JWE -> RE: Thee Ye Olde Thread (11/5/2011 5:33:22 PM)
Mike next door has a three year old that knows the sky pretty good. When the moon is up, he points to it and says "moon, moon." day or night. So I fired up my dinky telescope but he couldn't use the eyepiece, so had to pull the biggie out of the moving boxes. Think it's all wired up right, and did an alignment, twice; was nominal. Have the CCD imaging system that can dump directly to an attached computer; that works OK too. We are bingo. Maybe after Alabama murdalizes them LSU pukes, we'll fire up the big scope and let little James see the mountains of the Moon, and the rings of Saturn, and the moons of Jupiter. And maybe we can show the adults a thing or two. It's a Meade 8" and can see pretty far. Cool beans.