Greatest game since Steel Panthers (Full Version)

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Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> Greatest game since Steel Panthers (8/5/2010 8:17:10 PM)

Ok I am admittedly biased, but considering I am a die hard fan of Steel Panthers, have played every flavour of Steel Panthers in addition to every tactical turn using squad level/individual vehicle type wargame ever made (worth mentioning), I can at least know what it is up against.

That and I have had the pleasure of playing it all summer already :)

I stand by the boast, this game will be an easy equal to others of our hobby we love to play.

Granted, you can never please the truly anal in wargaming, so I am not really worried that the detail and accuracy freaks in our hobby might be aghast that every single solitary vehicle ever made or even contemplated might not be present.

But when you get past that point, you get to realize this might be the most fun actually easy to play and easy to enjoy wargame in 10 years for this scale of simulation.

This title is simple in the same way Chess is simple.
Laugh off the 'simplicity' only when you've played it versus a human.
The AI is not to bad though. Not as good as a human, but that's not saying anything revolutionary in the first place.

Josh -> RE: Greatest game since Steel Panthers (8/5/2010 9:38:47 PM)

Not convinced yet, it looks extremely cartoony to me.
Maybe I'll try the demo when it comes out.

jomni -> RE: Greatest game since Steel Panthers (8/5/2010 11:28:26 PM)

Actually the cartoon graphics made me buy this.  I just love the art.
But under the hood, it's seems realistic and tactically challenging.  Tanks have no life bars... it's all about hit chance and penetration.
It's like beer and pretzel Panzer General meets tactical-level Steel Panthers.
Yes two greatest titles in wargaming but this is the best I can think of.

Smeghead -> RE: Greatest game since Steel Panthers (8/5/2010 11:54:46 PM)

I agree, I like the graphics and the cut-scenes and campaign info.

They could put out a graphic novel. [;)]
Definitely reminds me of SP.

Barthheart -> RE: Greatest game since Steel Panthers (8/6/2010 3:02:13 AM)

Fun game. Easy to play. Great buy.

Steel Panthers Light is my call for this game.

I want to play the Axis though........[:-]

junk2drive -> RE: Greatest game since Steel Panthers (8/6/2010 3:31:28 AM)

You can play Axis. In multiplayer or see the post at Slitherine about modding sides.

gijas17 -> RE: Greatest game since Steel Panthers (8/6/2010 3:40:09 AM)

So how does this game relate to the Panzer Command series? More importantly to Kharkov? I love that series since Winter Storm came out in 06 and since the huge patch they keep promising for that game never gets released I started to look elsewhere for something similar. Is there any infantry combat or just tanks?

Krec -> RE: Greatest game since Steel Panthers (8/6/2010 3:42:16 AM)

ok,  fill me in .   whats all the fuss about?

junk2drive -> RE: Greatest game since Steel Panthers (8/6/2010 3:43:23 AM)

This game has IGOUGO turns on squares, somewhat isometric 3D, and PC is WEGO, full 3D. PC is more detailed.

sabre1 -> RE: Greatest game since Steel Panthers (8/6/2010 4:17:08 AM)

The game is fun, easy to navigate. I too wish you could play the Germans, but I'm SURE Slitherine will not miss that expansion. [8|]

Duck Doc -> RE: Greatest game since Steel Panthers (8/7/2010 1:26:42 AM)

IIRC isn't Steel Panthers way more realistic than BA?

It looks to me like Battlefield Academy is an arcade game. The screen shots make it look like there are only tank knife-fights. Didn't SP show that tanks do better as stand-off weapon platforms? The screen shots of BA remind me of real-time games I have played. Maybe there should be health markers on the tanks? I understand from previous posts that infantry has no anti-tank capability. Leaves me scratching my head. I am no grognard. I loved Panzer General but I am scratching my head over this one.

I am not trying to provke here but only to try to understand why you would equate BA to SP & not to more arcade-like games. Now if you said it was the greatest game since Panzer General I would probably bite because I would want to see if it was true.


ORIGINAL: Les_the_Sarge_9_1

Ok I am admittedly biased, but considering I am a die hard fan of Steel Panthers, have played every flavour of Steel Panthers in addition to every tactical turn using squad level/individual vehicle type wargame ever made (worth mentioning), I can at least know what it is up against.

That and I have had the pleasure of playing it all summer already :)

I stand by the boast, this game will be an easy equal to others of our hobby we love to play.

Granted, you can never please the truly anal in wargaming, so I am not really worried that the detail and accuracy freaks in our hobby might be aghast that every single solitary vehicle ever made or even contemplated might not be present.

But when you get past that point, you get to realize this might be the most fun actually easy to play and easy to enjoy wargame in 10 years for this scale of simulation.

This title is simple in the same way Chess is simple.
Laugh off the 'simplicity' only when you've played it versus a human.
The AI is not to bad though. Not as good as a human, but that's not saying anything revolutionary in the first place.

junk2drive -> RE: Greatest game since Steel Panthers (8/7/2010 1:40:03 AM)

Regular infantry can have AT weapons. Bazooka teams as well. Engineers are really good at taking out tanks.

junk2drive -> RE: Greatest game since Steel Panthers (8/7/2010 1:42:54 AM)

It is definitely a fun game. It is dice rolls so to speak, not overcomplicated computations. I've played a lot of Steel Panthers and this is not as detailed as SP. But it is a cute, fun, WWII theme, 3D, game. Game being the important word.

PipFromSlitherine -> RE: Greatest game since Steel Panthers (8/7/2010 2:41:20 AM)

It's not super detailed, but it has data for deterioration of penetration over range, 4 armour facing values per unit, to give a couple of examples. It's been designed to be simple to play, and not too offputting to look at, but the model is fairly detailed.

Having said that, I'd be shocked if someone doesn't add in a load of additional Groggy data and tweak the model scripts, all to compete over who can build the most accurate mod :)



jomni -> RE: Greatest game since Steel Panthers (8/7/2010 5:33:50 AM)

The game does not have life bars for tanks. It models chance to hit, penetration, and armor values. But it is not a grognard game. Just a lite one. But it poses several realistic tactical considerations which can satisfy even serious wargamers.

IainMcNeil -> RE: Greatest game since Steel Panthers (8/7/2010 8:10:48 AM)

We only have live and dead states by design but adding in damaged states such as immobilised, weapons destroyed etc could be easily done by a mod. Basically the only limit is your imagination - and time :)

DBeves -> RE: Greatest game since Steel Panthers (8/7/2010 12:38:36 PM)

I think this is an excellent game.

It suggests quality from the moment you boot it up.

OK it is not steel panthers - its not meant to be. There is a whole lot more that can be done with this and hopefully slitherine and modders would do so. I think - wargames wise there would be a big market for a more realistic version of this.

But I take my hat off to the programmer on this - its very nicely done - and there is more than enough depth srtrategy wise to keep me interested.

One question to Ian though ...

you seem to suggest almost anything is possible...

So -for example - could I add ammunition count and limits for the various units - just how moddable is it /

IainMcNeil -> RE: Greatest game since Steel Panthers (8/7/2010 1:53:47 PM)

Yes ammo could be easily added as could fuel, ammo dumps, supply units, fuel trucks. You could create a factory unit that could build new units. You could have resource collection. We choose not to do these things because of the design we wanted to create but all this could be done by modders without needing a single line of code added. This is what we designed the engine for - to let you mod it to be anything you want.

Duck Doc -> RE: Greatest game since Steel Panthers (8/7/2010 1:57:44 PM)

Good info! Thanks for the input Les & Junk & Pip & Ian. Count me in. [sm=character0095.gif]

Paul Wykes -> RE: Greatest game since Steel Panthers (8/7/2010 1:57:45 PM)

I`ll ask an obviois question. I assume it could be modded for a sci-fi setting, a la Xcom ?
Obviously lots of graphics assets would be required, but I imagine in theory, it could?

IainMcNeil -> RE: Greatest game since Steel Panthers (8/7/2010 2:10:19 PM)

Xcom is the inspiration for the gameplay system we have set up. It could easily be modded with a bit of sci-fi art t do that :)

Paul Wykes -> RE: Greatest game since Steel Panthers (8/7/2010 2:15:40 PM)

That what I thought [:)]

It really does emphasise the modding capabilities.

jomni -> RE: Greatest game since Steel Panthers (8/8/2010 1:43:32 PM)

I would want a modern conflict mod. NATO vs. Warsaw, Arabs vs. Israel (we have a desert map already). :D
But I can't do the modding since I don't have a 3D program.

Obsolete -> RE: Greatest game since Steel Panthers (8/9/2010 9:51:26 AM)


It looks to me like Battlefield Academy is an arcade game. The screen shots make it look like there are only tank knife-fights. Didn't SP show that tanks do better as stand-off weapon platforms? The screen shots of BA remind me of real-time games I have played. Maybe there should be health markers on the tanks? I understand from previous posts that infantry has no anti-tank capability. Leaves me scratching my head. I am no grognard. I loved Panzer General but I am scratching my head over this one.

The game is not even close to RTS.  If it was, I would have never played it.  The last RTS I had the unfortunate pleasure of playing was CoH and I threw the damn thing out my window.

Infantry can still take out tanks if they have Satchel charges.  Other units may have grenades, dynamite, etc. 

Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> RE: Greatest game since Steel Panthers (8/9/2010 2:54:54 PM)

RTS? hehe heck no. This is as turn based as turn based gets.

Tanks ARE best as stand off weapons, and you learn this the second you forget it and thing infantry can't get you.

Oh they can get you alright. I lost my armour early one game, and my infantry looked kinda naked to that enemy armour. But they got too close, and I snuck up real nice like and presto no armour.

There is a move mode called 'hunt', it makes a difference. Moving full speed with anything is done at your own risk.

As for anti tank, played plenty of game with zooks. Hey, in the real thing, you didn't have anti tank assets dripping off every last private eh. You get as much as you get. Don't waste them. Half track or tank, hmm which to attack.

Erik Rutins -> RE: Greatest game since Steel Panthers (8/9/2010 4:30:29 PM)

Hi guys,

Glad to see you are enjoying this - I regret that I was away during the release as I've been very excited about this one for months. I think it's the best introductory wargame to come out in a long time but it's not just beer and pretzels. It has enough tactical gameplay and content for veteran wargamers too. The multiplayer system is a major bonus - I think anyone who likes wargaming will really get their money's worth out of Battlefield Academy.


- Erik

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