dogmaticus -> RE: [REL][RotS] Archer Era - Star Trek v1.2a (6/26/2014 7:01:52 PM)
May the Elements bless you, good man (as we Rihannsu say... we're also known as Romulans in the basic ;) )!!! If I get my hands on TNG-themed ST mod for DW I'm gonna be happy like an Andorian in the snow! ;) I must say that I've been looking at the screens of all these Star Trek mods, also looking at them on youtube and this is just amazing. Anyway - I just bought DW:U, downloaded it, and I am off to start playing it. Being a fan of 4x since the first MOO (I still remember how my computer wasn't strong enough to play it... I had only 2mb of RAM, and it required 4... MB... not GB... MB... good, old days ;) ), then playing STvsSW mod for GalCiv2, I am pretty sure, that before launching DW:U for the first time I should say goodbye to my wife, sister and parents (for the rest of my friends I'll post my "farewell" on fb ;) ). Anyway - thanks for the update, sorry for the smileys overload in my post, but I'm insanely excited about this game, and the amazing mods! LLAP