AW1Steve -> RE: The Truth about Pearl Harbor (8/3/2010 7:14:34 PM)
ORIGINAL: Phanatik AW1Steve, Despite all of the legal talk, this is not a court of law, so jurisprudence is not in vogue. I can believe that FDR (who was a progressive and believed that the ends justified the means) has blood on his hands, without being fair to FDR in the least. Look at it this way - Short and Kimmel may have been hung out to dry for something that FDR was responsible for. So, they are guilty until proven innocent? It was "fair" for them to possibly have taken one for the team, because YES, in the long run, it was better for the U.S. to be in the war rather than not? 1. FDR wants in the war. 2. ? 3. Profit Cheers The charge against Short and Kimmel was that they did not do everything within their power or ability to safeguard their commands. They were found guilty. FDR was never tried, as the US Congress , which investigated , didn't find sufficient evidence to charge him. (Let alone impeach him). ALL POLITICAL leaders , in time of war, have blood on their hands. The only question is , was it murder or justifiable homicide? FDR had plenty of opportunity to go to war from 1937 (The USS Panay) onward. You have no proof,no evidence, lots of speculation, innuendo,and a whole boatload of ridiculous statements which are being made strictly for the purpose of causing agitation,controversy and all around bad feelings. "For the good of the order" , I ask you to PLEASE return to the basic question . If you really believe your theory, then I urge you to research the subject,gather your evidence, and either by yourself, or by joining with like minded individuals and publish your case. I for one would be more then willing to buy the book and consider your words. But not here , under the conditions and constraints of this forum. It simply doesn't belong. [:)]