map and determining your opening move and its consequence against an arbitrary dice roll is no different than determining if your company of paratroopers has enough anti-personnel firepower to take an objective an hold it against fog of war. quote:
ORIGINAL: diablo1 quote:
$60 for an Xbox or PS3 game The thing about those games are you can get them for less than $10 eventually and even less than $5 you can't do that with Matrixgames games. [:)] X360 and PS3 games don't drop like that (like retail PC games) unless they are absolute rubbish. A console game will hold a $59.99 price point months long after the PC title was discounted at the same store from $49.99 to $19.99. quote:
ORIGINAL: Shark7 When Matrix releases a game patch, it doesn't cost you...basically it was paid for in the retail price as ongoing support. Keep that in mind. No different than any PC game on the market. There is nothing special about Matrix patching their games, other than the game itself costing $20 more than most PC games out there (and you get the disc!) quote:
ORIGINAL: diablo1 quote:
Complaining accomplishes nothing. Oh I wouldn't say that, I've gotten countless free items by complaining. Free McDonalds, Free Cambells soups, free Chili's dinners, free $20 off coupons, free phone minutes and countless other things by complaining. You are my hero! Long live the customer feedback form!!