Oleg Mastruko -> RE: 1941 Campaign all 255turns! Bob vs Trey (3/3/2011 8:55:09 PM)
ORIGINAL: BigAnorak Huge Bump. Moved from development forums to illustrate how the game was playing in October. I have not edited any of the comments. So what changed since October? Glancing very casually over some of the winter screenshots it appears his (Soviet) CV strenghts shown on the counters are pretty much in line with what I saw in my games and other people AARs. It appears that he could have made attacks as devastating as were described on the board, but apparently he didn't, for some reason. He appears to be pretty timid in his attacks. Obviously this is very superficial analysis, based solely on casual glance over NUMBERS on the counters, and we know numbers on the counters are only a rough guide. Only you and Trey can describe what really happened. Would be good for Trey to chime in and describe whether he thinks attacks were as timid as they seem to me? The power to deliver much more devastating assaults seems to be there (based, again, solely on numbers on the counters).